MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 41

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On the night of Xincheng City in City A, Xin Haoyue received a call from Bai Ning. After hanging up the phone, Xin Haoyue smiled and said: "I said how busy people will always go to the city of A, the original is still very moving you. This is to visit me, the feeling is that I think more!"

Xinyi City was taking a shower and the hair was still wet. He wiped it with a towel and slowly wiped it off. Then he replied: "According to the investigation, the responsibility is still on you."

"Mom let you go to blind date, is this still about me?" Xin Haoyue looked at him with dissatisfaction. "Brother, you can't push any responsibility to me!"

Xin Yucheng said that he was justified. "If it wasn't for the press conference of Shen Si Nankai, my mom and dad would know that their daughter already had an object and would think about it and quickly find me one? Xin Haoyue, who wants to be kind!"

"This... you should also look for Shen Sinan!" Xin Yuyue retorted: "It is his own gibberish, how can I stop it!"

Besides, he developed a cloth meeting but did not leak a message to himself.

Xinyue Yue wants to think that Shen Sinan is deliberate.

The original video and all the information were withdrawn, and their company also issued a statement, where he still needs to go out and say something!

Xin Yucheng gave her a meaningful look to her, and then only said: "When will you dispel your mother's thoughts of letting me go to blind date, when will I leave."

"Hey! This is where I persuaded!"

Xinyi City can only manage her process as long as the result, at the end, only asked: "Where is the room?"

Xin Haoyue pointed to a direction, Xin Xincheng went back to the room without saying anything.

Leave Xin Xinyue in the living room: He wants to live?

Although I really want to blow people away, I guess that the success rate and the strength of the force after I got up against it are too low, and Xin Haoyue gave up.

Early the next morning, she was thinking of getting up early to make breakfast. Well, Xincheng City lived here, and it was not good to let him go hungry. As a result, she just got out of the bedroom and heard the movement from the entrance.

She subconsciously thought it was Xincheng, and she yawned with her eyes open. The voice was vague: "How come you wake up so early? I haven't started cooking yet."

Xin Xinyue’s voice has not heard the response for a long time. I wondered about it. Then I quickly looked at the front and looked at the gray tall figure standing there. It was not Xincheng!

Xin Haoyue panicked for the first time. During the period, Ai Ai asked: "How are you, how are you... so early!"

When Shen Sinan finished her words, her face was dark and heavy, and she said: "I am not so early, I don't know if you have other men in your house!" said Shen Sinan, pointing to the sofa last night. The suit jacket, sings: "Xin Haoyue, you have a long way! So you have always refused me, just because of him?"

"No, not what you think!" Xin Haoyue explained, "I don't have..."

"How is it so noisy in the early morning!" Xin Yucheng locked his brow out of the room, and it was annoying to wake up early in the morning.

Shen Sinan saw a man coming out of the house, and his eyes were full of fire, but he could see his face and vent his anger.

This is really a big oolong.

Shen Sinan gently raised his hand and held the temple.

Xin Xincheng found that after the man in the living room had a man he didn't like, his eyes immediately looked at Xin Haoyue. "Have he appeared in your house so early?"

Shen Sinan did not hesitate to return: "Isn't Xin always appeared in this room early in the morning?"

"I am different from you."

"The future is a family."

"Who is with you is a family!"

Xin Haoyue looks at the **** for tat, you say a word to me, simply direct people, go into the kitchen, too lazy to care about these two boring people!

When I went to work, Xin Haoyue did not drive back because of the car last night. Shen Sinan said to send her. She didn't have much opinion, that is, Xinyi City's opinion was a little bigger. "Shen, you have a lot of opportunities, my sister is still sending me myself, and it will not bother you."

"Xin is always polite. I sent her back last night, and naturally I still have to send her to work today."

"Since I am here, there is no need to bother with Shen."

Xin Haoyue looked at them and talked to the officials. They felt tired for them. "Brother, you will argue this way again. I don't think I have to go to work. Well, you discuss, I still go and do it myself. Maybe you can hurry."

Of course, in the end, Shen Sinan sent her away.

When Shen Sinan left, he saw the gloom of Xinyi City, and he couldn’t help but be happy.

When I waited for the red light on the road, he turned to look at Xinyueyue and found that the white pearl long earrings she wore today lined her skin white and beautiful, a little intellectual and a little sexy, so she smiled and said: "Women today That's great!"

Xin Haoyue listened to him so shouting, his face could not help but burn, quickly yelled: "Who is your wife, don't scream!"

Shen Sinan looked at her meaningfully, very clever and did not refute. Anyway, it’s just a matter of time!

Xin Xiaoyue arrived in the office less than ten minutes and received a call from the director, let her look for him in the past.

Xinyue month intuition is not a good thing, because things linked to the director are not good things. However, what surprised her was that the matter was a blessing.

The director of the station sat in the chair and said in a serious manner: "The last time you interviewed Sheng Wenyang, we were very good at it. It was very strong. Later, because there were always viewers who strongly recommended you to join the program, I discussed with other high-level officials. After that, everyone agreed to let you transform into an interview program."

Xin Haoyue was surprised. The interview program was indeed what she always wanted to try and contact. She thought that she had to work hard for a few more years to transform. I didn’t expect it to be so effortless now!

When the Taiwanese leader saw her flying, she did not have much objection. This continued: "The interview time in Taili is also a long time. The audience is huge. The landlord is going to marry at the end of the year, so from now on, you will cooperate together. ,is that OK?"

The pie in the sky, Xin Xinyue did not dare to take it immediately, just said: "Director, can you let me go back and think about it?"

"Of course. You can go back and think about it. It is best to give me a reply before work this afternoon."

Xin Haoyue nodded and promised to go back to the office. She asked Gu Yu, Gu Yu immediately said: "Go and go! Don't go white! Transforming to do interviews is rare! And you don't always want to try such programs!"

Gu Yu did say her heart. Zhong Qin is also supportive.

After Xin Haoyue gave a reply before leaving work, the director was very satisfied and said: "Not bad, did not let me down!"

After the completion of the next program to discuss the meeting, Xin Haoyue clearly knew where the big pit was after the pie fell.

This file "Walking in Your World" is going to be interviewed next week with the new shadow of the entertainment industry.

In recent years, with a good role-playing role, Jane has won one award after another, and even won the title of the film.

However, Jane is a strange person, she does not like the activities other than filming. In addition to the awards ceremony, she had to participate, like other variety events, interviews, etc., she rarely appeared. In short, it is difficult to make an appointment to her.

However, such a highly difficult task actually fell to the body of Xin Haoyue.

"Yueyue, this period will be handed over to you. It is said that she is now making a TV series in the city, and you are familiar with it. You fly over and talk to her personally, so be sure to let her promise to come to our program. ”

Pit, big pit.

Xin Xinyue hadn’t spoken yet, and he heard Lu Mei, who was sitting across from him, laughing and sighing and sighing: “Our singer’s singularity is so big that it’s hard to beat her!”

Xin Haoyue knows that she is telling Shen Sinan that she knows that Lu Meiren should most oppose her joining the show. She can’t wait for her to fall on Jane, but...

Xin Haoyue smiled and looked at Lu Meiren very leisurely. Lazy asked: "Luo presides, the backing behind me is not only big, but there are still many seats. I don't know which one you are referring to?"

"Xin host is really dare to clarify!"

"Isn't the landlord first picking it up?"

Other spectators have been stunned, and the two have been on the first day. Sure enough, a mountain can not accommodate two tigers.

Xin Haoyue went back and looked for the simple information, only to know that her company is the company of Shen Sinan's mother Weng Yilin.

Please ask Weng Yulin, if you want to come from it, you will get twice the result with half the effort. However, since she had avoided the invitation of Weng Yulin, she did not attend the birthday banquet of Shen’s father, and she did not visit her again. She felt that she was owed.

I haven't seen it for a few years now. I will ask the parents to help you with the matter. Xin Xinyue always feels uneasy. So why dare to trouble her again?

Finally, Xin Haoyue decided to start from the simple side.

She contacted Jane's agent on Weibo and explained her intentions. She did not expect to accept it immediately. She just said that she would like to take some time and talk.

Unexpectedly, it took a few hours to send the other party back. "Xin hosted you, yes. Shengshi City **** Hotel, Jane is filming nearby, tomorrow at 10:30 am."

Xin Haoyue accident is so smooth.

Of course, the middle is naturally a simple broker who has helped him. After seeing Weibo’s private letter, he and Jane said that A’s “Into Your World” program wants to interview her. Jane did not want to refuse.

The agent explained: "This Xin host is the boss's future daughter-in-law. She said she would like to meet with you first and talk."

At that time, Jane was back on the lines and heard the words "the boss's future daughter-in-law". After she went out, she replied: "Can I refuse?"

"This... I suggest you best agree."

Xin Haoyue thought about going to the city only the next day, and prepared a very rich dinner that night.

After Xin Qicheng came back to see it, he was surprised. "What do you call so many takeaways?"

Xin Haoyue, who is in the soup, said without words: "I don't buy it. I cook it myself. Can't you see it?"

Xin Yucheng looked suspicious. "Do you still have this skill?"

"That is! Try it!"

Xin Yucheng took the spoon and was trying to bow down and tasted it. Then he looked up again: "What do you have, just say it."


"I see this dinner to be scared."

"Love and not eat!" Xin Haoyue really admire him, she just made a meal for him to eat, he also thinks about himself?

Xin Xincheng saw her face change, and then sat down and tasted it. Then she said, "Just kidding, are you still serious?"

"Not really." Xin Haoyue bowed his head to eat.

Xin Yucheng then asked: "How come you have the mood to do so much?" After asking, he was a glimpse first, then he asked: "You should not want to ask Shen Sinan to come and eat together?"

"What is the matter?"

"It’s a miracle that he didn’t come over tonight."

Xin Xinyue remembers that Shen Sinan sent a message in the afternoon saying that he had an important project to talk about, could not pick her up, let the driver come over. Xin Haoyue had a car and naturally didn't want to be so troublesome, so he replied that he would drive back.

Shen Sinan was careful on her way. She also told her that there would be a dinner at the end of the evening, and it might be late at the end.

Xin Haoyue just returned to him "Oh."

Now Xincheng City asked, Xin Haoyue explained: "He is a little busy."

Xin Yicheng is not allowed.

Xin Haoyue said to him that he would return to the city only tomorrow morning to see the simple things. Xinyi City only asked: "Do you need me to help out?"

In fact, he just asked, because she knew that Xin Haoyue’s work only wanted to rely on herself. For so long, she did not let him intervene.

Sure enough, Xin Haoyue vowed: "No, I will come by myself. If I can’t talk tomorrow, I will think of other ways."

Shen Sinan went to see her the next morning and sent her a text message saying that she was waiting for her downstairs. She had not returned. Pressing the doorbell, Xinyicheng listened to his voice, and even the door didn't open. He replied directly: "She went to work."

Shen Sinan is very surprised. Is it early for her to go to work today?

When she had dinner at noon, she sent her a WeChat and didn't return. She had to call her directly.

When Shen Sinan called her, Xin Haoyue just saw Jane. The appointment time was 10:30. As a result, Xin Haoyue waited for forty minutes before seeing people.

She also wore costumes. After seeing Xin Xinyue, she smiled and apologized: "I'm sorry, I thought I could rest in advance. I don't want to add a play in the middle. Now I have to be empty. Miss Laos Xin waited for such a long time. ""

"It doesn't matter, thank you Miss Jane for taking the time to see me. I am this time..."

Xin Xinyue’s words are not over, and the ringing of the mobile phone rings. It’s Shen Shennan’s phone. She took a look and hung up.

After a while, the phone came in again. Xin Haoyue said: "Sorry, I will pick up the phone first."

Jane smiled and nodded.

Shen Sinan asked her when she got off work. Xin Haoyue replied: "I don't know."

"Take me a call after work, I will take you to dinner."

"Shen Sinan, I am not in City A."


"I am in the city only." Xin Haoyue listened to his monophonic tone a little subtle, only to remember that he forgot to tell him that he was coming to see the simple things. However, she did not dare to delay, and said in a hurry: "I am busy now, I will call you."


After Xin Haoyue hangs up, he is busy shaking his phone.

After going back, see the simple agent is not there, the house is simple. And she is picking up the script and opening it. When she comes back, she said directly: "Weng Yulin is my boss."

"Ok, I know."

"I also saw the press conference before Shen Sinan."

"Oh." Xin Haoyue slightly.

"I think you are very happy." Jane said, "Of course I don't have any thoughts about the boss's son. I just think that there is a man who dares to show love to a woman who has not caught up with hundreds of millions of viewers. This is very A rare thing, and he is still worth a lot. Aside from feelings, you are also a very happy person, family, career, all smooth."

"Listen to what you said, it looks like it is really like this." Xin Haoyue smiled. Everything she has now is given to her by the world.

"I am not a very lucky person. I was born in the countryside. I have been mixed with the entertainment industry for 14 years. Today, everything I have today is thanks to the boss who signed me."

"Ok, I know."

Jane smiled. "So I think people like me are really not talking about people who are born like you."

Xin Haoyue understands that it is this that is simply rejected.

She still smiles and replies: "I feel different from the birth, and can't decide the commonality of our two topics. Maybe I feel the same for you like this? Whose achievements are not hard to spell out? I have today I dare to say that I have to work **** my own. You are, I am, many people are. The starting point is high and cannot determine the life of your life."

"But it has far-reaching effects. It determines how much effort and effort you need to get what you want." Jane replied.

"But don't you think that it is more pleasant than the harvest after giving it for no reason?"

Jane smiled slightly, "Xin hosted, I found that you and the giants who are born in the giants seem very different."

"So, will you promise my interview? I think we will be very happy."

Jane did not directly agree, just said: "I will consider it again."

"Well, Miss Jane will consider it again, I hope I can hear your good news when I arrive."

Jane is warm and smiles.

After seeing Jane, Xin Haoyue thought about going home to prepare for the manuscript, but did not expect that when she called and Bai Ning said that she would arrive home, the car at the corner rushed over. Xin Haoyue did not pay attention to the red light on the front, the car was not able to brake urgently. She hurriedly turned the steering wheel and passed the red car, but she did not think that the car had escaped, but still hit On the roadside guardrail, the front of the car was badly damaged, and it was obvious how big the collision was.

Xin Haoyue was busy getting off the car and hitting 110 while running, and the road section became blocked due to this accident, and the number of onlookers gradually increased.

Xin Haoyue ran to the side of the car, and when he stooped, he saw that the owner of the red car did not move at all. It seemed to be dizzy. She was busy playing 120.

With the help of everyone, when people were sent to the ambulance, Xin Haoyue was still a little dazed: How so smart, I hit Sheng Wenyang?

After Xin Haoyue cooperated with the transcript, he went back to the hospital and returned to the hospital to know that Shengyang was still being rescued.

She was worried that this incident happened to be too inexplicable. It seems that there is something in the back that is being manipulated behind! She had just arrived in Shengshi City for less than two hours. How could she accidentally hit her? Moreover, when did Sheng Yang come back?

After Xin Weiyue waited for a while at the door of the emergency room, he took out his mobile phone and saw that there were a lot of missed calls, Bai Ning, Xin Yicheng, Shen Sinan...

She first gave the white back to the phone.

Bai Ning asked her why she hadn't arrived yet. She said that there was something unexpected on the road and she would go back later. Bai Ning did not ask much, let her be careful on the road.

The phone hangs up, and Xin Yucheng calls. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Xin Yuyue is strange. "Brother, how do you know that I have an accident?"

"All the news, can you not know?"

"Mom... don't tell her first!"

"The news is broadcast, do you think parents will not know?" Xin Yucheng asked her: "Where are you now?"


"That's just right. You should check it yourself first. Don't know if you hurt yourself. As for Shengyang, I will send someone to deal with it. After you check it, I will let the driver pick you up. Don't drive."

"Thank you brother." Xin Haoyue actually felt that he was a little scared at this moment.

She sat still for less than a few minutes and saw Weng Yulin rushing in.

"Auntie?" Xinyue Yue is surprised. "How come you?"

Weng Yulin yelled at her, "Where did you hurt?"

Xin Haoyue shook his head.

Weng Yilin still can't worry, "I still take you to the whole body to check it up and down, so that you can feel at ease."

"Aunt, I am fine."

"Is it really hurt?"

"No, it was Sheng Wenyang who was injured." And the situation is still very serious.

Weng Yulin said: "No one wants to happen with such an accident. You are tired. I will send you home first. It is good to hand it over to my secretary."

"Can Shengyang..."

"I just asked the nurse, I have already informed her family and assistants, and when she gets out of danger, I will let the secretary call you."

Xin Haoyue couldn't refuse, and finally took a step. She felt that her temple was sorely hurt, causing the entire head to squeak, as if it were to burst.

When she first entered the house, she saw Bai Ning hurriedly carrying a handbag to go out. "Mom, where are you going?"

"Stupid boy, you have to scare the dead mom! Anything? I see, I see."

At this time, Xin Haoyue had nothing to do with his face pale, and Bai Bing suddenly sighed. "You don't know that my dad and your dad are scared to see the news. Nothing is fine."

"Well, Mom, I am fine, I am not injured, but the person who collided with me was injured and is in the hospital."

"Nothing, you should go to rest first, and the father at the hospital will handle it." Xin Jin said.

Xin Xinyue nodded, and my heart was full of gratitude.

Waiting to wake up, after a while, I went downstairs and found out that Shen Sinan and Xin Yicheng had come.

"you guys……"

When I heard the sound, the first thing I quickly stood up was Shen Sinan. He rushed to the stairs in a big step, and took her hand and asked nervously: "Is there any injury?"

This sentence Xin Xinyue heard many times after a car accident, but when Shen Sinan asked, her inexplicable throat whimpered, and then it was hard to suppress the unreasonable feelings that she should not have.

She thinks that she may be too long to reflect the arc, otherwise she will not feel scared at this time.

Shen Sinan saw her face was not good, her eyes flashed slightly, and the shock that she wanted to come to at that time was definitely not what she saw at this time. She couldn’t help but sigh comfortably: "It’s okay, I will deal with other things."

"No, my dad said he handled it, and your mom said she would handle it."

Shen Sinan smiled and licked her hair. "A family is so clear about what to do!"


Xin Haoyue heard the coughing sound of Xinyi City, which reminded Xinxin City that he was still on the scene and busy with Shen Sinan’s hand.

She shifted the subject and asked, "Brother, dad?"

"in hospital."

“Sweet Wenyang, did she wake up?” She said this when she was looking at Shen Sinan.

Shen Sinan replied: "I came over when I got off the plane." It means that he is not aware of the hospital.

Xin Yicheng did not know.

When the three people were quiet, Xin Xincheng and Shen Sinan’s mobile phone rang at the same time, and Xin Yuyue guessed something.

After both of them hang up, Xin Yuyue guessed: "She woke up?"

"Yeah." After Xin Xincheng responded, his eyes were directed at Shen Sinan.

Xin Haoyue has a bad hunch.

Shen Sinan looked at Xincheng City and then looked at Xin Haoyue.

Xin Haoyue: "Hmm?"

Xinyi City is direct: "She wants to see him."

Xin Haoyue responded to this, Sheng Wenyang want to see him?

"Oh." She reacted lightly.

Shen Sinan said: "I am really nothing to her."

"Oh." Xin Haoyue just asked him, "Are you past?"

Shen Sinan hesitated.

Xin Haoyue smiled and said, "I want to go."

"I see you off."

Xin Yucheng looked at the two people, but there was no speech at the moment. What should Shen Sinan do? He doesn't care, but if he dares to let Haoyue suffer aggrieved, he will never agree easily.

When I arrived at the hospital, Xin Xinyue saw Sheng Wenyang's head wrapped in a white bandage. She was lying weakly on the bed, and said to her with a sigh of relief: "I'm sorry."

Sheng Wenyang only asked weakly: "Is he here?"

Who is he referring to, it goes without saying.

Xin Yiyue said for a while: "Come."

"I want to see him."

Xin Haoyue came out of the ward and looked at Shen Si South Road waiting at the door of the ward: "She wants to see you."

Shen Sinan is silent.

Xin Haoyue finally looked at him and moved to the position.

Shen Sinan took her hand: "Go in together?"

"No." Xin Haoyue pulled his mouth, forced a smile, and then opened his hand.

In addition to Weng Yulin’s secretary and Xin’s assistant, Weng Yulin and Xin Jin were present at the entrance of the ward. The two elders looked at the two men all the time. Although they didn't say a word more, they could have a lot of drama.

When Shen Sinan entered the ward, Weng Yilin took Xin Haoyue's hand and sat down beside him. He comforted: "Reassure, what kind of person Anan is, I know best. He is not the kind of radish that will face the world." ”

Xin Haoyue was still paying a smile, but did not answer.

He is not the kind of person, she does not dare to leave the definition. However, she was unexpectedly discovered at this time. It turned out that she did not want Shen Sinan and Sheng Wenyang to be alone. Even if she knew that neither of them would happen, she still didn't want to.

Xin Haoyue smiled in his heart. When did he know that he was so strong in Shen Sinan’s possessiveness?

Shen Sinan stood in front of the hospital bed and looked at the weak and sturdy Sheng Wenyang blinking toward himself. He said, "I will investigate clearly. I will be responsible for all the expenses during your rehabilitative period."


"As for Xinyueyue, she was also shocked. Specifically, we will talk about it after you are sick, or you can send an assistant to talk to us."

Sheng Wenyang’s tears came out at once. “She hit me. At this time I was lying in bed, are you so anxious to defend her?”

"Why did she just hit the city and hit you? Sheng Wenyang, don't you think it's too coincidental?"

"I also want to know! Why I am lying here is that I am not her! If it is her, the same, no matter how much compensation, how much medical expenses I pay, I will not say anything! But Shen Sinan, I suffered so much injury, Don't you have a single condolence?"

"You have a good rest."

"Shen Sinan! Shen Sinan!"

"It's impossible for us. You don't want to obsess. If you let me know that you hurt her, I think I will smash you up." Shen Sinan turned and walked toward the door, but the words and sentences that were decided were not heard. Passed to the ears of Sheng Wenyang.

She didn't die for half a lifetime. As a result, even his sympathy and soft words could not be obtained.

Hehe, Sheng Wenyang, do you know that you are already very sad?

In the next few days, Xin Haoyue, the hospital will see her once a day. Just Sheng Wenyang has always been closed. Xin Yuyue also wants to know that she does not want to see herself.

However, Sheng Wenyang did not see Xinyueyue, but when she met her for two days, Weng Lin came to see her.

Weng Yulin saw that her recovery was good, but she said directly: "If I were you, I would go to the smart road."

Sheng Wenyang looked at her, did not speak, but his face was slightly stunned.

"My son likes me. I can see this as a mother. The things he decided have always been except for himself. Otherwise, no one can change. Instead of hanging on a tree in my son, it is better to look for another. A towering tree."

"Oh, it’s a coincidence. I am the same as your son. The things that you have decided, no one can change without yourself."

Weng Yilin smiled. "It is because it is too similar, so you two people will not be together. Two people have to live together for a lifetime, their character is too similar, and sooner or later they will have conflicts and contradictions. Different personalities can complement each other. You are not Suitable for."

"Which Xinyue month is right?"

"It is better than you."

"Then, please come back."

"I don't like to see you, just kindly advise you, he and Xin Xinyue, you can't get involved. You think slowly. Oh, yes, the little grandson of Mo's family is not quite for you. Interested? I heard that Mo’s parents are eager to introduce him to Miss Qianjin. Watermelon, Sesame, you will see yourself in the end.”

Sheng Wenyang is in a hurry, but there is nothing to help.

She didn't see anyone, only to see Shen Sinan, but he never showed up.

However, after Weng Yilin reminded her, she suddenly remembered that Mobei had not visited her once since she was in a car accident. Is he really busy dating? I can't even care for myself?

Thinking of this, Sheng Wenyang feels a headache.

Xin Haoyue also has a headache.

Jane agreed to the interview, she is busy proofreading Taiwan. In fact, she prefers to play on the spot, so the proofreading content is mainly about the simple interview.

But the point is that she feels dissatisfied when she looks at it. Plus, the sleep is not very good these days, she is more and more impatient.

Xin Yuyue and Gu Yu chat, talking about this, Gu Yudao: "Is it a car accident sequela?"

Xin Haoyue helpless, "Sister, I was not injured at the time!"

"I can't say that my heart is hurt."


"You have won your love rival, no flaws. Now you have hurt your love rival, your love rival is lying in the hospital, you are worried that Shen Sinan will be soft to her because of this, or because he will redeem for you." And your love rivals are involved." Gu Yu’s head is a real analysis: "You are upset, not because of work, it is because of your confusion."

Xin Haoyue was blocked and speechless.

Recently, she has been reluctant to see Shen Sinan, just want to see him and think of Sheng Wenyang.

If you are lying in the hospital, maybe she will not feel guilty.

She smiled and said: "Maybe you are right."

Gu Yu over there is a zombie: "You have fallen in the moon, you really fell."

"Oh." Can you save it? Your own heart.

Xin Haoyue returned to City A because of the program, and the cooperation with Jane was quite enjoyable. But after the show ended, when Jane asked her to eat, she smiled and said to her: "I hope that the next time I meet, it is at your wedding. Right, will you send me a wedding invitation?"

Xin Haoyue couldn't help but smile. "How do you let me this single dog send you a wedding invitation?"

"Shen Zongfa is also OK." Jane smiled.

Xin Haoyue had to accompany the laughter, thinking: I don’t know if I can finish it!

For Xin Yuyue's intentional avoidance, Shen Sinan can naturally detect, just because of the sudden out of Shengyang, he felt that her psychology still needs to be adjusted. At the same time, she is still angry at the hospital, she pushed him to Sheng Wenyang. There are many ways to make up for Shengyang, but it is not the case.

She needs time, he is busy with work, and they both calm down and think clearly.

Sheng Wenyang, who was hospitalized for nearly ten days, ushered in an uninvited guest - Shi Shi.

After Shi Shi entered the ward, she looked at her for a few seconds and was a little surprised: "I didn't expect it to be so serious, hey, really pitiful."

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, just pity you."

"You don't need to be pitiful."

Shi Shi smiled and said: "If the person who has an accident in a car accident is Xin Xinyue, how good it is, but it is not good. This car accident will not cause death. It is not interesting if Xinyue can't die."

This straightforward speech was shocked by Sheng Wenyang. She investigated Xin Haoyue and knew that her transformation was started after she fell down the stairs, and the person who pushed her downstairs was Shi Shi. She had thought that the two were just simple contradictions, and now it seems that it is not that simple.

What Shi Shi wants is actually the life of Xin Yuyue?

"What kind of deep hatred do you and Xin Haoyue have? You can't wait for her to die?" Sheng Wenyang looked at her with vigilance.

Shi Shi is a sweet smile. "Can you let her die without a deep hatred? She is not dead, how do you get Shen Nan?"

"Why are you helping me? We have no relatives."

"Who said?" Shi Shidao, "You and I are the grasshoppers on the same rope. She is dead, this story can return to the original track. In the world I founded, I hate others to gesticulate and change at will."

Sheng Wenyang looked at her and frowned.

Shi Shi then excitedly said: "I don't want to give you a good suggestion? One that will make you endure, so that you never need to see the boring Xinyue Month again, you can always get a good advice from Shen Sinan? What? Nothing?"

Sheng Wenyang only felt a cold feeling, and asked sharply: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course, it's a good thing. You didn't see me trying to help you with your brains?" Shi Shi said with a smile: "Do you want to hear this good advice?"

Sheng Wenyang looked at the person in front of him and felt that this person seemed to be a demon from hell. The cold and strange smell was really creepy.

How did Xin Haoyue spread such an enemy?

Is it time for the person who asks for more happiness to change to Xinyue?

As far as the busy city of A city is not aware of it, after the end of the simple program, the leader gave a new interviewee, which is also a character in the entertainment circle, but this time it was replaced by a variety of honors. Male film emperor.

Because he is currently filming in the mountains, he can't walk away, and the program group plans to go directly to the site for interviews. The road was far away, and when Xin Haoyue followed the troops, I didn’t expect to have an accident...

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