MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1941 get away

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At the end of February 2038, the Chen Tang, far away in the Uranus District, destroyed the third enemy ship on the trip and once again bit another enemy ship.

The choice of Chen Tang was very random, that is, to choose the closest enemy ship, but the officers and soldiers on the Chen Tang never thought that before they could get close to the target, the scattered enemy ships suddenly began to gather again, Dayou and Chen Tang. No. means a showdown.

At the same time, the Second Foreign Fleet, which had entered the Uranus District, also approached at full speed, and for a while, it was in a stance to surround the Chen Tang.

The Lone Wolf also encountered a similar situation, and Chen Tang immediately realized that it was accidentally biting a big fish!

Without any hesitation, Chen Tang consumed a lot of fuel and accelerated to chase the enemy ship. It took a full twelve days to destroy the enemy ship before the enemy army encircled it, and then jumped out of the encirclement and continued to deal with the alien fleet.

There was no mistake in Chen Tang's judgment. The alien warship that was just destroyed by Chen Tang was Kurakcha's ship. Although Kurakcha fled in time before the battleship sank, the other ships were too far away. Unable to arrive.

And the human battleship is nearby, once the other battleships come over, the human will realize that this important person is not dead. For the sake of his own life, Kurakcha could only find a dirty snowball for a temporary shelter under the arrangement of the accompanying attendants... It's not possible to do this, they only brought out a few giant insects when they left the ship, and they didn't make a voyage at all. Ability.

Kurakcha used those giant worms to dig a hole in the dirty snowball and began to wait for other warships to come to the rescue. This waited for several months.

Kurakcha wanted to save consumption by hibernating, but the aliens needed giant worms to hibernate. They were in a hurry when they left the ship, and only one giant worm could be used for hibernation.

Kurakcha used the giant worm without hesitation. After being swallowed by the giant worm, he no longer had to worry about other problems. He only needed to sleep all the time until the rescue arrived.

But the attendants who follow him do not have giant insects, so they can only rely on limited supplies to stand firm. At the beginning, they are nothing, and after a long time, the supplies will not be enough.

They expect rescue to come as soon as possible, but Chen Tang has been dealing with the alien fleet, and no alien warship dares to approach here. It was not until a few months later that the second foreign fleet arrived and a large number of alien warships approached this area. The dirty snowball that Kurakcha was hiding in.

However, at this time, Kurakcha no longer exists... After his attendants exhausted their limited supplies, in order to survive, they killed each other and continued to persevere by eating the corpses of their companions. However, after eating up all the giant insects and their companions, the last The attendants still couldn't wait to come to the rescue.

Driven by hunger, the squire hit the giant worm that swallowed Kurakcha.

He knew that once the giant worm was moved, the sleeping Kurakcha in the belly of the worm would wake up. In order to survive, the attendant did not stop doing so, and simply killed the sleeping Kurakcha.

In this way, the attendant finally waited for the late rescue, but when the dirty snowball opened, the aliens who came to the rescue did not find Kurakcha, and Riladama immediately ordered the attendant to be controlled.

With alien technology, it was easy to find out the truth of the incident. After learning what the attendant had done, Riladama almost died of anger on the spot, and directly ordered the attendant to be made into insect food.

Insect eating is one of the most cruel punishments for aliens. This punishment is not to throw people directly to insects to eat, but to deal with people so that they have super recovery ability, and then fix them in the insect nest. In the middle, feed enough food every day, and then let the bugs eat every day, but control the bugs so that the bugs do not eat all at once.

Insects eat every day, and the parts eaten by the insects grow out every day. This process can continue indefinitely, and it will not end for decades or even hundreds of years.

In order to enhance the suffering of the tortured, the aliens also added special ingredients to the food to make the victim's nerves extremely sensitive but remain awake, amplifying the pain infinitely.

The punishment of eating insects is not only the tortured person, but also the aliens have to consume a lot of food. For aliens who are short of supplies, it is definitely a means that is not worth the loss, so it will never be used unless it is extremely special.

If it weren't for the shortage of supplies in the fleet after leaving Saturn, the aliens have a more cruel advanced version of insect food, that is, through biochemical means, the victim is turned into a large ball of meat, and at the same time, it is eaten by a group of giant insects, and each bite is eaten. , can make life worse than death for the victim.

How to punish the servant is not the point, the point is what to do next.

The social structure of aliens is similar to that of a feudal dictatorship. Without Kurakcha, the aliens seem to have lost their backbone... It is not that the social structure of aliens is backward, but that in the long interstellar journey, they must put power Concentration can ensure the effective use of limited resources. If there are other systems, there will inevitably be waste of resources to varying degrees.

The aliens who are used to this kind of system don't know what to do without the backbone.

The high-level aliens headed by Riladama also divided into several opinions. One is to search for the DNA left by Kurakcha and re-cloning a new Kurakcha. This kind of clone is very common in the alien society, and its identity and status can be acknowledged.

The second is to reshuffle the cards, elect a new leader, and lead the aliens out of the predicament.

The last and most rejected opinion is to bring back the same clan on the starship and join forces to fight against humans.

After some Ma successfully ascended the throne, and the first decision he made was to lead the fleet to retreat to the edge of the solar system.

Riladama knew that the edge of the solar system was poor, but only by escaping the effective control of humans could the alien fleet get a chance to breathe.

The materials at the edge of the solar system are not sufficient, but they are enough to maintain a limited group. However, the development of military strength will definitely be greatly restricted. It will be difficult to accumulate strength, and the possibility of competing for Blue Star again is very small.

Before leaving, Riladama did not forget to inform the kin on the starship.

At this time, the fuel of the Chentang was almost consumed, and it had to return to Beiyuezhou to replenish fuel supplies; the Huo Qubing had just passed the asteroid belt and was on its way to the Uranus region; the Lone Wolf had already filled the main beam, The dismantled hull is being re-installed, and it will take a while to sail.

The alien fleet escaped just in time for such a lack of connection, causing the entire human society to be embarrassed.

If there is no problem with the Lone Wolf, it should have returned to the Uranus area by now... Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a war, and the military can only watch the alien fleet escape from the Uranus area, with a total of more than 1,500 enemy ships!

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