MTL - Assassin Farmer-~ 112 Construction of the hospital

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On New Year's Eve this year, I was not able to look forward to Lin Siwei. Su Shui-hsuan’s heart has already been counted.

However, until the first month of the fifteenth, there was no news of him, Su Shuizhen could not wait.

"You know how to contact your master, right?" Asked Situ, who was laughing and playing with the dragon and phoenix.

She believes that Situ can understand. Because, the spy of "Guangxi Building" is said to have spread all over the country.

Situ stunned, and then slowly said: "There was news from five days ago, the company was seriously injured, not easy to hurry." For half of the reason did not say, Si Ling Shibo was wrapped in **** embers He didn't dare to go home before he cleaned up the blood. Blood-studies who are afraid of the wind, hurt the beauty of their sisters and nephews.

Therefore, he did not know before Su Shuiyu took the initiative to ask. It’s better to know if you don’t report it.

Su Shuiyan nodded. Just have their message. Knowing that the injury was caused by the brand, her fear suddenly fell by half.

Is it too selfish? Holding the small hand of Lin Biao's meat, she self-reflected.

"Miss, the masters who planned the other hospitals have arrived. The slaves let them wait in the bamboo garden hall." Liang Shujin came in and reported.

Yes, after the first month of the fifteenth, we must start to transform the hospital. Aunt’s business, she has already been unable to afford the spirit and wants other things.

Su Shuiqi lowered his head and finished his clothes. He looked up and said to Liang Shu: "I will go. You stay here. Chunlan once, you will let her come to the hall."

Chunlan and Xiao Weiwei became pros in the first month of the month, because at the beginning of the year, Chunlan’s sister-in-law had a letter, which was that Chunlan was not too young. They also saved some money in these years and wanted to redeem Chunlan. Go to the pro.

Unexpectedly, according to the news that Shi Tuozhen conveyed the "Guangxi Building", Chunlan’s younger brother and the landlord’s son fought. I almost hurt the other person's life roots, and lost the savings of the family's silver two, but also the landlord is going to report to the official. To put it bluntly, I finally agreed to let Chunlan marry the landlord and make a small trip, and the landlord will stop. And willing to make a redemption of Chunlan.

The landlord Chunlan once saw it. It is a master who is over forty years old and full of intestines. He has six or seven rooms in his family. The son left by his wife is his baby. If the son is arguing with Xiaoyan, the unlucky one is Xiaoyan. The son was raised by him.

However. Chunlan enters the government to do the trick, signing is not a death deed, if there is a family to redeem, unless Chunlan himself does not want to, the palace is unstoppable.

To this end, Chunlan cried all night. On the second day, she was swollen with red eyes and came to Su Shuiqi, but she changed her life to be faced by Su Shui.

"You can choose not to go." Su Shuiqi seriously proposed, "If you don't want to go. You can choose not to go. Your brother's business, I will help you solve it."

"Miss..." Chunlan shouted, and of course she didn't want to go back. She liked Xiao Heng, but her parents and brothers were in trouble, and she had to come forward to save. Even if it is to push yourself into the fire pit.

"You think about it. The landlord's little sister listens well. But after all, the enemy can't fight for the fate of the man. You can have a lifetime, a double. You can do it." Su Shui-yan took a cup and his thoughts drifted far away. Thinking of her mother in another time and space, she thought of the aunt who separated her from the two places.

"I don't want to go. But..." Chunlan lowered his head and whispered his true will.

"That's good. You will leave peace of mind, others will help you solve it." But it is the landlord of a small town. The face of Jing Wangfu should be enough.

She immediately wrote a letter, and asked the "Guangxi Building" to pass to the emperor's nominal brother Liang Enzai. The younger sister who has been away since birth, now has the first thing to do, and how can he disappoint her as a big brother. And now, she kissed the husband, still reducing his burden.

So, four days later, the emperor sent a message. Not only solved the Chunlan brothers' affairs, but also gave Chunlan's parents thirty-two dollars, let them go back to their homes to relocate the maternity houses, which is considered to be the fate of renting the landlord to make a living.

After that, simply Sushui is the master. Chunlan and Xiao Heng had a marriage. And the trustee took the message to Chunlan parents, let them feel at ease, and don't call Chunlan's idea. The daughter should be used for distress, not for debt.

The wedding room of Chunlan and Xiao Heng is located in the family that has moved away. Very close to here, adjacent to the laborer. A small house of less than one acre, three bungalows, two ear rooms, even if you add people in the future, it is enough to live. As for the three acres of field production, they will be reunited into other hospitals. In the future, all the fields in the town of Fanhua that were not originally aborigines were planted by other hospitals. After the harvest, you will receive your own share according to the harvest and level.

For the first three days of the wedding, Su Shui-yu specifically confessed that Chunlan and Xiao Heng did not need to come to the house to work. Because she thought of her first three days of marriage, because of the work of Lau and Xi Cui, the mood of the aunt was broken.

On the fifteenth day of the first month, Chunlan and Xiao Heng officially took over the title of the prosperous hospital and management. Liang Shule has to retreat to the second line.

Chunlan is not like Liang Shuming. If he marries someone, he will have to be crowned with a husband's surname. Therefore, since then, Chunlan is Xiao Wei, who is in charge of the internal affairs of the hospital.

And Xiao Heng is no longer a guardian, but a steward, and he manages the chores of other houses. In fact, after this, there was no more guardian in the flower garden. Because of the position of the guardian, they are all masters of martial arts from the "Guangxi Building".

The seven guards who were originally sent to the "Guangxi Building" training have now become the microphones of the "Guangxi Building". Who let them love to run here? Here, it has become their maiden. Even if I just came back, I would like to have a cup of tea.

The original work of Chunlan was divided into a part of the effort, and Liang Shu was served. The rest, such as Su Shuiyu’s close-fitting living, was taken over by Baihe. He also adjusted a small name to call the snow piano, and waited for soup and water in the house.


It seems to have returned to the days of the Su family courtyard. Su Shuiqi sighed and sighed and walked up to the bamboo garden next door.

In order to avoid noisy dragons and babies, Zhuyuan is now used to treat foreign and unfamiliar personnel.

These planning masters who came today are selected by Liang Enzhao from the Imperial Capital. Responsible for the initial planning from the other hospitals, the renovation during the construction, and the completion of a series of greening after completion.

Therefore, they have to stay here for more than half a year. Therefore, Su Shuiyu decided to leave the Wang Family Courtyard to them.

The Wang family’s house is mostly more than the family, and it is two and a half. The location is also very convenient, just on the west side of the large pond in the center of the town. There are three main rooms in the north and south rows, and there are vegetable fields in front of the house.

After the Wang family moved away, Liang Shuo had already cleaned it with Xiao Xiaoying, supplemented the missing daily items, and added three beds and four chairs.

As a result, the six main rooms have temporarily become single rooms. As for the kitchen, it became a display.

These planners, and even the small craftsmen who came to work in the future, will temporarily set up three meals in Lanyuan, until the old house destroyed by the wind cliffs in Sushuiyu was completely renovated.

The old house decided to be transformed first, and it was planned to be converted into a ancestral courtyard. And the reference drawing has already come out, it is Su Shuijing's mood for the transfer of unstable days. Now she was taken to the bamboo garden by her hand to let the masters refer.

In her opinion, the middle three of the yards have a half-size room in the north and south, and a large kitchen.

The first two in the east are well-lit and one is used as a school. Can accommodate ten people at the same time. In the middle of this area, it is divided into two, and the small room in the south is the resting place of Mr. Teaching. A table, a chair, and two rows of bookcases for students to borrow.

The small room facing the north is the activity room of the students. Rainy or lunch break, you can play here, play the piano, compose music...

The large kitchen is located in the west, a three-hole large pot stove, a small belly stove, a row of cupboards, a row of sundries cabinets, and a shelf.

In the immediate vicinity of the big kitchen, I plan to make a big restaurant. In the future, whether it is a helper in a different hospital or a student in a school, you can dine at a large restaurant and provide it for free.


"Miss Four, so designed, I am afraid it will interfere with you. The kitchen is very heavy. It is located in the west, and it is easy to blow here." Liang Youan, one of the planners, read the scrolls opened by Su Shui, shaking his head. veto.

Su Shuiyan naturally considered this issue. Can be the first light of the East, suitable for students to study.

“I don’t think it’s like this. The kitchen and the restaurant are out of this position. It’s independent and it’s not far from the school.” Another planner, Ding Shi, indulged for a moment, pointing to the wasteland east of the old house. "If you are worried that the students are inconvenient in rainy days, you can build a flower corridor and connect to the main hall."

"Good idea. There can be stone benches on both sides of the promenade. The students can sit and enjoy the distance and have a few poems. And, in this way, they will not go to the West to play, screaming at the yard of Miss Si. Liang Youan also added with approval.

Su Shuiyan heard the words and it was a good idea.

"At that time, the open space around the area will be planted with pine and bamboo rafts, and then a koi pond will be built. Don't mention more moods." Several other planners nodded in agreement.

"That's good, it's up to you. Just have a school and a kitchen, a restaurant." Su Shuiqi nodded with a smile. After all, it is a professional planning master. In a few words, she has settled her hard thinking for a few days.

However, then again, she would have thought that these planners would completely break up the existing layout of the town, and do the overall planning. She had previously said that they had come to Jing Wang, Jing Wang, to create a separate house, and by the way, to build a few houses for her.

Now it seems that they are going to make a big difference. I don't know how much silver to spend. How many days have you dragged on?

"Miss Four, I have to wait four times to look at it. I need someone who is familiar with the ownership of the house on the town to give us directions. I don't know..." Liang You'an harassed the scalp. I didn't expect that the four ladies of the Jing Wangfu didn't even bring A follower.

"Miss, let me go." Chunlan's timely interface from the new home.

Su Shui-Yu nodded. "Xiao Wei is the manager of the other hospital. What is the matter, even though she said it." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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