MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 768 terminator maid

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If the Lich King appeared at the juncture of the battle between the Azeroth coalition forces and the Naga and N'Zoth, maybe Andrea would really have a headache.

But as Azeroth returned to calm again, the weakened version of the Lich King was no longer in the eyes of Andrea.

After arranging for Kel'Thuzad to penetrate behind enemy lines to investigate intelligence, Andrea did not spend too much thought on the Lich King.

After leaving the underground secret research institute, Andrea went straight to Ulduar.

Before leaving Ny'alotha, Andrea made a promise to Xalatas that she would make a mortal body for her.

In order to prevent the titan guardians from becoming wary of Xalatas, Andrea did not tell them of his intention to order titan creations.

Lydon didn't ask much at first, only that Andrea wanted an immortal minion.

However, he was somewhat curious about Andrea's strange request. After all, Andrea voluntarily requested that there is no need to give artificial intelligence to custom-made creatures.

Laughing and bluffing Layden to deal with it, Andrea watched the Great Guardian start the Creator Engine with his own eyes.

According to the request provided by Andrea (Salatath), Lyden put in the Titan Iron specially brought by Andrea as a material, and made a steel night elf body according to the blueprint.

With Leiden's hesitant expression on his face, Andrea embarrassedly put the metallic luster-like figure into the space package and took it away.

On the way back, Andrea couldn't help complaining to Xalatas, "Do you know how embarrassing I am? Lyden's eyes are like looking at someone with a special fetish."

Xalatas didn't care about Andrea's complaints, and the joy of getting a new body filled her with anticipation.

"Hurry up! I can't wait to move with my body!"

Andrea rolled his eyes helplessly, and returned to Anakis through the portal of Sandara City. He threw the sword of the Dark Empire and the body of the Titan creation into the basement together, and then didn't bother to pay attention to it. up.

Before the decisive battle with N'Zoth began, Andrea made a promise to his family that he would completely put down his work after the war and let the family take a good rest.

The war had just ended, and it was impossible for Andrea to drop the pick immediately and leave a mess to his colleagues.

It took more than a month to basically sort out the post-war affairs, and Andrea formally submitted an application for suspension to the council, and handed over the remaining work to Malfurion, Fandral and others.

Andrea, who has nothing to worry about, no longer needs to worry about the Lich King's problems.

Prism's scouts and the diving mothership quietly monitored the Hydra Island in their own ways, and Kel'Thuzad was the insider to pass on first-hand information at any time.

If the Lich King can still make a big mess under this kind of intensive can only prove that his colleagues are immersed in the post-war joy and distracted.

Before the suspension, Andrea specifically confirmed the status of the congressmen. Everyone is an old fritter who has lived for 10,000 years, and it is not so easy to get carried away by a victory.

For Andrea's rare vacation, the happiest thing is not Shandris and Celes, but little Reinhardt who can finally spend a long time with his father.

Andrea heard a saying in her previous life that sons are usually closer to their mothers, and daughters are father's caring little padded jackets.

However, this statement is completely untenable in the Moon Shadow family.

Aurora has been the most clingy little mother to her since she was a child, Seles. To Andrea, she doesn't look like a caring little padded jacket, but a black-hearted padded jacket designed to trick her father.

On the contrary, the youngest son Reinhardt, who is less than two years old, clings to him all day long. Once he doesn't see his father one day, the little guy will cry and make a fuss at home.

Andrea, who was busy with official duties before the war, had no choice but to temporarily move the office back to her study, leaving Aurora to sit in the speaker's office and collect the reports submitted by officials at all levels before handing them over to him.


Riding on Dad's neck, little Reinhardt asked suspiciously, "Dad, who is she?"

Turning their heads following Reinhardt's guidance, Xalatas, who was wearing a maid outfit, was following them step by step.

Xal'atath had transferred his own soul into the body of the titan-forged, leaving only a small residual spirit attached to the sword of the Dark Empire.

This approach will not reduce the power of the magic sword, the hit person will still suffer from severe soul corrosion, and it can also exert its due soul-absorbing effect when hitting void creatures.

It also takes time for the ancient gods to bestow the curse of flesh and blood on objects, and now Sarathasa's body is still shining with a metallic luster.

As for the maid outfit on Xalatas, it was not Andrea's bad taste, it was her own choice.

The maid outfits of the night elves are not modified versions like **** clothes in Japanese anime, but real long skirt maid outfits, with the whole body tightly wrapped.

After putting on the veil and gloves, from the outside, Xalatas is no different from the ordinary maids in the mansion. At most, when he comes into contact with people, other maids and housekeepers will have doubts about "why is this person so tough".

Fortunately, Xalatas' current position is a personal maid, and he has very little contact with other "colleagues".

Andrea didn't intend to actually let Xalatas do the work of a maid, but she herself was in the excitement of just getting her body, and she actually started to learn the workflow of a personal maid in an orderly manner.

Several times of persuasion failed, and Andrea didn't bother to care about her anymore, as long as the Terminator maid didn't go out to scare people.

Although Reinhardt is still young, UU Reading, but his brain development speed far exceeds that of normal children, and now he can communicate with his family members more fluently.

The little guy has an impression of every personal maid he often comes into contact with, but this stranger who is tightly wrapped from head to toe has never been seen before.


Andrea glanced at Xalatas, who seemed to be very peaceful, "Her name is Sarah, and she is our new maid."

Reinhardt looked curiously at the thick veil that blocked Xal'atath's face, "Dad, won't she lose sight of the road like this?"


The corners of Andrea's mouth twitched, and he said with a half-smile, "Sarah is sick, and it's not convenient for her to show her face to others for the time being. Don't just ask about other people's pain points, it's impolite."

"Oh~ okay."

Reinhardt listened to his father the most, pouted his lips and gave up asking about Xalatas' situation.

On the second floor of the manor, two hostesses stood leaning on a railing.

Seres watched with some concern as she followed Andrea step by step. The seemingly honest Xalatas said, "Sister Shandris, is this really all right? After all, she is an ancient god."

Shandris shrugged, "Let her go. Since Elune sent the oracle, I believe she dare not do anything, besides, Andrea is watching her."

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