MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 1952 Cooperation and sharing

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The unwilling aliens struggled for another week, and finally realized that the offset problem could not be corrected with the angle at all. In desperation, they could only temporarily stop. www.


The destruction of the planetary engine makes the aliens extremely angry. It is something left by ancestors who do not know how many generations ago. Today's aliens only know how to use it, but don't know how to repair it. If it is damaged, there is no hope of repairing it. .


And this is exactly what human beings want to see the most. No matter the fleet in front or the high-level executives in the rear, they are all ecstatic when they hear the news.


However, in addition to the joy, everyone kept the necessary calm. After all, the time was short, and no one could guarantee that the situation would not recur.


The human battleships that were following Io near didn't dare to withdraw. Either they would always follow like the Lone Wolf, or they would change batches every once in a while like the international fleet. In short, they stared at Io.


The situation turned out to be repeated, the aliens hiding in the dark did not die, and they started the planetary engine and tried several times, but I don’t know if the aliens’ technology was not good enough, or for some other reason, every test ended in failure. .


Ye Han was a little confused. At this time, why do aliens still think about planetary engines? Shouldn't they go all out against the seawater pouring into the subterranean space?


He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't grasp the clue.


In a blink of an eye, it was the beginning of September. The aliens who had been tossing about for nearly a month finally gave up. Since then, the planetary engine has never been started again. Io slowly and firmly drifted away from the earth's orbit under the action of inertia, and slowly approached. Mars orbit.


At this time, there is still more than a full year before the scheduled impact time. With the offset speed of Io zero, it will definitely be far away from the earth in a year, not to mention the impact, even the tide in the sea will not rise by half a minute!


However, the more critical the moment is, the more difficult it is to relax. All the human battleships that follow Io Zero dare not be careless at all. Each post must be assigned a 24-hour rotation, and once an abnormality is found, it will be dealt with immediately.


But the aliens really haven't moved anymore... It's not that they don't want to move, but they simply don't have the ability.


In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed. At the end of March 2039, the sea level of Io finally dropped below 200 meters, and the planetary engine came out of the water.


The water came out two months later than expected, but it finally came out.


The expert team sent by Beidu had been on standby on the Lone Wolf for a long time. After the planetary engine was out of water, the expert team ignored Ye Han's obstruction and boarded the planetary engine for the first time.


Not only did Beidu send a team of experts, but the base group also sent top engineers. The two sides worked together to study planetary engines together.


If it is possible, Beidu will never give the base group a chance, but the extraterrestrial technology on Io Zero is too advanced, and it is difficult to continue research with the strength of the Beidu family alone.


Beidu also considered continuing to block Io Zero, but after careful consideration, he finally gave up the idea of ​​​​bringing a broom and took the initiative to negotiate with Washington, and reached an agreement to cooperate in the development of extraterrestrial technology.


To put it simply, it is to jointly develop and share technology... Beidu has studied planetary engines for a long time, but for so many years, only one super engine has been developed, and no other results have been produced. The odds of a breakout are higher.


As long as the manufacturing technology of planetary engines is mastered, interstellar space will no longer be a barrier that restricts human beings. At that time, human beings can completely go out of the solar system and conduct real interstellar colonies!


Of course, the al-Qaeda group also paid a lot to reach this agreement, and made certain concessions in the interests of the earth, moon, Mars and other places.


There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and this is an irreversible truth no matter how long it is.


Well, it's impossible for Beidu to suffer such a big loss in vain. It's definitely impossible without some quid pro quo.


However, Beidu did not plan to start researching planetary engines so early, nor did he expect that the aliens would put the planetary engines here and not take them back.


Ye Han has always been worried that the aliens will suddenly start the planetary engine. In that case, the landing team will be completely finished. Fortunately, the aliens seem to have really given up.


However, the planetary engine is too big. Although the expert team successfully landed, the ring structure is still full of seawater, and it is impossible to study the structure inside.


The expert group can only use auxiliary means such as submersibles, and then look at the situation inside.


Ye Han really didn't know what to say about the impatience of the expert group.


Actually, I can't blame the expert group for being anxious. Io Zero is deviating from the Earth's orbit, and no one knows where this thing will eventually fly. If you don't hurry now, there will be no chance in the future.


What else can Ye Han say? The experts were left to stay below, and only a few marines were sent to serve as escorts.


It's not that he doesn't pay attention to the safety of the expert group, but that it's useless to send too much.


Since then, the expert team has been stationed in the planetary engine, and everyone works in three shifts twenty-four hours a day... Anyway, Io has no rotation, and twenty-four hours are full of daylight.


Ye Han is a professional soldier, and he is an expert in fighting wars, but he is really not that material when it comes to research. Since he can't help, he can honestly help with logistics or something.


At this time, Io has clearly deviated from the earth's orbit. Even if there is no interference, there is no threat to the earth. It's just that the high-level officials of various countries dare not put their hearts back in their stomachs, so the fleet has been following Io.


There is no In this crisis, there is neither a life-and-death battle, nor a soul-stirring hero. No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel like a child's play. If you are a person, you have to worry about aliens leaving behind.


In a blink of an eye, it will be the end of 2039. This is the time when the impact is expected to occur. All human warships that remain near the earth are all ready to go. Earth's impact is small enough to be ignored.


Until Io flew far away, many people still couldn't believe it, and it ended like this?


For ordinary people on earth, it may indeed be over, but for the high-level officials and military of various countries, as long as Io is in the solar system for one day, the war is not over.


However, the current speed of Io is not very fast. If the aliens no longer start the planetary engine, Io will never be able to leave the solar system.


At the beginning of 2040, Huo Qubing and Chen Tang were ordered to return to Beiyuezhou. After a comprehensive overhaul of the warships, the two warships set off again for the outer Neptune area, and the operation to destroy the remaining aliens officially started.