MTL - Arrival of the Wealthy Wife-Chapter 4 Tune "husband" to leave the mountain]

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"Okay, we're home, you can go."

Seeing the stunned expression on Xiao Jingfeng's face, Li Jing'er felt relieved at all that there was nothing wrong with crossing the river and tearing down the bridge. guest.

She is also very fortunate that once she bought this house, if she couldn't go back to the mountain or it rained suddenly, she could go back to her nest in the village for one night and go up the mountain the next day. There are beds and beds on both sides. A cooking utensil.

There is a quilt and a few changes of clothes in the room. I don’t leave any valuables because I don’t use them often. I can just spend the night there. If I want to stay for a long time, I have to add a lot of things. She mainly keeps things simple and easy to clean. ,tidy.

There is a small open space in the yard. She is afraid of weeds growing. She planted Huajing fruit trees. Unlike vegetables, they need to be watered every day. Every time they go down the mountain to give enough water and then pull the weeds, the yard will be neat and clean, as if living in people .

It's just that Li Jing'er underestimated the thick-skinned "ex-husband", he had already issued an order to evict the guest, and he brazenly said that it was dark and the road was slippery, he didn't know the way, and he wanted to stay for one night, and he directly pushed open the door she was about to close, Entered the door as if returning home.

This has already constituted the crime of breaking and entering a private house! She thought very unpleasantly.

"I'm sorry, we don't keep guests at home. You can also see that we only have three rooms, one is the main hall, one is the kitchen room, and the other is the dwelling for four of us, mother and child. There is no place for you to sleep." Get out, she has no temper to deal with him.

"It's okay, I'll make a floor shop in the main hall." He looked at the small yard, secretly thinking about what he should do for her.

"I don't have a quilt, and I can't afford it." She put on an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and she was very annoyed that he couldn't be driven away, so she immediately put on a face.

"I'm not afraid of the cold. I used to sleep on the ground when I was marching and fighting. I was very happy to sleep. No one cares where I sleep. Now there is a roof and a wall to keep out the wind and rain. I can sleep as soon as I lie down." Let’s go.” He said as if sleeping in the house was a great blessing, and his upright face looked particularly radiant.

Does this mean how hard he fought? It's too early to make her feel soft. "Is the military camp allowed to stay out at night?"

In fact, Li Jinger felt a little sympathetic to him. She had a good understanding of the cruelty of war. No matter how many years passed, how the dynasty changed, the smoke of war would ignite from time to time. People died in the fighting every day, and it was really not easy for those who survived.

Bearing the hatred of the country and the family, the unwillingness and entrustment of the comrades before death, the expectations of the people, the soldiers sleep less, eat poorly, and live in shabby houses. They have to be on guard at all times, and keep their heads on their shoulders at all times. If you don’t pay attention, there may be no tomorrow. , Shrouded in the battlefield.

"I didn't live in the barracks. I was transferred to the Sanhe Guards not far from the village. It took me about an hour to go back and forth. I used to be a soldier in front of General Chen Rong. Later, I made some meritorious deeds and was promoted to the sixth rank of a hundred households. There are hundreds of people under him." He explained the current situation so that she could understand what he was doing.

"You don't need to tell me this, we have nothing to do with each other anymore." She didn't want to get caught up in the glory, and he had to bear the good and bad of this person.

Xiao Jingfeng was still smiling. "You know that people who have been on the battlefield have some tyranny. If I don't admit it and Li Shu doesn't count, you are still my wife."

"I made a document in the county government to cancel our marriage." The fact that he couldn't change it no matter how foolish he was, it was a foregone conclusion.

"Haven't you heard that officials and officials protect each other? Hundreds of households are also officials. If I take my soldiers to sit in the county government office, will he invite me to drink tea in a pleasant manner?"

When he smiled, he looked a few years younger and looked better.

"You're a scoundrel." Actually threatening others with force.

"I'm a rascal." Xiao Jingfeng admitted generously.

She stared angrily, "Does your mother know about this?"

"You mean I'm a scoundrel?" He grinned, with a bit of bitterness in his smile. "She hasn't had a chance to see it yet."

"You haven't been back?" The news that he was still alive should have been sent back to Wolong Village, but she cut off contact there, and never thought about inquiring again.

There was a trace of chill in the cold and serious face. "I suffered a serious injury that almost killed me. General Chen saw that I had been away from home for a long time and never returned, so he specially allowed me to return to my hometown to recuperate for a month, and then rejoined his army after the injury recovered..."

He narrated the scene of coming home.

When the Xiao family saw him covered in injuries, they didn't greet him ecstatically, but asked him why he didn't die in shock. His elder brother was in a hurry to send him away, but his mother picked up a broom and chased him away, telling him to leave quickly. , Don't reappear when you die.

At that time, the comrades who sent him home were dumbfounded, and many of them were speechless. One of them, who was more sophisticated in the world, hurriedly took out a piece of silver, and his mother turned her anger into joy and put down the broom. He bit the silver with his teeth to see if it was real.

Later, he was left behind, but instead of the original house, he lived in a woodshed. The family members said that they would not live long anyway, so they asked him to make do with it, so there was no need to move around.

What makes Xiao Jingfeng sad is not that they treat him as an outsider, but that he has been away from home for almost two years, and when he comes back, everything is changed, everyone is there, except his wife is gone.

"They said that you couldn't bear the loneliness and left with a peddler, but I didn't believe it, so I looked around for someone. Finally, Aunt Nine saw that my wound was open and bleeding, so she told me the truth in distress. At that time, my I couldn't bear to travel long distances, so I asked someone to inquire about your whereabouts, I thought you went to the capital..."

At that time, a bunch of disaster victims flocked to the imperial city, and the emperor ordered to open warehouses for disaster relief. Some honorable officials and wealthy families had no porridge sheds to give them gifts. It took several months for hundreds of thousands of disaster victims to return to their hometowns. The crowd slowly dispersed and recovered. The original calm.

But some people stayed. They had no land of their own, and they lost their houses.

In Li Jinger's situation, eight out of ten would guess that she followed the victims and would only have food in the capital, otherwise she would die.

Xiao Jingfeng also guessed so, he took out all the silver he had on his body to ask someone to find his wife, hoping to find his lost wife and daughter in the shortest possible time.

But he was disappointed.

Days passed day by day, and there was no news of Li Jinger's mother and daughter. He was extremely anxious and helpless. With a weak woman and an immature daughter, one can imagine what would happen to her. He only hoped that she was still alive. don't care.

This was his failure as a husband and father, and no one else could be blamed.

"Where's your pension money?" Li Jinger maliciously wanted to know the follow-up development.

He was taken aback, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, the two reunited after a long absence, she actually cared about this kind of thing. "Of course it has to be returned. This is the money of the imperial court."

"But your mother definitely won't. If she wants her life to be taken away by her cunning, it's absolutely impossible to ask for money." That kind of person can only play tricks, using the shrew behavior of ordinary people to achieve their goals, thinking that others will be raped by her. After making a fuss, I forgot about it.

It's a pity that it's a government office, and she can't let her play tricks. The yamen is open in all directions, so it doesn't matter if you are unreasonable, what they talk about is the law, and handle it according to the law.

Thinking of his mother's ugliness and embarrassment, Xiao Jingfeng felt embarrassed and showed a weak wry smile, "It is true that my mother refused to return the silver, so the officers and soldiers of the yamen entered the house to get it, and she was looking for death and life to block the door. You tied her up and stuffed cloth into her mouth, and went in to search after she was quiet."

"She must have lost more than twenty taels." The yamen servant's hands were very dark, how could he not take the sheep by hand, and people would not have trouble with the silver.

He smiled wryly again, not saying that her guess was accurate. "My mother killed a thief and killed a bandit. An official is even more ruthless than a bandit. She lost more than thirty taels of money in the box."

"she cried?"

This old godmother is also today, when she was reluctant to let her eat more than a bite of rice, she calculated the portion so that she would be half full and half hungry, able to do things without starving and fainting, saving that little thing for her private house.

God has eyes, if you do too many bad things, there will be retribution, and she saved others, and all the calculations are gone in a blink of an eye.

Li Jing'er does not deny that she is gloating. As the person who was treated harshly, Mrs. Wu's fate is very happy. Taking away the money she cares about most is more painful than cutting her flesh. Who told her to curse and cry for poverty all day long? This is exactly what she wanted .

Speech, speech, if you talk too much, it will work.

"Weeping loudly." Weeping so much that the neighbors were alarmed, thinking that someone else had died.

"How many days have you been crying?" She was very happy and beaming.

"Three days."

"Did I ask you for money?" Asked for help.


"You gave it?"


She was surprised, "Why didn't you give it?" He is not the most filial, he shoulders all the big and small matters in the family, and gives what his mother wants, never complains, and even risked his life.

Xiao Jingfeng blushed embarrassingly. "I have no money."

"Yanqian?" This answer surprised her.

Poor soldiers and rich generals, the ones who make the most money in wars are the superiors, who loot the enemy’s property and take it as their own, and divide the looted gold and silver treasures equally. The spoils obtained on the battlefield do not need to be handed over. After every battle, you can get rich.

He was even more embarrassed. "Before this, I had sent back three months of military pay, and then went home to recuperate after being injured. I had a few taels of silver on me, which were all used for buying medicine and finding people. When she spoke, I just ran out of silver. Originally I want some more from her."

At that time, he was still a soldier, and his military salary was not much, and he lived very tight every month. He had to save most of his military salary to send home.

Because he blocked the fatal knife in the chest for General Chen, he turned from a personal soldier into a hundred households. The bone wound almost killed him. I am grateful for his desperate rescue. General Chen allowed him to go home and lie down to see his relatives. Take care of your body and relax for a few days.

Unexpectedly, he didn't have the satisfaction of returning home, instead, one bad thing happened after another, he was too annoyed by his mother to recover from his wounds, and he returned to the camp before he was fully recovered.

There is no other reason, Mrs. Wu thinks that her money is lost because of him, so he has to earn it back to her, and force him to make money every day. She doesn't care if it is dangerous or not, any job that has a lot of money and others dare not do it. Anyway, she wants to see the white money. Xiao Jingfeng couldn't take it anymore and had to return to the camp early.

"Didn't she say that I took five taels of silver?" Mrs. Wu's selfishness is deep in her bones. She never thinks about what she has done, but what others have done less.

"I've said it." From morning till night, the wife borrowed money from her husband, asking him to repay her forty taels together with the five taels of silver, and pay it off in one year.

Isn't that silver counted in the twenty taels of pension? Why is there so much more, and the interest for usury is not so high.

And he doesn't worry if he has too many debts, let her say, before he finds his wife, he won't give her a tael of silver, he will use it for more important things.

"After my husband died, I gave birth to a daughter for my man. Is it too much to take five taels of silver from her? But I also have to thank you for dying, so that I can reconcile smoothly." He "died" well, "dead" very well The timing was right and it saved her a lot of trouble.

"I'm still alive," he emphasized.

Li Jing'er entered the main hall, and she drove the three children into the room for a nap. She felt thirsty and wanted to drink water, so she picked up the tea on the table and poured it out, but it was empty.

"There is a well to the east of the village entrance, go and carry a bucket of water! I'll cook some porridge for the children."

There is not much food in the house, so she always puts a few catties of rice, a few catties of white flour, some dry goods that are easy to soak, oil and salt are indispensable, half a bottle of soy sauce, and other seasonings, lest the people in the village look at the owner not at home So she came to steal, and she hid it all.

"Is this how you use your man?" He was dissatisfied, but he was not annoyed, like a young couple talking about family matters, and making a few jokes.

"I dare not bother you..." She can mention it by herself.

"Put it down." He drank.

Seeing her mentioning the water poker by the door, and intending to carry it by herself, Xiao Jingfeng really felt a deep sense of frustration. When did she become so obstinate, and when she said a word that didn't go her way, she made her temper and flaunted her strength? Proof that she could live without him.

"This is my house, don't scold me in an orderly tone." Is she still the timid Li Jinger before? He suffered a lot.

"Let men do men's work, don't rush to do it." As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed the bucket and strode towards the entrance of the village. His upright figure was very handsome.

Undesirable male chauvinism... Li Jinger didn't realize that the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she was humming a modern pop song that she almost forgot in a good mood.

The spare food was hidden in the small hole under the stove. She removed the pile of firewood and reached out to touch it. She found half a piece of bacon and corn, a few dried mushrooms, some dried shrimps, a potato, and a few dried cowpeas. root, a small packet of brown sugar.

She thought, enough to cook a pot of porridge, and there are side dishes.

Peel the potatoes, cut them into shreds, cut the mushrooms and cowpeas into appropriate sizes, put them into the pot together with dried shrimps and corn, and cook them on fire after adding water.

Cut the bacon into thin slices as a side dish, then dry-fry it with oil to bring out the aroma. The bacon soaked in porridge will become soft, slightly salty, and delicious.

"Here comes the water, where do I pour it?" Xiao Jingfeng walked quickly, and he brought a bucket of water in one fell swoop, ninety percent full, without dripping a single drop.

Man is so easy to use! Li Jinger sighed secretly. "Over there, pour out the sewage in it, wash it a little and then pour it in..." She said while scooping water into the bucket, then poured it into the pot, with a little flint, the fire burned quickly, and she adjusted Position the firewood so that the fire is maintained at medium heat.

"There's not enough water, I'll bring it up again." He went out again.

The water tank is not big, about half the height of a person. In fact, the water consumption is not too much. She usually carries one or two buckets of water, because she can't use it up. Unless it rains and muddies her body, she only needs to boil the water Washing up, but it's just a couple of extra taps of water.

But Li Jinger didn't tell him, she let a man who was eager to make up for his wife and children do nothing, she didn't intend to break through this beautiful misunderstanding, and she even led him in the wrong direction intentionally or unintentionally, making him think that she was living in poverty and moved all over the country. Bi, the family has no overnight food, so poor that only one quilt is the most valuable.

She wanted to mislead him that this house was her only place to stay, and then took the opportunity to sneak back to the mountain. "Ex-husband" belonged to the past tense, constantly entangled or disconnected.

After all, she wasn't the real Li Jinger, and she didn't know if she and Xiao Jingfeng had a deep relationship. If she accidentally showed her flaws, there would be no reason for her.

"Jing Niang, the aunt next door gave me some eggs, a handful of green onions, a Chinese cabbage and a big-headed fish." The neighbors are quite kind.

"You took it?" Seeing his ingredients, Li Jinger laughed angrily.

"She forced it into my hand, and I can't take it." Others' kindness was too embarrassing to refuse, but the aunt's eyes were a little strange.

"Did she talk to you?" The trouble-making spirit, who specially caused trouble for her.

"Talk a little bit." But he hurried back to fetch water and didn't say much.

"What did you say?" She was lucky.

"She asked who I was, and I said I was your man, and asked how long I would stay, and I replied that she was not leaving." His wife and daughter were all here, so why did he go?

Hearing this, Li Jing'er stroked his forehead and groaned secretly. "You've hurt me, Xiao Jingfeng."

When he heard it, his face changed slightly, "What did I say wrong?"

"You should say the child's father, not my man." This man is indeed a scourge, and nothing good will happen if you meet him.

"It's not the same." He didn't understand.

"Did you see the house with the red lantern hanging at the door in the alley on the left? She works as a secret door, and half of the men in the village are her men." It is well known that some men's wives came to the house to make trouble. Several times, but still welcome guests.

Because Lizheng was also a concubine who entered the curtain, a prostitute for nothing, and Youlizheng was backed by him, no matter how violent the disturbance was, it was fine, if there was a quarrel or a fight, the man would still come to the door.

"You mean... secret prostitutes?!" In such an unknown village? Xiao Jingfeng was extremely astonished, his brows were tightly frowned, seeming worried.

She couldn't help laughing, "You are really capable. You ruined my reputation as soon as you came. It took me a year to gain the approval of the villagers, but it didn't take you half an hour to ruin everything."

"Jingniang, I was your man in the first place. It's nothing shameful. After seeing people's hearts for a long time, they will know what kind of people we are." It seems that this place is not easy to live in for a long time, and he has to replace them Arrange accommodation.

"It's a joke to see people's hearts for a long time. You are a person with military affairs. You can come several times a month. When others see men coming in and out in front of my door, will other people follow suit when they see it? Draw a gourd, do you think I'm just leaning on the door to make a joke?" She purposely said that the matter could be more serious, so that he would not act recklessly, and she always thought that by pretending to be her man, she could ignore the fact that they had already reconciled.

There are prostitutes in the village, but they do their business secretly, and they dare not publicize it. Only men without wives will come to the door to have a good time. Most of the villagers have strict wives, and they are worried about it but have no courage to cheat. Li Jinger said it to bluff his.

"Jingniang, move!" The more she said, the more worried he became.

"Do you support me?" She choked back.

"I'll raise..." He wished.

"Mother, do you want to eat?" Rubbing his eyes, Shuang Ming led Sister Yue who had just woken up, followed by Shuang Zhen who was sleepy.

"Okay, it's almost ready, mother will fry the fish fillets in the pan, then make a plate of vinegared cabbage, and your favorite scrambled eggs with shallots, wash your hands first, and then sit at the table, the delicious mushroom porridge will be ready It's coming." She sprinkled brown sugar into the porridge to make a soft and sweet porridge, sweet and easy to swallow.

"Wow! I want to eat eggs, and there are a lot of dishes, I will..." Shuang Ming glanced at the man at the table. "Looks as tall as him."

snort! You are dreaming, Xiao Jingfeng, who secretly slandered, got serious with a child.

"Tomorrow and tomorrow, one day you will realize your wish." Li Jinger fooled the child again, coaxing him to smile.

Anyway, there is still tomorrow tomorrow, and tomorrow will always wait for tomorrow.

"Xiao Jingfeng, you are walking fast, go to the town and buy some meat buns for us to eat in the morning, run faster, don't let them cool down, the buns are delicious when eaten warm..."

run faster?

Xiao Jingfeng thought he was fast enough, even more agile than usual when marching, so he bought fifty meat buns in one go, and stuffed them into his bosom for fear of being hot or cold.

But he rushed three steps at a time. When he returned to the home he left early in the morning, he was completely stunned. What does the closed door mean? And General Tie hung the door with a big lock brightly, as if mocking him for being sentimental.

Without thinking much, he climbed over the wall and entered. The stove was cold, the dishes were put away in the cabinet, and the fluffy quilt was folded squarely and placed in the center of the bed.

But what about people?

The originally noisy voice of the child disappeared, as did the soft voice of the woman coaxing the child to sleep, and the room was empty.

People go to the empty building.

He was supposed to be angry, but he didn't know whether he was too angry or was fooled. Instead, he laughed softly, the louder he laughed, the laughter echoed throughout the room.

"Smart, use the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain." I think he has fought countless battles, big and small, but he didn't expect that the people next to his pillow would also use tricks on him.

If you get hit in the battle with the enemy, you don't know if you will survive.

But this is not wronged, whoever tells him to underestimate the enemy, will be fooled if he is not guarded against his own people.

He was not at home for more than a year, how mother abused his daughter-in-law, scared her so much that she would rather avoid him than enter Xiao's house again.

Amid the loneliness, Xiao Jingfeng couldn't help but think back to the time when the new bride got married in the past, her shyness and softness were still in her heart at that time, she drank the wine with a blushing face, and peeked at him from under her eyelashes, blushing with joy and embarrassment, She pursed her lips and said that she would be a good daughter-in-law that her parents-in-law would not dislike.

His heart was full, and he was reluctant to be separated from her. When the moment came when he was about to leave home, he was reluctant to part, and she promised that no matter what happened, she would wait for him to come back.

Until death.

Hehe...until she dies, she did not leave until the news of his death, so she kept her promise.

However, his heart throbbed with pain. She left so resolutely that there was no room for repentance, as if the Xiao family would eat people, and they couldn't do without leaving.

"Ms. Li is a man, your wife has returned to the mountain again?" When the neighbor's door opened, a wrinkled old face appeared, with two missing upper front teeth.

What, up the mountain? Xiao Jingfeng responded calmly, "Yes! She said that the food was confiscated, and she had to hurry back to collect the food, and asked me to buy some meat buns for the neighbors in the neighborhood. Thanks to you for taking care of her during her visit to the village..."

As he talked, he handed out meat buns, and everyone who saw him got a share, fully establishing a deep impression that he was the man of Mrs. Li, so that people would remember who he was when they saw him.

His wife tricked him, and he also tricked him. In the future, she will deny that she has no man, and no one will believe it. Everyone will only believe the established facts, and she will dare not admit it when she is shy. The mother of three children , no man can give birth?

"Oh! You are so polite. What are you doing with so many gifts? Mrs. Li even gave me half a rabbit a few days ago! She said she caught it by herself. No woman in the village can match this ability." Well, with short hands, Mrs. Hu, who is getting old and going to the ground, chooses to be obedient and talkative.

"Where, there are many wild rabbits in the mountains, and one is more stupid than the other. You don't have to bother to catch them." She also caught rabbits, and she seemed not afraid of starvation.

"Hello rabbit, don't tell her to catch snakes anymore. One by one is very poisonous. I am terrified to see the old lady, but Mrs. Li said that the child needs to eat and drink, and she will send the child to study in the next year. She saves more to avoid trouble." Things are not going well." It is also very hard for a woman to take care of three children, especially the children are so young, and they can't leave if they want to find a legitimate job, so they can only think of ways to make money. To catch snakes? !

Xiao Jingfeng suddenly remembered that when they met at the pharmacy, she was selling medicinal materials. Could it be that she also caught poisonous substances and sold them for money?

Thinking about it, his heart felt uneasy again. She can't hunt, and there is no land for farming. If she is alone and doesn't venture into dangerous places, how can she get enough food and clothing?

At this moment, Hua Jingfeng is worried about his wife's safety, while Li Jinger, who seems to be doing nothing, is walking towards the mountain like a happy bird, with her two daughters on her back, and her son who is eating fruit by the hand. I picked the wild fruits and vegetables on the roadside and went back to add vegetables.

"By the way, I heard that she is going to catch centipedes and sell them for money. Tell her later, don't risk your life for fun. She still has children to take care of, so she can't do anything foolish." Scared, Mrs. Li is not afraid at all. Be bold, if it were her old lady, she would be so frightened that her hands and feet would go limp, those are all poisonous!

Centipede, son... Xiao Jingfeng's face darkened, "Grandmother, Jing Niang... I mean, did Lady Li leave the key with you? She left in a hurry and didn't explain. She just ordered me to buy buns and put my things in it." Haven't taken it yet."

"No! She goes down the mountain at most twice a month, and each time she takes her children with her. She rarely spends the night in the village. If you go up this mountain road, if you call halfway up the mountain, she should answer you. "

In fact, Mrs. Hu doesn't know exactly where Li Niangzi lives. Everyone says that on the mountain, no one will go to have a look. There are a lot of people in the village who like to gossip, and she is one of them, but nosy people don't care. Many, they are used to sweeping the snow before themselves, and don't do the first thing.

"I went there last time, but the road on the mountain was too difficult to recognize, and the trees all looked the same. It took me a long time to go around before I got to the place." He said in a cliché.

"That's not easy. You look at the mountain and go to the left, and when you see a fork in the road, go to the left. It's enough to distinguish the animal path from the human path." Carrying ten big meat buns, laughing so hard that you can't see your teeth, what can you do if you don't give back a little.

But sometimes Luanmeng would run into a dead mouse. Xiao Jingfeng, who had entered the mountain, was not familiar with the shape of the mountain. He followed what Mrs. Hu said, staring at the snow-covered mountain, and walked on the mountain road to the left.

But the more you walk, the more something is wrong. As you walk, the mountain road disappears. It cuts down to the bottom of the valley, and then there is a river bed full of strange rocks. Schools of small red fish.

What should I do if I encounter a river? Do you wade through it?

Thinking that Li Jinger was walking with a child, it was impossible to pick a stream that even adults could not pass, so he walked back and saw a path that looked like a road but was not a road.

He suspected it was the path of the beast.

Suddenly, there was a "click" under his feet.

Looking down, it is a fruit core that has just been eaten, and it has not yet begun to rot. The entire row of teeth looks like a child's small teeth.

Ah! Finally there is progress.

Xiao Jingjun, who thought he was about to catch up with the man, took a long leg and stepped over the turtle crawling slowly on the path. A snake suddenly fell from the tree, and he quickly swung it away with a branch.

There was no danger along the way, but the frequent accidents made him dare not underestimate this seemingly peaceful mountain forest, which was actually in danger everywhere.

It's just that he was careless.

"Ah! Why is there a line here..."

Feeling a thin line hooked on his foot, he was still wondering when a tree trunk with a thick waist came oncoming. If he didn't dodge in time, the collision would not kill him or seriously injure him. With a strong waist, he folded back and felt The strength of the tree body rubbing against the nose.

"Why is there wood..." Could it be that Jing Niang lost it?

After that, Xiao Jingfeng was more careful, but he still fell into the muddy hole, climbed for a long time before he came out, and encountered a whole row of sharp bamboos, the remains of corrupted animals falling from the sky, a family of monkeys throwing stones at people, and the ground suddenly appeared ant nest...

In the end, he was defeated by hornet bees with yellow stripes, and swarms of bees came out, tens of thousands. He glanced out of the corner of his eye, and there were at least a dozen large and small bees hanging on the surrounding trees. Beehive, the top of the hive is fixed with bamboo.

This move is too ruthless, who will notice that there are beehives in the thick leaves, and there is a thin bamboo between the beehives and the beehives, in other words, as long as one of the beehives moves, the other beehives will also move, one after another Go down and startle the bees in the hive.

He was bad because he didn't know what to step on, and a stone slightly bigger than a fist flicked upwards, hitting the largest beehive impartially. The impact of the stone shook the beehive heavily, and even broke a hole in the beehive. The hornet instantly flew towards the only person who could move.

He is the enemy, he is the enemy, destroy!

Xiao Jingfeng was chased for a full 20 li and escaped by jumping into the water.

"Hahaha—Xiao Erlang, you also have such a miserable day, look at your big pig head, I can eat two more bowls of rice." The misery of others highlights his lucky stars.

Chen Dasheng laughed so hard that he couldn't stop holding his stomach.

"I'm very glad that Master Zhenfu's appetite can be greatly increased. You should smile carefully, there is no medicine for laughing." Xiao Jingfeng, who had a swollen east and west swollen, couldn't speak clearly.

"Haha, Divine Doctor Zhou is here, Benzhen feels very at ease, no worries..." Seeing that deformed face, he couldn't help laughing again.

A person who can be called a miracle doctor is usually over half a hundred years old, with long hanging chest, white hair like snow, downcast brows and a low smile, with a fairy air, but this miracle doctor's surname is Zhou, and his name is Jingyu, around twenty-seven, His eyebrows are long and thin, his lips are red and his teeth are white. His face is as delicate as a celestial girl in a Buddhist cave. There is a mole of tears under his eyes.

But don't think that he looks like a woman. That face is an unmistakable male face. His gaze is a cold light that can freeze people. From before to now, no one has dared to take advantage of him verbally. Cheap.

In the family of doctors and poisoners, Zhou Jingyu's medical skills are superb, and poisoning is even more one-dimensional. Asking him to cure bee venom is simply overkill. He prefers to directly poison people to death.

"I can't do anything about sudden death. When the cause is found out, there is no way to recover." Thirty-one, this little thing is really powerful, as thin as a hair, it can poison a cow to death.

Hearing this, Chen Dasheng's face froze. "Old Zhou! Don't scare me. I still count on you to save my life. The brothers in this battalion are begging for your life."

Years of wars have made the country impoverished, and several small countries that were unable to fight any more were frightened, so they had no choice but to propose a peace agreement and sign an armistice agreement.

General Chen Rong, who had few defeats, was the coach of the peace talks. He represented the imperial court and hoped that there would be no war. The loss of both sides was too heart-wrenching.

It's just that you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must not have the intention of preventing others. Fengguo, which is close to the border of Jingguo, is not very satisfied with the content of the peace talks this time, and has the intention of making a comeback and fighting again.

Therefore, General Chen Rong made two-handed preparations. He first sent 200,000 troops to intimidate the small country that was about to move, and then transferred his cronies to various guards to form a defense line like a great wall. Mutual support.

Sanhe Weisuo is one of them. Originally, the number of soldiers was 2,000. This time, 3,000 more soldiers were added, making a total of 5,000 soldiers. They were divided into two factions, one was the Beijing officials appointed by the imperial court, and the other was military officers from the military.

The Beijing official looked down on the military officer's recklessness and vulgar words. The military officer couldn't stand the Beijing official's double-faced swordsmanship and inconsistency.

But everyone wants to dominate and overwhelm the other, and the undercurrent is raging, and it depends on who can win.

"I'm not that old." He looked older than he was.

Chen Dasheng interrupted his laughter and explained: "It's always a respectful title. Your old man is well. Laozi, Zhuzi, Laocaizi, and Laozi are good."

"You keep it and use it slowly." Another one, thirty-five.

He smiled dryly, and his beard inevitably looked old. "Okay, if I didn't say it, my mouth is cheap, but our Xiao Erlang! Didn't you go to find your wife? Why did you get stung by a bee? Don't you have nothing to do to poke the hive?"

"It's hard to say." There is suffering.

Said that he couldn't play with his wife, but ended up in a mess. This matter has been made fun of for several years, and his daughter was married and was talked about.

"It's okay, to make a long story short, I'll listen to you when I have time." He took out a plate of melon seeds out of nowhere, really wanting to chat with others.

"I don't want to say it." Even though he had washed it seven times with the honey water from a miracle doctor, he still felt the stench of a rotting corpse on his body.

Upon hearing this, Chen Dasheng slapped the table heavily. "You're playing with me! Xiao Erlang, I'll desert you with the scolding from above, so that you can get together with your wife and don't rush back to the camp. Are you repaying me with ingratitude?"

"If you chased after your wife, only to find that she was superior, and left you to flee, would you want to tell others?" Don't mention the embarrassing things.

Opening his mouth wider and wider, Chen Dasheng was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. "You mean...uh, all this...your wife did it?"

Xiao Jingfeng nodded stiffly.

"Oh! A capable person can defeat Xiao Baihu, one of our Three Rivers and Five Tigers, without a shot. Hurry up and ask her to teach us a few tricks, and we will be able to kill the enemy invisible in the future..." Haha, it's so funny, even the woman Can't fight.

"Cough! Cough!" Xiao Jingfeng coughed unhappily a few times, reminding someone not to get carried away, mountains and rivers meet each other, and the future will last forever.

Chen Dasheng, who was full of laughter, quickly restrained himself. "Uh, I mean, after you recover from your injuries, you can pick a few underlings to break the formation yourself, how can a dignified man be subdued." No matter what, he wanted to fight for his brother to help him regain face.

"A word from a gentleman?" He finally did something pleasing to the eye.

"It's hard to catch four horses." Chen Dasheng gave him a high five.

"Okay." Jing Niang, you wait!

"What's the matter? I'm so exhausted that this genius doctor has a total of forty-seven bee needles. If you hadn't met me, your life would have been lost." Zhou Jingyu wiped his sweatless forehead lightly.

"Thank you for the help of the genius doctor." Da En said no thanks, and will report it in the future.

"Take one pill every three hours, and take it for three consecutive days. There are twenty-four detoxification pills in it. After eating, the remaining poison will be cleared away..." When the blue porcelain bottle was opened, the fragrance instantly wafted into the nostrils.