MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1947 consecutive losses

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A few days later, the Lone Wolf approached from behind Io Zero.

The planetary engine is still hidden under the water, and the fog on the sea surface near the light column is surging, and the water surface cannot be seen at all. The electric light was looming, and the fog cone did not completely disperse until it approached the top of the atmosphere.

Not only was the vicinity of the beam of light shrouded in fog, but the high temperature and a large amount of dissipated water vapor had changed the climate of at least half of Io.

On the bridge of the Lone Wolf, Ye Han, who was sitting in the command chair, stared blankly at Rei Ki on the screen, not knowing what was on his mind.

"Ten thousand kilometers—" He Lu loudly reported the distance between the battleship and Io Zero.

Ye Han raised his head as if returning to his soul: "Keep the current distance, aim at the bottom of the beam of light, a super nuclear bomb, ready to launch!"

"Super nuclear bomb is ready!"


As soon as the voice fell, a missile flew away from the Lone Wolf. A few minutes later, the high-speed missile plunged into the atmosphere and turned into a falling meteor in a blink of an eye.

After a short while, the meteor disappeared in the thick fog.

The bridge was quiet, and everyone waited silently.

Everyone knows that such a test will not yield any results, but no one thinks that the Lone Wolf can destroy the planetary engine in one step. The process of testing is also a process of understanding the situation, so testing is essential.

A few seconds later, a bright bright light suddenly burst out from the thick water mist, and then the mushroom cloud rose from the bottom of the beam of light, and a strong shock wave swept all directions, blowing away the dense fog and clouds nearby, revealing the sea that was tumbling like a pot of boiling water.

This is the first time that a super nuclear bomb has exploded on the surface of a planet with an atmosphere. With the blasting point as the center, a strong shock wave swept across thousands of kilometers of water. No matter the storm or heavy rain, all were swept away by the shock wave. Under the surface of the water, there were even darker tides. A few hours later, a tsunami with a height of more than 200 meters landed abruptly, and almost washed the land on Callisto with sea water.

But it was all in vain, the beam of light penetrated the mushroom cloud effortlessly, without the slightest offset.

Ye Han had already guessed the result, but after seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but sigh: "Use a torpedo."

Another missile left the ship. This time, it was not detonated on the surface, but plunged into the water. Driven by the propeller, it moved towards the planetary engine hidden in the water.

However, the underwater undercurrent was stronger than expected, and the torpedo moved forward with difficulty in the chaotic undercurrent until the last trace of stored electricity was exhausted, and it failed to get close to the planetary engine, and finally exploded underwater.

This time, the beam of light finally fluctuated a little. It seemed that the nuclear explosion played a role. However, after careful analysis, it was found that it was only the undercurrent generated by the nuclear explosion that made the underwater planetary engine tremble a few times, but it still did not have any effect.

With a helpless sigh, Ye Han gave an order to continue, and the third missile flew away from the battleship. This missile entered the water on the sea surface far from the beam of light, and the submerged torpedo clinged to the seabed and quickly headed towards the planetary engine.

Ye Han felt that there should be more gains this time, but the torpedo was surrounded by a group of aquatic giant insects before it went far, and the torpedo was entangled so that it could not advance or retreat, until it had no choice but to explode a few minutes later.

Ye Han gritted his teeth fiercely, and simply ordered a saturation attack. The two sides of the Lone Wolf immediately opened, and the two missile nests were fired at the fastest speed. Fifty missiles fell from the sky and fell into the sea near the beam of light. After cracking open, fifty torpedoes rushed towards the planetary engine.

But although there are many torpedoes, there are more giant insects underwater. The giant insects that have come out of nowhere are surrounded and entangled in the torpedoes one by one.

Ye Han's eyelids jumped, and he made a decisive decision and ordered one of the nuclear bombs to be detonated.

A super nuclear bomb detonated suddenly, causing extremely high water pressure and super undercurrent, and the nearby aquatic giant insects were crushed by the huge water pressure. Insect blood squeezed out from the cracks in the carapace.

Some torpedoes were also destroyed by high pressure, and the high pressure also triggered a special nuclear bomb fuze, causing the nuclear bomb to explode. The successive nuclear explosions caused chaos under the water... Most of these nuclear bombs are ordinary nuclear bombs, and super nuclear bombs only have Two!

This is not only because the number of super nuclear bombs is scarce, but also because Ye Han has sufficient confidence in the power of the nuclear bomb. As long as the nuclear bomb explodes after touching the planetary engine, even if the planetary engine cannot be destroyed, it can stop this thing.

Fifty nuclear bombs exploded more than 20 in a row before they stopped. The aquatic giant insects that were circling around the torpedo all turned into corpses that sank to the bottom of the water. Some giant insects were too tightly wrapped, and they still hung on the torpedo after death. , was carried by the torpedo to the planetary engine.

Just when everyone thought there would be something to gain this time, dense aquatic giant worms gushed out from the bottom of the water, and they swam even faster than torpedoes. After a while, a group of giant insects rushed up and entangled the torpedo again.

Ye Han did not hesitate to detonate the super nuclear bomb again. When the chain explosion ended again, there were only four intact torpedoes left.

But they still had no chance to get close to the planetary engine, and were once again entangled by giant insects from the bottom of the water.

Ye Han was so angry that he almost went mad, and wanted to jump into the water and kill all the giant insects.

After several attempts, there was no Everyone didn't know what to do next, and everyone's eyes fell on Ye Han.

Ye Han thought about it for a while, and felt that continuing the saturation attack would have no results. After thinking about it, it seemed that only when the planetary engine came to the surface would there be a chance to destroy it.

No matter what, it is impossible for aliens to raise the planetary engine...

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly came up with an idea. Since the planetary engine cannot be destroyed, then eliminating all the aliens who control it will not solve the problem of Io zero?

Although he doesn't know where the aliens are hiding now, he knows that Io Zero's core is hollow. If a super nuclear bomb can be transported into Io Zero's interior and blast Io Zero's core, what will be the final result?

His eyes turned to the continent on the side of Io Zero, which was being ravaged by a tsunami towering like a wall. It was necessary to wait until the tsunami was over before the landing troops could be sent up.

It's just that so many nuclear bombs have been detonated continuously underwater, and there are several waves of tsunamis hidden underwater. For safety's sake, we must wait for the tsunami to end before sending the marines up!