MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 777 The comfort of the star soul

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Recently, the sentinel force has been expanded, and many rookie recruits have been recruited.

Leticia is already an old fritter that has basically completed her development, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

Shandris intends to exercise Delaryn's military training ability and hand over this group of recruits to her to manage.

Facts have proved that some abilities of the new generation of Delaryn really need to be improved. Some squeamish recruits can't stand the harsh training of the Sentinels, and deliberately set the pace in the recruit camp, using the excuse of winning better conditions for their comrades to organize strikes.

Although Delaryn has rich experience in leading troops in combat, she has never taken over the job of training recruits before, and she used to hand it over to Leticia.

Leticia has rich experience, and any recruit who dares to be mischievous will face the trial of single-handedly fighting Akumail.

Akumai's weakened venom breath will not cause any damage to recruits, but it will corrode their clothing.

Even in the women's barracks, Guoben is a very embarrassing thing. The recruits under the rule of the big devil Leticia are all trained by her to be submissive.

It was Leticia who helped suppress the recruits' resistance before. At that time, Leticia and Delaryn agreed that she would have to find a way to solve this kind of thing next time.

"That's not true." Andrea shook his head and said, "Your mother is here and is waiting in the lord's reception room in Moonlight City. Do you want to meet her?"


Leticia was leaning on Lunara and stood limply, but when she heard the news from her mother, she immediately cheered up.

"Of course! Take me there!"

Andrea turned her head to look beside her, Aurora nodded knowingly, and raised her hand to open a portal leading to Moonlight City.

The dryad Lunara consciously walked in with the anxious Leticia, and Andrea patted her forehead helplessly.

"I don't know what Cenarius will think when he sees this scene..."

Although Leticia didn't mean to treat Lunara as a pet, she had already trained Miss Dryad to be extremely obedient without knowing it.

On the bright side, this is a symbol of the deep friendship between the two, but if you look at it from another angle... the conclusion may be completely different.

The two parties are unaware of this, and they often get tired of being together when they are not working.

"Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, let's wait until Cenarius calls at the door."

Andrea had no intention of disturbing Leticia's long-lost reunion with her mother. After finishing today's work and playing with Reinhardt for a while, he began to communicate with Azeroth's star soul routinely.

More than a year has passed, and the Titan language vocabulary of the Star Soul Society has grown steadily, and he is already able to speak with Andrea fluently.

Titan language is the basis of all languages ​​in Azeroth, no matter Kaldorei language, troll language or human lingua franca, there is inevitably a shadow of Titan language.

Even the orcs from another world, the source of their language is also related to the Titans, from the warrior of the Pantheon, Aggramar the Avenger.

Now in the whole of Azeroth, perhaps only the language of the Draenei can be regarded as a self-contained system.

Even after learning the language, it is not easy to understand Xinghun's whispers.

Except for the demigods who parasitized their souls in Azeroth, I am afraid that only the diamond man Magni in the original history can do it.

Speaking of Magni... After Xinghun concentrated on chatting with Andrea alone, he naturally stopped calling from a wide area.

Magni could not hear the voice of calling for a long time, so he could only give up further investigation and turn his attention back to state affairs.

In order to allow the Dark Iron Dwarves to regain the recognition of the civilized world, Moira proposed to follow the example of the king of the mountains, Anvilmar, and re-establish the Council of Three Hammers to govern together.

The Bronzebeard dwarves naturally refused, and no one was willing to give up their vested interests easily.

But the Wildhammer dwarves were persuaded by the Black Iron dwarf's proposal, and King Falstad's recent attitude was somewhat intriguing. It seemed that he planned to temporarily join forces with the Dark Iron dwarf to force the Bronzebeard dwarf to agree.

Magni did not rashly intervene in the negotiations between the three clans led by Muradin. He and his third brother, Brian, secretly visited Dun Morogh Snow Mountain, and even went north to the Hinterlands.

Ordinary civilians in the Kingdom of Khaz Modan don't care much about the disputes between the three dwarves. As long as the life of drinking and meat remains unchanged, it doesn't make any difference to them who is in power.

Some Bronzebeard dwarves have certain expectations for rebuilding the Council of Three Hammers. After all, this is the political system established by the great ancient dwarf king Anvilmar.

This is true of Dun Morogh, let alone Eagle's Nest Mountain.

The Wildhammer dwarven populace has been very enthusiastic about the topic, and most are in favor of reconstituting the Council of Three Hammers.

Although Magni has always held a prejudice against the Dark Iron Dwarves, after visiting two places one after another, his attitude has wavered.

"Is it because I can't keep up with the times?"

In Andrea's view, the integration of the three dwarves is a matter of time.

Fighting is the nature of intelligent creatures, and the process of fighting guides the progress of civilization and promotes the development of science and technology.

But there is a saying in the motherland of Andrea's previous life that the long-term unity must be divided, and the long-term unity must be divided.

With the progress of the times, the originally divided Arathor Empire reunited in the form of an alliance.

Although there have been many twists and turns in the middle, it has basically entered a stable period.

The same goes for the dwarves. The dispute between the three major dwarf tribes mainly comes from the ownership of Ironforge, and they all want to monopolize this perfect forging field.

Blacksmithing and strong drink are favorites of dwarves, and they are not as keen on the struggle for power as humans.

If it hadn't been for the ambitious civil war provoked by the Black Iron Queen, Modgud, the three dwarf clans would not have split up to what they are today.

With the reconciliation between the Wildhammer and the Bronzebeard dwarves in the Second World War, the Wildhammer dwarves have long been able to freely enter and leave Ironforge, and the national integration is proceeding smoothly under subtle influence.

The current Black Iron Queen originally came from the Bronzebeard Dwarves, and the people of Khaz Modan Kingdom have a much better impression of this generation of Dark Iron Dwarves than before.

Under Moira's restraint, the Dark Iron dwarves are no longer as tyrannical as they were enslaved by the fire element before.

In the context of the gradual easing of the tripartite relationship, it may be this year, or next year or a few years later, it is only a matter of time before the three major dwarf tribes reunite.

"Andrea, you seem a little unhappy recently?"

Andrea's distraction was noticed by Xinghun, and Xinghun asked him with some concerns.


When she came back to her senses, Andrea hurriedly explained, "No, UU Read Book I'm just a little distracted."

"Hmm..." Xinghun hesitated and asked, "Are you worried about that powerful demigod who lives at the bottom of the sea?"


It has to be said that Star Soul's perception is very keen, and Andrea really cares about Azshara's uncharacteristically closed-door practice.

Felicity came this time mainly to see her daughter, but she also brought a word to Andrea by the way.

"I don't know what happened between you and the queen before. Before the retreat, the queen was in a low mood and very unhappy. Once she breaks through and comes should prepare in advance."

In front of the star soul who can read emotions, it is like talking to Elune who has superficial mind reading ability, and it is useless to hide.

Andrea smiled wryly and explained to Star Soul, "I'm somewhat worried, but I'm not worried about Azshara's combat effectiveness, but..."

The words rolled around his mouth for a while, and Andrea finally sighed helplessly, "The matter is more complicated, and it is difficult to describe it clearly in short words."

After all, Xinghun was still young, and it was even more difficult for her to understand Andrea's troubles.

But Xinghun has her own thinking logic, she was silent for a few seconds and then comforted, "If you are worried that your progress is not as fast as that demigod named Azshara, maybe I can help you."

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