MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1937 most troublesome satellite

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A few days later, Titan.

The Lone Wolf slowly wandered out of a safe distance, and the observation equipment on the ship was always aimed at this mysterious satellite, observing for a full twenty-four hours without interruption.

It's not that Ye Han is wasting time here, it's that he has to do it.

As we all know, Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest moon of the solar system, only a little smaller than Ganymede.

The special thing about Titan is that it has a real atmosphere, and the surface pressure is higher than that of Earth, which is 1.5 times the standard pressure!

This satellite is the absolute difficulty of the Lone Wolf's mission - at first glance, the difficulty seems to come from the diameter and mass of the satellite itself. To completely blast such a satellite, the super nuclear bomb required is an astronomical number, if not so , Jupiter's few moons are impossible to stay until now.

But in fact, that's not the case at all. Titan's blasting difficulty is actually its atmosphere!

To put it bluntly, it is very simple. Other satellites have no atmosphere. Earth-penetrating bombs can directly reach the surface of the satellite at the highest speed, but Titan is different. Earth-penetrating bombs must be tested by the atmosphere before falling to the ground. During this process In the middle, the speed and quality of the penetrating projectile are both reduced, and the final landing power can be left by one-third.

The nuclear bomb must be detonated deep in the earth's crust to achieve the best blasting effect. If it can only be detonated on the surface of the satellite, it will take at least several times the nuclear bomb to achieve the same effect.

Although Beiyuezhou gave all the nuclear bombs to the Lone Wolf, Ye Han never planned to waste one more.

The military also had a lot of headaches for this, and convened a group of think tanks to work together, and finally came to the conclusion that the best plan to bomb Titan is to land directly on Titan, and use drilling equipment to drill holes in the ground and place nuclear bombs!

The Lone Wolf's advantage lies in its super maneuverability and super long range. Not to mention landing on Titan, even if it is close to Titan, it means giving up its advantages and using short shots and long shots. The military will never allow this kind of danger. The case of super battleships.

To this end, the military tried every means, and finally came up with a suitable plan, and prepared several landing craft for the Lone Wolf to land on Titan and drill into the placement of nuclear bombs.

The reason why Ye Han spent a whole day observing Titan is to determine the situation on Titan!

However, after this period of observation, Ye Han has realized that pure observation will not have any effect, he is hesitant, but the task must be carried out.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Han finally made up his mind: "Han Libo, pick up Yu Jing for me!"

"Yes!" Han Libo agreed, and Yu Jing immediately appeared on the screen in front of Ye Han and saluted, "Captain!"

Ye Han said: "Yu Jing, our time is running out, we must land on Titan as soon as possible... Your mission is very dangerous, I will do my best to cover you!"

"Don't worry, Captain, we are all ready." Yu Jing said calmly.

There is no need to say what to prepare, everyone understands in their hearts.

Ye Han's heart was sour, and he said loudly: "Be careful, give me back alive!"

"Yes!" Yu Jing agreed, and cut off the communication after saluting.

Ye Han took a deep breath: "Attention everyone, the marines will leave the ship immediately, all units, fully cover!"

The order was issued, and the three landing craft specially designed for this mission under the ship's belly escaped one by one and flew to Titan in a line.

There is a safe distance of more than 20,000 kilometers between the Lone Wolf and Titan, and it will take a while for these landing craft to arrive.

The satellites originally used to monitor Titan also began to focus on landing areas to prevent aliens from setting traps.

A few minutes later, the formation approached Titan, and three landing craft began flying around the moon.

The formation approached the No. 1 landing point first, and the No. 1 boat adjusted its attitude in advance, with its tail forward and head back, its back and belly on its back, and fell into the atmosphere upside down.

After entering the atmosphere, the thrusters at the stern of the boat were turned on for a short time to slow down the landing craft. Soon after, the landing craft adjusted its attitude again, moving the belly forward, using air resistance to continuously decelerate the landing craft.

At this time, the second landing craft also entered the atmosphere using the same procedure, and then the third.

As the landing craft fell into Titan, the atmosphere on the Lone Wolf became more and more tense. All the cannon **** on the ship were opened, and they would fire immediately as long as there were traces of aliens on the ground.

The speed of the landing craft was getting slower and slower, until Yu Jing thought that the speed was almost the same, and then activated the equipment on the boat. A pair of narrow and long wings protruded from both sides, and then the landing craft slid towards the landing area like an ordinary plane. .

There is no airport to land here, so each landing point is selected on a particularly flat ground. Anyway, the placement of nuclear bombs does not require particularly strict positioning, as long as the depth reaches the standard, there is no problem.

Soon after, the No. 2 landing craft landed first. Although the process was a little thrilling, there was no problem with the landing craft.

The stationary landing craft opened the stern hatch, and a drilling rig specially used for holes came out.

The soldiers in the boat also dragged the cables out, stopped the car at a random place that looked pleasing to the eye, erected the drill pipe and started drilling... The driving end of the drill pipe is not an ordinary drill bit, but a high-power laser .

The power of this thing is higher than that of the lasers on the battleship. When it works, it consumes a lot of electricity every moment. In order to provide enough electricity for this thing, each landing craft has a small nuclear reactor.

The drill starts, and the laser immediately vaporizes the ice shell on the ground... You don't know what the hard ground is frozen, anyway, the laser can hit it.

Leaving two people watching the drill, the others quickly dispersed their alert.

If the aliens rush over, they will definitely not be able to stop the impact of the aliens. The so-called vigilance is nothing more than buying a little more time.

Boat No. 1 and No. 3 were equally successful. The three drilling rigs started working at three different positions at the same time. As long as the depth of the burrow reached the they would immediately rush to the coordinates of the next task and repeat the process. .

Seeing that the landing craft landed safely, Ye Han's heart finally let go a little, but there was only one point. If the landing troops did not withdraw for a minute, his heart would not be completely let down.

I thought that the landing troops would encounter the obstruction of aliens, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, there was no movement.

This period of time is enough for the aliens to gather troops, but there is no movement on Titan!

Ye Han was very puzzled. Could it be that there are no aliens on Titan?

That is simply impossible. Titan is the most suitable satellite of Saturn for alien development. How could aliens abandon it?

The shaft was getting deeper and deeper in doubt, and finally reached the predetermined depth after a few hours, but the aliens still did not make any movement, making Ye Han suspicious for a while.

He couldn't help sighing, when the aliens came out, they thought they were troublesome, and if they didn't come out, they didn't know what to do. What's wrong with this? carapace frenzy