MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 112 Xin Yi Cheng Fan Wai 4

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Xinyi City has been thinking hard and still has not made a perfect pursuit plan. After three days, he called her again and found that he had unfortunately accompanied her ex-boyfriend - his cell phone number was also blacked out by her.

Xin Yancheng really hates her teeth for her fast-paced style of work.

But what he didn't know was that there were more things that made him gnash his teeth.

Xin Yucheng went to the hospital downstairs to wait for her. After waiting for half an hour, she didn't see the figure. When he went in and asked, she knew that she didn't go to work at all.

"Why didn't you come to work? Is it ill?" Xinyi City clearly remembers that she was the kind of workaholic who could live in the hospital for twenty-four hours.

"Doctor Su is not ill. If she is ill, she should be in the hospital."

Xin Yucheng is sullen, and obviously just wants to listen to the nurse's point.

The nurse also had eyesight and found that his face was impatient, and he hurriedly said: "Doctor Su wants to go abroad for exchanges and may not come back in the near future."

"Going abroad? Where are you going? When are you going?"

Miss nurse shook her head.

Xin Yicheng impatiently said: "Thank you." Turned to the elevator and went directly to the Dean's office.

When Su He was carrying the garbage bag downstairs, he saw Xincheng City standing next to the green potted plant downstairs. The light of the street lamp was bright, but half of his face was not in the shadow, and she could not see his expression.

She only knew that his shadow reflected on the ground was drawn very long.

Su He didn't want to ask why he was here. She turned and wanted to go back, and she heard the big stride behind her, the feeling... she hadn’t thought about it, her right wrist was caught, and her body was forced to spin. The next second, Xinyi City She grabbed her waist in one hand and clutched her hand in one hand, holding her lips down.

She looked at her man with her eyes closed on her lips with a look of disdain, and she came back and struggled. As a result, the more she struggled, the more powerful her kiss was.


Xin Xincheng saw her breathless, and this slightly left her lips, but did not loosen her embarrassment.

Su He gasped and yelled: "Xin Yucheng, what do you do! Crazy!"

"If you do this again, believe that I am not far from being crazy!"

"You let me go."

"Don't let go. Let's make a good statement tonight."

"Xin Yucheng, under the crowd, you and I are pulling, don't you feel wrong?"

"Okay, let's talk to you."

"I don't want you to go in."

"Then we will talk here." Xin Yucheng said, the hand that was buckled at her waist was slightly received, and Su He was more intimate with his body.

Su He only felt that the heart was stunned. So busy: "Good! Come into the house!"

Xin Yicheng just released his hand with satisfaction. Sure enough, negotiating with such a strong woman, she should be more powerful.

Xinyi City went upstairs with her and went to the fourth floor. Su He opened the door and looked unhappy: "Xin Yucheng, you have to leave immediately after talking."

Xin Yancheng glanced at her and said, "What are you afraid of?" Going inside.

The house was neatly packed, but the suitcase that was placed not far from the living room sofa was a bit unsightly.

Xin Xincheng saw her close the door, and this said: "How long do you have to go abroad?"

“Do I need to report your whereabouts to you?”

"You don't have to report to me." He said, pressing someone on the wall and kissing her with low hair and madness.


Su He was so angry that he wanted to bite back when he opened his mouth. Who knows that Xincheng City withdrew quickly, and Su couldn’t take it and directly bite himself. She only felt a slight numbness in her lips, and then the smell of blood overflowed.

Su He reached for a hand, and sure enough, bleeding.

It’s really not a fight!

“Xin Yucheng!”

"Open your mouth, let me see!" He held his chin on his fingertips and was trying to make it clear. He was so stunned by Su He. "What are you! In the end, who is the doctor!" Wipe the blood of the corner of the mouth.

After seeing Xin Xincheng, she couldn't help but hold her face, turned her head and kissed her gently and softly.

Su He gripped his arm tightly, only feeling that he kissed each other down, and his apex trembled slightly.

"Su He... Su He..."

At the end of the long kiss, both of them were obviously unable to breathe.

Su He only felt that his head was blank.

"Su He, don't go abroad, okay?" Xin Yucheng decided, this is the first time I used this kind of pleading and talking with people in a gentle tone.

"Not good." Su He looked up at him and said: "All the procedures are done, I have to go."

Xinyi City has no choice but to compromise: "How long will it take?"

"One year. Or longer." She intends to stay there and continue her studies.

"Ok, I will wait for you."

"Xin Yucheng, are you waiting for me?"

"Well, wait for you!"

"I will not give you any points before I leave, do you wait?"


"How long does this period last, I don't know it myself. And, in recent years, I don't plan to get married at all."

"It doesn't matter, I am waiting for you."

"Xin Yucheng, are you crazy?"

"Well, crazy."

When you meet you, you are crazy.

"Su He, what do you want?"

The instructor’s question made Su He immediately return to God.

Su He smiled. "Professor, nothing."

The professor took off his glasses and looked at her with a few glances. He said, "This has been so many years, have you not forgotten the money remotely?"

In the same industry, it is still a small and accomplished money remote, and Su He’s mentor has also seen it. However, she had seen the money remotely. When she went back, she said to Su He: "Not suitable. You are better."

At that time, Su He was busy doing research, and wherever he could take care of it, he said, "Professor, this kind of thing, where is it right?"

Later, indeed, as the teacher of Su He said, the two people are really unsuitable.

Thanks to her tutor's reminder, she would have forgotten this person. Su He smiled and said: "Professor, I have forgotten, I am not thinking about him."

"So who are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about Xin..." The name that was rushing out was slammed by her. I remembered that he kissed him three times that night. Su He shook his head and said, "I don't think about anyone."

Her tutor meant a deep smile. "Whenever there is time, bring me over."

Su He smiled and didn't answer.

It is estimated that there is no such opportunity.

In the past few years, she has not planned to return to China.

In the third year of Su He’s trip abroad, Qian Wei and Cai Die sent her a wedding invitation. I heard that Cai Die has been pregnant for three months.

Su He looked at the wedding invitation and then directly threw the wedding invitation into the trash.

I really wish them a good year!

On the evening of the Spring Festival, heavy snow flew, and there was not enough food in the Suhe apartment. She was planning to go to the supermarket to buy more and come back to eat hot pot. As a result, when she went downstairs, she saw a black car parked in the community.

She looked at her more and saw the door open and a tall man in a black coat.

Su He’s footsteps stopped, and he saw him slowly moving toward himself.

Xin Xincheng took off her gloves and touched her some red cheeks and said: "Happy New Year!"

Su He sucked his nose and asked him: "How come you? Is it not a holiday in China?"

"Well. My parents and I said that I am going to chase my wife, and they agreed."

Su He blinked and immediately retorted: "Who is your wife?"

"Catch slowly, it will be!"

"Xin Yucheng, your face is really big."

"Well, it’s better than you."

"Are you like this, are you looking for it?"

"I am coming to you." Xin Yucheng said, reaching out and holding her into her arms, softly whispering in her ear: "Su He, I miss you."

Su He did not move, she leaned in his arms, inexplicably felt a warmth.

She thought, this man, can you really let yourself rely on life? Or can he really accompany himself through this long and short life?

Su He thought, or else, just let him.

Give him the opportunity and give himself a chance.

[This time is finished]

2017-7-26, 14:40

Read The Duke's Passion