MTL - Assistant Lin Has Something To Say-Chapter 31

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This late movie is destined to be delayed by the heavy rain, but He Jianshan doesn't mind.

The rain in winter is a bit gloomy and cold, and when the wind blows, it can penetrate directly from the clothes into the bones. When he was outside, He Jianshan was eager and could not feel anything. He calmed down and followed Lin back to his house. As soon as he opened the door, the coldness from the shop made him sneezed. . Lin Hui hurriedly turned on the light, and before he had time to change his shoes, he ran in and took a towel out and handed it to He Jianshan: "I turned on the heater, please wipe your hair and body quickly, don't catch a cold."

Under the bright light, He Jianshan saw that Lin Hui still had water droplets on his clothes, and his hair was partly wet. He reluctantly put the towel over Lin Hui's head and started to help him wipe it up. Lin Hui was startled and wanted to reach out to stop him, but as soon as his fingertips touched He Jianshan's hand, it was as if he had been electrocuted, and he hurried back.

There is only the sound of rustling and wiping in the air, with a little quiet tenderness.

After a while, He Jianshan said, "Okay."

Lin Hui nodded casually, coughed lightly, and led He Jianshan to the living room. He poured He Jianshan a glass of water, and when he handed it over, he asked casually, "Have you had dinner?"

He Jianshan shook his head.

Lin Hui was speechless: "No matter how bad the plane meal is, you have to prepare it first." He walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and looked at He Jian. Shandao: "I have pork rib soup and rice at home. I'll cook another dish for you. Let's have dinner first?"

He Jianshan nodded: "Okay."

Seeing that he agreed, Lin Hui quickly put on his apron and took out tomatoes and eggs, while He Jianshan leaned against the kitchen door and watched him intently. Lin Hui felt his gaze, stopped what he was doing, and whispered uncomfortably, "Don't look at it, sit on the sofa and rest for a while, I'll call you now."

He Jianshan thought for a while: "Can I visit it?"

"Yes. But do you still need to visit? You can see the innermost from the door." Lin Hui's smile was mixed with the sound of chopsticks beating eggs, as if the sound was also stained with Aroma of food. What he said was a little modest. There are three bedrooms and one living room, two bedrooms and a study. Compared with He Jianshan's house, it is not big, but the apartment is very good. Even at night, it can be seen that it must be spacious and bright during the day. People are more than enough.

"The house and location are very good, and it's worth buying." He Jianshan commented.

Lin Hui had already started to cut tomatoes, he cut and smiled: "I specially asked Li Fenghai to help me see it. You don't know, on the day of handover, he also brought a worker, two people Each person has a small hammer, and he knocked every corner for me, making the sales consultant’s face turn green.”

He Jianshan couldn't help laughing: "No one knows better than him."

He Jianshan turned around at will, and found that Lin Hui's home was decorated as warmly as he imagined: large areas of wood-colored furniture, soft short-pile carpets, and a warm light above his head The chandeliers, the carefully trimmed green plants in the corners... the layout of each corner shows the owner's intentions and love. He walked slowly to the study, only to find that there was a whole wall of bookshelves inside. They are divided into grids of different sizes, and various books or decorations are placed on them. He Jianshan took out a copy and put it back, then turned his attention to the objects in the other grids. He walked and looked at it: a set of stationery that looked some years old; a small globe; a assembled Lego The plane; there is a separate plant illustration in a grid; the ribbon that was tied to Lin Hui's wrist before the business trip was tied around the neck of a woodcarved cat and turned into its bow tie, He Jianshan Shinobu I couldn't stop pulling out my phone to take a picture; and—

He Jianshan stopped. He frowned and couldn't help but reach out and take it out.

—a pen.

This is the classic model of the top pen brand AS - "Muse": the whole body is black lacquer barrel, only a circle of broken diamonds is inlaid on the cap, like an elegant crown, like night The stars in the middle; combined with a little vermilion at the end of the clip, and the silver nib, it makes people think of a graceful girl dancing gracefully, like a goddess descending.

This is the origin of "Muse" - the founder of AS accidentally saw a girl in a black gauze dress dancing in the water, and fell in love with her at first sight, so he was inspired to design and make it. He Jianshan is so familiar with this pen because he has an identical one. It was a birthday present when he was ten years old, and it was worth 49,500 yuan.

He Jianshan was puzzled. He had never heard that Lin Hui had a hobby of collecting pens, and he didn't seem like someone who would spend so much money on such an expensive pen. The only possibility is that it was given by someone else. The problem is that, because of the name and origin, this pen is usually given more between couples or when expressing love to a loved one.

He Jianshan looked at the pen carefully, there was no dust on it, it was brand new as if it had just been taken out of the counter, Lin Hui must have cherished it very much to preserve it so well. Who would have given such a gift so cherished? Before he could regain his senses, Lin Hui's voice came over there: "Mr. He, dinner is ready, come and eat quickly."

He Jianshan responded, pressed the doubts in his heart, and put the pen back carefully.

On the dining table, the steaming tomato scrambled eggs and the fragrant pork rib soup made He Jianshan's appetite widen, probably because he was afraid that he would not feel comfortable eating alone, Lin Hui also served a small half of it for himself A bowl of rice to eat with him. The two chatted while eating—

"I see a lot of travel-related books in your study."

Lin Hui nodded: "Yun travel, I don't have time to go out, and it's fun to read other people's travel notes."

He Jianshan was a little curious: "Then what do you do every time you have a holiday?"

"Sleep, play on phone."


Lin Hui couldn't help laughing: "Why, don't you believe it? I said I was lazy."

Perhaps because of being at home, Lin Hui was obviously relaxed a lot, and He Jianshan also smiled: "Anyway, the holiday is for rest, and sleep is also rest."

Lin glanced back at him: "I thought you were going to say it was unhealthy again."

"It is better to eat less soup and rice."


"Right," Lin recalled something, and said again, "I invited Mr. He's band to perform at our annual meeting, okay?"

The word "we" made He Jianshan feel happy: "It's fine for you to call the shots."

"Listening to Mr. He, Mr. He Zhao doesn't seem to like him doing this much, I'm afraid that time..."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

While chatting, He Jianshan inexplicably remembered the pen in the study, he hesitated for a long time, but couldn't help but say: "On that bookshelf, I see... there is a pen ."

Lin Hui was stunned for a moment, his expression became a little unnatural: "Oh, that..."

"Is it from a friend?"

Lin Hui took a sip of water and nodded, "...That's right."

He Jianshan suddenly felt that the tomato in his mouth was turning sour. He didn't understand what the method of "it was" was, but he didn't show it on his face, and continued to ask: " Is it from an ex-friend?"

"...cough..." Lin Hui seemed to be choked suddenly and coughed violently.

He Jianshan couldn't see his cover, but he didn't want Lin Hui to feel uncomfortable. He liked the comfortable atmosphere when chatting with Lin Hui, and was unwilling to destroy it. Besides, whether it was his ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, it was nothing to him, He Jianshan. Thinking of this, he quickly changed the subject and quickly skipped over.

After dinner, Lin Hui put the tableware and chopsticks into the kitchen. When he came out, he saw He Jianshan standing on the balcony, looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking. The rain had not stopped outside, and in the starless night, only the leaves that were washed and gleamed, and the smudged lights in the buildings not far away were left. For some reason, Lin Hui suddenly didn't want to step forward. He just wanted to stand in the room and watch He Jianshan's back. It was best to keep watching.

Maybe it was a little quiet around, He Jianshan seemed to feel it, turned his head to look at him and smiled: "What's wrong?"

Lin Hui shook his head and walked slowly to his side: "What are you looking at, Mr. He?"

"Assistant Lin," He Jianshan did not answer his question, but instead said, "Call my name, and don't say 'you'."

Lin paused for a while, then muttered, "Then why do you call me 'Assistant Lin' yourself?"

"That's different."

Lin Hui just wanted to ask what was different, but suddenly realized something, and the auricle immediately turned red.

For a while, neither of them spoke.

Lin Hui was actually a little confused. He has so many questions he wants to ask: for example, what does the bow tied on his hand mean, and he wants to ask him what it means to invite him to a movie; he still has a lot of things he wants to say, many of which he dared not say in the past and still say no now. Export words. He liked He Jianshan for too long, so long that when facing him, he couldn't find a little bit of "courage" in himself: looking ahead and looking back, indecisive, afraid of monkeys catching the moon, and finding nothing to be happy.

However, there is indeed something different, something has changed between him and He Jianshan. That secret and ambiguous emotion, like a thread, wrapped around them, pulling each other gently. Lin Hui didn't know if this change was due to the accident, but it was enough to make a huge storm in Lin Hui's heart - it was like pressing the "PLAY" button of the game. He had already fallen before everything started.

The wind whistled through the gap in the window and left again.

Lin Hui opened his mouth: "I saw a documentary before, it seems that there is a minority, they believe in the wind, which is the wind blowing outside now. Every spring, people there will hold An activity called 'Running the Wind' is probably similar to an obstacle race, running against the wind, running from side to side, picking up various fruits and vegetables while running, which symbolizes a good harvest in the year. They believe that Huhu The blowing wind can blow them away bad luck and bring them good luck."

Lin Hui lowered his head and smiled: "How about you, do you like these natural phenomena? What season and weather do you like?"

He Jianshan turned to look at him.

I don't know why, it was just a casual chat, but he couldn't help but want to keep looking at Lin Hui: his eyebrows, his raised lips, the one on his shoulder A touch of light... He was so engrossed in it that he almost forgot to answer the question: "...I"

"Rain? Is it the kind of spring rain, or—" Lin Hui pointed to the outside, "This kind of rain?"

He Jianshan was still reluctant to look away and nodded: "Yes."

Lin Hui was a little puzzled: "Why? It's raining so hard, isn't it convenient to travel?"

He waited for a long time but didn't get He Jianshan's answer.

The temperature of the heating in the house has come up, even standing on the balcony, Lin Hui felt dry and warm. He wanted to pour two glasses of water, but just as he turned around, he was suddenly grabbed by the wrist by the person beside him. Lin Hui looked into He Jianshan's eyes in surprise, and found that his eyes were so bright that it made people panic.

He Jianshan's throat slid, slowly pulling him in front of him, reaching out to caress his face, and then gradually moved to his lips. His thumb kept rubbing against Lin Hui's lips, as if soothing, but at the same time as trying to restrain himself.

Lin Hui's heart was beating like a drum, and his eyelashes were shaking a little.

He Jianshan slowly approached, and the familiar breath instantly enveloped Lin Hui, and their breathing began to stagger.

"Can you do that?" He Jianshan's voice was hoarse.

Lin Hui's hands were tightly curled up, after a long time, he said, "...I don't know."

"Then—" He Jianshan seriously suggested, "Is it good for rainy days?"

Lin Hui couldn't help laughing, and He Jianshan also laughed. They were so close that their laughter was like butterflies flapping their wings in their ears.

Lin Hui's heart was filled with grief, he always felt that there was a dream in front of him, a familiar and repeated link in countless nights. He stared at He Jianshan motionless, unaware that his eyes were red. He asked in a very thin and light voice: "You, is it true?"

He Jianshan who asked him to watch a movie, He Jianshan who wants to kiss him, He Jianshan who is standing here, are they real? Lin Hui felt suspicious.

He Jianshan's heart seemed to be suddenly stabbed by a needle, and the sharp pain stopped the movement of his hands. He didn't know why Lin Hui had such doubts. He had never felt this way before: no one had ever told him that among the thousands of emotions of love, there would also be pain that would make people want to cry.

He wants an answer. He Jianshan thought.

This evening he avoided two questions that he now wants to answer.

"Assistant Lin," He Jianshan opened his mouth, he slowly closed his eyes and opened them quickly, "You ask me what I am looking at, I am looking at your shadow; you ask me Why do you like heavy rain, because the first time we met, it was also such a heavy rain; you ask me if it is true, I can only say—"

He Jianshan stopped, he looked at the person in front of him carefully, the lights flashed in his eyes: "I—"

Lin Hui's body began to tremble, he stared at the person in front of him with red eyes.

"—falling in love."

He Jianshan bowed his head and kissed.

The author has something to say:

There are many songs about secret love, but if I had to choose one for Lin Hui, it would only be Faye Wong's "Reservation". After this chapter, Lin Hui can finally say goodbye to this song.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy