MTL - Avoid the Protagonist!-Chapter 86

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Shen Junxing saw her apologize, and her face was full of unspeakable grief. The first time she actually reflected on herself—was it just too rushed?

"That... actually I..." Shen Jun’s words were not finished, and she saw her look up and smiled. "I know, you are not him. I will try to prevent you from seeing you afterwards. I am sorry. It is."

Shen Junxing raised his brow and raised it. If he wanted to apologize, he also took it back.

She is like this, really makes him a little overwhelmed.

Shen Junxing suddenly thought about it and walked behind her, urging her to say: "Hurry to change the dress, I will take you to a place."

"My mission is not over yet!"

"Don't you just finish the show?" he asked impatiently.

Xin Yuyue explained: "There will be a photo session at the end."

"Isn't it a photo! Wait for me to be with you!"

"Hey! Shen Junxing..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry to change! I am here waiting for you, action."

Xin Haoyue even had no time to retort, and it was too late to justify him. He was promoted to the lounge. When I changed my clothes, Shen Junxing smiled and said: "I am still afraid that you will not walk with me in your nest!"

Xin Haoyue glanced at him, did not answer, just asked: "Where are you going to take me?"

"When you go, you will know."

Although Xin Yuyue was puzzled, he still followed him to the car.

She can't deny that it seems that only by his side, she can find a trace of peace of mind. It seems that she and Shen Sinan have never been separated.

Along the way, Xin Haoyue routinely sat in the passenger seat and looked out of the window. Shen Junxing saw her a few eyes along the way. In the end, she resisted and asked no other questions.

When the car stopped in front of the playground where people came and went, Xin Haoyue opened the door and got off the bus. Looking up, except for the sunset, Xin Yanyue’s eyes were fixed at the dome design of the building. on.

"This..." Xinyueyue flashed a little, and she turned and looked at Shen Junxing next to her eyes. The man looked around with a smile and smiled and asked her: "How? Is it good here? This is the busiest entertainment venue in J City! The people who come here are tens of thousands every day."

Xin Haoyue looked at the building in this memory, but suddenly fell down and squatted on the ground, crying uncontrollably.

Shen Junxing saw it and was really panicked. "Hey! What happened to you? I am here to let you relax, happy, how come you cry now?"

Xin Xinyue looked up and looked down at him with his eyes bent on his eyes. He shook his head and said, "I'm sorry! Sorry!"

"Are you apologizing?"

"Where, who designed it? Where is the designer? Tell me! Shen Junxing, who designed it?"

When Shen Junxing saw her being so rude, she suddenly thought of something. Her nervous expression on her face all converge. He looked at her and said with no expression: "I designed it."

In the past, every time someone asked him, he could answer this question with great enthusiasm. Nowadays, he can't wait for the design that makes the whole city full of praise is not out of his own hands.

That bad feeling is too strong.

Sure enough, the next moment, he heard her crying and said: "He also designed the same building, just after we got married, I still listened to me, he promised... Shen Sinan... He and Why are you so many..."

Those unfinished words disappeared into her whispering cry...

Shen Junxing saw that she was crying hard to suppress herself, and she was silent. In the end, she stood up and looked up at her proud work. She shook her head helplessly.

Why is this happening?

He didn't just want to make her feel better, but she didn't think it was counterproductive.

This imaginative happy play is a failure.

Shen Junxing sent her back to the hotel when she was crying. When the car stopped, he looked at her red eyes and said, "I only understand tonight. The words you said at the beginning are really correct. We still don't meet each other. Ok, this is good for you, for me."

As soon as she meets, she will remember the man, and she will feel bad in her heart. And he will follow suit. In this case, why bother to torture each other.

"Xin Haoyue, I wish you come out as soon as possible." At the end, Shen Junxing solemnly said this sentence.

"I'm sorry. Thank you." Xin Yuyue talked with consolation: "You let me know, there are people and things in the world that are related to him. This is enough."

Shen Junxing took a deep breath and looked at her and watched her enter the hotel.

Then, he quickly drove away from this suffocating place, violently accelerating unconsciously along the way, looking at one car in front of him, instinctively blocked!

After going back, Shen Junxing thought about it, and the more he thought, the more angry he was. After checking the Internet for a long time, it is still quite certain that there is no such thing as a building that is exactly the same as the one in the world.

It was his own thoughts, devoted all his efforts, and was unique in this world.

But why, she said that the man was also designed?


Where is it now?

Shen Junxing looked at the computer screen. For a long time, he couldn’t think of one thing. He leaned back and leaned back and turned the black chair to meditate.

I was thinking deeply, and I saw that my father, who was busy with work and rarely got off work, was coming back early today.

"Dad, are you back?" Shen Junxing stood up.

Shen Shen glanced at him with a stern look. He said: "I heard that you went to see a show today and took a woman?"

Shen Junxing laughed and said: "Dad, don't you say that you have an eyeliner there too? The news knows so fast?"

"Old Liao called to congratulate me if I want to marry my daughter-in-law. You said I can't know?"

"Dad, there is nothing, your daughter-in-law has no shadow yet!"

Shen Shen looked at him and asked again: "You have nothing to do with that woman?"

Shen Junxing looked seriously: "No."

Shen Fu also knows that he has a temperament, and he is so determined. He can’t say that he is happy or worried. It’s rare for the first time to say: “You are also a big boy. If you really like it, if you really like it, then Bring it back to me and mom."

Shen Junxing can't laugh and cry: "When do I like girls who are not serious?"

Shen Shen looked at him. "Your history, you know it yourself. I don't know who this gene has inherited, obviously I and your mother are so special..."

Shen Junxing looked at the Shen Fu who went to the study outside and was quite helpless. He is obviously very clean and good! Don't you need to draft a draft?

Shen Junxing saw the study and left himself alone. I remembered the repressed cry of Xinyu Yue, and couldn’t help but feel upset!

What a man is it! It is worth her!

Even if he was curious, he would not have the chance to see her again afterwards.

Throughout the whole year, Shen Junxing ran through several places, and even lived in his grandmother for more than half a month, and she did not see her figure. Shen Junxing was not good to ask his grandmother, lest she thought more. Moreover, he does not want to let people investigate her privately. If he knows Shen Shen, he will probably think more.

Because several elders urged him to take his girlfriend home is not a day or two.

He once again saw Xin Haoyue, on TV.

In the summer of the city, the host chose the competition. As a dark horse, she was outstanding in appearance, unparalleled eloquence and on-site reaction ability, as well as the smooth and moving piano performance, which surprised everyone. Suddenly won the championship.

Looking at her wearing a white tight dress, she smiled and stood on the stage to receive the award, and Shen Junxing suddenly became silent.

What did she experience this year?

This person is her, and it seems that she is not her.

Temperament, look, is not the woman who will be sad from time to time.

Shen Junxing chuckled, she is completely out of the pain, trying to live?

In fact, Shen Junxing thought it was good. Since that time, he left the city of J, and Xinyue spent several days to clean up his mood.

She thought: If you can't go back, try to make yourself live the most brilliant. She will let Shen Sinan still know in that world, even if she has nothing now, she will try to climb up and climb to the position where she can be with him.

This year, she passed the hardest days. She also worked part-time for two or three jobs. She continued to improve her economic conditions through her own dance and piano skills. She also opened a training center of her own, and her reputation rose. She has participated in countless talent competitions and has won many trophies.

A month ago, she quit her job and concentrated on preparing the contest for the host of the city of J. All the way through, she paid the sweat and time that others did not know, and won her dream of entering the market.

She told herself that as long as she dared to fight, everything could be achieved.

On the second day of the game, she can formally enter the job. She called and shared her good news with Xin.

Xin mother is also very happy, "That's good! That's good! Win it!"

"Well, Mom, so I may not be able to go back in time. When I have time on the weekend, I will pick you up over there. I have started watching the house, this time we will change to a more spacious and comfortable house."


Xin Haoyue listened to her mother’s voice and cried, and couldn’t help but say, “Mom, how are you crying?”

"Mom, this is a very weeping! Happy for the daughter who is so upbeat!"

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely work harder and let us live a better life!"

"Well, my mother has such a daughter, very happy. You should be careful outside your body, don't stay up late at night, remember to eat on time."

"Mom, I know, you pay more attention to your body. Ok, Mom, I have to go to work, hang up first, Mom, bye."

What Xin Qiyue doesn't know is that after the phone hangs up, Xin mother still holds the phone, and tears are not enough.

On the fourth day of work, on this day, Xin Haoyue was preparing to get off work, and the team leader of the program group called her, saying that there was a dinner party for her to participate.

Xin Haoyue puzzled: "What kind of dinner?" Why did she want to participate?

"It is to have a meal with some bosses. Our program is also based on their generosity to be able to persevere. Just today they are all available, and they have made an appointment, just waiting for us to pass."

Xin Yuyue’s instinct was not a good meal. He cautiously asked: “Will the Xie presiding and Zhang presiding pass together?”

"Of course, of course! If you ask again, we must be late! Pack up and pack, and let me go."

Xin Haoyue was trying to say that he had something, and the person came directly to say: "You don't even say no, this time you don't go, you will still go tomorrow! So hurry!"

When Xin Haoyue got on the bus, my heart was not comfortable.

When I arrived at the box, I saw a table of bosses who were in their forties and fifties, and even if they had some dislikes. After reading and watching, the audience also had a young woman in her, and then looked at the team leader who brought me over, and was able to give a respectful drink.

"Hey, this is Miss Xin, who is new to the stage? It looks so beautiful!" The bald boss next to him didn't know who the surname was. He held the glass and looked at her with a sigh of relief. Stuffed into her hand.

Xin Xinyue took the wine and then opened a little distance with him without any trace. In a second, the boss got closer and smiled and asked: "What brand of perfume is sprayed on Miss Xin?"

Xin Haoyue is stupid, and knows that this is a wolf. She smiled and whispered to the leader. "Isn't it a thank you to preside over them?"

"Oh! On the road!"

Xin Haoyue sinks his face. This is definitely a trap.

She was about to take the bag and get up. Before she got up, she was stunned by the bald boss, and her body was smashed by an irresistible force.

Xin Haoyue sat on his lap and struggled desperately.

"Hey, you guys! This chick is still trying to refuse to welcome it! Let me kiss it, the fragrance is not fragrant!"

"哗啦", Xin Haoyue was struggling, his right hand touched the bottle, and he slammed his feet, and picked it up and went to the bare head!

"Ah!" A burst of ghosts and screams sounded.

"Blood! Blood! Blood!"

"Call the ambulance!"

"Catch her! Don't let her run!"

Xin Xinyue still has the reason to stay, smashing the bottle and running out of the door.

There was already a mess in the box, and Xin Haoyue broke through the door for a while, and many people wearing black suits chased after him.

Xin Haoyue waited for a long time for the elevator, did not come, had to bite his teeth and run the stairs. Just turned around the corner of the corridor and ran into a man on the head.

The black man behind him was about to catch up. She was trying to push the man away, and she was firmly grasped by the wrist and went to the side of the box.

The light in the box was dim, but Xinyue could still see the silhouette of the man.

"Shen... Shen Junxing, how are you here?"

Shen Junxing indicated that she should not talk. When she heard that the turbulent and messy voice of the corridor gradually disappeared, she replied: "There is a meal tonight."

Xin Haoyue also knows that the group of people is estimated to be chasing in other directions, and can't help but sigh. "Thank you." She turned and listened carefully to the outside movement, except for one or two voices. calm.

Shen Junxing saw her reaching out and wanted to open the door, and stopped her movements.

"Speak clearly, what happened?"

Xin Xin Yue slowed down, "it was pitted."

Shen Junxing’s eyebrows are slightly stunned. “I was pitted, can I be chased by such a big fan?”

Xin Haoyue said helplessly: "It is estimated that I want to sneak my rules. I have smashed my bottle and smashed my head. If I catch me, I would rather want to lick my skin and kill my life."

Shen Junxing was suffocating, but his face was a bit gloomy.

Xin Haoyue looked at him. "In fact, this is nothing. It is a big deal. I am not mixing in the city of J. I don't want this job anymore! This time I won, enough to prove that I have the ability, and that's fine."

"So, have you ruined the work you just got?"

Xin Haoyue dismissed: "Do not destroy, do you wait for them to ruin me? Do not blame me for saying a word, Shen Junxing, they are not worthy! I need to rely on unspoken rules to climb up or survive, I don't need it."

"Oh, you are really simple." Shen Junxing's face was very difficult to sink down. He crossed her door and said, "I will send you back first. If I encounter any difficulties in the city of J, I will report my name directly, although I am I don’t dare to pack the tickets, but at least, most people will still sell Shen’s face.”

Read The Duke's Passion