MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1905 farewell airport

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September 27, 2037, Beichenzhou.

Outside the airport, Ye Han in uniform stood silently, his eyes fell on Bai Xiaoting's face, and he refused to move away for a moment.

Tears kept swirling in Bai Xiaoting's eyes. She kept holding on, holding on, but in the end she couldn't hold back. Tears blurred her vision and fell like broken beads.

"Don't cry, don't cry, hey, don't cry!" Ye Han couldn't see this the most, and he was in a hurry, but he was the kind of person who would coax people. His chest roared recklessly.

Ye Han's heart was also bitter, and he couldn't help hugging his wife tightly.

Ye Yao and Ye Bin stood beside Professor Qin, looking at their parents who were hugging each other tightly.

The two children didn't get along with Ye Han for a long time, but Ye Han knew that he owed a lot to his wife and children over the years. As long as he had time in Beichenzhou, he would try his best to accompany his wife and children.

The Lone Wolf is about to leave for a long voyage. He doesn't know when he will be able to return, and he is reluctant to waste a minute and a second.

But the battleship will be repaired one day, the joy of reunion has not yet dissipated, and the footsteps of parting are approaching.

Witnessing this scene, many people thought of their family members, and felt a little sympathy and sigh in their hearts.

Bai Xiaoting cried for a while, and finally controlled her emotions, raised her head in Ye Han's arms, and stared at Ye Han with crying red eyes: "Promise me, you must pay attention to safety, and you must come back alive!"

Ye Han replied without hesitation: "I will definitely come back alive!"

The town of Wenrou is a hero's tomb. At this time, Ye Han can't wait to be divided into two halves, half stay to accompany his family, and the other half command the battleship to go to the battlefield.

But he is not the omnipotent grand monkey in mythology, and he does not know the mysterious and mysterious avatar technique. He can only hug his wife and make the most solemn promises over and over again.

Seeing that it was almost time, Professor Qin walked up with his two children in his arms: "Okay, it's almost time, if you have anything else to say, hurry up."

Bai Xiaoting broke free from Ye Han's arms: "Go, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Ye Han clenched his teeth tightly and nodded heavily: "The family will be handed over to you."

As he said that, he stretched out his strong arms and hugged the two children into his arms, holding them tightly and tightly, reluctant to let go no matter what.

Tears welled up in Bai Xiaoting's eyes again. She raised her arm and wiped it again, but she couldn't wipe it clean.

Ye Yao wrapped around Ye Han's stout neck: "Dad, I'm also waiting for you to come back!"

"Good girl, kiss Dad!" Ye Han was so moved that his heart was melting.

Ye Yao slapped Ye Han's face fiercely without hesitation, and even the sadness of parting was relieved a lot.

Ye Bin on the other side was not as outgoing as her sister, looking at Ye Han with reluctance in her eyes, but didn't say a word.

Ye Han rubbed the top of the little guy's head: "Son, dad is not here, you are the little man at home, help dad take care of mom and sister, okay?"

Ye Bin still didn't speak, but he was greatly encouraged and nodded at Ye Han.

Ye Han touched the top of his son's head again, and then looked at his daughter's little face, his eyes finally fell on Bai Xiaoting: "Grandpa, Xiaoting, I'm leaving!"

His eyes reluctantly lingered over and over again on the bodies of several relatives, and finally made up his mind, turned around and walked into the airport resolutely, and walked towards the transport boat without looking back.

"Dad..." Ye Bin and Ye Yao shouted from behind, but Ye Han, who had his back to them, didn't dare to look back, for fear that once he stopped, he would never have the courage to leave.

The cabin door opened and closed, blocking the sight of the relatives. Ye Han, surrounded by sadness, stood alone for a while, until the transport boat started, and he barely controlled his emotions and entered the cabin to take a seat.

Most of the traveling companions were crew members of the Lone Wolf, and only a few were from Beichenzhou. They knew a little about Ye Han's situation. When they saw him enter the cabin, everyone subconsciously stopped talking.

Ye Han was not in the mood to care what they were thinking, so he found a seat by the window and sat down. His eyes were looking through the porthole, but he couldn't see through the outer wall of the airport, and he couldn't see his family outside the airport.

His mood is even more lost, and his mind is empty, like a fallen leaf in the air, there is a kind of loneliness that he has never felt surrounding him, let him

The airport opened, the transportation boat slowly rose, and after a while, it left Beichenzhou and sent Ye Han back to the Lone Wolf.

Ye Han put away all his thoughts and became the leader of the decisive battleship again. He sat in his seat, called up the virtual model of the battleship and exhaled softly: "Are you all ready? "

"The control system is normal!"

"The weapon system is normal!"

"The life support system is normal!"

"The power system is normal!"

"The power system is normal!"

"The propulsion system is normal!"

"The viewing system is normal!"

"Fuel reserves are normal!"

"Reactor No. 1 is normal!"

All departments of the ship reported the situation in turn. He Lu gathered all the data and reported loudly: "Comrade Captain, the Lone Wolf is can set sail!"

Ye Han Qiyun Dantian: "Lone Wolf, set off——"

With an order, the stern propeller suddenly spewed out a light blue tail flame, and the huge warship slowly accelerated with the support of surging power, gradually breaking away from the shackles of Mercury's gravity, and flew to the earth's orbit 100 million kilometers away.

There are several virtual screens suspended in front of Ye Han, one of which is a top view of the solar system. As can be seen from the picture, the earth is currently on the right side of the Lone Wolf, not directly in front of the battleship. (PS: No need to explain why!)

As the battleship left Beichenzhou, everything was on the right track, and the sense of ceremony of the battleship's departure soon disappeared. The crew on the ship should be on duty and rest, and everything was in order.

Ye Han sat alone for a while, before clearing up his chaotic thoughts, finding out a few bulletins that he had not read, and reading them carefully one by one.

In terms of Earth, the adaptation of the bug people in the Australian direction has ended. The coalition forces launched the second stage of strategic counterattacks at the end of August. As of now, the coalition forces have achieved decisive victories on all fronts. Except for Africa and South America, other regions have been destroyed. Allied forces recovered.

The newly formed insect-human force has performed outstandingly in the counter-offensive action and has been praised by high-level officials of all countries. All countries agree that it is only a matter of time before the enemy on the earth is completely wiped out.

However, at the same time as the victory, the countries also clearly realized that the coalition forces were only destroying the surface insect swarms, and there were still undiscovered alien bases hidden under the ground on each continent, and the remaining two continents were the longest time aliens occupied, and also hardest to recover.

The strategic analysis in the bulletin is a commonplace. Ye Han skips it at a glance, and only selects the content that interests him and reads it carefully.


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