MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 541 Ashbringer

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Even with the experience of the early morning Lord Ulysia, she had to admire Charlotte for her hits. Her will is far beyond the limits of mortals. With miraculous fearless will and courage, she has come out of a completely different kind of person. The road is coming!

Burn all the things with the fire of light, turn them into pieces of ash, and live forever in the fire!

The blood of the Estanba family's immortal bird, she also heard about it, even the members of the Estanba family who shed the blood of the purest immortal blood and have awakened blood can not be reborn like this after the complete destruction of the soul and body. This is almost in the category of God.

The vitality of life is gestating in the golden light of the fire, and no one knows how and how Charlotte will return.

Xi Wei Mo Ran, he has already launched the changes that have just happened. No one expected that Charlotte could create a change beyond the control of Yulichia. How is Charlotte’s firm will and obsession? Finished it all? It’s really distressing. However, it seems that a new turnaround has emerged, and perhaps everything will develop on the positive side.

"Charlotte has become an egg?" Natalya came over and she rushed straight up and tried to pick up the egg.

However, the roasting of the sun's fire was so hot to her that she quickly retreated.

Ulysses showed a gentle smile. She gently picked up the egg like a golden sun and continued to infuse the morning power of the body into it, speeding up the birth of Charlotte.

Soon, the golden sun grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and began to continually and regularly sway. The bright fire on the surface of the egg filled the extreme, and then suddenly seemed to be sucked away into the deepest core.

The next moment, the golden egg was completely ruptured. In the white blazing fire, a new person was curling up and sleeping like a baby.

Although she has a baby-like sleeping position, she is an adult body, and the long red hair is still so conspicuous, covering the body like a satin.

Xi Wei breathed a sigh of relief. He was still worried that a dead bird or a human baby would come out of this undead bird. That would make him cry, but now it is obviously the best. That result.

He gently grabbed Charlotte's hand. At this moment, Charlotte's Barlow's blood has been burned by the light source. Her whole person is full of light from head to toe, from blood to soul. No, not only It is the light, and the flame, the two different energies are combined into one, and a perfect balance is achieved in her.

"Haha, this scene is just like a hen hatching chick, and Yulichia became Charlotte's mother!" Natalia blew a crisp whistle and said excitedly.

Euclia looked red, but she was relieved from the bottom of her heart.

In any case, Charlotte survived and transformed from the abyssal konjac into a bright creature. Not only that, but Charlotte achieved a perfect blend of light and flame, which allowed her to walk out of a path that no one had done before, but the addition of flames made the light no longer pure, which also blocked her and herself. The possibility of competing for the future of the bright seat.

When Charlotte wakes up, she can directly connect to the light source, instead of comprehending the morning power she has shown, which means that Charlotte can gain strength from the light source alone, instead of relying on it. The gift from the Lord of the Morning.

“Thank you for your selfless help, Ulysia. Here, I sincerely thank you and apologize for my predecessor!” After properly placing Charlotte in the most comfortable big bed, Xiwei finally apologized to Ulysia.

This made Ulysia suddenly feel that all efforts are worthwhile. After all, in the process of helping Charlotte's ashes to reincarnate, it took a lot of morning power, and it took at least a month to fully recover.

Thinking of this, Yu Lixia showed a relaxed smile. She clenched her fist into one hand and gently slammed it on the chest of Xiwei: "After all, we are allies, an unbreakable alliance!"

"Unbreakable alliance!" Xavier read it again, and returned with a relaxed smile. This short-term conflict was completely resolved, and his friendship with Eurichia seemed to be one step further.

"I am looking forward to what will happen to Charlotte after she wakes up. She is worthy of the practitioners of the Light. She has a fearless will and courage, even if it is difficult for 11 million mortals. There is one!” Ulysia sighed, and she finally gave up stereotypes to Charlotte.

Charlotte slept for three days and three nights, then she woke up on a sunny spring morning. The sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on her body. She was lazy, as if from hibernation. The creatures that wake up, all the exhaustion are swept away, and they are full of vitality and vitality.

"I am still alive?" Charlotte jumped up. Her last memory was still in the last desperation of her soul and the body was about to collapse completely. It seemed to be the last obsession of the dying person. The pain is still unforgettable.

She found that her state was unprecedented, and her body was full of strength. Charlotte quickly began to sense the power of the blood. She was pleasantly surprised to find that all the demonic blood in the blood had completely disappeared, but the blood of the dead bird also disappeared. Instead, it was replaced. It is a brand new pure light flame!

She gently waved her hand, and a golden little sun appeared on her palm. This is the power from the blood, light, holy, warm, burning, just as she understands the sun.

In the moment when Charlotte woke up, she had been paying attention to her Xiwei and Ulysses. When Charlotte was playing with the little sun in his hand as a child, the voice of Xiwei had already been recalled in her ear: "Charlotte, first put on clothes, we will wait for you outside the reception room!"

Charlotte instantly stopped the movements on his hands, only to find that there were no other people in the room. It seems that this is only the effect of the sound.

She noticed her new look, she reborn in the ashes, except for a flame of red long hair hanging down to the ankle, no other hair in the body.

Her height has increased, about 1.8 meters, and the whole person is taller. Her charm from the blood of the devil has disappeared, but the whole person has a more holiness from the light, the temperament has changed, but still full of charm.

Charlotte nodded with satisfaction, she was more able to accept her own appearance and temperament, she carefully painted her own two red eyebrows with the eyebrow pencil, so that the whole person does not look so weird, then Carefully selected from his closet for a long time, he finally chose a white shirt and black shorts to dress up, revealing two straight and slender legs in the air.

It is necessary to know that with the gradual awakening of the blood of Baloyan, Charlotte will use all kinds of demonized tattoos and emblems on his body as long as he uses the power of blood, although Xiwei does not discriminate or dislike this, but summer Lott himself did not like it very much, so that her long-wearing style was long skirt trousers, covering all the skin as much as possible.

But now, she can finally do whatever she wants.

After walking out of the door, Xiwei was standing quietly at the door. When he saw Charlotte, Xiwei’s eyes lit up. She seemed to take off a heavy shackle, and the whole person was reborn. The energy of high spirits condenses on her, and people can't help but want to get close.

Charlotte directly rushed to the arms of Xiwei. She was attached to the ears of Xiwei, and her hot breath was sprayed on his cheek: "Xiwei, I almost thought I was going to die! But I don't want to see it again. You, so I stuck to it!"

Xiwei patted Charlotte's back. The height of the two men suddenly differed. This made Xiwei slightly uncomfortable, but he still did a good job of fulfilling his boyfriend's duties and giving enough care and encouragement.

When the two men walked hand in hand into the reception room, Eurichia had been waiting here for a long time. She saw a very kind smile after seeing Charlotte: "Congratulations, Charlotte, from this moment, you have already It’s a new legend!”

"Ah? Legend, me?" Charlotte was shocked. She felt that her strength had increased, but she didn't know the depth. After all, she didn't even cross the master class.

Xi Wei also nodded. In the moment he was with Charlotte, he had already felt the change that happened to Charlotte. Her body was filled with active and pure fire of light, and the ashes were completed. After the reincarnation, she is no longer a mortal, but a humanoid bright creature.

"In the era of the Glorious Lord's Church, every Holy See's legend will have a 'ambassador' title. Although the Glorious Lord has left, the naming of this title has not changed. For example, 'The Silver Messenger' Modellini For example, 'The Holy Envoy' Maldini!" Yulichia said with a smile: "Some famous names have been circulated from generation to generation, and a glorious inheritance has been formed, and you, Charlotte, is the Holy Light. The road has opened up a new path, and naturally it has the right to open a new messenger title. Now, do you think about it?"

Charlotte is in the right direction: "The fire of light has baked me into ashes. I have purified it in the ashes and reborn from the ashes. In this case, from now on, my title is "ash messenger"! ”

"Very good, Ashbringer Charlotte, look at the sun above the sky, you can already communicate directly with it, and no longer need my help. Your future is limitless, maybe you also have a seat on the throne. That day, I am looking forward to your future achievements!" Yu Lixia, like her predecessors, encouraged Charlotte.

Although it was shameful that Natalya was said to be a hen hatching chick that day, it seemed to make her a special feeling for Charlotte, and she became very friendly in an instant.

After all, without her help, without her morning power, Charlotte could not completely expel the demon blood in his body anyway, and eventually achieved a miraculous reincarnation.

Although Charlotte didn't know why Ulrich suddenly became so friendly from her own side, she knew it was a good thing, so she nodded sincerely.

"Xiwei, although the whole process is full of luck, I already have some experience in how to guide believers into the source of light. I think I will be more cautious and more successful next time. But now, I must return to Pa Ali, it’s time to say goodbye.” Yu Lixia said, she actually could return, and the Knights of the Dawn had already set foot on the road of returning under the leadership of Mograine. Already coming back to Paar.

"Charlotte, are you willing to follow the Lord of the Morning, go to the morning sects for a period of practice, and thoroughly master the fire of light in your body?" Xiwei turned to Charlotte.

Xiwei heard regrets from Ulysia’s words, because although Charlotte’s ashes were successful, she had to leave, without Charlotte, and the experiment and practice of the Holy Light. It will be full of difficulties and full of thorns. However, because Charlotte insisted on not delivering faith and respecting Xiwei, Yu Lixia did not even invite Charlotte to travel to Paar.

"Of course, I am willing!" Although Charlotte has the power of legendary ranks, her real combat power is still far from enough. By the morning sect, she can not only continue to help Yu Lixia to complete the practice of the Light. OK, you can master the masters of various masters and even the legend of the Nine Rings, and gain the true legendary level of combat ability.

"Ulysia, I don't think you will not welcome it?" Xiwei showed a ridiculous smile to the Lord of the Morning ~ Of course! "Ulysia is very happy and said that the cooperation is very enjoyable.

"Charlotte, you are already a real legend, and you have completed the overtaking of Natalya. The lava armor that I have prepared for you is no longer suitable. Go to Pai Li for a period of practice. When you return, I will send you a new mech that fits perfectly with your 'ash ambassador' identity and character, which is comparable to the 'vow victory number'!" West Villa with Charlotte's hand, affectionate Said.

"I am very much looking forward to, thank you, Xiwei!" Charlotte and Xiwei deeply embraced and kissed, their feelings heated to the extreme, so that one side of Yu Lixia suddenly gave birth to a deep envy and Lonely emotions.

"We are going to start, Charlotte! Xiwei, will not borrow your little beauty for too long, thank you for your contribution to the Light of the Light, I will fully develop the Morning Church, no matter which way!" Yu Lixia left with Charlotte and turned into an rainbow of light, disappearing in front of Xiwei.

"Xiwei, emergency information, a huge monster appeared on the golden sea, causing the sinking of three Palermo merchant ships!" Natalia rushed in with a gust of wind, with a new military situation. (To be continued.)

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