MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1900 chase

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The ice fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the mood of the two of them is no different from the thick ice fog outside the boat, and they can't see tomorrow.

Wang Yang looked around and said, "It's almost there?" The ice mist blocked his vision, and he couldn't see at all whether the hole in the ice wall had been opened.

Lin Yi glanced at the fuel gauge, and his brows gradually tightened: "It's a little troublesome, we have to get out of the boat!"

Wang Yang was taken aback: "What are you going to do?"

"Let's go out and see the ice cave before the fog clears." Lin Yi said, "When the fog clears, we won't have a chance!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Wang Yang repeatedly agreed, "Just before the fog cleared, push the lifeboat into the hole!"

The fog was so thick that neither Lin Yi nor Wang Yang had the confidence to drive the lifeboat accurately. Pushing the lifeboat into the cave with the cover of the ice fog was the only option.

As soon as he said it, Lin Yi turned off the engine. The two of them fixed themselves with cables first, and then floated out of the boat through the airtight cabin... The visibility was only three to five meters. Ice wall in the tail direction.

Every crew member on the space battleship has a power armor, but in order to save costs, the power armor equipped by the crew is a reduced version, and there are no combat-related functions such as radar and fire control. Otherwise, the two of them simply use it. Without looking closer, the radar knew exactly what was going on on the ice wall.

The two quickly reached the ice wall and carefully observed the ice cave burned by the tail flame.

Lin Yi looked up and down: "The hole is enough, go in and see!"

"Okay!" Wang Yang slowly floated into the ice cave, floated around in the cave, and found that the space in the cave was larger than expected: "No problem, it's no problem to put down two lifeboats!"

Lin Yi was overjoyed: "Quick, hurry up!"

Return to the lifeboat, put away all the excess cables and camouflage outside the boat, and then push the lifeboat closer to the ice cave.

The gravitational force of the comet is very small, but the mass of the lifeboat itself is placed here, and the push can push it, but the speed is very slow, no faster than the snail.

The visibility around is improving, Wang Yang said anxiously: "This will not work, Lao Lin, you get on the boat, I will command!"

"Okay!" Lin Yi agreed, and immediately got into the lifeboat.

Now is not the time to be hypocritical, the sooner you enter the ice cave, the safer it will be.

Wang Yang floated behind the lifeboat and instructed the lifeboat to slowly retreat. After seeing the ice wall, he adjusted the direction a little, and drove Ning No. 1 into the ice cave after a while.

At this time, the visibility was close to ten meters, and the ice fog would dissipate in a short time.

Returning to the lifeboat, Wang Yang couldn't rest assured, and suggested carefully, "Lao Lin, why don't we go outside and find a place to cat?"

Lin Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, wanted to laugh but couldn't: "Are you afraid that aliens will block us here?"

"Sure, don't tell me you're not afraid!" Wang Yang admitted it was calm.

"I'm also afraid, but inside the human boat, you can fly out at any time. If it's outside, it's really called Tian Tian not working, and the ground is not working!"

Wang Yang thought about it too, and couldn't help but sighed: "Our two little lives will only be seen in the next two days!"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes: "Can we stop talking about this? Even if you're about to die here, don't keep talking about it, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, just don't say it!"

The ice fog finally dissipated, and the two of them hid in the ice cave with anxiety, always feeling that the swarm would rush in in the next second, but there was no movement in the first, and nothing abnormal in the second. The two couldn't help but look at each other, wondering what happened. Happening.

Could it be that the aliens are kind-hearted? Just kidding, aliens can't wait to wipe out human beings before they are reconciled, how can they sympathize with human beings?

How do they know that the mission of those aliens is to take as many warships as possible from the comet, not to search for humans in the comet - one more giant bug to hunt down Ning No. 1, and one less giant bug to carry supplies , if the large-scale search loss can be large.

Therefore, after Ning No. 1 was out of sight of the aliens, the aliens didn't bother to find them at all. The only response was to watch the belly carefully to avoid being penetrated by humans.

As long as the two of them stay in the ice cave honestly, their safety is absolutely guaranteed.

But how could Lin Yi and Wang Yang know about this, they didn't even dare to sleep, so they stared at each other.

At the same time, Huo went to the sick number.

Duan Zhiyang read the message sent by Ning No. 1, his whole body exuded the coldness that strangers should not approach, and asked after a while, "Where is No. 1 Ning?"

Ma Junwei shook his head: "After sending this message, Ning No. 1 circled behind the comet, which is a blind spot for us."

"Don't come out again?"

"It didn't come out." Ma Junwei said, "The reconnaissance department has been observing, but there has been no new discovery."

Duan Zhiyang had a toothache for a while: "Report to me immediately if you find Ning No. 1!"


Duan Zhiyang said again: "How about the other lifeboats of Ningwuguan?"

"Most of them arrived at the rendezvous point. No enemy was found near the rendezvous point. It's just that no extra warships can be drawn now."

"Let them wait a little longer and finish the battle... How many enemy ships are there at Comet?"

"Thirty-nine ships. There are two more batches in the past two days. Regardless of those in the comet, the total number is about sixty."

Duan Zhiyang snorted and didn't speak, and secretly made up his mind that if Ning No. 1 had any mistakes, let all the aliens on the comet be buried with Ning No. 1!

Fortunately, he didn't say this. Given the relationship between humans and aliens, Duan Zhiyang couldn't let go of those enemy ships even if there was nothing wrong with Ning No. 1.

Another day has passed in the blink of an Huo Qubing has entered a state of war, waiting for a battle with the enemy.

But at this time, an accident happened. Dozens of alien warships suddenly flew out of the comet, and they joined forces with the enemy forces left outside the comet. Then these more than 100 alien warships looked like fried chickens. They fled in all directions, but they collapsed before the battle, fled directly, fled, fled!

Duan Zhiyang, who received the news, almost vomited blood, and ordered the pursuit without hesitation.

Lin Yi and Wang Yang, who were hiding in the ice cave, had no idea what was going on outside, but the giant insects did not appear for the whole day. The two of them finally let go of their hearts hanging in the air. sky.

After opening his eyes and still safe and sound, Lin Yi almost jumped up with joy, but he soon got into trouble because he didn't know the exact time when the flagship arrived.

Ning No. 1 could not receive news from the outside world. If he went out early, there was a risk of being discovered by aliens; otherwise, if he went out late, he might have to be killed by the nuclear bomb from the flagship.

To die in the hands of one's own people, it would be too unfair!

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