MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1929 target saturn

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After Ye Han read the briefing from Africa, he couldn't tell what it was like. It was unimaginable that the war on earth ended so easily.

Looking back now, not many aliens have landed on Earth, but it is these aliens that have brought enormous disasters to mankind.

Of course, it’s not surprising to think about this in the depths. The aliens landing on the earth are similar to the modern people armed to the teeth entering the primitive tribe. As long as they have the heart, they can cause massive casualties... The methods may be different, but the essence There is no difference.

The personal terminal on his wrist vibrated lightly, Ye Han had a wrist, the personal terminal was automatically turned on, and He Lu appeared on the screen: "Report, Captain, our ship is replenished!"

"Understood, wait for my notice."

"Yes!" At the end of the call, Ye Han swiped his fingertips on the personal terminal a few times and connected to the command center. After a while, the operator transferred his communication to Wu Han.

The communication was connected, and Ye Han immediately said: "Report, Commander, our ship has completed the supply, please instruct!"

"Very good!" Wu Han said, "This time, we have emptied our family. Don't let us old men down!"

Ye Han immediately assured: "Commander, put your heart back in your stomach!"

Wu Han nodded: "Okay, then I won't say more nonsense, let's go as soon as possible after supplies are finished!"

"Yes!" Ye Han quickly agreed.

The call was interrupted, Ye Han got up and floated away from the dormitory, turned a corner and entered the bridge, "Are you all ready?"

"Okay!" He Lu replied.

"Then go, this time the target is Saturn." Ye Han said.

After receiving Ye Han's order, the Lone Wolf started the thrusters, slowly deviated from the orbital factory, and only accelerated towards Saturn after a safe distance.

After the Lone Wolf entered a state of uniform acceleration, He Lu asked in a low voice, "Captain, can we completely solve the aliens this time?"

"Maybe." Ye Han said, "If you were an alien, what would you do if you saw the Lone Wolf fly over?"

He Ludao: "Either fight or run, what else can we do?"

"Which side is bigger?"

"Run!" He Lu said without hesitation, "Jupiter is destroyed, what are you waiting for if you don't run?"

Ye Han raised his brows: "So, I want to completely solve the aliens, unless they don't run!"

Could aliens possibly not run? He Lu had no answer in his heart.

When the Lone Wolf set off, the negotiation between the Expeditionary Force and the Second Foreign Fleet was still going on. Although there was no result, neither side had any intention of stopping. It was just like that, and no one was willing to back down.

Until the Lone Wolf entered the asteroid belt, there was still no further gain from the expeditionary force. When the Lone Wolf left the asteroid belt and crossed the orbit of Jupiter, the aliens woke up like a dream, and they always faced off against the expedition force. Divided into two, a small number of alien warships stayed in place to continue to confront the expeditionary force, and the large force quickly withdrew to Saturn.

Obviously, the whereabouts of the Lone Wolf have been discovered by aliens.

Ye Han didn't mean to change the course at all.

Although the current positions of both parties are at the outer edge of the asteroid belt, the Lone Wolf has been accelerating, while the enemy is accelerating from a standstill. Lone Wolf is faster.

The Lone Wolf will definitely be able to arrive at Saturn two months ahead of schedule, and by the time the enemy forces return to Saturn, it will be too late.

The actions of the Second Foreign Fleet also attracted the attention of the expeditionary army. How could Duan Zhiyang miss such a good opportunity?

When the main enemy force on the opposite side just left, the expeditionary force pretended not to know anything. When the main force of the enemy army moved a little further, the expeditionary force rushed out under the command of Duan Zhiyang and rushed towards the enemy viciously. The battleship left by the army.

The action of the expeditionary force immediately alerted the aliens on the opposite side. They turned around and fled without hesitation, not giving the expeditionary force a chance to get close at all.

The speed of the super gunship is comparable to that of the enemy ship, and it will not catch up with the enemy ship for a while, but there are still two super battleships in the expeditionary force!

Huo Qubing and Chen Tang went around the enemy's wings respectively, preparing to flank them from left to right... In a three-dimensional space battle, it would not make much tactical sense to only outflank the left and right. If the expeditionary force had four super battleships, four from the top, bottom, left and right at the same time. It is possible to surround the enemy in a certain airspace if the direction is outflanked!

The aliens were naturally unwilling to be annihilated by humans, and the enemy troops immediately dispersed and fled, and the annihilation war once again turned into a pursuit war.

This was the last thing Duan Zhiyang wanted to see, but he could not avoid the escape of the enemy ships. The two super battleships could only throw off the large force and chase the fleeing enemy ships separately.

The pursuit was a long and troublesome process. Duan Zhiyang wanted to leave these enemy ships alone, and only brought two super battleships to Saturn, and together with the Lone Wolf, took down the last alien stronghold in the solar system.

But he couldn't do it. Once the super battleship left, these scattered and fleeing enemy troops had to rely on the remaining gunboats to solve it, and the speed of the two sides was similar. Once the enemy army broke through the blockade, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, he could only be patient and deal with this group of enemy troops first.

The Second Fleet outside Turkey also had to withdraw. The aliens only had so little family left, and placing them in the asteroid belt could not solve any problems. Before they were bitten by the expeditionary army, they must hurry to withdraw.

And not long after the main force of the second foreign fleet withdrew, an alien fleet composed of more than 200 warships secretly flew away from Saturn.

Due to the obstruction of Saturn's huge body, UU Reading could not see these alien warships from any direction. By the time they could be seen, these alien warships had already hid in the Uranus region.

Regardless of the expeditionary force or the Lone Wolf, it is true that this situation has not been discovered, but the space telescope on the earth has already stared at Saturn. Unless there is no angle at all, the movement in the direction of Saturn will definitely not be concealed from the earth.

This time it was the same. The analysts found a little abnormality in a series of images taken by the space telescope, and immediately reported the situation, and then the analysis department launched a large-scale investigation. It took only two nights to filter out the small amount of data. The most valuable part is to find out the alien fleet hiding in the Uranus area!

It is unclear why the enemy ships fled Saturn, but most believe that the approach of the Lone Wolf was the direct cause of the aliens fleeing.

The number of alien warships that can escape from Saturn is too small. Everyone feels that only some enemy ships must escape, and there must be a large number of enemy ships left on Saturn.

Beiyuezhou had a heated discussion on whether or not to order the Lone Wolf to change its target. The final result was to keep the original mission unchanged. No matter what the enemy's purpose was, he would first blast Saturn and cut off the enemy's retreat.

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