MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 4 I don't want green energy

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I don't know when, a rumor similar to a legend appeared among the night elves.

"People with golden eyes will definitely achieve great things in the future."

According to the future development that Andrea has learned, this kind of "achieve great things" will be realized in a very dark and humorous way in the future.

According to historical records, there are only two people in the night elves with golden eyes.

One of them is Azshara, the queen who ruled the entire Dark Night Empire, and the other is Illidan Stormrage.

When Shandris told her that she also has the golden eyes that can achieve great things in the "legend", Andrea didn't feel any fluctuations in her heart, but wanted to laugh a little.

‘It’s really ironic, the real owner of the golden eyes was killed in the previous battle, is this the so-called achievement of greatness? '

Although she still went to the Vault of Heaven with Shandris according to the mission accepted by her predecessor, the real purpose of Andrea today is different from that of Shandris.

His main purpose is to find out who the dream entrusted to him is, and try to get the benefit of improving his chances of survival from this possible opportunity.

That's right, survival, this is the first element that Andrea considers now.

Whether it's finding a way back home that may not exist, or making something of Azeroth with your future vision, the most important prerequisite is survival.

When Andrea played in the team in his previous life, he heard the leader repeatedly emphasize a sentence countless times.

"If you survive, you will have output!"

The War of the Ancients is the first planetary crisis that Azeroth has encountered since it possessed mortal civilization...but it will not be the last.

If you want to survive in the crisis-ridden Azeroth, strong strength is one of the most important guarantees.

After Shandris' narration, Andrea roughly understood the abilities mastered by her predecessor.

As the first generation of druids who followed Malfurion to learn the way of nature, Andrea was quite talented in controlling the power of nature, and it was said that he was even praised by Cenarius himself.

But as a traverser, Andrea is well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the force of nature.

This kind of power is more stable and controllable, and it is the embodiment and extension of the will of nature and the spirit of the wilderness.

But stability also means slow progress. Although they are the same as the six original forces of the universe, compared with the arcane and evil energy that have the ability to destroy the world, the force of nature has always been lacking in output power.

Malfurion's future detonation of the Well of Eternity did not rely on the power of the druids, but borrowed the dragon soul stolen by Illidan.

The second defeat of the Burning Legion's invasion and the killing of Archimonde was not due to the druids, but to the self-sacrifice of countless ancient spirits.

It's embarrassing to say, even Cenarius, the demigod who is the source of druids, will be killed by mere mortals in the future.

Even he and the green dragon family who also control the power of nature...including Queen Ysera, were easily controlled by Xavis in the Emerald Nightmare. On the road of druids, Andrea really can't see any light future.

If, as Andrea expected, it was the moon **** Elune who called him, it meant that Andrea might have another choice.

An extremely dangerous option that has the potential to gain great power in a short period of time.

The Moon Guard's defenses against the Vault of Heaven are very tight. As night elves, it is unrealistic for Andrea and Shandris to sneak into the city with Shadow Escape.

Fortunately, although these high-level elf mages are arrogant, at least they will not easily kill their compatriots.

Under Shandris's suggestion, the two led the Hippogryph to the entrance below the floating city Lasallaza in a dignified manner.


Several moon guards in enchanted light armor pointed their staffs at the two, and the leader of the team looked at them vigilantly.

"Who are you? Why did you come to Lasallaza?"

Considering that Andrea has lost most of her previous memories, in order to avoid arousing suspicion when he said something wrong, Shandris, who looked like an ordinary village girl, took off her leather armor and untied her ponytail into a braid. Take a step to chat with the other party.

"Dear Moon Guardian, we are pilgrims from the southern Ashenvale Forest. We came this time because we wanted to pray to Elune for a good weather next year at the Great Temple."

The northeast direction was completely blocked by the demons, and Shandris could only disguise the origins of the two of them.

"Ashenvale Forest? Pray?"

The small captain's brows were slightly raised, and there was a vague expression of disdain between his brows and eyes.

"Hmph~ Although I don't think prayers will have any effect on the current situation, but... heh~ let's let you go."

Under the captain's waving gesture, the moon guards gave way with sarcasm.

One of the moon guards waved his staff backwards, and as the azure blue arcane light flashed, a winding mountain road leading to the floating city appeared in front of their eyes.

Behind Andrea, the team leader pressed the tail of his stick against his back and pushed hard, "Go! Don't expect us to launch a teleportation array for two civilians, just climb the mountain road honestly."

Andrea looked up speechlessly at the winding mountain road with nine twists and eighteen turns.

Although this mountain road does not look rugged, it is wide enough for four carriages to pass side by side.

However, according to the information provided by Shandris, this road was originally used for passing caravans and large-scale troops. Ordinary people can use the teleportation array to directly reach the Temple Square in the Seat of the Sky.



Andrea grabs Shandris by the wrist just as he's about to throw a tantrum.

When Shandris turned his head to look over, Andrea shook his head calmly, and whispered in the ear of the other party's long purple elf, "Don't be impulsive, business matters."

Feeling the hot wind blowing from Andrea beside her ears, Shandris' long ears trembled slightly, and a blush unconsciously appeared on her violet face.

"Hmph~ well, listen to you."

Seeing the two obediently starting to climb the mountain road, the group of moon guards laughed softly behind them.

"That's right, commoners should look like commoners. Don't think that you can enjoy the same treatment as the noble high elves."

"The envoys will definitely help us redefine the social order of the Dark Night Empire, so let's lie on the ground obediently!"

An angry look appeared on Shandris's face. If Andrea hadn't been holding her hand all the time, the night elf girl might have gone into a fit long ago.

"This group of bastards! Since the demons invaded, their original arrogant nature has become more and more serious. I didn't expect that even the moon guards who used to hold their own identities are like this!"

Andrea turned her head and glanced at the talking and laughing moon guards behind her, with a weird smile on her face.

"Let's make them happy for a while now, I hope they can still laugh when they know the true purpose of the so-called 'God Envoy'."