MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 114 庄着番外2

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Zhuang said that he would not harass her again, and he did his best.

From the second day on, he never sent flowers to her company.

Colleagues found that they didn't have those fancy things for three consecutive days. After work, they didn't see another Lamborghini waiting for the bell to go downstairs, so they asked her for news.

"Zhong Qin, what happened to you and the dealer's small opening? Blow it?"

Zhong Qin didn't want to pay attention to it, but he still explained: "He just rises on the spot, we are not together at all."

"Yes? Zhong Qin, I admire you! I can stop the temptation. Although his background is very strong, people are also handsome and handsome, but I heard that their group of rich second generations are drinking bars every night. It’s all right to play with a woman, and you’re rejecting him. It’s completely correct.”

Zhong Qin listened, just smiled and didn't want to continue this topic.

Of course, some people feel sorry for her. "Zhong Qin, you said that you didn't take advantage of this opportunity! Who is it! Rich people! You should capture his heart and jump into the giants as a wealthy wife." !Where you still need to work so hard!"

Mrs. Fu Jia, not everyone wants to be. At least, Zhong Qin did not have such a thought.

A few days later, Xin Haoyue called her and asked her about how she was doing.

When the clock is diligently carrying a mobile phone hands-free, while doing yoga, I don’t think it is: "What can I do, there is no drama."

Xin Haoyue asked: "He didn't look for you again?"

"I have made it clear, what are you looking for? And, if he comes to me, does it seem that his grandfather is very faceless?"

Xin Haoyue couldn’t help but smile. “How do I feel that you two are suffocating?”

"I am so angry with him, it is not worth it. I still work hard, and if I can meet a good person, I will get married. If I can't meet it, I will be free and comfortable for myself. It is also very good." ""

"Don't say, you can definitely meet!"

Zhong Qin sighed. "I think I have passed the girlhood that I want to fall in love with. The feelings, come or not, are free. In your words, it is just."

Xin Haoyue really can't say anything, but she has to let her go.

What Zhong Qin did not know was that Zhuang had become more and more crazy after she refused, and soaked the bar and played with women.

The battle, seeing his brother stunned.

Although it was mixed before, it was not so mixed.

On this day, Zhuang drunk, was framed by his brother to the suite, and also gave him a beautiful girl to serve. The beautiful woman wore a tube top miniskirt, his hand went up the woman's thigh, and turned over and pressed her under her body. As a result, when she leaned down to kiss her, he found that he could not go on.

He sullenly turned to lie on the other side and said: "Get out!"

The woman looked strange and instinctively he couldn’t do it. He got up and disguised himself, sorted out his clothes, and walked out all the way.

Zhuang turned over and buried his face in the pillow. He found that he was thinking of the woman who made him angry!

Zhuang is doing this for a few days. Later that night, the brothers asked him to drink. He drank for a long while, letting all the inconvenienced women leave, and then asked the brothers and words: "How can a woman be bowed to you?"

The brothers immediately laughed, and some people tweeted: "Hey, brother, you are the emperor of the dynasty!"

"Roll! You don't open no one when you are dumb! Give me a serious point! I am serious!"

The brothers didn’t smile for a long time, and they asked, “Isn’t it true?”

"What are you talking about, how can you catch up with your hands, you will be good idea! Less inquiries!"

"I will go, even inquiries will not work! Then you should always talk about what type of woman is it? Know ourselves and know each other, we can make an idea!"

"It's tall and thin, looks good, has sharp teeth, and focuses. She said that I am not her ideal type!"

"Hey, this woman is really blind, Zhuang brother is so good, I want to have a face value, I have money, I have a career, I still feel that I am not ideal. I want to say, Zhuang Ge, you are not used to it. Looking at her, find a woman to show her in front of her, and let her vinegar die sooner or later. This is the case for women. When they have it, they don’t cherish it. It doesn’t matter at all. When someone comes to grab it, they will know how much they are reluctant. !"

Zhuang listened and was dubious. "You can't do this method?"

"Zhuang Ge, listen to the brothers, and let you succeed!"

"Zhuangzi, don't listen to him nonsense, ask me to say, you don't be polite at that, what kind of woman can't make it, as soon as you get to the bed, you are absolutely obedient and obedient to your body."

Considering the feasibility of these two options. Finally summed up, "Let her be jealous?"


"Overlord hard bow?"

"Listen to me, it is definitely a good way! To get a woman's heart, we must first get her body. The woman's body is the most honest."

After thinking about going back for a long time, I still thought that the overlord was **** the bow. He was impressed. He was only a strong kiss on her that day, and he would not lose the meat. The result! Her backhand is a big slap!

In the solemn life, apart from being taught by his father, he never slammed the second person.

Anyway, this account, Zhuang thought, he will come back sooner and later.

Two programs, Zhuang decided to try the first one first.

So he found a woman, and when he went to the movies together with Zhong Qin and Xin Haoyue, he and the woman appeared intimately together. It’s just a process, it’s really hard to say.

Zhong Qin did not express his position throughout the whole process, and the whole pair looked good.

The woman I found was even less eye-catching.

There is also Xin Haoyue, it is simply to tear down the Taiwan.

Zhuang really wants to call Shen Sinan, let him be optimistic about Xinyue, don't let her come out to add chaos.

When he was chasing people on the road, he was struggling, and he came back with a big stumbling block. When will he take Zhong Qin?

On the way back, Zhuang took the call to the person who made the idea and took him a pass.

What is jealous! People don’t eat vinegar at all!

He thought indignantly, knowing that he would cook rice and rice directly with Zhong Qinsheng! Save money!

With this idea, it is a delay to act.

Until I heard the news of Xin Yuyue's pregnancy, Zhuang quietly called Shen Sinan and asked him if Xin Haoyue's girlfriends had said when they had seen the little sisters.

Shen Sinan slowly said: "Is it not your life to block people downstairs? How? Should you bring this skill to my home?"

Zhuang grabbed his hair and he really wanted to block it. However, "the last time I used it, I said that I would never go to her downstairs to block people, man, speak of course!" Even if, broke the teeth and swallowed in the stomach.

Shen Sinan gave a sigh of relief and replied: "I can't tell you, my wife and I have an opinion on me. What should I do?"

"Don't worry! I absolutely don't say what you said to the blind man. Just happen by chance. It happens to be such a thing. It's not easy?" It’s easy to use the brain at this moment.

Shen Sinan was also loyal and gave him time: "The day after tomorrow."

Read The Duke's Passion