MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 581 Naturally

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A group of breeze is in the chest. At this moment, the whole person in Xiwei is a light and floating feeling. It must be known that he did not master even the power of the wind element, but suddenly turned the whole wind **** scepter into the source. In the body, it can be said that a lot of risks are taken. Baidu search:

But if you don't, you can't reverse the feelings of Oraksa, the king of the wind. There will be a lot of inconvenience to Xiwei's next plan, so Xiwei has to do this.

At this moment, the four elements of the ground fire and feng shui in the body have been out of balance, and Xiwei cannot change the human form in a short time unless he can completely control the origin of the body.

The wind **** scepter comes from Oraksa, which is the pure source of the condensed nature of Oraksa. If it is absorbed by ordinary people, it has long been directly blasted by the source, but Xiwei has incorporated it into the heart of the lake. In the original two inscriptions of the master elements, minor adjustments and changes occur in the origin of the wind, constantly changing towards the true and perfect form.

Xiwei did not directly accept the power of this source, but decided to put it into the elemental inscription system. Although it is likely to cause some of the original power to be re-distributed into the sea of ​​clouds, it can guarantee that the part that retains absorption is truly It was used by Xiwei himself, and he was mastered by him.

At this moment, the whole person of Xiwei is in the boundless sea of ​​the wind elemental plane. He does not know where he is. The heart of the lake runs at a high speed. The other three elements and the etheric area are compressed to the extreme. Only Kunpeng is in the Qingyun Road. Constantly colliding with soaring, it constantly has wings falling, but it also has a clear air into the wind, the inscriptions of the two masters of the wind element are finally in the process of evolution, gradually reaching a near-perfect stable structure.

Later, as the yin and yang attract each other, the two perfect masters' inscriptions gradually approach the gathering, blending with each other and evolving toward the ultimate perfect inscription.

This time, without the previous incompatibility and huge exclusion, it is like a natural one, and the two are one, and finally the perfect fusion, together, the ultimate inscription of the ultimate wind element.

This inscription is complicated to the extreme, but with the beauty of nature, it is described in one sentence, that is, with a trace of rhyme, it is natural and natural.

The heart of Xiwei’s heart lake was settled after the ultimate inscription of this wind element. The Peng Peng in the Qingyun Road slowly descended from the nine days. At this moment, it was really mighty to the extreme, like growing up from the nestlings step by step. Finally entered the adult Taikoo giant bird.

After the complete molding, the Qingyun Road almost occupies 60% of the space of Xiweixin Lake. The elements of the earth, fire and wind are completely incomparable to the wind system. In this process, Xiwei transformed and controlled more than half of the power of the wind god's scepter, and the remaining 40% re-entered into the sea of ​​clouds and returned to the entire wind elemental plane.

In the heart of Xiwei, there was also a stir. Finally, I came to this step and mastered the power of the elements of the wind. It became the ultimate inscription of the wind element. As long as the ultimate inscriptions of the four elements are all achieved, I will undoubtedly cast the magic of the element school. Deducted to the extreme, the title of the legendary magician.

Although at this time, Xiwei’s control over the origin of the wind element is far less than that of the king of the wind, Oraksa, the ultimate inscription of this wind element can naturally deepen the control of the origin of the wind, and it seems that far Far from seeing the limits of the future.

After Xi Wei calmed down, he came directly to the Yunzhong City, the former lord of the wind, Sunderland. Now it belongs to himself.

At the moment of the fall of Sunderland, several of his most powerful generals and cronies have sensed the death of the master. Although they are unbelievable or have a glimpse of luck, when Sivi appears in front of them, everything is dusty. It has been settled.

"Sunderland has already died in my hands. From today, I am your master, and here is my territory! I am your lord Xiwei!" The giant form of the cloud more than 20 meters high Xiwei stood in the palace and announced the news. He was holding the sword of the Thunder blessing in his hand, and Sunderland was a half-art artifact incarcerated in the wind and thunder field.

He has already controlled the origin of the wind, that is, he has stepped into the sanctuary without any compromise, and has the shock of the sword of Thunder blessing. Other giants in the cloud can only bow to the surrender and express their loyalty to the new owner.

Sylvester unknowingly planted a brand in the spiritual core of the giants in this cloud, unless they can control the lord of the wind in the war or strangle, or they must obey their own commands and orders.

At this point, everything is already under control. Xiwei did not stay too much in his own cloud city, but went directly through the top of the sky and returned to the mainland of Orient.

Xiwei appeared in the sky above Alexandria. At this time, the remaining half of the city had been inserted with the flag of Violet. After being attacked by Siwei’s four-image true spirits, Alexandria became a man-made harbor. Can accommodate a large number of giant boats moored.

"General Natalya?" Siwei asked a Smurf Knight.

"The general has led the main attack and attacked the city of Kailuo!" The Smurf Knight replied quickly.

Xiwei nodded. It seems that Natalya still seized the opportunity of Obi Hughes' defeat. The soldiers pointed directly to the city of Kairo, less than 100 kilometers away, as long as they won the Afghan kingdom. In the capital, this battle can almost be over.

In fact, when Xiwei came to Kairo City again, the whole city had recovered calm, lost Pharaoh Obi Hughes and his warriors, and the Afghan could not resist Natalia and her. The Arcane Corps, the city is almost completely undefended, the Smurfs riders flying from the sky on the flying magic blade, and instantly control the key points of the city.

"How? Xiwei?" On the steps of the Palace of the Kairo City, Natalya, wearing a blue military uniform, smiled and asked Xiwei, this magnificent palace is the pharaoh of the Pharaoh Obi Hughes. The new warrior of the winds under his command was newly built, but it was a pity that it had not yet had time to enjoy it, and it fell into the hands of Xiwei.

"Olaxa has already obeyed the pre-war agreement, and we have won!" Xiwei took the steps and took Natalia into her arms: "Not only the Affi Kingdom, I also became the element of the wind. The lord of the wind, in charge of the cloud city belonging to Sunderland!"

"Cloud City? Great! I really want to go in and see it!" Natalia said happily.

"There will be opportunities, very soon!" Xi Wei said with deep meaning.

The territory of the entire Afghan kingdom is about half of the Kingdom of France, but most of them are desert areas. The total number of residents in the kingdom is less than three million, and the proportion of professionals is much lower than that of the mainland. It is a barren Ground.

Therefore, the Arcane Corps is only stationed in Alexandria and the city of Kairo. There is no time or manpower to establish a rule in other places, or let it go. Anyway, there is no unified country for 3,000 years. Affi The tribe has long been accustomed to this state.

The most important strategic significance of the Affi Kingdom is that it is the gateway to the wind elemental plane. This is the decisive factor for Xiwei to launch the expedition to win it. Now there is a cloud city as a stronghold, and the Afghan kingdom is important. Sex is greatly reduced.

In fact, most of the wind elemental creatures do not like to leave the wind element plane, and the four elements in the Orient continent are staggered. For the wind elemental creatures, like the fresh air from the virgin forest to the smoggy big city, very Uncomfortable, and they can not condense the essence of the wind, and grow their own strength.

The wind element plane, for Xiwei, is a natural treasure house for the elemental school magician, and the cloud city in the hands of Xiwei is undoubtedly the best outpost. If it can operate well, the violet magician will inevitably Will usher in a very rare practice growth opportunity.

Xiwei thought about it, or summoned several cronies first.

The next morning, Xiwei reappeared in front of the sky, while behind him stood Natalya, Christine, Yang and Meryl.

Xi Wei did not launch the secret hand and the mark left on the top of the sky. As the lord of the wind, he naturally had the authority to lead a few people to walk through the sky.

The rest of the four faces are excited, knowing that this is the legendary dragon face that sees the end of the elemental plane, all the magicians dream of but can not reach.

For the sisters of Bonaparte, there is another important significance here. The blood of the Bonaparte family comes from the wind element plane, although I don’t know how the blood of the wind elves fits into the blood of the Bonaparte family. But at this moment they both undoubtedly have a pilgrimage of piety.

The coffin of the sky was once again opened, and no one passed through the blue space passage and entered the wind element plane.

The figure of Xiwei once again became the lord of the wind more than 20 meters high, causing the excitement of the surrounding four people.

Whether it is Natalia, Meryl, or Christine and Yang, they are curious to observe the vast sea of ​​clouds around, which is undoubtedly a rare and beautiful landscape, and the pure wind elements in the wind element plane also let The three magicians are eager to stop research, and even Natalia feels a light, relaxed and happy, and the whole person is much lighter.

Xiwei used group transfer to bring four people to the city of Yunzhong. The city built by the wind to actively use the power of the source to marvel at them, this exotic scenery is really dizzying.

"This expedition to the Afghan kingdom is perfect. We successfully defeated Pharaoh Obi Hughes, conquered the Afghan kingdom, and had its own cloud city in the wind element plane. This is perfect. Victory, and I will share with you the joy of victory, as well as the spoils!" Xiwei gently patted his hands and brought the attention of the four people back from the observation and appreciation of the surrounding scenery.

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