MTL - Assassin Farmer-~ 151 Dragon Boat Festival

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Charge section (16 points)

151 Dragon Boat Festival (middle)

"Well... branding... I can't stand it..." The white scorpion was on his shoulder, and the weakness of the whole body could not be borrowed, so that she couldn't stop tweeting under his x.

"That's forbearing again..." The smuggling of the Ang Zang buried in her body was more and more rapid, and the sweat drove from his forehead to her stunned ****, which irritated him even more.

"Ah..." With a violently patted and delivered, she and him reached a happy half-year illusion, and could not extricate themselves for a long time...

Yes, half a year, he left half a year. No one knows where he went, maybe no one told her, who he is with... or, like her, devours loneliness through night and night...

He allowed himself to squat for a moment in her body before she pulled away from her and got up into the simple washroom behind the bedroom.

"What are you crying?" A rough voice interrupted her thoughts, reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of the eyes, and restrained them from re-constraining before slowly opening their eyes.

The company frowned and sat on the bed, looking at her fixedly, seeing the tears in her eyes, and feeling a little strange in her heart. Is it pity? Ha... He will pity the person as a cruel killer? Do not make jokes.

But why did she see that she had nothing to do with the tears, smiled and got up, put on his ripped coat, put on a wrinkled outer shirt, his heart suddenly burst into pain.

"This time back...when are you ready to go?" After Jiang Yingyun secretly took a deep breath, he asked calmly.

The singer glanced at her strangely, and her heart was a little depressed, and her mouth blurted out: "How? Just want to drive me away?"

Catch him away? No, no, she wants him to stay.

"You... don't you go?" Is she understanding?

"Let's talk about it. What do you ask for this?" He avoided her radiant eyes and turned to the window, flipping the books on the table. One person and one sword went to the rivers and lakes, which has already made him tired. Three years ago, he left here because he escaped. In the past three years, no matter which time she came back, she took the initiative to let him own it. Even after she left, she began to have her. Although it is still a person, it is no longer unconcerned. What's more, he has eaten her so much back, and then does not give her a name, is it too difficult to go?

"Nothing. Then... I will go back first." She packed herself up and walked gently behind him, hoping to hug him again, but his deliberate alienation made her look daunting, thinking again and again, and finally faintly turned and turned to Going to the door.

"Come back." He turned and called her, and saw her look in amazement. Suddenly, she was somewhat satisfied. In front of others, she always had a pair of sturdy two-handed cabinets. She was such a small woman in front of herself.

"You... just said?" Jiang Yingyun blinked and asked for proof. Did she not hear it wrong? He actually let her go back and go back to him? Don't let her leave? is this real?

The company did not say anything. When she stepped forward, she took her and sat back on the bed. I did not know where to change a transparent jade bracelet and put it in her hand.

"This..." Jiang Yingyun stared at the bracelet on his hand and looked at him for a while before he looked up at him. "You..."

"How? Don't like it?" As he twisted his eyebrows, he took it down, but saw her guarding her wrist. "Not allowed to take it." She shouted shyly. "It was both for me, it was mine." "How did she allow him to make a good move through further gestures and be frightened by his shocked expression."

"I am so happy... I am branded..." She was fascinated with her eyes and expressed her excitement. Just, **** tears, how can you fall so unscrupulously?

"It turns out that someone's happiness is expressed like this..." The smirk smirked, her reaction exceeded his expectations, and it provoked him who had been disdainful for years, wanting to continue doing something to her. Very happy.

"Don't make fun of me. As long as you don't escape from me, no longer resist my approach... Although it's okay to make fun of me..." She grabbed his waist and put his head in his warm, steady chest, excitedly The incoherent whisper.

"Oh..." He pulled her little face and sighed: "I am not a good person..."

"I don't care..." She shook her head and choked.

"I started killing people at the age of twelve, and my hands were full of blood..."

"I do not care……"

"I won't take care of people..."

"I will take care of you……"


"No matter what you want to do, I support it, as long as you don't leave me alone, let me see you for half a year... Please..."

Hey, what else can he say? Someone is willing to give up everything to follow him. What else does he want?

"We are getting married, Yingyun..." He whispered in her ear: "This sentence, I owe you three years."


The Dragon Boat Festival dinner at "Heyuan" was finally transformed into a simple wedding by Jiang Yingyun and Si. Really shocked a large group of people who did not know the truth. In addition to Su Shuiyu.

"Even if he wants you to marry him, he is married today, and this is too tight." Su Shuiqi frowned with disapproval. There was another hour from the wedding ceremony. She accompanied Jiang Yingyun to hide in the wing of the forest house, waiting for Ji Shi to go to the Zhuyuan Chapel.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a ceremony." Jiang Yingyun smiled lightly and let him speak this sentence, which has made her very happy. She naturally does not care about the grandeur.

"But after all... your elder sister is mad." I couldn't help but laugh at the expression of Jiang Yingyue's message after Situ Tuo's retelling.

"The big sister should be happy." Jiang Yingyun also bent his lips and looked at the mirror to reveal his own faint makeup, she really felt very satisfied.

"She has prepared a couple of dowry for you." Su Shuiqi smiled helplessly at Jiang Yingyun's forehead. "You, you are bolder than the net." They even took advantage of them to interact with the company for three years, oh It can't be said that it is a relationship. Only one person who has seen two or three times a year has actually been...

"You should be more familiar with me. How can you blush?" Jiang Yingyun saw her shameless expression, and could not help but turned her eyes and teased her.

"Cough..." Su Shui was loaded with a light cough, and the redness on his face was lifted. "I went out to see what happened. Feng Ting was waiting outside."

"Okay, I am fine. Don't wait for another hour, Kyrgyzstan will marry when he arrives." Jiang Yingyun Asha waved his hand. He urged Su Shui to go out and do her business.

Even though she really married, she was only three hours away from her opening, and she would marry him. She was afraid of his remorse, refused to go back to the embroidered building, and did not want to make more preparations. She only asked the water to send her to inform her sister, let her come to participate, and accept the three worships with her.

The elder sister’s anger is not small, but she will eventually figure it out. After all, she should be glad that her sister was married. From then on, she did not need to work hard to find a marriage for her, the media line...


"All are properly arranged?" Su Shuiyu just left the room, and he saw Chunlan commanding a small squat and hurriedly coming out from the direction of Zhuyuan.

"Yes. All arranged according to the lady's meaning. Just like the couplet, the slave has already been carefully handed over." Chunlan smiled and reported. Fortunately, at the Dragon Boat Festival, there were a lot of people in the house, and the villagers took the action of splitting them. When they were less than one hour, they were all cleaned up and packed up. The main house has not been so lively for a long time. When I heard that there was a happy event at night, I laughed and opened my face.

"Well, I sent a person to the door of the house. I want to embroider the building." Sushui nodded. After he told him, he quickly walked to the octagonal pavilion at the lotus pond. Sure enough, the four divisions did not come to the division. Extension, the rest of the three people are standing there to discuss what to discuss.

"Auntie." She waved at the Lin Shi.

"What's wrong?" Lin Si jumped out of the octagonal pavilion and helped her to go to the pavilion.

"That, the brand is branded, should you go back and change your clothes?" Situ Yu brought back Jiang Yingyue's dissatisfaction from the embroidered building, and the happy clothes of both men and women. How to blame my sister for being so anxious, and some of the lines are still ready.

"I am convinced? Right, right, I am going with you." Sir Si, listened to the hard-boiled, and pulled him out of the octagonal pavilion.

"The new house is located in Zhuyuan, don't go wrong." Su Shuiqi hurriedly yelled at the two.

"Is it tired?" Lin Siyu took her and slowly returned to the main house.

"Not tired. I just think that the brand is too ignorant." Su Shuiqi was a little annoyed.

"I don't know what? Hehe..." Lin Sixiao chuckled and hugged her, and asked in her ear: "Is my performance much better than him?"

Her ears were hot and she remembered the scene when they were married, as if everything was vivid.

At that time, they did not understand anything. They were all from the neighborhood or they had their own experience.

"I am embarrassed to burn him. He never thought about getting married. Or, we kill, we never had the hope of marrying a wife and a child."

"You can wait for him for three years." It’s not fair. She frowned.

"But she didn't guide him how to do it. Don't think that light can be expected." Lin Siyi shouted in disapproval.

"What about you? Why did you propose it... want to marry me?"

"I am more sensible than I am..." His eyes flashed with a smile, and the soft lips made her confused. They are already the mother of the child, and they will still watch him shy...


Sure enough, more than half of the time was applied, and 18 horse-drawn carriages marked "Yueyun Embroidery Building" rumbling into the "Heyuan" and sent a full dowry.

Moved to a small hand and soft feet.

"Since Yuner is so optimistic about you, I am a big sister, what can I say besides agreeing? I only hope that you can treat her well." Jiang Yingyue sat on the top, and the old **** took over the brand and handed her cup. The full dissatisfaction is gradually settled. Yes, what else can you say, simple marriage, always better?=\'/\'>Emei 绦瓴 厣岬鼗焐 臧 ? ? ? ?

"After marriage, Yuner will not come to embroider the building. I will not interfere, but I will come back to see my old aunt every New Year's Eve. Is there any opinion?" After knowing that marrying him, his sister is very likely to follow him. Home, there is no way for Jiang Yingyue to sigh. If the mother is alive, it is impossible to allow the cloud to marry. Fortunately, the embroidered building business is good, she will divide the annual profit by two, one for the Yuner couple, and will not be hungry. I don’t know that the people on the surface of the brand look down on the surface, and the savings of silver are no less than the foundation of the embroidered building.

"The big sister rest assured, I will bring her back." The company nodded. At this point, he really realized his importance in Jiang Yingyun's heart. Presumably, she and her eldest sister have done their best in the past three years. Otherwise, which parents and elders are willing to hand over the baby to such a cold killer?

Looking at the dowry and placing them all, Ji Shi also arrived.

Looking at a robes, Jiang Yingyun covered Xipa from Jiang Yingyue's hand and handed it to the brand's hand. Su Shui, an outsider, couldn't help but tears.

Lin Siyu reluctantly embraced her and knew that she was happy for Jiang Yingyun. But when you drop the beans, it is not what he likes.

The swordsman standing behind Su Shui's body pressed down the bitterness of his heart. In the past three years, Jiang Yingyun’s actions and efforts have been seen in her eyes, but she cannot learn to implement it. At least the company will come back several times a year, at least not to avoid Jiang Yingyun, but it is not only to see her, but to avoid it. This year's Dragon Boat Festival will not come.

Three years ago, she also thanked the lord for leaving her here, nominally managing the main house of Qingtian Bieyuan, taking care of their idle courtyard. Assisting the Fanhua Hospital to protect the peace of the “Heyuan”. In fact, they want her to get the happiness she wants. Unfortunately, he does not want her...

The banquet was very grand. Although it was known that the time of the wedding was very good, after all, it was originally a reunion of the Dragon Boat Festival. After more people embroidered the building, they pulled out a few large round tables. The quiet house built two years ago, the empty space in the backyard, can accommodate more than a dozen tables. The public opinion is just a six-table banquet for a simple wedding reception.

After the three-year drink, the guests were exhausted, and the newly-married couple had already been forced by the sergeant to fight the room.

Su Shuiyu and Lin Sizhen took the children back to the Lin Zhai. The whole scene, except for the small squats, left the sword and still sat in the corner.

"Hey? Sword? How are you still?" Yang Jingzhi, who forgot his robe, hurried back to the scene of the wedding, and saw the people in the shadow, asked in amazement.

"Oh, go." Sword nodded lightly and got up.

Yang Jingzhi looked away from the sorrow figure, could not help but sigh and quickly catch up with her pace. "Today is late, borrow a place to stay there, don't you mind?" She suddenly wanted to study the night during college. Talk, have a good night.

"With you." Swordsman glanced at her and spit out two words. The huge house, she lived alone, there is no feeling of loneliness or not.

"Well, let's go... let's go back and drink a few cups. I robbed the osmanthus." Yang Jingzhi smiled and had a lot of osmanthus on the altar.

Men, they all want to come, they want to go and leave... not a good thing...

Only women can comfort each other and drink with wine...

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