MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 623 Postscript 2 King of the Gods

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"You Aunt Sophie told me that your enthronement ceremony is already in the midst of intense preparations." Xiwei turned to the topic: "Go to the emperor's promising job, girl! Right, you are aunt Meryl." After three days of achieving the 'Ninth Law' ceremony, you'd better attend."

It’s only after 20 years that a new legendary magician has emerged. This is because the standard of the legendary magician is also high, not only to be able to display the ten-ring sacred spells alone, but also to create magic. A new school is carried forward.

In these two decades, Meryl's exploration of the electromagnetic field is very deep. It not only demonstrates a large number of theories in the electromagnetic field, but also develops many very practical spells. More importantly, the electromagnetic field is the world of magic. Magic, the most important area of ​​life, and countless magical creations that have changed the way of life.

Tram, radio, submarine cable, telephone, television...

The unstable and violent thunderbolt has become a stable and powerful source of energy that people can command. Electromagnetics have also been separated from the elemental school and become a new and very powerful magic school.

Merrill also won the full vote in the legendary election meeting of the Arcane Review Committee at the beginning of this year, and was crowned the throne of the Ninth Law.

Her legendary title was created by Xiwei himself. Although she wanted to give her the title of "Thunder King", she finally pressed the idea of ​​ridicule and took an "electromagnetic dominance".

In the Arcane Hall, where only 300 people witnessed in the Morning Star Tower, Meryl, wearing a light green robes, smiled and took a platinum ring shining from infinite lightning from the eighth law Descartes. The legendary magical object created by the four great arcans is also the glory badge awarded to the Ninth Act.

Meryl has the long blond hair of the Bonaparte family. After twenty years, she has already faded away from the green, but she still maintains a strong book, and her poetry is self-satisfied. Unrecognizable intellectual beauty.

After a gentle and courteous politician in the same position, Meryl’s calm face finally showed a hint of excitement and excitement. She quickly came to the exclusive space belonging to Xiwei, she asked him Fulfill the solemn commitment made 20 years ago.

"Xavier brother, twenty years have passed, I have reached the goal you and I have agreed, then should you fulfill your promise?" Meryl's chest is slightly ups and downs, her eyes full of excitement, anticipation and tenderness.

"I knew you worked so hard, I should target the Arcanist." Xiwei shook his head gently, his eyes filled with gratification and appreciation. He always thought that Meryl’s love for himself was only a pale and simple Good feelings, as time goes by and people grow up slowly into memories of youth, but did not think she used time to prove her mind.

"My arcane score has reached more than 600,000. Even if it is a big arcian, I believe it will be achieved within ten years!" Meryl raised her head proudly, her eyes full of confidence.

"Love is selfish. I admit that I am a shameless greedy person. I have a sincere love, but I always want more." Xiwei walked to Meryl and whispered softly.

"Love is great. Xiwei brother is a fraternal person in my heart, loves all kinds of excellent and colorful people, loves freedom and loyalty and struggles to fight these beautiful qualities, and loves the whole of Orient." Meryl Bravely walked to the front of Xiwei, and slowly invested in his arms: "I never want to monopolize your love, we have already been extraordinary, and there is no need to use the ethical standards of mortals to be the yardstick of the heart."

"In addition to arcane magic, the only love in my heart is you, Xiwei brother."

In the face of Meryl's bold true confession, Xiwei answered her with a warm hug. His Orient time not only saved the world, but also changed the life track of countless people. Meryl is undoubtedly One of the people who have the most influence.

It’s hard to never give up, and it’s hard to be passionate and affectionate. However, Xiwei will not disappoint Meryl’s love. He will use his heart to manage this feeling, one year, ten years, one hundred years, forever.

Xiwei wants to invest in magic research or space exploration. One of the words is too tiring, and he has already carried a lot of affectionate beauty.

Above the astral star shines with one of the most embarrassing stars. This is a new star with a life span of fifteen years, an artificial star, and a mage tower and home of the astrologer Christine.

Like the original Meryl agreement, Xiwei also had an appointment with Christine called the Star Warlock.

This day, the same is coming.

Christine's star blood has already been activated to the extreme. She spent fifteen years observing the law of sentimental astrology, and now she has fully integrated it and achieved the great career of the great star.

This is a horror career that can display the ten-ring sacred magic spells. It is a perfect career with the strongest power under the gods, and the battle style is so gorgeous that it can't be described in words. It is also a lofty arrogance. The promotion is more difficult than the super hidden profession of the day.

With Violet now the position of the greatest magical sanctuary of the multi-positional plane of the whole of Orient, Christine has only trained thirteen astrologers in the past 20 years, and the strongest one has just been promoted to the seventh. .

“Remember the Philip’s family’s “Forty Limits”?” Christine in the stars shines with the brilliance of the stars. The silver-haired beauty of the mortal beauty is completely integrated with the stars. Her beauty is already The beauty of holiness, the beauty of speechlessness.

"My first half of my life has always been shrouded in great horror. The powerlessness dominates me all the time." Christine looked back and smiled, and poured out the country: "Xiwei, is your encouragement to me at my most difficult time, and help I embarked on the most correct path."

"Da is not thankful, can only repay in person!" Christine shyly bowed his head, and the casual gentleness once again surprised Savi.

"Christine, the beauty debt of my body has been carried over, and I have always owed it to any of you..."

"Don't say it again, since there are so many, are you missing me?" Christine said domineeringly: "The men of the whole world of Orient, you can make me look into the eye, if you refuse, I am not Want to be single forever?"

This reason is very good and powerful, and Xiwei is speechless.

Athena finally ended her studies in Violet early, returned to the imperial capital of Paris, Pai Li, just entered the Palace of Versailles, and saw Aunt Sophie and Aunt Charlotte.

However, she was surprised to close her mouth, because the two aunts in front of them all had big stomachs, apparently have been pregnant for a long time!

"Do I have a brother or sister?"

The music goddess Sophie gently stroked her high abdomen: "Xiwei named her as a muse, saying that she can become the literary goddess of Orient in the future."

Charlotte and Athena warmly embraced: "I am also a daughter in my stomach. Xiwei named her Alto Liya. Xiwei said that she might grow into the Lord of glory and order in the future."

"How are all daughters!" Athena said with some dissatisfaction: "People obviously want a younger brother! Yes, you are obviously pregnant, I am going to have an adult ceremony, why is my father not here to accompany him? He is every day. So busy."

"Xiwei went to the dark area to visit you, Alice Cuia, and she will soon ignite the fire and realize the goddess of redemption! Right, she will also have a priesthood, that is dance." Sophie explained.

"I saw Elise Cui dancing last time, Sophie accompaniment, but that is the most beautiful audio-visual enjoyment of Orient!" Charlotte whispered to Athena: "You Aunt Sophie should be that night." pregnant!"

"I am really convinced!" Athena said helplessly: "Who will tell me later, Ms. Silver Moon Elena also has a leg with her father, I will definitely believe it! Forget it, I will go to the Hall of the Spirit to see my mother! ”

Natalya’s Kingdom of God is clearly known as the Hall of the Spirit. It is said that all the most brave warriors who died in the war will be taken to the Hall of the Spirit by the Valkyrie, where they will enjoy eternal life.

This is basically the fact that these attracted spirits are not going to die, but they will be revived at the moment the sun rises. So these undead heroes are basically drinking and fighting to die every day. The next day they continue to drink and fight to die. Athena hates these rude guys.

Through the various areas of the Hall of the Spirit, I finally came to the golden temple where Natalia was, and Yurixia from the morning of the goddess was in the door, the two goddesses were talking elegantly, but Athena saw the mother’s The hand was on the shoulders of Ulysia, who was unruly, threatening the towering of her chest.

Athena is black in front of me. I really shouldn’t have any expectations for my mother. I’m afraid there are only two things in her mind, that is, war and battle!

"My little cute, are you finally willing to come back to my country of God?" Natalya said with excitement: "Mom thought it was completely abandoned by my Athena!"

If it weren't for Ulysia, Athena would break out. Who would make you sleep when you were not rules, and it would be hard for me to explode!

"Sophie Auntie and Charlotte Aunt are I will have two more sisters soon. My father seems to have booked a priest for them?" Athena wants to vomit: "Father you Is it really shameful to make all of your family a god?

"My little cute, guess what your father has booked for you?" Natalya asked with a smile.

"The Pantheon is under construction, and your throne has been booked as well." Ulysia reminded: "A very important priest!"

"Important priesthood? Will not be the goddess of life? This is completely against me, and should be reserved for the elf, what other important priesthood?" Athena puzzled.

"The King of the Gods, the King of God!" Natalya finally unveiled the mystery: "The French emperor is just a small springboard on the road to God! I will listen to your lovely mother in the future! ”

"How is it possible?" Athena was completely blinded.

My mother appointed me to be the Emperor of France. My father appointed me to be the king of the gods. What else can I do? I am also desperate. I can only read two poems at this time...

Read The Duke's Passion