MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1880 unnamed comet

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A few days later, after a series of adjustments in direction and speed, Ningwuguan approached the Comet Unknown, and followed slowly 20,000 kilometers behind the Comet. Both sides kept a safe distance at all times.

All the officers and soldiers on the ship were already fully armed, and the panoramic helmets brought the distant view closer, sending the appearance of the nameless comet to everyone's eyes.

This is a long, irregular comet with an uneven surface, and the color is as if it had just been dug out of the soil, with a rustic look.

Lin Yi observed for a while doubtfully: "Have the measurements come out?"

"Report, preliminary determination, the nameless comet is sixteen kilometers long, fourteen kilometers wide, and nine kilometers high!"

"It's so small?" Wang Yang was a little surprised, "Is it a little smaller? How many warships can it hold even if it's full? Captain, how big is the comet that attacked Mercury?"

"I don't know." Lin Yi said, "But it must be enough to install a thousand and eight ships."

"Ah?" Wang Yang was startled and lowered his voice in a guilty conscience, "Can't you?"

Lin Yi raised the corners of his mouth: "How could this volume be less than 2,000 cubic kilometers, and an average of two cubic kilometers hides one enemy ship, can't it hide a thousand ships?"

Wang Yang calculated in his heart and slapped his thigh: "Oh, look at my head, it's not like that, let alone one thousand, two thousand is not a problem... Then we really can't move forward!"

He's just a straight-hearted person, and it's definitely two different things from having a bad brain.

Gu Zhenyu said, "Captain, should we start now?"

"Look again to see if there is any abnormality on the surface." Lin Yi said, "With such a large warship going in, it can't leave no trace, right? Meng Zixuan!"


"A reconnaissance missile comes, let's take a closer look." Lin Yi said.


A missile nest was opened under the belly of the Ningwuguan, and a missile popped out of the ship. After flying several dozen meters, the engine was ignited, and the light blue tail flame drew an arc and flew 20,000 kilometers away. Unnamed Comet.

The battleship is behind the comet, and only its back can be seen, and it is a very blurred back. It can't be seen from other directions at all. For safety, it cannot be approached, so it can only be approached with technical equipment for reconnaissance.

A few seconds later, the reconnaissance missile that finished the first stage of acceleration turned off the engine and continued to glide towards the target under the action of inertia. Thirty-seven minutes later, the missile flew to the unknown comet and slowed down under the remote control of the Ningwuguan. The camera on the top is aimed at the surface of the comet and slowly rotates around the comet, sending the details of the comet's surface back to the battleship one by one.

Including Lin Yi, it was the first time for everyone to witness the mysterious comet. Wang Yang only glanced at it twice, and then frowned in disappointment: "What the **** is this!"

The surface of the comet is difficult to describe. From a distance, it looks a bit like a rocky coast, but when you look closely, it is different. There are highlands, hills, valleys, and cliffs. Even though everyone knows that the comet is full of ice, the surface of the comet is completely different. It looked like a stone.

Spectral analysis, however, showed that the unnamed comet was a typical dirty snowball made up of a mixture of water, several types of gas ice and various types of dust.

Lin Yi thinks that the surface of the comet is very good. This kind of naturally formed strange surface is difficult to imitate artificially. If a mouse digs a hole, there will still be a hole. If an alien digs a hole in the comet, it will still leave no traces?

The missile circled the comet again and again. After the computer on the Ningwuguan summed up all the data, it made a three-dimensional image of the surface of the unnamed comet. Lin Yi looked over and over again, and finally determined that there was nothing abnormal on the surface of the comet. Traces, preliminary judgment, no aliens are hidden in the nameless comet.

But wait, Wang Yang immediately raised an objection: "What if the aliens have the ability to remove the traces? Just be more careful!"

Lin Yi felt that Wang Yang's idea was also correct. Anyway, there was no deadline given by the above, so he simply fired at Wuming Comet according to the results of the previous discussion!

The cannon **** opened, Ningwuguan locked on the nameless comet, and the super cannon fired at full power.

The laser hit the comet in an instant, and the surface of the comet was immediately melted by the laser, and then quickly vaporized in the vacuum. When the light column disappeared, the dissipated gas quickly condensed and turned into a large ice fog covering the surface of the comet.

Most of the icy fog left the comet, but part of it was recaptured by the comet's weak gravitational pull and slowly fell back to the comet's surface, looking like a slow-motion projection of snow fell there.

Gu Zhenyu was a little embarrassed: "It doesn't seem to be useful..."

"It's useless at all!" Wang Yang was not polite at all, "It's better to use a nuclear bomb, even an electromagnetic gun!"

"Then the electromagnetic gun!" Lin Yi said.

One nuclear bomb can kill an enemy ship, and nuclear bombs are only produced in three places: Earth, Beiyuezhou and Beichenzhou. So far, Mars still cannot find uranium ore, and it is very difficult to replenish, so it is better to save a little.

Ningwuguan began to accelerate under Lin Yi's order and continued to approach the comet.

How far is 20,000 kilometers? It is half of the equator!

Viewed from the position of Ningwuguan, the 20,000-kilometer nameless comet is very, very, very inconspicuous. It cannot be seen with the naked eye at all. It is necessary to use an optical system to see its true face.

Such a distance has far exceeded the effective range of the electromagnetic gun. It is not that it can't hit that far, but after flying over 20,000 kilometers, the spread of the shells is too large, and it is normal to miss a hit. It is a miracle that one shot hits a comet!

Isn't there such a Two cannonballs will not land in the same crater. There are only two ways to accurately hit a comet at a distance of 20,000 kilometers. Either increase the number of cannonballs, and kill the mouse , there will always be a hit; either give up the shell and use the missile, and it will definitely hit the first shot!

The military also has a guided artillery shell that is still in the proof-of-theory stage - watch out, it's a shell!

This kind of shell is actually an ordinary shell without any improvement and processing. The difference is that it is equipped with a high-precision laser. After the shell is released from the chamber, the laser is used to shoot the shell in flight, and the light pressure falling on the shell is slightly reduced by the laser. By changing the flight direction of the projectile, long-distance precision guidance can be achieved to a certain extent.

Of course, the theory is just a theory. The farther the projectile flies, the more the laser spreads, and it is difficult to form an effective light pressure. Until this problem is solved, the light pressure guidance can only stay in theory.

When the distance was reduced to 10,000 kilometers, the Unknown Comet was still invisible to the naked eye, but the hit rate of the electromagnetic gun had increased to about 40%. Lin Yi felt that he could no longer move forward, so he ordered the battleship to slow down and lock on the Unknown Comet. , began to adjust the attitude of the battleship, ready to launch.

Soon after, a shell came out of its chamber and flew straight to the comet 10,000 kilometers away.