MTL - Armor Frenzy-Chapter 4 extrusion

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Ye Han is very clear that the arthropods of the giant insect can easily pierce the hatch door. The so-called sense of security is just a psychological illusion. The problem is that the brain cannot control this feeling at all!

The giant insect's two huge compound eyes suddenly appeared in Ye Han's mind. The giant insect has such glasses, the possibility of not seeing him is infinitely close to zero, probably because he is busy eating and can't care about him.

A sense of crisis immediately poured out from the bottom of my heart. Time is running out. If you stay for one more second, there is a danger of one more second!

Ye Han hurriedly started the engine, and there was a sudden roar in the belly of the boat. Ye Han looked back in his busy schedule, and found that the giant insect seemed to be aware of it, and actually stopped eating.

Looking at the pair of huge compound eyes, he even had the illusion that the giant insect was blinking!

There was a sudden shock in his heart, Ye Han resisted the uneasiness and pushed the accelerator lightly, the propeller in the water turned from static, stirring the water flow quickly, the hull that had been stagnant for a long time moved forward slowly and steadily accelerated.

It seemed that he felt the movement of the ship, the giant insect's forelimbs suddenly pressed down, the hull suddenly tilted to the left, and there was chaos in the cabin again, but this time no one shouted, even if he couldn't control his mouth, at least he knew how to cover his mouth tightly.

The speed of the boat was getting faster and faster. Under the impact of the current, the giant worm's amazing body lifted out of the water. As the speed of the boat increased, the worm's legs gradually showed signs of slipping.

The giant worm couldn't even care about the corpse hanging on its legs. Several arthropods were scratching, hooking the side of the ship, pressing the hull to a large extent. The edge was almost flush with the water surface, and the hull was at any time There is a possibility of overturning.

The guardrail made of welded steel pipes was like noodles being torn apart by giant insects, causing Ye Han's lips to tremble in pain... This is all money!

But now is not the time to feel distressed about money. If the giant worm continues to climb up, maybe even the boat will have to get in. At that time, it will really be a widow and a dead child.

Ye Han broke out in a cold sweat, turned around and shouted at the cabin: "Keep to the right, keep to the right—"

Everyone crawled to the right, and even Professor Qin, who was far inferior to the young man, moved to the right with the help of the students.

The massive hull of the ship has finally recovered a bit, but the symptoms are not cured. As long as the giant insect hanging on the port side climbs up, the ship will be destroyed and the death will be right in front of you!

How to do?

Sweat flowed into the corner of Ye Han's eyes, and the sting caused his eyes to hurt. He blinked quickly, and suddenly saw yacht No. 417 in front of the left.

A bold thought arose in Ye Han's heart, he turned the rudder without hesitation and rushed towards boat 417.

At this time, the straight-line distance between the two boats was less than 30 meters. The faster and faster fishing swims went straight to the 417 boat. Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

Bai Xiaoting's eyes widened in astonishment: "What does he want to do?" She didn't think Ye Han would be at this moment

Seeing that the two boats were about to collide, I don't know who made an exclamation: "He's crazy!" The exclamation immediately set off everyone's emotions.

Ye Han didn't pay any attention to the movement in the cabin, and focused all his attention on the 417 boat. At the critical moment when the distance between the two boats was only three to five meters, and they were about to collide, he turned the rudder suddenly to the right, and the fisherman who couldn't brake was too late. You slammed into the 417 boat heavily on the port side, making a dull loud noise.

The collision caused chaos in the cabin. The instruments that were originally placed on the small table fell one after another, and several students who couldn't respond fell into a ball.

The giant worm caught between the two ships, like a cockroach trampled by an urchin, made a clear and crisp explosion.

Ye Han didn't dare to be careless, and drove Yuyou closely to the No. 417 boat to rub forward, squeezing the giant worm caught between the two boats.

The giant jaw of the giant worm opened painfully, and a foul-smelling liquid mixed with worm blood, human blood, pieces of meat and broken bones poured out of the worm's jaw, and the viscous liquid fell on the deck, spreading a thick layer.

When the deck got on the stench, the stench filled the sky, causing the cabin to vomit, as if everyone had turned into a pregnant woman.

The two boats slowly separated, the giant worm hooked on the huge arthropod on the port side soft and loose, and slowly sank into the water with Wu Ming, whose life and death were unknown, and the fishing trip finally regained its balance.

Ye Han rushed out of the cockpit for the first time, endured the pungent stench on the edge of the deck and looked out, and found a finger-width crack on the port side of the hull.

Ye Han's complexion changed greatly, staring at the crack, wanting to cry without tears.

When the two ships collided, he felt that the sound of the collision was a little wrong, but he did not expect that the waterline was damaged!

Professor Qin found that Ye Han's expression was wrong, so he quickly asked with concern. "Little Leaf, what's wrong?"

Professor Qin has experienced too many twists and turns in his 70-year life. Although the situation he is currently encountering is unheard of, he is still able to maintain his composure.

"The boat is leaking!" Ye Han's expression was very solemn, "At most ten minutes!"

Although the crack is not wide, Ye Han's boat is not too big, and the speed of receiving the leaking water is too late to return to the dock.

There was an uproar in the cabin,

"Then what are you waiting for, let's change boats!" The man with glasses said, pointing to boat 417, which was close at hand.

When everyone heard this, they nodded, and they seemed to change boats immediately.

Ye Han turned to look at the deck of the 417 boat and shook his head: "Come and see for yourself, if you are willing to change boats, I will not stop me." After that, he went straight to the cockpit, without saying a word of redundant words.

Sometimes, it is better to take a look at it in person than to explain 10,000 sentences.

The thin man with glasses was as nimble as a monkey. He was the first to jump out of the cabin. UU read glanced at the deck of 417. A cold air instantly rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and he retreated with a pale face. return.

The deck of 417 was stained with blood, but there was only blood and no corpses, and a hole with a diameter of no less than two meters was opened in the front bulkhead.

Although it is not clear what happened on the 417 boat, anyone with normal thinking ability who sees this scene can guess what happened to the 417 boat.

The others rushed out of the cabin one after another, but the result was similar to the man with glasses, and they returned with a broken face.

Although Bai Xiaoting didn't see the situation on the 417 boat with her own eyes, she could see some clues from the expressions of her companions. Fear quickly overwhelmed her curiosity, and she resolutely gave up the idea of ​​satisfying her curiosity.

Several boys whispered to discuss, and one of them said loudly: "Brother Ye, send us to that ship!"

"Zhou Haiyang, what do you want to do!" Professor Qin asked.

Although he didn't leave the cabin, how could he not guess what Bai Xiaoting could guess?

"Professor, at least you won't drown in that boat." The strong Zhou Haiyang retorted.

Ye Han said solemnly: "I won't stop you if you want to change boats, but I have to say it first. My boat can't go back to the dock, but I can drive to the island in the center of the lake in five minutes at most."

Several boys were stunned for a moment, and Professor Qin said angrily, "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and start the boat!"

Zhou Haiyang and the others woke up like a dream and quickly returned to the cabin.

Ye Han, who never believed in any gods, closed his eyes and started the engine. The familiar roar came into his ears. He immediately let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately set off for the fishing tour to the island in the center of the lake.

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