MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 70

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Afterwards, Shen Sinan took her to sleep. Xin Haoyue just took a shower and still looked radiant.

She was in his arms, moving here, touching it, and when his fingers slowly climbed into the neckline of his open pajamas, he kept a slight glimpse of the fresh and dripping Shensi Nanxun and opened his eyes and reached out. She lived with her small hand and asked, "I still want it?"

Xin Haoyue remembered a few times when he had just died in the bathroom. He shook his body sensitively, smiled and took back his hand. He was honest: "I just can't sleep."

"Can't sleep? I have a way to make you sleepy, do you want to try?"

Xin Haoyue looked at his unwilling eyes and immediately shrank into the quilt. "I really have no strength, no trouble, I have to get up early tomorrow morning to write a manuscript!"

Shen Sinan also scared her, so she followed her words: "Hurry to close your eyes and sleep."

Xin Haoyue squinted with the eyes of the water, suddenly smiled and said: "Just Shiyuan gave me a call."


Xin Haoyue did not marry him. He said directly: "He told me that your company plans to build a new entertainment city and a residential area. However, I heard that you are not satisfied with the design drawings?"

"And then? You want to help him as a lobbyist?"

Xin Haoyue smiled and reached out and yelled at him. "I actually want you to design one. I have heard that your design is very original at school. I have only seen a few of them. I have no chance to look at the buildings on the drawings. The completion of the show, showing the shock in front of me." Xin Haoyue think about it, I feel really sorry.

She shook his arm and spoke: "How? Do you really draw one? I want to see."

Shen Sinan smiled and reminded: "Shen, Mrs. Shen, need me to say that our home is designed by me personally?"

"This is not the same!" Xin Yuyue said: "You used to yell at me, you don't say okay!"

"Okay, OK, sleep." After Shen Sinan finished, he would pull up the quilt and cover it for her.

Xin Haoyue did not expect that he really agreed, and some little excitement, "Do you really agree?"

Shen Sinan, who closed his eyes, looked at him with a sigh of relief.

"Great! Then I have to look at the design before I arrive. After the construction is completed, you have to take me."

Shen Sinan smiled and asked: "Do you understand?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Anyway, you just want to see it."

So, on the second day, when Shen Sinan appeared in the company, Mao Shiyuan once again mentioned the design drawings with him. Shen Sinan was a sneer: "You can really do it now, know who to move to be a rescuer."

After listening to the glimpse, the Maoist understood: The moon has lived up to expectations, and he mentioned it?

He smiled and explained: "I am still not able to do this, I have to ask for a small donkey to go there, so, Anan, you promised?"

Shen Sinan will lose his arms and minds after reading the documents he has commented on last night. "Hurry and go, look for her next time because of work, we will count the new accounts together!"

Mao Shiyuan smiled and smiled out of the office.

Shen Sinan will be able to deliver a refreshing work in less than three days. As for the next time, when will you say it next time? It is a pity that such a good resource is not used.

When Mao Shiyuan thought about it, he wondered if he should have a good meal for Xin Haoyue.

Mao Shiyuan called her, thanked her, and explained her intention to invite dinner. Xin Haoyue said directly: "I have been busy recently. If I have a meal, I will owe it first, and I will eat it when I have time."

Mao Shiyuan is also refreshing: "OK!"

Three days later, when Xin Xinyue woke up, Shen Sinan had already gone to work. She turned and found the paper next to the bedside table. She was curious to take a look and then stunned. Each sheet is a floor plan with extremely detailed drawings.

Xin Haoyue looked at it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but smile.

Shen Sinan, really powerful.

After the launch of this large project, Shen Sinan seems to be getting more and more busy, and it takes less time to connect her to work.

Xin Haoyue didn't feel much about it. He was afraid that he was too busy. He would let him sleep a little more every morning and drive to work.

It was only this day that I went home and had some accidents. At the traffic light intersection, when Xin Haoyue stopped waiting for the red light, I don’t know why, the front car suddenly stepped back a few steps away, so it was very glorious and the car collided.

What brand of the car, Xinyi month did not pay attention, only found that the car's bumper was scraped and then lost paint.

Xin Haoyue had not had time to check his car. He saw the man got out of the car and walked over to knock on her window.

She just lowered the window, and the man reached out and grabbed her collar. "Would you drive a car! Hit my new car, how to pay for it!"

Xin Haoyue has never been treated like this, and his face is heavy, and he sighs: "Let's let go! You believe it or not!"

The man saw her face was not good, the light with fierce light, loosened his hand, but the tone of the voice: "My car just opened from the Curry, millions of people let you crash like this, you better think Know how to pay for me!"

It is enough to meet such a shameless person!

Xin Haoyue did not look at him, but raised the glass window and called the traffic police to handle it.

The man saw her attitude and was so angry that she was glaring at her car glass. "What attitude do you have?"

Xin Haoyue sat in the car, deliberately looking at the front, not squinting.

The man's anger was ruined, he called and called, and then he started kicking her car again, slamming her glass window and screaming at her face.

Xin Haoyue lowered the glass window and snorted. As the truth said: "This gentleman, you need to adjust the video to see who is hitting the car? Who is the offender, you know it. Compensation, you will make trouble again, and you will not get a penny."

"You little girl! Who is scared!"

"I didn't scare you, I just told the truth, if you dare to move me a hair, believe me, not half an hour, you are absolutely famous for the city."

The man’s glimpse.

Xin Haoyue looked up at him, even if he didn't say a word, he was full of gas.

There were a lot of passers-by on the crowd. There were young girls who recognized Xinyueyue and excitedly shouted her name: "Xin Yuyue! Xin Haoyue!"

The man looked at her dress and makeup, thinking which star she was, and dismissed: "The star is amazing! I don't have to pay for the car!"

"This gentleman, you are so unreasonable, I will let my husband come over and deal with it."

"You call, afraid of you!"

For this unreasonable person, Xin Yueyue’s intuition is a waste of time.

She called Shen Sinan directly. "Are you busy?"

Shen Sinan was in a meeting at the time. When she picked up her phone, it was rare to let the meeting break for ten minutes. He replied: "Not busy. What happened? Have you got home?"

Xin Haoyue was helpless. "I met a porcelain on the road. It was obvious that his car had stopped and he had to go back. We only ran into it. At this time, he wanted me to pay compensation. The attitude was very bad."

After Shen Sinan listened, he hurriedly asked: "Where are you?"

Xin Hao monthly reported the address.

Shen Sinan Road: "I immediately rushed over. You pay attention not to bully."

"Besides you, who can bully me?" Xin Haoyue did not think that the man would start to beat himself, that is, the one that had just begun to be shackled, think about it, still flustered. Why do you make him easy to succeed?

Shen Sinan hasn't arrived yet. The traffic police station is there. People come here. Hot and Xin Xinyue said: "Our director said that Mrs. Shen had something wrong here, let me come and see."

Xin Yiyue thought about it for a moment and immediately understood that this was Shen Sinan’s person, so he pointed to his own front, as the truth said: “Crash.”

The man looked at it and said: "Sister Shen, this is..."

"I stopped waiting for the red light. He suddenly stepped back and hit it."

"Well, I understand, Mrs. Shen, how much do you want to make the other party lose?"

"I just want him to apologize to me."

"You dream!" the man yelled directly. "You don't want to bully! It's amazing to meet a few people!"

“I don’t know who’s been deceiving?” Xin Yanyue said with a smile: “Don’t you say that this car is worth millions? I really don’t see the value of the place, maybe the driver is not good!”

"You!" The man raised his palm and wanted to fan it down, but he was stopped by Shen Sinan who arrived in time.

"You... Shen Sinan?" The man saw Shen Sinan's dark face, but suddenly he put away the arrogant arrogance and softened his voice: "Shen, how come you?"

Shen Sinan looked at him and remembered who he was. It turned out to be the son of Lai Jiagang who returned to China soon.

Shen Sinan snorted. "I thought that the people who lived in the city alone were so bold and dare to move their homes. It turned out to be Lai." The warning given before was too light.

"Lai Shaoye, here is not a foreign country where you can make a fuss, hit my wife's car, think about how to pay, and work hard to give a message."

"Compensation! Compensation! Shen total you offer, I will pay."

"Don't you say that your car is worth millions? My wife's car may be worth more than you, or you will lose a few million!"

Xin Haoyue smiled secretly - Shen Sinan this guy is good.

"Shen Zong..." The man named Lai was very difficult to show.

"Lai Shaoye can go back and think about it and tell me. If you don't know clearly, you can go back and ask Lai, can you find the taste of the cooperative company?" Shen Sinan finished, asked Xin Xinyue, "Is there any injury?" ?"


"Go, go home. Let me send you next time."

Xin Haoyue doesn't want to be too troublesome. "Today is just an accident."

"I have this accident every day, my husband can't eat it."

Xin Haoyue smiled and followed him to the car. As for Xin Qiyue’s car, his own assistant Wang helped to drive back.

Colleagues from the Traffic Police Bureau issued a fine to Lai Shaoye and persuaded him: "It’s rare to see women who don’t know how to respect women." Seek you for yourself."

Lai Shaoye was not very angry. When he returned to the car, he couldn’t get angry. Instead, he made a phone call to his sister. “Every day, I spend so much money, and I can’t even get a Shen Sinan! I’ve got so much money to arrange you and Shen Shinan. A blind date is really a blind eye!"

Because of this incident, Miss Lai, who had a long period of depression, was calmed down after she heard Shen Sinan’s marriage. Now that the scar has been uncovered, she can’t help but be blind. “You are amazing! You I am fighting with him! You two or two blame me for what I do! Shen Sinan is so easy to get settled, the only lady in the city, who will return empty-handed! It is useless to force me! I am now dead! I Will not be your pawn! Never again!" She finished hysterically, and she immediately hung up.

One or two, all sick!

Read The Duke's Passion