MTL - Assassin Farmer-~ 103 I also have two lives.

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After talking with her daughter and arranging everything, Jing Jing and Jing Wangyi stayed in the town of Fanhua leisurely. In the daytime, teasing and teasing the lovely granddaughter and granddaughter, while chatting with her daughter, after the baby and her daughter have slept together, the two will go out and wander around the town to feel the simple folk customs.

In the early winter of the town, if the weather is good, although it is not as good as the spring and early summer, it is warm and warm.

Along the clean and quiet village road, the two men dressed in warm foxes, leisurely looked at the three or three or two farmyards that passed along the way.

Until the flower garden in the east of the town center, Jing Wang Ye is idle, will be at the entrance of the temple, and several old players in the town will kill a few discs, while Jing Wangfu will come to the east not far away. On the side of the big pond, I chatted with the old woman who was doing the needlework in the sun.

The old and young in the town, after being familiar with them, only know that they are the heroes of the royal family, Wang Hao, who had been passing through the emperor’s palace for a while. The awe is also spent by them in these few days. It is. Gradually, they only associate with ordinary parents.

Su Shuiyan listened to Liang Shu’s report and laughed.

Fortunately, this time, Jing Wang Ye Jing Wang only brought two close-fitting squats and two guards and small shackles. Otherwise, there is really no extra place to accommodate them.

On the day when he learned that Lao Wangye and Wang Hao were coming, the guards of Xiaoheng took the initiative to move out of the bamboo garden, moved to live with the younger sisters, and gave the bamboo garden to the old king. Therefore, Jing Wangye Jing Wang’s sleep on the day after the production of the leeches was settled in Zhuyuan. And the pair of beloved baby grandchildren and granddaughters, because they still can't see the wind, had to let the two milk pots and donkeys wait to stay in the east wing.

This is not to wait for Su Shui to sleep, and Lin Shizhen also moved to the east wing room to live with the babies. In the first place, the east wing is their bedroom, and it is convenient to change the washing. Secondly, in the autumn and winter seasons, the east wing room has a good sunshine, and at noon, even in the bed, it can reach the sun.

Therefore, Su Shui-soo, together with a pair of cute baby children, sat in the east wing and sat for a month.

The West wing, which was originally used as a delivery room, was cleaned and cleaned up, and began to fill in the dry things needed for the dragon and phoenix. After a full moon, they moved here to live with the two milk pots. Although it is a child, Lin Siyi does not allow them to go out all day and night to occupy the attention of the otter. Hey, even if he is hurt again, he can't rob women.


"Chunlan, change the diaper, hold the baby." Seeing that the milk has risen a little, Su Shui got up and told Chunlan who was changing the diaper for her sister. Originally, I wanted to have my own baby, but she was helpless. Her milk was late, and it was not enough for their brothers and sisters to drink. Give them two snacks at most. Therefore, two milk thistle is still indispensable. Fortunately, Liang Lan’s talk with them in advance is a year. At that time, my nephew and nephew should have stopped milk for the staple food.

Chunlan hugged a diaper and was quiet and no longer crying. Lin Shuo leaned on the pillow and held her breastfeeding in one hand. In one hand, I gently touched my daughter's delicate face with a stubborn face.

The genetics are really amazing. On the outside, Lin Biao looks like her, and Lin Biao is like aunt. The opposite is true. Lin Xixi is quiet, not in love. For example, if the urine is wet, he only makes a few tokens. Lin Biao is different. As long as she is unwell, she will do her best to cry until she is cleaned.

Su Shuiqi smiled and fed a daughter who was swallowing a big mouth. Hungry Lin Biao was distressed. Hungry Lin Biao, in addition to distressed, had to be shaken by her crying to the ear.

Therefore, as long as there is a feeding, Su Shui-yu will generally choose to feed her daughter first, who will let Lin Biao be a brother. And it is a quiet and well-behaved brother.

Speaking of the name of Lin Biao Lin, it was taken by Lin Sizhen to Jing Wang. Seemingly respecting the elders, Su Shui knew that this time he was busy taking care of her, and he had to prepare for the New Year. Auntie was obviously too lazy to bother.

The son's five elements are short of water, so take the 霄 character, Lin Biao Lin, hope that when he grows up, he will be able to show his grand plans and come to the sky. Daughter, according to the meaning of Jing Wangye, only to be wise and sensible, there is a delicate and clear heart, so named Lin Biao.

It is unpredictable in the world, the name is good, and the character is difficult to control. I want to be such a pair of people in the dragon and phoenix baby children, the future development of the fall of everyone's eyes, this is a post-word.


“How are you feeling today?”

On this day, Su Shuiqi just got up and walked a few steps, teasing a lot of children, and when they gradually fell asleep in the cradle, she was lying back to bed.

The daily must-see, Long Xiyue, followed the white lotus body who came to change the tea and entered the room. He smiled and asked.

"A lot better. A few steps a day, it is really refreshing." Su Shui replied softly. At the same time, under the service of Chunlan, sitting on the bedside, reaching out to let the dragon cherish the pulse.

Her gratitude to Long Xiyue was not only the day of production, but for the next three days, according to her, she stayed in the kitchen every day, and gave Su Shui to stew the body medicinal diet. Three days later, she also suggested Su Shuiyu, daily. Take a few steps off the bed to help her drain the body from blood and dirt. And after Ouyang Xun was recalled to the Imperial Palace by an urgent letter, she also insisted on staying, saying that she had to drink the baby's full moon wine anyway.

Ouyang Xun also took her no way, only had to take a drug child to take a step.

He is a royal doctor who is enshrined by the Emperor, but he is not a child, so she has absolute autonomy. At first, he lived in the palace, helping a lot of people to take care of the students, and it was her decision to have nowhere to go.

Now, seeing her rare and so excited to ask for leave, Ouyang Xun will not interfere. What's more, after the year is over 18, you should find a good family to marry.

Although, Long Xiyue did not care about this.

"Well. Look at the pulse image is no big problem. Remember to walk a few times a day, eat light nutrition, and soon will be restored as ever. Your physical fitness is much better than I expected." Long Xiyue finished the pulse , holding Su Shuiyu lying flat on the bed. She has always disapproved of this posture of sitting on the bed. After a long time, it is easy to cause cervical and cervical diseases.

"I heard that you lost your memory?" Long Xiyue sat down on the edge of the bed, chatting like a casual chatter.

"... um." Su Shui slammed, and nodded. All kinds of uneasiness floated to my heart. She, it’s not going to be out of the way, isn’t it right? However, even the birth parents of their own name did not find their differences, how can they doubt the moon?

"What was the situation at that time? Don't be nervous, I will ask casually. You must know that as a doctor, there is always some inexplicable fanaticism about intractable diseases." Long Xiyue smiled and appeased Su Shishui, who was suddenly uncomfortable. As the mouth said, the guesswork under the heart is even heavier. Is it true that she is speculating? Excuses of memory loss, in fact, like yourself, from another time and space?

The reason why Long Xiyue has such incredible speculation is that she saw an embroidered piece of the "Qingming Shanghe Tu" in Su Shushui's study room. When she first saw this pair of embroidered samples, she was pleasantly surprised and rarely encountered the same kind of people.

Yes, she, Long Xiyue, comes from another time and space. In the 21st century, she is one of the best Renhe hospital obstetricians and gynecologists in the country. She has just been hanged the head of the obstetrics and gynaecology department, but she died in a series of car accidents. Huang Quan. Woke up and became the orphan of the Dragon family only nine years old.

On the way to the Imperial Capital, the long-time friend Ouyang Xun, who was going to receive it, the nine-year-old Long Xiyue couldn’t help but twist, infected with the cold, and after a few days of coma, he woke up and became a dragon with a modern thirty-one-year-old soul. .

Being comfortable with the status quo and optimism is the good attitude that Long Xiyue has from an early age. Therefore, in the nine years of this world, she devoted herself to the clothing of Ouyang Xun's inheritance, and determined to integrate modern medical skills into the popular diagnosis and treatment of Dahuiguo.

This trip, she first saw the scene of the ancient production of dragon and phoenix, followed by Ouyang Xun in the palace for nine years, although the number of births and treatments countless, but the twins have never encountered. Xu is the output of this big Huiguo twins is still very rare. Looking through the Dahui National Calendar, I found that there are almost no records about the twins, let alone the dragon and the phoenix. In addition to Jing Wangfu Liangjia, each generation or every other generation, there will always be a pair of two pairs of twins, or twins, or twins, and the fraternal dragons, this is the first time.

Su Shuizhen saw that Long Xiyue was really only curious. After pondering it in his heart, he took the situation he knew and explained it. In addition to concealing the truth of the soul change before and after the coma.

"I... I really don't remember all the previous ones..." At the end, Su Shuiqi stressed. She is afraid that she will continue to ask questions, she does not know how to deal with it. To say a lie, to use a lot of lies to round it, such a thing, she has not done it before, but now it must be done.

When he listened to the moon and nodded, he felt more and more confident that the woman in front of her eyes, like herself, came from another time and space, and remembered nothing, but still remembered the exquisite embroidery work? However, looking at her noble and gracefulness and the ancients, she is not sure that she is from the 21st century.

"I lost my memory when I was nine years old. I am sick, but I forgot everything, just like two completely different lifes." Long Xiyue looked up at the dragon's claws on the flower stand, and said faintly.

Su Shui-yi listened, surprised to slightly open his mouth, she, what does this mean? Could it be...

Long Xiyue took back the thoughts of drifting away, and looked back, like a smile, staring at Su Shuiyu, and asked a sentence that almost made Su Shuiyan fall out of bed on the spot: "The Qingming River map reminds me of a dream. Past life."

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