MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1882 bad luck

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Lin Yi's first thought was to open up some distance. Although three cannon lobes were damaged, the remaining cannon lobes added up to a range of more than 20,000 kilometers.

But he immediately rejected his idea.

Super gunships are not super battleships, they have no advantage in speed, and it is difficult to distance themselves from the enemy. And he doesn't know the effective range of the enemy's super cannon, what if it is also 20,000 kilometers?

Step back 10,000 steps, even if the range of the enemy ships can't reach that far, but how many enemy ships focus on fire?

There is no way to go back, you can only move forward!

Lin Yi made up his mind and snarled: "His grandma can't get enough of it, all the missiles will be fired for me, not a single shot will be kept!"

"Fire the electromagnetic gun and shoot all the shotguns out for me..."

"The super cannon remains charged, and it fires immediately when it finds an opportunity..."

A series of orders stunned everyone, but no one questioned Lin Yi's order. All the missile nests on the left and right sides opened at the same time, revealing dense missiles, and then the missile nests ejected missiles at the highest speed. After a short pause, thousands of missiles The two sides of the Ningwuguan were ignited at the same time, and the two wings of the battleship seemed to have a pair of flame wings.

After the momentary brilliance ended, the Ningwuguan was once again hidden in the darkness, but the electromagnetic guns on the ship kept firing at the enemy, the super shotgun shells were fired one after another, and the number of stocks plummeted, but Lin Yi did not hesitate at all.

If you can't pass this level, there is only one fate waiting for Ningwu Pass!

As soon as the missile group left the ship, it was intercepted by the enemy with all their strength. A beam of light swept across the void, and the flying missiles dissipated silently in the beam of light.

Lin Yi's face became more and more ugly, and he sighed faintly: "It seems that we are a little hung up this time!"

Everyone's expressions were solemn, and no one took Lin Yi's words, including Wang Yang.

Lin Yi took a deep breath: "Su Jie!"


"Send to the flagship!"


Lin Yi organized some words in his mind: "Command: My ship approached the nameless comet a few days ago. After blasting the target with a nuclear bomb, it discovered the alien fleet and exchanged fire fiercely with the enemy. The enemy has a new type of warship. Optimistic, we will report the enemy's situation to the headquarters for reference in future operations. In addition, all officers and soldiers of our ship are determined to fight to the death..."

Having said this, Lin Yi suddenly couldn't continue, and after a while of silence, he said, "Okay, let's post it like this, organize the battle process, and send it together!"

"Yes!" Su Jie agreed in a low voice.

Lin Yi said again: "Order the whole ship, everyone is ready to evacuate, non-essential personnel, get on the lifeboat now!"

Wang Yang raised his head suddenly: "Captain, is this necessary?"

Lin Yi tightly pursed his lips, and after a while he said, "Be prepared."

"Yes!" Wang Yang agreed, and immediately conveyed the order, the non-combat posts on the ship were immediately cleared, and everyone entered the lifeboats and stood by.

Lin Yi asked again, "How far is it?"

"Eight thousand!"

Lin Yi took off his helmet and rubbed his forehead, suddenly there was an urge in his heart to let the lifeboats out now.

Wang Yang suddenly said: "Captain, look, something is wrong!"

Lin Yi was refreshed: "What's wrong?"

Wang Yang pointed to the image sent back by the reconnaissance missile: "Look at this enemy ship, as well as this and this. They all stopped moving after firing a shot. Is there a bit of talk here?"

Lin Yi looked at Wang Yang: "What do you think?"

Wang Yang said, "I was thinking, do they have to rest for a while after the first shot, or they can't make the second shot?"

"No?" Gu Zhenyu doubted Wang Yang's judgment very much, "If I say no, they should have been prepared long ago, waiting for us to go out!"

"Where's the location, did you pay attention to the location?" Wang Yang insisted, "Didn't you see these? After they fired the gun, they stopped there and didn't move again. Is this normal? Look at these again, It was fine just now, but after firing a shot, there was no movement, and they were all separated from the main force, is this normal?"

Lin Yi frowned: "It's a little wrong, you didn't say I didn't pay attention, and the gap is really not small!"

With a flick of his finger, he took the screenshots of the two enemy ships on the screen and put them together. One was a super bug cannon after firing, and the other was an unfired one. The former was a full third shorter than the latter. !

At the beginning, his attention was attracted by the range and power of the super bug cannon, and he didn't pay attention to the situation after the super bug cannon was fired, until now.

Wang Yang raised his brows: "I'll just say, this thing is so powerful, it's definitely not that simple, at best, it means you have to rest for a while to fire a cannon, and at worst, it's a waste of time after one cannonball. !"

Gu Zhenyu said: "Even if it's not a waste, you have to make up for the one-third that is missing before you can have another shot? If that's the case, it's not much better than an enemy ship!"

Lin Yi was almost out of breath: "Not much? Not much, you kill them all!"

The shipboard equipment currently counts more than 600 enemy ships, excluding those killed at the beginning of the war, and those involved in blowing up the comet, these are almost the limit of the enemy.

The super bug cannons here accounted for nearly one-half, and the rest were mostly ordinary warships and a small number of blood curtain ships.

Switching to a super battleship, I really have no fear of facing these more than 600 enemy ships. However, Ning Wuguan is just a super gunboat, and it is not a star or a half worse than a super battleship. Against so many enemy ships, Lin Yi is at the bottom of his heart. No.

Now it depends on whether the missiles can destroy a batch of enemy If the missiles can achieve better results, there is still a chance for the Ningwuguan, otherwise the prospects are bleak.

The first wave of missiles will come into contact with the enemy in two minutes, victory or defeat, here it is!

But the aliens also know the consequences of being stared at by missiles. The closer the missiles fly, the stronger the interception. The swirling light falls on the smoke screen covering the missiles over and over again, and the blind cat kills the mouse. It can also destroy missiles continuously!

However, the remaining super bug cannons did not fire.

Lin Yi almost counted his days, and when there was only half a minute left, the remaining super bug cannons joined the shelling ranks, and giant beams of light swept across the smoke screen, swept away the smoke screen and the missiles hidden behind it!

Lin Yi's heart was beating wildly, the power of this thing is much greater than imagined! Fortunately, I kept keeping a distance from the enemy after I found out that it was wrong. If I didn't know how to rush forward, it would be over by now?

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, this kind of enemy ship must be a new warship used by aliens to fight super gunboats, and he was also unlucky, otherwise, as soon as this thing appeared, the Ningwuguan was encountered?

Read The Duke's Passion