MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 606 Lionheart war

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"Chaos, the real chaos is also eyeing Oulent!" Among all the people on the battlefield, only the wise Wollerz knew what had happened.

Among the seven demon kings of the Endless Abyss, the Lord of Disasters, the Queen of Pain and the Dreadlord have the imprint of chaos, and the remaining three devils are transformed from the monsters in the multifaceted plane. Only Folraz is completely complete. From the world outside of Orient, the chaos of thousands of universes, the end of chaos and evil.

"The wise man, what happened just now? Tulafad is crazy?" asked the painful queen of the rest of the robbery.

"Don't worry so much, we won the victory anyway!" Folraz calmed down: "Razgata, starting the Raiders against the French kingdom, after getting rid of Eluna's suppression, we also You can build your own church organization in Orient, the disaster church, the pain church and the fear church, it's time to start working!"

"Very good, then according to the previous arrangement, the entire Kingdom of France is my parish!" The owner of the disaster burned a green magical evil fire, this is his complete form.

"The home of the Norman Empire will be a paradise for spreading fear!" The Dreadlord opened his wings around the dark and horrible atmosphere.

"Spanya will be the birthplace of pain and help me to achieve the devil's territory!" said the Queen of Pain with a smile.

"From this moment on, humanity will roll down from the dominance of Orient, they will become the Lamb of the gods, the source of faith, the power of power, Razga, Mesti, Nazick, You need to collect your faith as soon as possible and seal your gods before other competitors!" Folraz glanced at his three companions: "It is time to launch a general attack on the Empire!"

The fall of the Xinghai Fortress has caused the entire Norman Empire's strategic situation to deteriorate to the extreme. Facing the countless demons that landed from the sky, the guardian of St. George had to open up his own patron saint and open up hundreds of circles around Vienna. The land of kilometer is firmly sheltered in it. This is the super defense of the owner of the guardian. Even if the army of the abyss is assembled, it is difficult to capture it immediately. It can only take a long time to slowly kill.

Because the collapse of the Xinghai Fortress was too sudden, even with the full force of the Seventh Fadila, the caster of the Thousand Law Tower, the Royal Guard of the Holy Norman Empire cooperated against the devil's time for the transfer, but the whole sacred In the Norman Empire, less than 10 million people were sheltered by the Guardian, and all other cities and territories were in an undefended state, and they became the hunting ground of the devil.

The imperial army commanded by the Imperial Marshal Kafka was defeated by the devil and the orc. From this moment, the empire glory no longer.

The battlefield of the entire Xinghai Fortress was closed by demons, and outsiders could not peer into the results of this war, and an elite expeditionary army was moving fast on the road leading to the Holy Norman Empire in the Kingdom of France.

This is the ambassador of the support forces of Olong after the Prime Minister of the Empire, Judefi, sought help from the French kingdom. He himself is also convening the main force of the kingdom and will set off after three days.

Although there is no such idiom as "the lips are cold," Olon knows that once the Holy Norman Empire falls, the only remaining human kingdom, France, cannot alone attack the entire Dark Parliament.

Olong issued the highest level of "Lion Heart Warfare" to the whole country. This is an urgent summoning order that can only be issued by the king when the French kingdom encounters the crisis of extermination. The elite of the whole kingdom will be united and united in the lion. The heart of the war is full of combat.

In the history of France, the lion heart warfare has only appeared twice. Every time, there are countless songs of loyalty and glory, brave and sacrificed chapters, and heroes of one after another. Now, it is time to destroy the country. the edge of.

From Dunkirk to Marseille, from Brest to Strasbourg, all the cities and territories of the entire Kingdom of France have sung "The Battle of the Lionheart", which is the national anthem of the French kingdom.

Corsica, Ajaccio, Blue Fort.

The Bonapu Knights of the Bonaparte family are gathering. The owner of this territory, Carlo Bonaparte, has put on a full set of epic armor. He is firm, steadfast and full of high morale.

Princess Olivia, the hostess of the Blue Fort, is finishing her neckline for her husband. Her eyes are full of love, care, and worry.

"Do you really want to go out? Carlo, when Bonaparte became a member of France, the Lionheart Covenant has already been signed for hundreds of years, you can not participate in this battle." Olivia whispered and whispered .

"Olivia, this is a battle against the French national movement. Once defeated, the darkness will cover the earth, and humanity will be completely a slave to the aliens. This is a fate that everyone can't escape!" Caro looked serious. Said: "I have stepped into the legendary ranks, I believe that Olivia, even if the war is fierce, I also have the power of self-protection."

"Carlo, my lover, know that I and my two daughters are still waiting for your return. Please keep this in mind, don't swear by sacrifice!" Olivia solemnly advised.

Earl Bonaparte nodded seriously, the two hugged each other, and after a farewell kiss, Count Bonaparte set off.

Princess Olivia stood on the highest floor of the Blue Fort and watched the entire Wind Knights boarding the ship away from the port. Looking at the distant sea and sky junction, she prayed earnestly that her husband could return safely.

Marseille is the assembly point of the southwestern part of France. The troops from the southern cities and territories responding to the "Lion Heart War Order" will gather here, starting from the South Road and entering the territory of the Holy Norman Empire, blocking the Church of the Lord of the Sun and the Secret. The attack of the Church of the Lord of Blood.

When Carlo arrived in Marseille, more than 50,000 troops were assembled here. Flags of various colors fluttered over the city, and the whole city looked messy.

The Bonaparte Knights of the Bona family have 3,000 knights. Recently, they have been equipped with excellent level of excellent magic armor under the generous arming of Xiwei. This armor has a rare protection against the basic protection of physical spell attacks. It is the most suitable for the Knights of the Wind.

In the last few months, the tops of the Knights of the Blast entered the Yunzhong City, where Xifeng belongs to the wind element plane, and practiced there. Because the blood of the Bonaparte family is from the wind element plane. The Wind Elf, the speed of progress here, is amazing, and the Count of Carlo Bonaparte is here to promote the legend.

Three years ago, Carlo Bonaparte was only a seventh-order knight, but now he has grown to the ninth-order legendary knight, which made him a deputy commander of the South Road Army. The commander is the Marseille-led las. Duke Kay, a veteran legendary knight.

"Hey, Count Bonaparte, I don't seem to see the figure of Count Frost. Didn't he come?" It was the Count of Alfonso, the father of Nina, who only brought it to this time. Five hundred knights and three thousand infantry.

"Xavi Frost?" Carol shook his head: "The Violet of Count Frost is in the dominion. According to the decree, the king did not have the right to conscription, taxation, etc. in 50 years, and the Count of Frost did not participate. The Lionheart covenant, so he was not called."

“Is it?” Earl Alfonso said with some disappointment: “I still want to see the legendary Master’s style. I want to know that my little daughter is going to school in Violet. Every time I return, I will tell you a lot. So, I am very curious! Right, Count Frost is already engaged with your daughter?"

The Count of Alfonso deliberately pulled closer and the two quickly became hot.

Three days later, more than 80,000 South Road Army assemblies were integrated. Except for a few small lords in remote areas that have not yet arrived, most of the lords who have been summoned by Lions have gathered in Marseille City.

Among the 80,000-strong army, the number of high-level and above professionals is less than 20,000, which is called elite. Most of the junior and middle-level professional players do not play much role in the battle against the devil and other aliens. They can only be regarded as servants.

The Blast Knights, who were carefully armed, even the mid-level knights were able to compete with the high-ranking knights under the bonus of sophisticated equipment, which is considered to be the most elite trump card of the South Road Army.

The army of other lords is either small or not, or equipment is not available, and the real combat power is lacking.

However, the mission of the South Road Army is not to fight against the devil, but to fight against the invading army of the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of the Blood. The Church of the Morning and the Royal Society of France will provide shelter for high-level forces, so the atmosphere is not Tension, the military’s war is also very high.

The tasks of the North Road Army are much more difficult. They will personally face the devils of the endless abyss, but the army that has been reunited around Oolong has more than 200,000. The Knights of the Morning Church also walked along the way. Li Yuan Chao South Road Army.

On the 15th of May 1789, the Seventh Day of the Battle of Xinghai Fortress, the South Road Army of the Kingdom of France traveled to the Nissan Pass, crossing the mountain range and entering the territory of the Holy Norman Empire.

All the way to the march, the Bonaparte family and the Alfonso family's army are all close together. Count Alfonso is also very interested, often hunting around the road, until the evening before sunset, Caro followed and enjoyed a lot of fresh The game of barbecue, the feelings of two middle-aged men also heated up a lot.

Above the Nissan Pass, a green sinister portal has been opened, and countless abyss demons have come out of it. The entire area has been hidden with evil spirits and cannot be scouted.

The commanders in this demon have a proud figure, a good appearance, waving a long nine-section whip in their hands, and it is the painful army under the painful Queen Mesti.

Read The Duke's Passion