MTL - Apocalypse Cockroach-v3 Chapter 1331 Routed United States

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The waters of the Pacific Ocean are cold and dark in the nuclear winter. The helicopters patrol the coastline for ten kilometers. The long searchlights shuttle back and forth across the sea. All kinds of corpses and red algae debris that undulate with the waves flow with the undercurrent. The war is over. Australia In the aspect, all the helicopters on the Eastern Line were sent out to prevent the Hai people from killing a man with a carbine.

Under the search of searchlights, everything seems to be as usual, but I don’t know. Numerous sea people are hiding under the sea, such as dense fish. Millions of ordinary seas and 100,000 mutant beasts are an earth-shattering force. Now, if the launch of the raid is absolutely impossible to resist, not to mention the frontline ammunition reserve has reached the edge of poverty. No one knows that the huge crisis in the eastern coastline of Australia can roll up a storm that is more turbulent than before.

The reason why the helicopter patrol here is precisely because the rear emptiness wants to be early warning. The chief of the flight unit is a careful person. The helicopters from time to time fired a cannonball from the sea and exploded in the sea group below the sea. With a corpse with a broken body, there is also a newly researched high-efficiency sonic bomb that blows up hundreds of meters of water waves in the sea. Every bombing will make the seas within a few kilometers of the water out of the water. Unfortunately, The sight of the night is unknown. There were too many bodies and fragments of red algae on the surface of the sea, which caused the aircraft to find no abnormalities in the water surface.

But the result is not bad. Yang Keer always felt that there was a great danger in the ocean. He ordered the helicopter to throw out all the sound-bombs in stock. Xiaoshan wanted to stop it, but Zhang Xiaoqiang’s order had to obey and mistakenly hit. Under the erroneous collision, the Haizu determination has been detected by humans, as if the returning salmon crowded toward their way. Inadvertently, the real threat of Australia was lifted.

Australia’s retaliation against the high-end military force of the sea, although unable to stop the aggression of the sea, but the toughness of the United States can not run, the sea has retreated after a period of nuclear winter, during this time, the Americans lost before regaining The defense line, under the condition of shortage of resources, built a giant wall of up to 30 meters and a length of several tens of kilometers. This super-wall with a thickness of 20 meters can directly defend against the bombardment of 155mm grenade. Resist the impact of the mutants below the fourth level, even if you encounter the hundreds of meters of the five-level mutant beasts that landed in Shanghai, it is not without the power to fight back.

The miracle wall that Americans built with hundreds of thousands of hands in more than a month has placed too much hope. Thousands of sealed World War II artillery pieces were opened. There are trees and millions of shells behind the wall. It is like a mountain, and there are all the shooting holes and high-speed heavy machine guns on the wall like a honeycomb. In addition, the automatic flame-spraying device every 100 meters exceeds the number of cannons, and the position between the wall and the cannon. On the hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, they are known as the North American Maginot Line.

This line of defense is the center of the campaign centered by the United States. It attracts the main attack of the seas on the basis of the second, and destroys the vital forces of the seas as far as possible. Before the Americans lost and lost, the losses were heavy, but there was a little It is certain that the annihilated seas of the United States are several times that of Australia's annihilation. The scorched earth strategy that has been struggling for the earth has caused millions of seafarers to fall on the land of the United States, and tens of thousands of sea people have been captured by Americans.

Through a large number of living experiments, Americans know that this creature is not as dead as zombies, ordinary weapons can be easily killed, and the United States has not developed new technologies in the end, because the technology that survived in the past is already the best in the world, whether it is B2. Bombers are also strategic missiles, or military bases throughout the United States are incomparable to other countries, not to mention that they also have a developed military system. If it is before the end of the world, it will be restricted by labor costs, worker welfare, etc., but now As long as there are raw materials that can cause weapons, as long as there is food, citizens who have human rights and democracy will be honestly walked into the factory to pick up rifles.

Therefore, the United States is still strong and above all countries. The United States is still arrogant. It believes that the seas will inevitably fail. When Australia suffers from the high-end military raids of the sea, the Americans are proud and powerful in the six-armed snakes. The moment of appearance, like a sand sculpture, collapsed. Whether it was a machine gun or a ground-to-ground missile like a meteor shower, or a high-temperature fire snake hundreds of meters long, it could not stop the sudden appearance of the Haizu royal family.

The number of these six-armed snake women is more than that of Australia, and the number of four-armed snake women is more than one hundred. In the first time, one-tenth of the defense line was frozen into a solid ice hockey. There are still several in Australia. Thousands of type 3 zombies and hundreds of type 4 zombies can be contained. In the United States, only the fate of ordinary soldiers can be used to build the glory of the sea.

In half an hour, the American army of a whole infantry division in the middle of the wall was dead, and their weapons and equipment were sealed in thick ice, and even the flamethrower, which consumed a lot of gasoline, was frozen. The counterattacks of the Americans can not be said to be untimely, air strikes, ground reinforcements, and fire blockades. The methods that can be thought of are all used.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and so on can kill all four-armed snake women. The six-armed snake female is more powerful than the four-armed snake female. All the strikes are useless. It is easy to break through the wall and rush into the armored cluster. The armored cluster is the last line of defense for the Americans. Originally, I planned to retreat and exchange space for the time. Unfortunately, the Americans did not count on the determination of the Haizu, nor did they count the speed of the six-armed snake woman. The moment of breakthrough, the rear casualties were heavy. Kraya also broke through the artillery interception, followed by the snake woman rushing into the American line of defense.

The biggest feature of the American Marcino defense is that the full-enclosed defense system prevents the killing of the remote methods of the sea. The American intelligence makes the largest tomb in history. Numerous Kraya rushes into the wall, and the interior does not. There may be heavy weapons that break through the Kraja protective barrier. Even if it is damaged, the speed of the advancement of Kraya is not blocked by the Americans. The walls on both sides fall in the crazy advancement of Clara, and a large number of soldiers are killed in them. In the position of the battle,

The high-end seas led to the great defeat of the Americans. This is the most serious defeat in the history of American war. Even the bodies and wounded people can't take care of them. There are countless lost equipment and weapons. The two armored divisions and three mechanical infantry divisions on the front line have a total of 100,000. People, in the end, can retreat to less than 30,000 people. The loss of a total of 70,000 people has hurt the Americans. It is necessary to know that these 100,000 people are the elite troops that the Americans finally established after the end of the world. As a pinnacle of the sea.

The same loss is also the evolution of the Americans. The number of these silver-clad warriors has reached 3,000. In the battle of the invasion of the sea, they have repeatedly made great contributions. It is with them that the United States despise the beastly warriors. Because the IQs of those who have undergone modulation have fallen rapidly, and the targeted calculations have no way to fight back, the New Era once captured thousands of beastized warriors.

This time, the silver armor finally knows what is called someone outside, there are days outside, and there are less than 500 people who have escaped from the 3,000 elite evolutionary people. They have lost the glory of the evolutionary and mixed with the ordinary infantry. After retreating, even for a car to fight for ordinary soldiers, on the route of American retreat, countless transport vehicles, armored vehicles, tank trucks, tanks and other vehicles are arranged in a messy manner, and one can be seen during the period. Ammunition and medical supplies abandoned by vehicles.

Soon these things were drowned by the swarming seas. Every ordinary sea is equivalent to an evolutionary person. They have more flexibility and skill than not only on the ground, but through There are more seas entering the inland river. These seas are mostly large-shaped mutant beasts. These mutant animals are clumsy on land, but they are like fish in the water, like a landing craft, carrying countless seas. The family and Klaia propelled to the inland river, and there was a great plan to occupy all the rivers.

At this time, a special unit had an unexpected performance. The Americans did not have the ability to stop the rout, and they were unable to stop the chasing sea. They had to set up obstacles filled with explosives along the way, and the brains were not very good. The warriors blew themselves up, and they went with the chasing seas. On the dark land, every once in a while, there will be a cloud of red mushroom with a height of 100 meters. Each giant will blow up the numerous seagulls that have swarmed. The ash, repeated explosions, and finally let the chasing seas stop, the Americans also got a breather. At this time, the seas crowded on the road spread to the wild indiscriminately, all the walks The strongholds that have not been evacuated after the American defense have been destroyed.

Compared with the army that was beaten by the wolves, these strongholds surrounded by the seas also have the determination to fight against death. Regardless of whether the soldiers or the civilians know the truth of the eggs under the nest, they use all means to kill the sea. The ground forces were defeated, and the air units were still intact. The sky dancers in the Hawaiian waters did not mean to land. Whether they were helicopters or fighter bombers, all the survivors who rescued the bases, although the number of rescued ones did not exist, it also let The morale behind him was a lot more exciting.

However, under the general trend, the Americans’ anxiety is inexplicable. They don’t have time to organize a second line of defense. With the presence of snake women, the former strongholds and defensive forts are all unusable. The anger of failure has permeated the US government. At the time, Flander, who had long been neglected, was getting used to his third body.

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