MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 586 Warm winter day

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Of course, the study life at Violet College is by no means a relaxed and enjoyable daily life. The pressure of learning is still great. Almost everyone is actively working hard to make progress. In this atmosphere, no one can enjoy the peace of mind, one is careless. It may not be able to keep up with the rhythm. From the seniors to the classmates and then become a schoolmate, it really becomes a laughing stock.

Xiwei uses the Smurfs and the various basic materials produced in Sicily to supply the Violet seven islands, while the Violet Seven Islands become the largest magical industry. The research results of various laboratories are realized here as magic products. Marketing throughout the continent of Orient.

Many aristocrats and businessmen who have carried a lot of property to escape to Violet have chosen to invest in the magic industry. Although a small number of people have been defrauded of money and money, most people still have a lot of income, especially those with children. I was admitted to the Violet College and got the internal news and instructions. Because of this, all the hearts of the entire Violet territory have to send their children to the Violet Academy. The Xiwei’s magic popular series is really true for every family. The extent of a book.

The upgrade and maintenance of "Western Wei's Spell List" has been dominated by Christine, but the entire system kernel is still completed by Xiwei and Zero Collaboration, which builds a system similar to online games, that is, a strong sense of upgrade, paying off ,No pain no gain.

Not only the most talented students can benefit from it, but also a lot of arcane points and arcane points, and become a promising arcane master. Even the most common Violet students can complete the various tasks released by the college and mentor. Get knowledge, magic books, arcane points, spellcasting materials, and even gold coins, even the poorest students can use these benefits to improve family life while continuing on the magical path.

So even though one busy one can't stop, the life is so full, the endless competitions, experiments, and conferences make everyone's spirits tense. After completing the year-end final exam and getting their respective academic year scores, they finally reached the end of the year. On the birth day of the grand Son, everyone can get a breather and enjoy a rare leisure holiday.

Many students from the Kingdom of France and other places choose to go home during this time. After all, there are only two holidays in a year, and the summer vacation always takes part in various social practices. The families of students who have settled in Violet are also happy and happy. Purchased a Christmas tree, there is a strong festive atmosphere on the streets.

As the highest leader of Violet, Xiwei is always the target of countless Violet people. Therefore, when the news of the expedition to the Afghan Kingdom was a day of victory, the whole violet became a sea of ​​joy. When Vice-Chancellor Yang returned to school, a more shocking news began to spread among the teachers of Violet and the best students. The legendary elements of the wind actually appeared, and there was a city in the clouds. Into the hands of the president of Xiwei!

For every magician who majors in elemental school, the elemental plane is the sacred place of dreams, and the most in the violet is the element mage, so how many people are gearing up and want to get a chance to go to the wind element plane, Yang also announced that he will hold an assessment after New Year's Day.

The news of the explosion made many people unwilling to spend the New Year. They began to actively prepare. The Violet people did not fear competition and examinations. The successful people certainly had great gains. The failed people could also find gaps and make up for the defects.

At this time, Xiwei and Natalya appeared in the low-key airport, waiting for the next flight from Paar.

With the successful flight of the big flight home Fraser, the route between Wangdu Paari and Violet has already had a three-day flight, which greatly facilitates the lives of many people. It takes only six magic hours to sail, and it takes a whole month to travel through the traditional carriage.

Although the ticket price is expensive, for nobles and big businessmen, time is money, and the price is still affordable. Since the opening of this route, every voyage is full, and there are still many regrets that can not get tickets. people.

This time, the people waiting for Xiwei and Natalya are the "ash ambassador" Charlotte. She has been alone for half a year in the morning sect. Both Siwei and Nataliya are very welcome. Return.

When the large passenger plane landed and the passengers came out, the appearance of a tall red-haired female knight caused traffic congestion. For the French people, she was the famous "ash ambassador". For the violets, she was summer. Lotter's mentor, a lot of young people around her, asking for a signature, and two cute little girls come together to take a bold picture, although Charlotte is eager to see the arrows, can only smile to meet these cute fans Little wish.

"It seems that Charlotte's fame is far more than me!" Natalia looked at the scene and said with emotion.

"Why, is it regret? If I should have allowed you to go to Paarli to practice the light, you may gain more admirers." Xiwei snarled.

"No, this is the road to Charlotte. It fits her best. I never regret it. According to you, I am a late career, the protagonist of the future!" Natalia responded to Xiwei with an exaggerated tone.

The two men looked at each other and smiled. At this time, Charlotte finally got rid of a group of admirers. She saw the two people in the first time, and the eyes were slightly red, and the whole person had already appeared in front of them.

"Welcome to your home, Charlotte!" Xiwei gave her the warmest hug. He had a spell that ignored the sense of existence within ten meters of his surroundings, but he was not worried about being surrounded.

"Hey, Charlotte, my love, every day and night that you are not here, I am missing you in love!" Natalya sang in an aria-like voice, and she did not know that she was in the West. Dubbing, or express your inner feelings.

Charlotte broke and laughed, and turned to Natalia for a deep affection. In this year, she was lonely and lonely, and continued to explore in the light of the Holy Light. With the help of Yulichia, she has grown up. To a very strong degree, even the old legendary silver messenger Mograine is not her opponent in actual combat.

However, the achievements on the Way of Light are still better than the joy after a long reunion. Soon the three returned to the Violet Castle, and there was a rich banquet waiting for the second hostess to return.

Charlotte put on a long red dress, and Natalya wearing a blue dress whispered, looking red, apparently had a lot of intimate contact when changing clothes, but it made the charm of two beautiful people Completely bloomed, so that the West Victoria sitting across the table is really feasting, and a delicious meal.

In the evening, in the largest and most luxurious master bedroom on the third floor of the Violet Castle, the three enjoyed the most insane carnival. One of the opponents of Xiwei was the legendary paladin, and the other was a diamond knight with two sacred blood. Although he himself has a body comparable to the masters of the warriors because of the blessing of the silver moon, he is also tired and can only cope with the disadvantages.

In the end, the uncomfortable Xiwei finally had to use taboo weapons. The secret method from the pink magic book appeared in the hands of Xiwei, and finally the two female knights were defeated, winning the fierce battle and defending the man. Dignity.

Finally, Natalya gently stroked her stomach and asked to Xiwei: "Do we have children?"

The fertility rate of the high-ranking blood vessels is very low. In particular, Natalya is a **** lion and a wind genie. The difficulty of giving birth to a descendant is almost no less than defeating a half-god.

"Yes, rest assured, Nata, I promise!" Xiwei promised without hesitation, with the existence of a blood research laboratory, he did not worry that he would have no offspring.

Only now is only eighteen years old, Natalya is only twenty years old, not eager to give birth to future generations.

Ps: Today's update has not been completed, is writing, and so on.

Of course, the study life at Violet College is by no means a relaxed and enjoyable daily life. The pressure of learning is still great. Almost everyone is actively working hard to make progress. In this atmosphere, no one can enjoy the peace of mind, one is careless. It may not be able to keep up with the rhythm. From the seniors to the classmates and then become a schoolmate, it really becomes a laughing stock.

Xiwei uses the Smurfs and the various basic materials produced in Sicily to supply the Violet seven islands, while the Violet Seven Islands become the largest magical industry. The research results of various laboratories are realized here as magic products. Marketing throughout the continent of Orient.

Many aristocrats and businessmen who have carried a lot of property to escape to Violet have chosen to invest in the magic industry. Although a small number of people have been defrauded of money and money, most people still have a lot of income, especially those with children. I was admitted to the Violet College and got the internal news and instructions. Because of this, all the hearts of the entire Violet territory have to send their children to the Violet Academy. The Xiwei’s magic popular series is really true for every family. The extent of a book.

The upgrade and maintenance of "Western Wei's Spell List" has been dominated by Christine, but the entire system kernel is still completed by Xiwei and Zero Collaboration, which builds a system similar to online games, that is, a strong sense of upgrade, paying off ,No pain no gain.

Not only the most talented students can benefit from it, but also a lot of arcane points and arcane points, and become a promising arcane master. Even the most common Violet students can complete the various tasks released by the college and mentor. Get knowledge, magic books, arcane points, spellcasting materials, and even gold coins, even the poorest students can use these benefits to improve family life while continuing on the magical path.

So even though one busy one can't stop, the life is so full, the endless competitions, experiments, and conferences make everyone's spirits tense. After completing the year-end final exam and getting their respective academic year scores, they finally reached the end of the year. On the birth day of the grand Son, everyone can get a breather and enjoy a rare leisure holiday.

Many students from the Kingdom of France and other places choose to go home during this time. After all, there are only two holidays in a year, and the summer vacation always takes part in various social practices. The families of students who have settled in Violet are also happy and happy. Purchased a Christmas tree, there is a strong festive atmosphere on the streets.

As the highest leader of Violet, Xiwei is always the target of countless Violet people. Therefore, when the news of the expedition to the Afghan Kingdom was a day of victory, the whole violet became a sea of ​​joy. When Vice-Chancellor Yang returned to school, a more shocking news began to spread among the teachers of Violet and the best students. The legendary elements of the wind actually appeared, and there was a city in the clouds. Into the hands of the president of Xiwei!

For every magician who majors in elemental school, the elemental plane is the sacred place of dreams, and the most in the violet is the element mage, so how many people are gearing up and want to get a chance to go to the wind element plane, Yang also announced that he will hold an assessment after New Year's Day.

The news of the explosion made many people unwilling to spend the New Year. They began to actively prepare. The Violet people did not fear competition and examinations. The successful people certainly had great gains. The failed people could also find gaps and make up for the defects.

At this time, Xiwei and Natalya appeared in the low-key airport, waiting for the next flight from Paar.

With the successful flight of the big flight home, the route between Wangdu Paari and Violet has already had a three-day flight, which is very convenient for many people. Life, you need to know that a single voyage requires only six magic hours, and the route through the traditional carriage to sail, it takes a whole month!

Although the ticket price is expensive, for nobles and big businessmen, time is money, and the price is still affordable. Since the opening of this route, every voyage is full, and there are still many regrets that can not get tickets. people.

This time, the people waiting for Xiwei and Natalya are the "ash ambassador" Charlotte. She has been alone for half a year in the morning sect. Both Siwei and Nataliya are very welcome. Return.

When the large passenger plane landed and the passengers came out, the appearance of a tall red-haired female knight caused traffic congestion. For the French people, she was the famous "ash ambassador". For the violets, she was summer. Lotter's mentor, a lot of young people around her, asking for a signature, and two cute little girls to join together (to be continued...)

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