MTL - Apocalyptic Rebirth: Earth’s Vast Changes-Chapter 50

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Qin Luo was wrapped in tentacles and carried all the way. If it weren't for the few tentacles that just blocked Qin Luo's mouth, Qin Luo felt that he would probably scream out in vain. It's definitely not Qin Luo's timidity. This kind of darkness can't see things at all, and there is no swift flying at all. It's definitely not a low-level electric toy of a roller coaster.

The next moment, Qin Luo, who was frightened, fell on a hairy thing. The fragrance from the fluff body is very fresh and familiar. It looks like a lot of indigestible clothes and shoes wrapped in ochre mucus.

Qin Luo's heart twitched fiercely, and he felt clearly that there was something in the back of his neck, and he couldn't stop blowing. Although it made him tickle, he couldn't laugh. If you guessed right, the thing that **** is the nose of this creature. The guy's nose was sniffing against his neck. It's not over yet. Its ochre-colored tentacles were drilled in from the hem of Qin Luo's clothes. At this moment, he was scratching Qin Luo's smooth belly and back. And the more they drilled into it, the more exaggerated was that these tentacles also tried to pass through his belt and explore him.

Qin Luo smoked at the corners of his mouth, and years of intuition told him that it didn't seem to be malicious to him. But this tofu is being eaten tofu, can't make him keep it up.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there was a small voice and he screamed twice in his ear.

Although there are obvious changes in intonation, but the species barrier has not been cracked, Qin Luo simply understood what it said.

"Qin Luo ... Are you with that thing?" Mo obviously heard the little voice and couldn't help anxiously asking.

Qin Luo could obviously feel that thing was shaking. Just now it led Mo away with a call, it is estimated that he was a little afraid of Mo.

"Qin Luo ..." Fang Xiaoyu only screamed and was covered by Dai Tianqing's mouth.

"Don't follow the chaos, Mo will definitely save Qin Luo. If you speak here, you will disturb Mo. Besides Qin Luo is with that thing, you yell like this, in case it disturbs Qin Luo Even more unfavorable. "Dai Tianqing's voice was extremely low, the other side Xiaoyu said.

If it wasn't for Qin Luo's repeated instructions to keep him well, and there was ink underneath, Dai Tianqing would have rushed down.

The tentacles wrapped around Qin Luo's mouth had already been removed, and he was holding his face affectionately at this time. Seeing that for a while there was no attack on that thing, Qin Luo calmed down a lot.

A very quiet reply to the ink "Yes, I am with it ..." And still very close together ... "There should be no danger for the time being."

"Ah chirp, chirp ah ......" That's what seems to be able to understand the words of Qin Luo, flinging herself like a rub rub Qin Luo. The next moment suddenly a sticky thing was stretched out and brushed Qin Luo's neck twice.

Qin Luo suddenly said, if he feels right, the slimy thing may be this guy's tongue. Although this thing doesn't feel malicious, but his neck is near the other's mouth, after all, it is not a safe distance. Qin Luo's body was tight and he was ready to be attacked by unknown creatures at any time.

That thing seemed to feel Qin Luo's nervousness, called aggrieved, and licked Qin Luo again.

The Mongolian knife was still firmly held in Qin Luo's hand. Although the tentacles entangled Qin Luo's body, it was not too tight. Qin Luo thought that if he was struggling, he should still have room for a fight.

But the guy didn't plan to eat him at all, but just licked his tongue around his neck. Although the taste of its saliva in the air is a kind of fresh fragrance, just like the grass with the fragrance of flowers after the rain; but whenever you think that this mouth might swallow n zombies, Qin Luo hates the wetness that cannot be licked by it The neck is not your own.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" That thing said ‘ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh with various tones, while using its furry body to push Qin Luo down.

Qin Luo finally couldn't stand it, and earned the tentacles tied to himself. He did not expect that the tentacles were completely released, and he stepped on the ground. This surprised Qin Luo a little bit, and that thing let go of itself so much.

But he was still too happy. The slippery tongue stretched from the back of the neck to the front, and he patted it on Qin Luo's face. Seeing Qin Luo not hiding, it seems that the game is addicted. While making a humming sound, he washed his face with Qin Luo with his tongue.

Qin Luo suddenly became black, and eventually could not bear it. He patted the guy's tongue hard. "What the **** are you doing!"

He shouted at that thing, as if frightened, and the fluff just clinging to Qin Luo suddenly disappeared. Slightly entangled Qin Luo's tentacles and disappeared instantly.

Qin Luo was startled, holding the dagger nervously. But after waiting for a while, I didn't see any attack on it. Qin Luo struck out a flashlight from the space and slowly lit it. By the light of the flashlight, looked carefully around.

This seems to be an area of ​​a supermarket. Shelves searched by others and others are very empty. Qin Luo was leaning against the wall at the moment, trying to find the creature just now. He soon made a discovery, which surprised him. Behind the shelf, there was a dark fluff, the size of a small watermelon. It has a round body, a pair of **** eyes, and looks at Qin Luo watery. The green tentacles, the buds, usually twist around them. Occasionally he retracted into the body with a stun, leaving only a tumbling fluff ball, hovering quietly in the air, looking at himself pitifully.

Qin Luo blinked hard, he wondered if he had fallen asleep and hadn't awoken. This thing obviously belongs to a certain cartoon, or various strange pictures on the Internet, how could it exist in the real world. He carefully moved the flashlight and shone straight at the creature.

The black pompom seemed a little scared, squinting and hiding behind the shelf. The tan tentacles protruded out of the body and twisted as if trying to cover its big eyes. Qin Luo suddenly had the urge to roll his eyes. The shelf was empty, with a full foot above and below. It's such a small thing, you can see it at a glance even if you hide behind it.

"Ahhhhh!" The little thing made another sound, but it was very quiet and seemed to ask. The body fluttered forward, again as if afraid of Qin Luo's anger, and floated back to the original position again.

Qin Luo beckoned and beckoned at it, and a search of that little thing came to Qin Luo's side. Several tentacles immediately caught Qin Luo's arm, and they darted around.

Qin Luo no longer knows how to describe his mood at this time. It's as if you are playing a biochemical crisis game, but in the corner, you get a super-sized version of the coal worm. Is there anything wrong with the horror movie grafting Miyazaki's Totoro cartoon? And this oversized coal worm is not only not afraid of people, but just like a domestic puppy at this time.

"Qin Luo." Mo's voice suddenly reminded, almost at the same time, a blast of wind was blowing around Qin Luo.

Looking at the black pompoms that engulfed Qin Luo's arm with his tentacles, Mo was a little dumbfounded. Obviously this guy should be the lord they just met, but this little one can have such great power? But Momo didn't forget that he was horrified by several big cats.

Mo pointed his fingertips at that little thing. For a moment, the little guy whose diameter was no more than six or seven inches suddenly rose to two meters. The huge black ball opened its mouth against Mo, just when Mo and Qin Luo thought it was about to attack. It stretched out its tongue and spit out Balara in the direction of Mo, then quickly narrowed and hid behind Qin Luo.

Merton suddenly had a black line in his head, and the black ball was obviously making a face at him. Mo did not know if he should catch it and beat him up, or simply ignore it and worry more. But the first problem now is to pull its nasty tentacles off Qin Luo's waist. With Mo's eyesight, he clearly saw that his tanned tentacles were entangled in Qin Luo's waist, and there were many who were opening Qin Luo's placket and touching it.

As soon as Mo's figure flashed, the small black pompom was caught in his hand. The pom-poms seemed a little scared of him, and he struggled and twisted but didn't dare to be too fierce.

Qin Luo reached out and poked at the small black pompom, which poked him anxiously. Constantly patting Mo's arm with the ocher tentacles, it seemed that he wanted to let him go. And his big eyes looked at Qin Luo more and more pitifully.

"It doesn't seem to be malicious, let go of it." Qin Luo patted Mo's hand gently.

On the other side, Dai Tianqing and Fang Xiaoyu heard the conversation between the two and felt relieved to be new.

Fang Xiaoyu couldn't help asking "What the **** is that?"

Qin Luo also described it badly and could only say "I don't know yet, but it doesn't seem to be malicious."

Mo stared at the pompom fiercely. Although this guy was not malicious, he suddenly took away Qin Luo's behavior and was very nasty. He flung it aside.

The black pompom just got out of the way and rushed to Qin Luo again, Mo figure blocked it. It rushed too fast and plunged its head into Mo's arms. The little tongue sticking out also licked Mo's body. Before Mo could throw it away, the pompom hurriedly backed away. He also spit in his mouth several times, as if he had just eaten something bad.

Mo Qi wanted to catch his black hair.

Qin Luo was teased by its strange appearance. "This little thing is very interesting. I don't know where it came from."

Ink protects Qin Luo and prevents black pompoms from approaching Qin Luo. The pom-poms seemed very anxious, making an urgent snoring noise, floating around in circles around the two of them. Mo tried to drive it away several times, but it was driven away and slipped back.

Qin Luo looked a little bit unbearable at looking at the small thing, but Mo's appearance didn't seem to want the thing to follow him. He asked with some uncertainty, "Have you ever seen this thing?"

Mo finally sighed. "I haven't seen it before, but I saw its tentacles in the research institute. It was packed in a transparent glass jar. The header above is" Evolution 3000 ", and I think it should Let's do it. "

Qin Luo suddenly widened his eyes "Evolution 3000!"

For the six most valuable and most important experimental subjects of the institute, Qin Luo is a well-known name. In addition to the ink with the number "zero" and the Qin branch with the number "r", there are four "s", "t", "Ultimate 7" and "Evolution 3000". These four Qin Luos have never seen each other, only knowing that they are all precious. I didn't expect to see ‘Evolution 3000’ today, but what surprised Qin Luo was that this guy was not humanoid.

Mo thought that Qin Luo had said that he had experienced ten years in the last days, and asked in doubt, "You have heard of it."

Qin Luo nodded. "In the last days, I studied all six unusually precious experimental bodies. In addition to you and Qin Ke, there are four, and the evolutionary body 3000 is one of them. Later I heard that it finally fell on m In the hands of a doctor from China, that doctor was once an authority in a certain biological research field. Before I died, you were still negotiating with that doctor, it seems that because of the important role of evolution 3000. So the specific evolution 3000 What it looks like and what effect it has, I haven't seen it and I don't know. "

Ink frowned. If this strange, dark-haired man could devour the zombies and purify the air, it wouldn't hurt to take it away. However, due to the importance attached to it by the research institute, it may not be equipped with any tracking and positioning device.

Thinking of Mo here to Qin Luo said, "It's here, I don't know if it will attract the guys in the institute. Look at the garbage it created in the two underground floors, it should have been hiding for several days."

Qin Luo nodded. "There are too many zombies in the city center. If it has not been found by the research institute, it has already locked its target, but it will not be possible for the time being. I think the former is more likely. After all, the perverted gang should not be overlooked. "

Saying that Qin Luo beckoned at the little thing, it looked at Mo in fear, seeing that Mo did not seem to intend to stop it, and plunged into Qin Luo's arms.

Qin Luo reached out and carefully groped on the fur ball. The fur ball seemed to be tickled by him, and his mouth grew squeaked. In the end, Qin Luo even touched many of its tentacles and felt nothing. Push the fur ball to the ink, and want the ink to be carefully sensed again.

Mao Qiu couldn't stop struggling to pull his small body out of Qin Luo's hands. Numerous tentacles were patting Qin Luo's hands gently. It seems to know that Mo has the ability to really hurt it, so he wants to stay away from Mo.

Mo looked at the corner of his mouth and smirked. "This guy's fur seems to have an isolation effect. If you want to sense it carefully, you may have to shave it or cut it off."

The fur ball can understand him, and the black hair of the whole body is suddenly upright, and the boss is also staring. The next second rushed behind Qin Luo, seeking asylum. The whole body shrank again, and I wished I could directly condense myself so that Mo could not see it.

Qin Luo looked funny, but reluctantly said to Mo Road "You scared it."

Mo skimmed his lips. "It scared me. Just when you were taken away by this guy, I released all my induction almost instantly, but I couldn't feel the slightest breath. Then I suddenly felt that you were here, I just chased it. I knew it the moment I saw it. At first, this guy blocked you with his body in order to guard against my induction. I guess it ca n’t maintain that huge shape all the time, otherwise how could it be so easy? Just let me find you. I didn't hit him hard, it was already cheap. "

Qin Luo knew that Mo must be desperate at the time, and naturally he would not talk about Mo.

Mao Qiu's big eyes murmured, as if all his small calculations had been guessed by Mo. Secretly spit out the ink and spit out his tongue, sniffed Qin Luo's back again with his nose, could not help but reach out to Qin Luo.

Little things learned smart, hiding behind Mo's eyes, secretly behind Qin Luo, using the tentacles to open his placket, and then probed into the tentacles, rubbing Qin Luo's back.

Qin Luo sighed helplessly, reached out and grabbed it behind his back, and looked down at it and blinked his innocent eyes, "This little guy ... why is he so close to me?"

Qin Luo was very curious about this, but he was also very strange. Both searched for information about Evolution 3000 in their heads, but in the end they found nothing.

Fang Xiaoyu was curious to die over there, couldn't help but interjected, "Can you two come back soon, let's see what this‘ evolution 3000 ’looks like.”

Dai Tianqing also chuckled. "You two will never come up again, a guy will be crushed to death by curiosity."

The lower two layers of ink have already looked at one side. Thanks to the evolution 3000, those big cats should not dare to come up to make trouble. The two felt that there really wasn't much to explore and decided to return to the top. Plan how to leave tomorrow, after all, this is not a long stay.

The two walked towards the location of the safe passage in the memory, and Evolution 3000 followed Qin Luo closely, from time to time, he stretched out his small tentacle and touched Qin Luo a few times. Seeing Mo frowning, Qin Luo pinched Qin Luo's waist. The little boy looked at Mo in discouragement, and finally shrugged helplessly and followed.

Mo suddenly whispered, "Some zombies are approaching us ..."

With a wave of Qin Luo's hand, the Mongolian sword that was taken into the space appeared again.

But before he could move anymore, Mo rolled his eyes and said, "It's gone now."

Qin Luo froze, "Ah, what's gone ... Are you saying the zombies are gone?"

Said Qin Luo could not help looking back, the evolution 3000 behind him was missing.

"It won't be to run to eat the zombies!" Qin Luo's skin twitched a little, and next time he would never let that guy lick him with his tongue.

As I said, a huge hair ball rushed over. This time it did not float in the air, but bounced on the ground. When bouncing in front of Qin Luo, he also hit a huge feast.

Mo stared at his tumbling belly and touched his chin. "Guess how many zombies it swallowed just now."

Qin Luo carefully walked over and touched the huge hair ball. "How can there be five or six, look at its size."

Mo Yan said, "It swallowed almost twelve."

Fang Xiaoyu over there was even more curious, and Dai Tianqing murmured after listening to the conversation between the two, "This guy is too delicious."

Qin Luo sighed, and the zombies were very powerful in the last days. Not only are they extremely intelligent, they are more bloodthirsty. From the physical signs, in addition to their appearance, they are close to humans, and they have no humanity at all. Few zombies do not feed on humans. What is most unacceptable to Qin Luo is that in the late-last-life zombies, they even kept humans in captivity as livestock.

At the moment, the hairballs feed on zombies. Although Qin Luo sighs, after all, they were all humans, but in the long run, they are right.

Mo whispered Qin Luo's waist and whispered, "Everything will be fine."

Qin Luo nodded, and took the evolutionary body of three thousand in the direction of the channel.

The two entered the safe passage, went up a few steps, and suddenly heard an anxious snoring from behind. As soon as Qin Luo looked back, he saw the three thousand evolved body stuck at the entrance, anxiously trying to squeeze his body in. It's a pity that it failed several times in a row, and its voice became more and more anxious.

Mo badly glanced at it. "Greedy, I see how you go up now."

Evolved 3000 listened to Mo's words, and worked harder to shrink himself. It didn't seem to want this bad guy to look at jokes. But the door is really small for its current size, and tried several times without success.

Qin Luo saw it a bit pitiful, and reached out and touched his belly. "Don't worry, you'll go back overnight tonight. I'll come down to pick you up tomorrow morning."

The evolved body 3000 uttered a wailing whine, and worked harder to get in.

When Qin Luo was trying to dissuade him, he heard a muttering sound in his belly, and then a sigh, an indescribable fragrance was permeated in the air.

At this point, the body of Evolution 3000 had been squeezed in. Hearing the snoring sound, its body stiffened, and its black hairs were erected. Before waiting for Qin Luo's reaction, the huge hair ball rolled over him, along the steps, and bounced upstairs frantically.

Qin Luo was almost squeezed into the wall, and Mo was not much better than him.

The two looked at the door at the same time, where there was a pile of clothes and shoes stuck in dark liquid.

Qin Luo drew the corner of his mouth. "Just it wasn't zooming in."

Mo couldn't help laughing, "I think so. Because it wants to come in too much, it's too hard, so it's in front of you. It should feel so shameless now, where can I hide myself? . "

Fang Xiaoyu listened to them there, although they didn't see the actual appearance of the evolution 3000, but they both felt that this thing might be quite happy and spoofed.

Mura went up all the way with Qin Luo, and finally at the top level, he saw the black hair shuddering down and looked at the extremely frustrated evolution 3000.

Qin Luo couldn't bear it. He touched it in the past. He grumbled twice at Qin Luo, his voice sounded weak and weak.

Mo patted his belly with his hand. "You're not eating too much. You can't run."

The black hair of Evolution 3000 shuddered, and finally shook it down again.

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Chapter 457:

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