MTL - Arrival of the Alternate World: My Identity as the Holy Emperor Got Exposed by My Daughter-Chapter 8 Being absorbed 120 years of life!

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That means the demon way can't beat the fox demon!

If you can beat it well, how can you give up your "prey" to the fox demon.

But the current demon way can only be incompetent and furious, and watch helplessly as the fox demon takes Su Qianqian and Wang Wanqing away.

Yaodao saw the back of the fox demon disappear from sight, gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it... Pindao remembers this account!"

Weasels are born to hold grudges!

Waiting for the Taoism of the demon way to surpass the fox demon, it is estimated that he will go to the fox demon as soon as possible to settle this account severely!

Suddenly, Yao Dao's originally ferocious face revealed a strange smile.

And in the Tiandao live broadcast rooms on major platforms.

Thousands of water friends once again erupted.

The live broadcast in Tiandao Studio was originally divided into nine screens, corresponding to the live broadcast of the nine selected candidates.

Except for the three split screens that have turned into pitch black, the other six split screens are still live, which means that there are still six selected people who have not died.

However, the reason why all the water friends were in a panic was that Dong Long and the others were about to encounter the Demon Dao.

Originally, the Yaodao suffered a dumb loss at the hands of the fox demon. Now that Dong Long and the others have been bumped into by the Yaodao again, how can there be any reason to let it go easily?

"If you can escape the first day of junior high school, you can't escape the fifteenth day!"

"No way, this is an alien dungeon with three-star difficulty."

"Su Qianqian and Wang Wanqing were taken away by the fox demon. Their fate will definitely be worse than Dong Long's!"

Through the Tiandao live broadcast room, they saw Su Qianqian and Wang Wanqing being taken away by the heart-eating fox demon with their own eyes. It is conceivable how miserable the fate will be.

Most of the water friends believe that Dong Long and the others are about to encounter the demon way, and the end will not be much better, but the chance of survival.

A burst of yellow mist enveloped the surroundings, and suddenly Dong Long and the others broke out in a cold sweat.

But Dong Long and the others felt that something was wrong, and retreated first.

But for some reason, Dong Long and the others seemed to be bound by the body-holding technique, and they couldn't move at all.

But their bodies were not bound by any rope or the like, but they just couldn't move.

Don't forget, demons can do sorcery.

In front of.

The demon path appeared in the mist.

"There are four of them!"

Yaodao looked at the four of Dong Long, and must have vented his anger next.

However, Dong Long and the others were astonished, they still didn't know what was going on.

Why is there a Taoist priest wearing a yellow robe in the demon-eating forest? Although he looks like a fairy, the evil spirit released from the demon Taoist body is more than twice as powerful as the green vine tree demon .

Dong Long and the others couldn't see Yao Dao's real body at all.

What they saw in Wang Wanqing's eyes was exactly the same. It was a yellow-robed man who seemed to be a demon, but also a fairy.

"Just use you to make up for the lost Taoism!"

Yaodao held a whisk in his hand, and then rose into the sky.

"Master, please forgive me!"

Dong Long was the first to beg for mercy, and he didn't have the toughness he had before.

Dong Long and the others had no power to resist in front of the Dao of the big demon level.

"Daoist, please spare me, please let me go!"

"As long as you let me go, let me do anything."

"The Taoist priest, please let me go!"

The four of Dong Long begged bitterly.

Yao Dao seemed to be moved, and even gave Dong Long and the others a chance to survive.

In other words, Dong Long's purpose was not to kill them, but to absorb their longevity.

Sure enough, Yaodao put on a superior posture, and said to Dong Long and the others: "It's okay to let Pindao spare your life!"

Hearing this, Dong Long and the others seemed to have walked through the gates of hell, and the cold sweat on their bodies soaked through their clothes.

They were terrified.

"Thank you, Daoist!"

"You are the most beautiful priest we have ever seen!"

"Three cleans, four emperors, five elders, etc., are not as good as a single hair of yours!"

Dong Long and the others quickly flattered Yaodao.

It's just that Yaodao doesn't accept this trick.

Yaodao said disdainfully: "Pindao just said that he would spare your lives, but he never said that he would let you go."

Yaodao continued: "For the sake of your piousness, each of you only needs to pay 20 years of life."

As soon as these words came out, Dong Long and the others panicked again.

Among the four Dong Long, they are all in their twenties to thirties.

If he was absorbed by the Yao Dao for twenty years, he would become an old man.

A long-haired man muttered: "Damn it, you demons want us to live twenty years."

Yaodao's ears moved, and it was obvious that he heard the long-haired man muttering.

"There are still opinions? Then everyone should pay thirty years of life!"

Yao Dao glared at Dong Long and the others angrily.

At this moment, Dong Long and the other two men cast fierce eyes on the long-haired man.

"You **** talk too much!"

"Why do you want to kill us?"


Dong Long and the other two candidates wanted to kill the long-haired man immediately.

Dong Long rolled his eyes and pulled the other two men to plead.

"Daoist, for the sake of our piousness, you can do it, we are willing to give twenty years of life."

"Thirty years of longevity is really too much, UU Reading It's tantamount to killing us!"

"I beg you to have a lot, my lord, please do me a favor!"

Among the four, Dong Long begged the hardest.

Although Dong Long and the others begged vigorously, Yao Dao remained unmoved.

"If you dare to talk too much, the poor will **** all your life away!"

In fact, the Yao Dao only needs to absorb ten years of lifespan to make up for the previously broken Taoism.

It's just that Yaodao spread all the anger he received on Dong Long and the others.


As the whisk in Yaodao's hand waved, strands of green light were absorbed into the whisk like thousands of strands.

In a blink of an eye, the four of Dong Long showed their old age.

Absorbing Yangshou is absorbing their essence, spirit and energy.

The long-haired man's originally jet-black and shiny hair now has gray temples and a few wrinkles on his face. He looks like he's aged more than thirty years, and has become an out-and-out old man. .

As for Dong Long and the other two men, they also had a lot of gray hair. Not only did they have more wrinkles on their faces, but they also had age spots.

Now they look like they are in their fifties or sixties.

Yaodao absorbed the Yangshou of Dong Long and the others, turned into a wisp of yellow smoke, and disappeared in place.

In the Tiandao live broadcast room, all the water friends sighed.


"They just lost thirty years of life."

"According to the average life expectancy, Dong Long and the others only have 20 or 30 years left."

"It's a blessing, at least it's alive now."

Everyone still believed that not only Dong Long and the others, but even Su Qianqian and the others could not survive in the Demon-eating Forest.

Read The Duke's Passion