MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 573 Wind element plane

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The purple-black shadow wand in Dikriel’s hand has begun to make waves, and a powerful shadow is being saved.

Shadow sorcerers are called sorcerers and are not included in the ranks of magicians, because all their martial arts are the use of shadow energy, no spell model, no soul, spirit, heart lake, The magic system of spells, so even though the shadow technique is very similar to the spell, it is not recognized by the magician.

Dicriel's Shadow Curse is called "Murphy Imprisonment". It is a very powerful ban spell in Shadow 诡 ,. It can completely confine the enemy to the shadow plane, and is isolated by the shadow force and the outside world. Induction and connection.

If you can, Diclere still hopes to take the wind scepter smoothly without disturbing Pharaoh Obi Hughes.

A black lacquered light directly flies out from the top of the staff. Like the ink sprayed by the squid, the entire wind **** scepter is completely wrapped in it, and the wind element that almost occupies the entire tomb is finally diffused all the time. Was isolated.

Diclere carefully manipulated the "Murphy ban," and the space around the staff gradually dimmed and began to sink toward the shadow plane. Once inside the shadow plane, it can be said that the wind **** scepter completely fell into the shadow martial arts. In the hands of the division.

Christine clenched a small four-color gem in his left hand, which is a simplified version of the focused rainbow, but it broke out in this narrow space, and its power is more than one Hertha, equivalent to the nine-ring spell. effect.

However, at this moment, a whistling wind crossed the unstable space barrier in an instant and appeared directly in the main hall of the mausoleum. His body is very tall, full of six or seven meters high, and the skin of the whole body is light blue. Wearing a traditional Afghan robe.

At first glance, the giant saw the wind **** scepter who was slowly sinking into the shadow plane. He was furious and shouted loudly: "The **** ants! Dare to steal the scepter!"

The next moment, the whistling whirl of horror rushed out and turned into a group of blue-colored electric balls, almost covering the entire mausoleum hall, flying toward the shadows.

The Aeolus is a treasure, and it takes a lot of shadow to sink it into the shadow plane. For Diclere, I didn’t expect the main Pharaoh Obi Hughes to come so soon. At this moment, he is completely caught in a dilemma.

However, there is no turning arrow in the opening bow. Diclear can only continue to increase the consumption of shadow power, speed up the speed of the wind scepter sinking into the shadow plane. Now the entire scepter has almost entered the shadow plane, leaving only the The last section of the stick.

The shadow cutter was guarded in front of Diclere, and he danced his two long sword-like long arms in a crazy way. However, the electric light contained in the blue electric ball was so tyrannical, and the wild electric energy directly penetrated its power. The core, the lingering blue electric light completely locks it, and it can't move!

"The great treasure that commands the wind of the world, the scepter of the wind god, come back!" With the anger of Pharaoh Obi Hughes, the wind **** scepter, who has almost completely sunk into the shadow plane, has a bright radiance and a blue wind. Instantly penetrated the power of the shadows and flew in a moment, returning to the hands of Orpheus.

At this moment, Christine in the corner was sulking, she had tried to avoid the scattered cyan electric ball, but in the hidden state, her movement speed is far less than these irregularly swaying electric balls. It was finally hit and shaped.

"Yu has returned from the Fengshen Kingdom. The masters of the world are mastering the supreme power and eternal destiny of the entire Orient world. The name of Orbihus will eventually resound throughout the world, and you thieves will become under the power The first wave of victims!” In the loud shouts of Obi Hughes, the wind **** scepter in his hand burst into a radiant glow, raging in the wind, and the blue screaming thunder screams, in front of this source, the shadow cutter Instantly melts and disintegrates.

Diclear knows that his efforts to steal the Atheros Scepter have failed. Pharaoh Obi Hughes has far exceeded the strength of the legendary ranks. Perhaps only the great Shadow Dragon can be with him. Currently the only one. The idea was to escape from the pharaoh and bring the explosion news back to Venice.

Diclear instantly inspired the space scroll from the hands of Ruster. He and Coles both had two shadow rings at the foot of the moment. The figures of the two people slid into the shadow plane instantly. It is.

Obi Hughes was furious, his giant palm swept wildly, grabbed Coles's thin figure, the shadow force around Coles' body was squeezed and compressed, and the whole person began to distort and became a skeleton. It creaked.

Diclere was shocked, and Obi Hughes could use the power to directly break the protection of the legendary spell of the Nine Rings. This means that he is also a sanctuary who does not use any spell power!

Diclear directly evacuated the reel for the energy of Coles, reducing the speed at which an asylum seeker can speed himself away.

Without the protection of the legendary scroll of the Nine Rings, Coles was instantly smashed into a mass of meat by Obi Hughes. Even though he was a master of the stalker, he had no resistance at all.

Obi Hughes is again in the palm of his hand, speeding up by the wind, such as lightning fast, gleaming, and apparently more powerful, Dikri's body is instantly hit, even with the legendary reel shelter can not be attacked .

In the end, Diclere left only one brain and a small half body to leave the mausoleum, and his waist and left half body were left here forever.

The Pharaoh Obi Hughes, who could not completely leave the enemy, snorted and turned his eyes to another enemy in the corner. This is a woman, and it seems that she is not a group with the three.

Christine's left eye shines with the fascinating purple brilliance. In the whole body of the pharaoh in her eyes, there is a strong wind. Under the illumination of the eyes of the violet, this is actually the purest element of the wind!

Behind Obi Hughes, in the unstable space, a huge plane is faintly intertwined with the main material plane of the Orient continent, and there is only one possibility in the Aeolusian mouth. That is, the magician has searched for the wind element planes in the four elemental planes that have not been discovered for thousands of years!

"Little girl, you will stay, always serve the great Pharaoh Obi Hughes, I will give you eternal life, this is a great honor for you!" Obi Hughes glanced at the real woman in front of him. Strength, without entering the legendary ranks, it is impossible to escape from his hands.

It can be said that Christine has perfectly completed the task that Xiwei delivered to her. When it is time to leave, Christine stood up gracefully and looked directly at Orbihus. She gently moved. A ring on the ring finger of the left hand reveals a sweet smile.

As far as the Violet's Xiwei suddenly felt a shock, it broke through the Wanjie general knowledge, and a complicated three-dimensional mysterious spell inscription was instantly completed in the void, and the space was instantly opened, and Christine returned.

"Damn, don't want to escape!" Orpheus Hughes finally realized what was happening. His blue palms were again thrown away, leaving only a long silver hair that Christine was floating in the air.

All space spells require a cast time, and the higher the cast time, the longer the cast, even for the mastery of the West.

Obi Hughes has the confidence to leave the enemy in the blink of an eye, but the ring on Kristen's finger is just an anchor for spatial positioning. The cast is completed by Xiwei, which is thousands of miles away. He completely beat him. One was caught off guard.

Christine, who appeared in front of Xiwei, took a deep breath, and the palm before her departure just made her feel guilty.

"How? What is the danger?" The ring used for the space anchor has been broken. This is the highest level of the release of the Westward to Christine, which is generally not used.

"Pharaoh Obi Hughes returned with the Atheros Scepter! The wind element planes in the four elemental planes are intertwined with the Orient plane!" Kristen said very quickly.

Siwei instantly stood up and stared straight at Christine: "Are you sure it is the wind element plane?"

"Yes, Xiwei, with the help of the eyes of the Violet, I saw the purest and most powerful elements of the wind, which is a huge plane!" Christine said excitedly.

Xi Wei slammed his hands and quickly picked up in the principal's office.

It is necessary to know that his exploration of the mystery of the ether and the source of the elements has already fallen into the bottleneck. The combination of the inscriptions of the elements is finally stuck in the inscriptions of the eight masters, and the inscriptions of the ultimate elements representing the four elements are never perfectly constructed.

Xiwei has already linked this bottleneck to the elemental plane that has been demonstrated by the magicians but has never been found. Perhaps only if they truly master the power of the four elements, can the inference of the element inscription be further advanced.

The explosive news brought back by Christine is too important for Xiwei. It is related to his future road and achievements. Xiwei’s strength for the four elements is determined to be the foundation of his avenue. It is not like the light, The power of the world, such as death, is as light as it is.

"Besides you, who else found this secret?" Xiwei finally calmed down, he continued to ask.

"A shadow sorcerer who tried to steal the Athena's scepter in the Pharaoh's Tomb. This was discovered by Orpheus. He finally escaped with a legendary scroll, but it was almost dying, but the news must have been The dragon of the shadow knows.” Christine replied earnestly, she is a close friend of Xiwei, and naturally knows the importance of the wind element facing Xiwei: “Obi Hughes’s power has entered the sanctuary, he The mastery of the wind is very powerful. He is the one who holds the wind and the scepter. I am afraid that the real combat ability is also the top one in the whole world of Orient!"

"I have to take a look at it and take a look at the wind elemental plane!" Xiwei finally couldn't help but said: "Christine, thank you very much for bringing back the news."

A white light flashed, and Xiwei has moved from Violet to Africse.

In the world, Xi Wei’s accomplishments in space magic are absolutely among the top three in the space magician, but in the elemental field, he is the second person who dares to call the first, standing in the vast desert of Affleck. In the middle, Xiwei has looked up to observe the new changes that have taken place in this world.

With a real magic eye, he will undoubtedly be able to see any subtle changes. This scene in front of Xiwei is undoubtedly amazing. A huge plane is descending from the sky, slowly blending with the Orient plane.

It is the purest wind world, it is the blue world, almost all the wind elements of the world's origins are gathered here, no doubt, this is the wind elemental plane that the magicians can't find for millennium time!

Every cell in the whole body of Xiwei is cheering even if it is just standing here, feeling the pure wind, it is so strong for the inspiration of Xiwei.

"I must master this plane, the world, master the origin of the wind!" Xiwei clenched his palm and whispered against the sky.

On November 5, 1788, the Pharaoh King Obi Hughes finally boarded the stage of the Orient continent, uniting all the tribes on the northern end of the Eifrick continent, which have been shackled for thousands of years. The people finally felt the civilization and strength again. They fell devoutly at the foot of the Pharaoh, and an ancient country began to re-emerge with the brilliance of civilization.

For the Orient continent, which is still under the dark frenzy, Pharaoh Obi Hughes and his Effie empire are not enough. After all, the entire Black Sea is relatively strong and horrible. .

But for the owner of the Violet, who is interested in becoming a great Arcanist, Pharaoh Obi Hughes and the elements of the wind behind him are an enemy and country that must be conquered. This will be a great The wealth and treasures are enough to help you climb the top of the world and make up for what you lack.

The Arcane Corps re-expanded the army, and all the war preparations began to prepare. Although the surface was calm, the darkness was already choppy.

Throughout the sacred calendar, in 1788, the continent of Orient had a brief peace of more than six months. From the end of the second undead natural disaster in April to October, there was no war except for minor conflicts.

But in November, headed by the demon army of the infinite abyss, the dark elves in the dark areas, and the demon orcs who have rushed to the edge of the imperial border, finally launched a total attack on the Holy Norman Empire, and the tragic war again. When it started, the world was once again in chaos.

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