MTL - Arrival of the Alternate World: My Identity as the Holy Emperor Got Exposed by My Daughter-Chapter 12 A weak and helpless little flower demon?

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[Trial 2: Those selected please bring the demon-eating flower to the Fengguchi. 】

[After completing the trial, you can get a reward from heaven, and there is also a chance to draw a lottery in the three-star lottery pool. 】

[Reminder: Fenggu Pool has been located successfully, please complete the trial within three hours for those selected, overdue will be completely obliterated, I wish everyone good luck. 】

"Although it's only three hours, we still have a great chance to complete the trial, and this reward is really tempting, and there is a chance to draw a lottery."

"Since those two girls have found the Demon Eater Flower, the next step must be to go to Fengguchi."

"Brother Long, shall our next step be to determine the way to Fengguchi first, and then cut off the beard?"

The other three selectors who followed Dong Long were also very greedy.

After all, after completing the final trial, not only will you be rewarded with Heavenly Dao coins, but you will also be able to draw a lottery. If you are so lucky and get the blessing of strength, wouldn't you be a big winner in life.

Dong Long's eyes changed again. He thought the three chosen ones around him were too stupid, they were completely blinded by greed, and even forgot about the crisis.

That's right!

Dong Long is more greedy, but he is more scheming, and he is vicious enough, because he never regarded the three chosen as partners from the beginning to the end.

His idea at the beginning was to take everything for himself, and then enjoy the fruits of victory alone.

Tiandao live broadcast rooms on major platforms.

At this time, the water friends watching the live broadcast had a heated discussion.

"Wang Wanqing and Su Qianqian are only twenty-three miles away from Fengguchi. I think the next thing is the real nightmare!"

"However, the time is only three hours, it is impossible for them to complete the trial!"

"Dong Long and the others are going to kill Hu? Don't they really realize that they are at the gate of hell?"

"Maybe this is people making money, and dead birds dying for food!"

"I would have done the same if I had done it. There is no way out."

"Dong Long is a ruthless man, he is the most hopeful to be alive, especially in this demon-eating forest where there is no law, Dong Long's potential will be magnified several times."

Many people think that Dong Long has the greatest chance of surviving.

As for the three chosen ones beside Dong Long, they simply don't have the ability to survive.

And everyone thinks that Su Qianqian is still safe and sound, it is all due to the luck against the sky, but luck is not something that can be blessed by luck all the time, at most it is just two or three times.

But in this perilous demon-eating forest, there are not only three or two crises, but many dangers along the way, so it is impossible for luck to favor Su Qianqian all the time.

In the cave of the fox demon.

The demon-eating flower is still in the flower field, just hiding temporarily, but the flower field is not big, it is not difficult to find the demon-eating flower again, but the problem is how to safely bring the demon-eating flower to Fengguchi.

Wang Wanqing believes that on the way to Fengguchi, it is more dangerous than the previous encounters.

At this moment, Wang Wanqing shifted her gaze to the fox demon, and then said: "After taking us to Fengguchi, I will immediately return your heart to you."

The fox demon also knew the identities of Wang Wanqing and others' chosen ones, and the sound of the Heavenly Dao system, which was broadcast just now, also reached the fox demon's ears.

The fox demon said in a cold tone: "Do you know where Fengguchi is, and what dangers you will encounter on the way to Fengguchi? Don't expect me to protect you."

"If I die, you don't even think about being safe and sound." Wang Wanqing was always on guard against the fox demon. If she didn't have a heart-shaped crystal life-saving talisman, let alone negotiating conditions, she had been eaten by the fox demon before.

The fox demon not only agreed, but also compromised.

It was definitely not because of Wang Wanqing's intimidation.

What the fox demon cares about is whether the little girl Su Qianqian is really a hidden figure.

So when the fox demon planned to go with Wang Wanqing and the others, he took the opportunity to find out if Su Qianqian was unusual.

If the fox demon knows that Su Qianqian is just an ordinary little girl, then the fox demon will never compromise immediately, and even kill Wang Wanqing and Su Qianqian immediately.

"Big sister, we're going to take the demon-eating flower to Fengguchi, so we can go out, is it like this?" Su Qianqian's gaze shifted to Wang Wanqing.

Wang Wanqing nodded lightly and said: "Qianqian is really smart, she can understand so quickly, but the road will be very dangerous, you try to hide behind the fox demon, she will not hurt us."

At this time, the fox demon spoke again: "Fenggu Pond is the growth paradise of the demon-eating flower. Once the demon-eating flower is allowed to go back, this place will become a horrible purgatory again."

"It has nothing to do with me." Wang Wanqing didn't care what would happen to the Demon Eater Forest in the future.

She only cares about the trial, as long as she brings the demon-eating flower to Fengguchi, then she can leave the demon-eating forest alive.

"What will happen to the demon-eating forest in the future really has nothing to do with you, but on the way, you will be enemies of all the monsters in the demon-eating forest. Do you still think that this concubine can protect you?"

The fox demon said this to Su Qianqian, she thought that if Su Qianqian was really capable, then she would continue to compromise, otherwise, she would immediately break up.

Not only does the fox demon not want to be enemies with all the monsters in the demon-eating forest, she even wants to kill Wang Wanqing and Su Qianqian.

For nothing else, just because the fox demon was forced to negotiate terms by a human being, it was a shame to himself.

Su Qianqian said to the demon-eating flower hiding in the flower field: "Come out, I'll take you to Fengguchi, or you won't be able to get home on time for dinner."

Neither Wang Wanqing nor the fox demon thought that the demon-eating flower would appear, but the demon-eating flower really walked in front of Su Qianqian.

Because of this, Wang Wanqing saw clearly the appearance of the Demon Eater Flower.

The demon-eating flower's head is like a red sunflower, its body is very slender and yellowed, it looks malnourished, and it has limbs and roots under its feet.

Whether it is a demon-eating flower that looks like a human, or a little girl that looks like a flower, people are foolishly unclear.

Perhaps this is the juvenile form of the Demon-eating Flower.

The Demon Eater Flower suddenly spoke: "I won't go out, it's too dangerous outside, I'm just a weak and helpless little flower demon, I'm so scared!"

Wang Wanqing can understand what the fox demon said. Although the demon-eating flower is still very weak, it is just a little demon. Once the demon-eating flower returns to Fengguchi, the demon-eating flower will become the demon king!

But Wang Wanqing didn't care about the result.

"Little Huahua, don't be afraid, my father said, don't be afraid."

Su Qianqian has always believed in what her father said, and she has not suffered any harm since she was sent to the demon-eating forest.

But at this moment.

Through the Tiandao live broadcast room, the water friends who watched the demon-eating forest were shocked.

The reason was that Dong Long and the others encountered a crisis.

"What the hell?"

Read The Duke's Passion