MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1872 frontal impact

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Ye Han gave an order, and the gun **** on the ship were divided into twelve groups to fire in turn, with an average of two lasers per second, and each light could accurately hit an enemy ship.

Super cannons can completely destroy enemy ships at this distance, but to do so requires concentrated firepower, and the strike surface and combat efficiency are not ideal.

Ye Han simply did the opposite, gave up destroying the enemy ship, took advantage of the speed advantage and the enemy's mistakes to circle behind the enemy, shot the enemy ship's butt, and stabbed the enemy ship's chrysanthemum!

The flight mode of alien warships is different from that of humans, but the stern of the ship is also a fatal weakness. The enemy ship hit by the laser immediately loses power and can only continue to fly by inertia.

The aliens did not respond slowly, and the remaining enemy ships turned their hulls one after another, hiding their butts behind the battleship.

But the Yue Fei was so fast that it pierced through the chrysanthemums of dozens of enemy ships in a blink of an eye. When the enemy ships completed the change of direction, the number of alien warships that had lost power had already broken through 100!

Ye Han finally gnawed the first big cake of this battle with his own efforts-the battlefield must use all the advantages that can be used. Any negligence here may lead to a total defeat of the battle.

One-twelfth of the light cannon could damage the propeller of the enemy ship, but could not destroy the enemy ship head-on. Ye Han immediately merged the twelve sets of cannon petals into four sets.

The firing interval of the light cannon was extended to six to seven seconds, but the power was also greatly enhanced.

The aliens realized that the light cannons of humans could not stand at this distance, and without hesitation launched a decisive charge against the Yue Fei... Their purpose was very simple. of warships, creating opportunities for other fleets!

The blood curtain ship located behind the enemy group was desperately accelerating, but the blood curtain ship just ran too fast, and opened some distance from the other enemy ships, and now turned around and ran back, and could not run in front of the enemy group for a while!

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Ye Han commanded Yue Fei to move forward at full speed, laser beams one after another, every time the beam of light flashed, an enemy ship was on the spot.

The aliens are not stupid. They concentrated all the warships and launched a salvo at the Yue Fei, but Ye Han had already guarded against this. One salvo was empty, and the next two salvos wiped the edge somewhat, but the distance between the two sides was still far away, only a few laser transmitters were destroyed, and the impact on the battleship was negligible.

The alien battleships were high-fived by Yue Fei one by one. This scene angered the aliens. The enemy group in front of the Yue Fei could no longer maintain their original calm. attacked from the rear.

In just a short while, this enemy army will be able to bring Yue Fei into range!

The alien abacus is playing quite loudly, but how can the super engine catch up with them if they want to? The Yue Fei flew thousands of kilometers in one go, and the enemy troops behind it chased and chased, but they couldn't catch up.

There were fewer and fewer enemy ships in front of Yue Fei. When the distance between the two sides reached 2,000 kilometers, there were only more than fifty warships left in this group of enemy troops, and one third of them were blood curtain ships... Yue Fei fought against the enemy, and the blood curtain ship never fired a shot, so Ye Han ignored the blood curtain ship and gave priority to destroying the other two types of enemy ships.

The number of enemy ships was low, but Yue Fei was also flying into the range of the enemy ships. If it continued to charge regardless, the fragile cannon **** would definitely be hit hard by the enemy.

Super cannons are the biggest reliance of super warships. In order to ensure the safety of super cannons, Ye Han issued an order to close the cannon **** in time before the warships entered the enemy's range.

The opened cannon **** slowly closed, protecting the Yue Fei's biggest weakness under the heavy armor. At the same time, Ye Han ordered the electromagnetic cannon to fire, and the shot was twelve super-grain shells.

At this distance and speed, twelve rounds of super shotguns can theoretically achieve the best results!

As soon as the last shell was fired, Yue Fei made a sharp turn of 180 degrees, with its **** forward and head back, and suddenly fired a shot at the enemy who were chasing after him.

Although it was just one shot, with the direction and speed of the enemy, it would definitely not benefit from hitting this super shotgun directly.

The enemy has only two choices, either to fight hard regardless of the damage of the battleship, and to bear the loss and catch up as soon as possible; or to save the battleship first, evade first and then pursue.

The first option is to give a head to Yue Fei. The second option must be detoured, and Yue Fei is equivalent to buying a little more time.

No matter how the aliens choose, Ye Han feels that he will not suffer.

But the aliens made an unexpected third option-the group of alien warships quickly integrated, lined up end to end, and used the front enemy ship as a shield to protect the enemy ships behind.

With the dispersion surface of the super shotgun, it is not surprising that it can destroy the enemy ship in front of it.

Ye Han was a little surprised, but this little accident still didn't affect his determination. He still insisted on eating the remnant army at the front first, and then turned around to clean up the enemy ships behind.

The distance between the two sides was only over 1,000 kilometers. The remaining enemy ships poured firepower on Yue Fei with all their might. The swirling light fell on Yue Fei one after another, leaving criss-crossing dents.

Ye Han didn't have time to intrigue with the enemy, and while firing a few smoke bombs, he ordered the battleship to dash at full speed.

Yue Fei temporarily stopped firing, and the enemy's blood curtain ship also caught up, spreading a blood curtain on the enemy army.

A rare sight appeared on the battlefield. Both the enemy and the enemy charged against the smoke screen at the same time, and the distance between the two sides was rapidly reduced. At first glance, it looked like two smoke screens were about to collide.

At this time, the super shotgun rammed into the enemy, and immediately destroyed several enemy Ye Han never expected the smoke screen to do anything to the enemy. When the distance between the two sides was still a hundred kilometers, he brazenly The electromagnetic close-in guns were ordered to fire, and at the same time, the electromagnetic guns fired several super shotgun shells at the enemy.

The smoke screen is the common cover for both the enemy and us. The enemy's fine light and Yue Fei's laser are ineffective at the same time. Only live ammunition can destroy the enemy ship in this situation!

The combat effect of the super shotgun is not easy to observe, but the electromagnetic close-in defense guns all use radar to observe the target. The 36 electromagnetic defense guns of the whole ship lock on the enemy ships at the same time, and fire violently at the enemy ships only a few hundred kilometers away.

Time is limited, and there are not many close-up artillery ammunition, but at this point in the battle, Ye Han's only idea is to solve the enemy as soon as possible, where can he save ammunition?

The investment at all costs has achieved amazing results. More than 30 enemy ships that attacked Yue Fei frontally were hit by intensive electromagnetic artillery shells.

The power of the electromagnetic close-in cannon is limited. The target of this thing has never been the enemy's battleship, but the power of one shell is limited. How about ten? How about a hundred? Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering "" in Baidu

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