MTL - Assassin Farmer-~ Fan Waizhi: Another ending

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Fan Waizhi: Another ending

A slight **** came, she twitched her eyes and opened her eyes. Under the dim light, it was a milky white ceiling and a pink-green wall. The goose-yellow floral curtains that were blown by the night wind slowly fluttered.

"Here is..." Su Shuiqi blinked in confusion and was trying to get his elbows up, but he was pulled by something, and his arm was stinging.

This is... hanging needle. Her slender right arm was carrying a bottle and a half-liter.

Was it rescued by the people of the Dragon Claw State?

Thinking about two months ago, after the younger son Lin Xi was welcoming the Jiangjia Xiaojingyu, she and the aunt again traveled all over the world.

What is the aunt of God? He should not...

She struggled to get up, but felt that she had no strength at all, and it was difficult to simply raise her arms.

"Miss Su Miss Su woke up? Seven bed patients woke up seven beds and the patient woke up"

"Really wake up? Tell her family soon..."


She is back, after a year of coma.

Back to the Republic of China Suzhou, Sujia Courtyard. Made her Miss Su Jiada.

No wonder she will be weak. In the past year, in addition to the daily massage and body rubbing, her body has been lying on the bed in this form.

When she realized it all, she had mixed feelings. She once thought about coming back, but now she is embarrassed. She didn't want to throw the aunt there. Whether it is a life or a death, she can't let him alone.

However, even after two months, her soul is still here. Passively accept this world that is familiar and unfamiliar to her.

"Hey, the doctor said, I will give you a full-body examination tomorrow, and I will be discharged from the hospital if I have nothing to do." Su, the mother of Su, and the mother of Su, the current mother of the family, Li Ruzhen said gently. Although her daughter woke up two months ago, the despair of her eyes has not dissipated. She didn't understand what happened to her daughter. Could it be that the original was not only pushed by Deng Yunmu and she took away her elaborate embroidery? There are other injuries she doesn't know?

"Hey, Deng has been taken off, and the otter is forbidden. Unless he marries, he won't get her small court. Hey, the mother knows that you are good, but... this is the command of the old man." Li Ruzhen sighed, I will say about the change of the Su family in the past year. Deng Yun was taken off, and it was true that the old man had fallen. The Deng family can no longer turn over, but she privately let the court plan. If she dares to hurt her daughter, she will not let Deng’s family be better. She was taken off alone, and she was not cheap. Although I don’t know how much money my husband privately gave to Deng Yun, I know that there is still a silk connection. Not to completely disintegrate the Deng family, she can hardly eliminate the hatred of her heart.

"Mother... I am tired." Su Shuiqi closed her eyes, she was really tired. Regardless of body and mind The body has not recovered, and the heart has shrunk. Auntie, can you still be safe? She is self-deprecating, she has a sleeping skin for a year to receive her undead soul, but what about aunt?

After living in another quaint time and space for more than 20 years, she has been unable to adapt to the tension and fighting in the Republic of China.

In the past, she was able to put these hooks out of her body and focus on embroidery and reading. It seems that this is her little world. But now? Can she still be as it used to be? The gap in the bottom of my heart could not be healed because of the aunt’s departure.

Fortunately, nephews, nephews, and Xier have found their love in this life. Just aunt...


"Mr. Meng said that the situation is good, and he will be discharged tomorrow. It will be restored after a while at home." Li Ruzhen pushed the door of the ward and brought this good news. He could listen to Su Shui's ear, but could not help but have a heart. tight. Leaving here and returning to the Su House, does that mean she can never go back...

"Water Margin? What's wrong with you? What can I say with my mother? If you are so uneasy, is there anything?" Li Ruqi frowned, sitting on the bed and taking out the nutritious congee sent from him. Ready to feed Su Shuiyu, "Yes, Xinyi has been discharged from the hospital. If you are worried about him... Shuiyu... You and Xinyi’s marriage, Xu will not be able to do it in half a year."

"Xin Yige? What happened to him?" What told him to be discharged? Su Shui-tung did not hear the words behind Li Ruzhen and asked with amazement.

"Hey? I didn't tell you? Oh, Xu was on the day of his accident, you just woke up and forgot to say. Xin Yi had a car accident and was in a coma for half a month, but now it's okay, I was with you yesterday. I just went to see him and said that he also has a fate. He lives on this floor, but you can't go down. When he returns home, he has time to visit." Li Ruzheng feeds his daughter to drink porridge. Said the Wang family this time is not smooth.

"If you say it again, Xin Yi is a kind of heart. During your coma, he comes every month. He has been persuading me. You will not have something, you will wake up. I am afraid that the family will be delayed several times. You and Xinyi’s marriage have been solved, but Xinyi has been unwilling to say that it is waiting for you to wake up and say. Now..."

"Niang Niang..." Su Shuiqi struggled to get up and explained the impossibility of her and Xin Yige, but was pressed down by Li Ruzhen.

"I didn't listen to the doctor, but I still vain, don't get up. If there is anything, just lie down and say."

"I... I am with Xinyi brother... impossible..."

"Before the mother-in-law also felt that the hope was not great. But now that you are awake, Xinyi is also difficult to die, and you have to worry about it. Sujia... It is a must to marry the Wang family. The father will not give up so well. The conditions are not needed. Hey, you are different, Xinyi will be good to you, the mother can see it. He is not your father, he is different..."

Su Shuiqi bitterly grasped Li Ruzhen’s hand, even if Wang Xinyi is different from her father. Her heart has long been tied to an unidentified time and space, a man named Lin Sizhen. After spending more than 20 years with his husband, she never thought that she still had the opportunity to return here, and she never thought that she would die with Auntie under such circumstances.

She groaned with a painful heart and panicked Li Ruqi to go out and call the doctor and nurse.

She would rather faint and return to the place where the aunt is. She is destined to disappoint the Su family. She is not a granddaughter who will take care of the overall situation. She only wants to selfishly return to the time and space of the aunt...


However, everything was not as she thought.

She returned to the Su family. Returning to the independent small courtyard before her accident.

The days went on between her and her ignorance. Dazzling, and in the past six months.

Except that the body is not as strong as in the big room, the rest has basically recovered.

"Big Brother" Su Shuiqi stunned Su Tingzhen, "This... No." She is already a married woman, how can she marry another person?

Even if the other party is Xinyi, who she once admired, she is now unable to excite any waves in her heart.

She only needs aunt. Just aunt.

If she can go back again after a coma, she even wants to hit her head against the wall. After she was discharged from the hospital, she couldn’t leave her waiting. She even slugged for a while, and she was tempted to test whether she had anything different.

In the past six months, she has become the focus of the Su family.

Whether it is the old man, the father, or the mother who came to visit her once a day, I have to come to her courtyard to sit down for a moment, the big brother, who are they worried about her? Or, in order to let her marry into the Wang family safely? Although she did not know about politics, she knew that being able to marry the kingdom of politics was the most important thing in the current Su family.

Her heart is half cold, and she should not think of her family who loves her so badly. But she can't control it. Especially after Big Brother voted for such explosive news.

"Water Margin?" Su Tingyi couldn't help but twist his eyebrows. "Do you not like him too?" Although her sister is very tight, but he will not see her other feelings about Xinyi, let alone, "Now Xinyi took the initiative to mention it. Yes, he will meet you tomorrow, you..."

"No, I can't. Big Brother, I..."

"When you meet Xinyi, let's talk about it." Su Tingyu said, "Maybe, if you meet him, you will sort out your own mood." At the end, he once again stressed: "Water Margin, whether you marry or not, Xinyi, Big Brother will always support you, don't want to confuse the big brother with his father. That will make the big brother very sad."

"Big brother..." She finally couldn't help but slide down two lines of tears. "I'm sorry..." How could she think that her older brother and her mother would treat her like this? No matter how the grandfather and his father use her, it is all for the purpose of the Su family. As for the mother and the older brother, it is not enough to fight, but it is not necessarily a pleasure.


The sun at the end of October is still warm and refreshing. Su Shuiqi sat quietly in the courtyard, resting a voyage on his knees, but he was still learning over the past ten years. Auntie took her to walk around the world, and traveled to the five continents.

If so, if they didn't climb the peak on that day, they didn't encounter the thief, they were not scared by the beasts to avoid them... Is everything completely different? She is still with the aunts, swimming around the rivers and lakes, traveling around the world, whether it will return to the beautiful homeland they are trying to build on the New Year's Eve, whether it will be shared with the grandchildren of the children...

A drop of tears fell on the pages of the book, blurring the writing.

She still kept her head down, letting more tears come out from the bottom of her eyes, wet the pages of the book, and fascinated her eyes. I dare not take any action. I was afraid that a few steps away from waiting for her cockroaches would be different.

"Hey, how do you feel at ease..." a sigh came from behind her. Let her sit in a stiff position. I dare not look back. The familiar sigh, the strange tone, made her want to turn back and dare not look back.

Between the stiff, a silk puff appeared in front of her eyes, and then gently wiped her face.

"You are like this, I will think that you are not willing to marry me again. For more than ten years, I really did this failure?" Did not miss the smile in his words and the words that shocked her eardrum, Su Shuizhen Raising the head violently, "...Xin...Xin Yige..." is Wang Xinyi, not him, not him, she is listening to the auditory...

Honestly, I have been very uncomfortable with this name. However, since I can find you back, it doesn't matter." Wang Xinyi smiled at her and gently raised her lips, which made her fascinated.

"What...what?" Su Shui looked at him, it wouldn' was what she thought... " say it again..."

"Say a few times. Just, are you sure you will not marry me again? If you change your name, don't you want me?"


She put on her wedding dress again. This time, she was married with a grand ceremony. The Suzhou Embroidery House and the political squad are old friends and become the first news in Suzhou City and even in China. The super wedding banquet of the 500-table banquet was stopped until the stars were full.

Su Shuiyu quietly sat in the big bed of the wedding room, and the wedding dress had not been replaced because he had not had a drink with him.

Unexpectedly, the aunt's soul broke into the body of Xin Yi Ge. After listening to him saying that the cliff fell on that day, his soul followed her back to this weird time and space, watching her wake up, watching her interact with her family, and whispering when she saw no one, only to understand that this is her real world. After a few days in the hospital, I don’t know how to get in touch with her. There is a man who is not much different from his age. He was sent to the rescue room and was rescued. When he was about to die, his soul entered smoothly. The man's body. What's more, the body he entered into is the Wang Xinyi who has had a marriage contract with her.

After recovering, I began to prepare for marriage with her. In any case, it is only safe to tie her to the side. But I heard that she refused to marry him.

With a chuckle, how could she refuse to marry him? After she learned that he was actually an aunt, how could she not marry? She wished to be able to fly with him immediately, although the idea came out, the blush on his face did not scatter.

"What are you thinking about?" The handsome man who entered the new house smiled and leaned against the door, staring at her.

"No...nothing...have the guests gone?" She was so ashamed, got up and walked to him, and supported him. "Is it alright?"

"What do you say? Although there is no force, the alcohol is still not bad." He smiled and pressed his body half on her. "However, it is really drunk now." She was drunk by her beauty.

"Poor mouth. I found that you are more and more saying this now..." She glanced at him shyly, took him to the bed and sat, gave him a hot towel and brought two glasses of wine.

"That's right for you." His lips were slightly raised. "God made me change my time and space and continue to be a husband and wife. I don't make sense." He is really content.

The two men finished the wine and leaned against the bed. Enjoy the first intimate contact in these two months. Although sometimes it is common before marriage, the family’s sister can’t easily remove her sight before she marries, which makes her and her aunt not so tight. You can only kiss your cheeks and kiss your forehead. Consolation and suffering.

"I finally came back to me." He sighed and then rolled over and covered her delicate body, "Water Margin, my wife..."

She couldn't help but scorn, and greeted him with his affectionate voice, showing a smile, and being physically and mentally united, intertwined into a song...

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