MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 754 surprise

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Underwater combat is not only affected by breathing factors, as land creatures, coalition heroes including Andrea are definitely not as flexible as Naga in water combat.

Entering the familiar environment, the Naga in the Throne Hall can be described as a duck to water.

The royal guards who fought against Celeste and the others reversed their previously suppressed situation, and by virtue of their flexible underwater maneuverability, they in turn drove the unprepared coalition heroes into a panic.

The change in the environment has made it impossible to cast the fire spells that Seres is best at. Facing a similar dilemma is Kael'thas, the barbecue master who is also a member of the Sunstrider family.

The flaming phoenix Or, who was originally flying above his head, suddenly became a drowned chicken, and hurriedly hid beside Kael'thas, unable to exert his advantage as a phoenix anymore.

Maiev, who was maintaining the tide stone spell in Anakis, also felt something strange. There was a small area of ​​sea water that was out of the control of the tide stone.

Maiev is not as familiar with the Tidestone as Andrea. Although she tries hard to regain control, it is difficult for Maiev to empty the seawater in the palace in a short time in the face of Azshara who has been prepared.

With the help of the soul link linking Velen, Shandris and others, Andrea silently issued an order, "The time limit for underwater breathing is only half an hour, so it's a quick decision!" '

Now that Azshara has shown his back hand, Andrea and others skipped the probing link, and fought with Azshara with real knives and guns.

For long-range and auxiliary classes such as Velen and Shandris, there are not many things that need to be adapted to underwater combat, but more consideration needs to be given to the floating state when evading.

Malfurion was more entangled. The big-ass bear tried to swing its claws in the water to paddle, but compared to the previous fierce rushing flexibility, it still seemed a lot clumsy.

Malfurion is not a man who doesn't know how to adapt. He lost the space concept of up, down, left, and right in the water, and MT in the traditional sense is no longer so important.

The archdruid immediately changed his form, and joined the ranks of confronting Azshara with the spell affinity of the wildkin form.

Although Azshara had long thought that Andrea might have a way to deal with it, she didn't expect that the other party would adapt so quickly.

In a four-to-one spell confrontation, when the strength of both sides is at the same level, the side with more people will naturally have the upper hand. Even if Azshara flexibly dodges left and right in the water, it can't change the overall situation.

But the battle situation on the other side is not so optimistic. Varian and Saurfang and other iron cans wearing heavy armor are extremely difficult to move in the sea. Facing the attack of the Naga royal guards, they are very difficult to cope with.

"Tsk! There's no way."

Varian violently stripped the lionhead shoulder armor from his body, letting it fall from the water onto the palace floor.

The heavily armored warriors like Saurfang and Bolvar hurriedly followed suit, throwing away their armor and going into battle lightly.

Without the protection of armor, it will inevitably reduce the defense power of fighters in hand-to-hand combat, but on the other hand, it can also be regarded as liberating their flexibility.

In the middle of the sea, Varian can still use his heroic leap to mobilize his anger. He stepped on the sea and quickly rushed towards the casters in the back row of Naga, beheading an unsuspecting caster under the impetus of the water vapor bubble. Female Naga.

On the whole, the coalition heroes who were firmly in the upper hand were limited by the changes in the environment, and they were able to draw with the Naga guards.

The misfired Seres watched Leticia continue to throw the moon wheel in the water to kill the enemy with some embarrassment, trying to switch to her relatively inexperienced arcane spells to launch attacks.


While the four of Andrea were fighting with all their strength to suppress Queen Azshara, the Skyfire Scepter Celes obtained from the Temple of Eluro suddenly began to flicker with hazy arcane light.

Ceres was surprised to find that the staff began to move on its own, dragging her hand and turning in Azshara's direction.


The skyfire scepter suddenly changed its shape, the closed part of the head of the staff spread out to both sides, and a sword blade of pure energy extended from the head of the staff.


In the spare time of the unknown power, Celes couldn't discard the staff, and subconsciously called her husband's name.

At this time, Andrea and Velen are using the Light Chain together, and it seems that Azshara's hiding space will be completely blocked.

Celeste's panic-speaking call distracted him and turned his head, just in time to see Celeste involuntarily raising her lightsaber and slashing an arcane energy blade in the direction of Azshara.


"Pause the attack, maneuver and dodge!"

The three demigods who were reminded by Andrea paddled back at the same time. Azshara did not make any evasive movements in the face of the light blade, but opened his arms and smiled happily as the plan was achieved.


The light blade slashed across Azshara's body without causing any harm to her, but the metal "bracelets" clasped on Azshara's six hands shattered together when the arcane light blade passed through the body.

The unabated light blade bombarded heavily on the shadowy wall on the side of the throne hall that seemed to be able to swallow light.


The screams that came from nowhere resounded through the hall, including Naga and the coalition heroes, everyone covered their heads in pain and curled up subconsciously in the water.

"Azshara! How dare you betray my trust!"

The angry sound mixed with pain echoed in the throne hall. Azshara had already changed back to the night elf form at this time, and moved her wrists comfortably.

"Heh~ It feels so good to be unfettered."


The wall of shadow hit by Celeste's light blade began to crack, and Andrea finally noticed something was wrong. He had subconsciously ignored this weird scene before.

"N'Zoth's spiritual misdirection?"

A burst of holy light purification dispelled all the void energy near the wall of shadows, and what appeared in front of everyone was a huge dim eyeball.

At this time, a deep scar was left on the surface of the eyeball, and the bright red blood spread from the vertical pupil of the eyeball into the sea.

"I've already said that."

Azshara looked at the damaged eyeball and sneered, "We are just a cooperative relationship. When both parties think that the other party has no value to use, they can break the covenant at any time."


N'Zoth snorted angrily, "You haven't gotten what you want from me yet, why are you..."

"Do not."

There was a meaningful smile on Azshara's face, "I have already got half of it, and the remaining half... I can only get it after you die. That's why I gave up the covenant."


N'Zoth made a sound in the sea, "Do you think you can defeat me by opening the gate to Ny'alotha? Don't think so! I still..."

"Shut up."

Azshara threw the trident held in her left hand towards N'Zoth's eyeball, "This is the artifact you gave me, UU Reading I will return it to you!"


The trident was inserted into N'Zoth's surveillance eyeball, and it exploded when Azshara voluntarily detonated the artifact.

With the explosion of the artifact with the ability to control water, Maiev finally regained control of the sea water in the area, and the palace became dry again.

After the light and shadow of the explosion dissipated, a quaint gate appeared at the place where N'Zoth's eyeball exploded, and the desolate land glowing with a strange red light appeared behind the gate.

The sudden divine unfolding made everyone a little overwhelmed, and Andrea rubbed the center of her brows with a headache.

Azshara crossed her hands in front of her and held up the beautifully shaped mountains, and said to Andrea with a half-smile, "Please, little Andrea, I've put the treasure on you, don't let me down."

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