MTL - Arcane Age-Chapter 9 Eye of silver moon

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At this moment, around the West is the original warmth and joy and the purest love. This feeling is very intoxicating. Even those who have the firmness of steel can not resist the care of this love. The same is true for Xiwei, but the intelligent core zero is still doing its duty to defend Xiwei’s last line of defense.

Xiwei, who suddenly woke up, was caught in a choice. He had an intuition. If you enter the mysterious and mysterious realm, you should be able to get the most legendary **** in the whole of the Orient continent - Silver Moon Ms. Elena Concern and blessing.

Will Elena find out that she is different?

To know that the mystery of Xiwei is different, now he is full of challenges in front of an unknown Master Gatlin, let alone one of the most powerful existences in the world?

However, the other side of the risk is the opportunity. Even if the purebred elves can get the blessings of Ms. Yin Yue, there are very few, let alone the half-elves of the mixed blood? These opportunities, missed, there is no second time.

Coupled with the legendary silver moon Ms. Elena seems to be a quiet and mysterious existence, in addition to sheltering the elves, she does not seem to have any ambition or thoughts.

Thinking of this, Xiwei resolutely entered the state of meditation again, and in the moment of his meditation, if he felt a sense of the starry sky in the heart of the lake.

When the moon is empty, the night is silent, the stars are lingering, and everything is silent. Only the glory of Ms. Yin Yue is like the mother touching the child and sprinkling on the body of Xiwei, slowly infiltrating the whole body and the whole soul...

As a baby in the shackles, Xiwei slowly fell asleep and entered a deeper level of tranquility.

When Xiwei wakes up again, the sky is bright, the whole body is warmed by the sun, and he feels refreshing and comfortable like never before.

After coming to this world, Xiwei has been studying magic with desperation. Even in meditation and rest, zero is constantly performing magic analysis and virtual experiment simulation, which has a lot of consumption and burden on his body and spirit. . However, last night, the zero of the soul with his soul level was also blocked by some mysterious power.

The collective name of the wizard's exclusive spell is the blessing of Eluna, and Xiwei has got his zero-loop spell - the eye of the silver moon.

This spell can effectively detect magic traps, magical light of items, and with the growth of strength and proficiency in spells, you can also find stalkers from the shadows and insight into the subtle changes in things...

And when Xiwei is under the illumination of Ms. Yin Yue, the power of all the "Illuna's Blessings" series of spells will be further increased.

Compared with this spell, the zero-loop spell that Xiwei learned - detecting magic, is simply a bridge over the overbearing president, completely a waste of nothing.

At this moment, zero seems to be awake from a dormant state.

"The core self-test has been completed, the basic intelligent module is intact, the primary intelligent module can not be used, the overall damage degree is 98.7%. The owner's physical condition detection: power is 0.75, agility is 1.23, endurance is 0.88, total magic: 15, the current magic: 15."

Xiwei sets the standard adult strength, agility, and endurance on the Orient continent to 1, which is convenient for evaluation. Of course, this is also the most popular scoring standard for Xiwei as a senior game player. At present, it is only very accurate to activate only the zero-based detection of the module, but the detection of others is not accurate.

Total magic 15? Xiwei suddenly found that his magic limit had increased by two points overnight, reaching the minimum requirement for the "magic call (disability)"!

Regarding the call of the devil, other materials, Xiwei, have already prepared some. Even if they are not enough, they can be exchanged with the apprentices in the tower. However, the most important core material of the summoning ceremony, jewelry, has not been settled.

Each jewel on the continent of Orient contains more or less magical energy, different types, different levels of energy, of course, these differences will also give the summoned magic pet completely different shapes and attributes.

But simple rules are still there. The type of energy contained in a jewel is often the type of magic that can be added to a magician.

In the book "The Legend of the Dragon Knight", the princess who is a magician uses a gorgeous jewel named "The Pearl of the Ocean Crown" to summon a dragon of water as a magical pet, a great increase. Her ability to control the magic of the water system.

Of course, it’s still impossible for a magic apprentice, Sive, to have a gem that doesn’t need to be too perfect. The energy contained in those gemstones is too violent and uncontrollable for him. He only needs a gem that he can now fully control. That's it.

What is the ability to strengthen itself?

There are also many wizards who use the rare red jade agate as the core material to summon the magical pets in order to make up for their lack of physical fitness. Some use the thundering gemstone as the core material to make up for their lack of speed...

For Xiwei, the most important meaning of summoning the magic pet is whether you can let zero return to the original wisdom through this ceremony! Others are not so important It is not possible to replace it in the future. Thinking of this, Xiwei decided to take "water mirror" out and share it with other high-level magic apprentices in exchange for some suitable jewelry.

Although Xiwei, who has just advanced high-level magic apprentices for less than half a month, has taken two homemade "strong zero-ring spells" in a row, it seems that there is no better choice.

When Xiwei was finished eating breakfast and came to his own laboratory, the girl Meryl had quietly stood by the door. For this scene, Xiwei has become accustomed to it, because in these two days, Meryl seized every opportunity to ask Xiwei, eagerly eager to learn from Xiwei.

However, when the two were just seated and had not started to communicate, the soft knock on the door sounded.

"Please come in!"

"I didn't bother you?" Walked into Charlotte, a black magic robe, holding a magic note in her right hand, the one that Palin gave her that night.

Today's Charlotte does not have the charm and enchanting charm of the past, but with a scholarly book, and the melancholy mood of these days, so that everyone who sees her will endure. Can't help trying to give her some comfort and encouragement.

Seeing Charlotte, Xiwei is also a bright spot. When he first met Charlotte, he smelled the jasmine fragrance on her body. The apprentice in front of him got most of the property belonging to Palin. It is definitely a tall tower. One of the best apprentices in the apprenticeship. What's more, he and Charlotte have formed a secret alliance against Gatlin. It is a good way to exchange gems from Welcome to the book friends to read, the latest, The fastest and hottest serials are available at Mobile users please read.