MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1950 swirl

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The Lone Wolf, which had been silent for many days, suddenly began to adjust its orientation. Soon after, it moved to the left front of Io, and the edge of the continent was directly below the battleship.

Ye Han mobilized the remote sensing equipment of the whole ship to scan the target position in an all-round way. It was found that the depth of the underwater canyon was much deeper than expected, with a vertical depth of no less than ten kilometers. It was not so much an underwater canyon. Rather, it's an ocean trench.

He immediately gave an order to the damage department, and the 3D printer on the ship immediately began to print the pressure shell for the torpedo.

A few hours later, after the pressure casing was printed and took a while to be mounted on the missile, the specially made missile ejected from the battleship and flew towards Io Zero.

As before, the aliens still did not appear this time, the missile easily fell into the atmosphere, and fell accurately into the sea water, successfully releasing the torpedo in the warhead.

The underwater canyon was too narrow, Ye Han had no confidence in the guidance system on the torpedo, so he simply took over the torpedo and manually controlled the torpedo to sink all the way to the bottom.

At the beginning, the picture returned by the torpedo was a sea of ​​blue water, and a few strange-looking alien fish could be seen from time to time in the water, but after a while, the torpedo drilled into the canyon, and the brightness around it dropped rapidly. After a while, the screen was pitch black and nothing could be seen on the screen.

But until this time, the torpedo still failed to reach the bottom of the sea. Ye Han could only determine the location of the torpedo through the detection equipment on the battleship. It turned out that there was still a full two-thirds of the distance from the bottom of the water!

After another ten minutes, the torpedo finally hit the bottom, Ye Han let out a long breath, and immediately issued an instruction to detonate.

The underwater depth of more than 10,000 meters suddenly burst into a strong light, and was quickly submerged by the surrounding sea water. The narrow canyon was forcibly opened by the explosion, and the violent undercurrent swept the four directions.

The nuclear explosion caused all signals to be interrupted, and the remote sensing equipment on the ship could not detect any data. At this moment, Ye Han could only wait patiently.

A small vortex soon appeared above the target point. At the beginning, this phenomenon did not attract anyone's attention. Everyone just thought it was one of the side effects caused by the nuclear explosion.

But the inconspicuous vortex soon changed, the diameter was getting bigger and bigger, the center was getting deeper and deeper, and the edge even touched the shore. Drag them into the water.

Ye Han suddenly frowned: "Something's wrong!"

He Lu was startled: "Captain, what's wrong?"

Ye Han pointed to the whirlpool on the screen: "If this thing was caused by a nuclear bomb, it should have disappeared by now, but after so long, the whirlpool has not disappeared, but it has gradually expanded. Do you think this is normal?"

He Lu immediately realized that the situation was wrong: "Is it abnormal... You mean, there is space under water?" Although he has not studied advanced knowledge such as fluid mechanics, he still knows the cause of the vortex.

Ye Han nodded: "If I guessed correctly, it should be the nuclear explosion that penetrated the underground space and the seawater lost a lot, and this vortex appeared!"

He couldn't think of a way at first, so he decided to give it a try as a dead horse doctor, but he didn't expect to get unexpected results.

He Lu's eyes lit up: "Captain, this thing is hollow, if all the water is poured into it..."

Ye Han immediately understood: "Print a few more sets of pressure shells immediately, the sooner the better!"

Regardless of whether the nuclear bomb just blew through the underground space or not, in short, this vortex is likely to be a breakthrough to break the deadlock. As long as there is still such a glimmer of hope, Ye Han is willing to give it a try.

The waiting time was always so long, Ye Han kept an eye on the printing progress of the pressure shell while staring at the whirlpool on the sea, for fear that the whirlpool would disappear in the next second.

It wasn't until the new pressure shell was printed that Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief and launched the second missile at the fastest speed... After the second torpedo fell into the water, it was immediately swept away by the vortex and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The scheduled detonation time of the nuclear bomb was 30 minutes, but after half an hour, there was no movement under the water. Ye Han was looking forward to and worried, and the remaining nuclear bombs did not know whether they should continue to drop.

A few minutes later, the change finally appeared. The vortex that had stabilized suddenly slowed down, but after a while, the vortex expanded again. Not only did the diameter expand, but the flow rate of the sea water also accelerated a lot.

Ye Han, who witnessed this scene, was very hesitant. He didn't know if he should continue to launch nuclear bombs, but he soon made up his mind to launch another missile.

He can already be sure that the underwater nuclear explosion must have blown through the underground space, so much sea water poured into the hole, and the aliens must be busy sealing the hole.

Continuing to release nuclear bombs may widen the fissure or block the breach, but if the nuclear bomb is not released, it will be a matter of time before aliens block the passage.

The lesser of the two evils, Ye Han still felt that it would be more beneficial for mankind to continue blasting.

For the next period of time, a nuclear bomb was thrown every half an hour, and the vortex also fluctuated several times, but the general trend continued to expand, but one side of the vortex was blocked by the coast, and the diameter did not continue to expand.

However, the speed of the sea water accelerated again and again, and the seemingly solid coast was crumbling under the impact of the current.

After the last nuclear bomb was thrown into the whirlpool, Ye Han stared at the swirling sea water for a long time, always hesitating whether to continue.

Judging from the current situation, the nuclear bombs thrown into the sea have indeed achieved unprecedented results, and it is said that they should continue their efforts. But the nuclear bombs all happened underwater, and there is no actual effect at What should I do if the results fall short?

After thinking about it, Ye Han finally decided to observe it for a few days, but after only a few hours, He Lu hurriedly found Ye Han: "Captain, there is a situation!"

Ye Han's heart skipped a beat: "What happened?"

He Lu grinned: "I compared the satellite data just now and found that the position of the planetary engine has risen a little..."

"What? How is this possible?" Ye Han couldn't believe it at all, staring at He Lu with wide eyes.

There has been no change for such a long time, what is going on with the rise at this time? Could it be that the rise and fall of the planetary engine is related to the seawater, and the seawater is now pouring into the underground space, pushing the planetary engine out?

He Ludao: "We also thought it was unlikely, and then a few of us analyzed it and thought that it might be that the seawater lost a lot, and the sea level dropped a little..."

Ye Han couldn't believe his ears: "Are you all okay? With such a big planet and such a big sea surface, how much sea water will the sea level drop by one centimeter? It only takes a few hours to measure it? Do you believe it? "

Read The Duke's Passion