MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 782 There are big bosses covering me (really)

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At the same time that Andrea entered deep meditation, Azshara, who was in the Eternal Palace, also entered a state of detachment.

Azshara's soul body wandered in the endless soul body space. She saw the crow hiding in the depths of the reflection Karazhan, and also saw the closed passage connecting the different space above the Frozen Throne.

When Azshara subconsciously floated her soul body to the north of Kalimdor, she saw an amazing scene.

The outside of the world tree Nordrassil is surrounded by countless night elf souls. They revolve around the world tree in the form of elves, enjoying the quiet and leisurely time.

"this is…"

Azshara opened her mouth unexpectedly, and then she reacted.

"It turns out that these are the souls that entered the Emerald Dream through Nordrassil."

On the top of the Nordrassil tree, Azshara clearly sensed the presence of several souls with high strength, but because of Nordrassil's own protection against the night elves, Azshara who was not authorized could not approach the World Tree.

But she can probably guess that those souls who are obviously stronger than others should come from the demigods sitting in Anakis.

To Azshara's surprise, she couldn't sense Andrea's spirit.

"Is that guy not in Anarchis? Probably not. Didn't Felicity say that he planned to retreat a while ago?"

Felicity thought that she had concealed her actions from the Queen, but in fact Azshara had been well aware of her movements, but she did not speak out to stop them.

As Andrea speculates, Azshara is a self-admired and extremely self-absorbed person, but she is also a person who walks the talk.

At the beginning, she promised the Moonsong family that she would protect Leticia and Felicity in the form of compensation, but in the end she failed to fulfill her vow because of the explosion of the Well of Eternity.

For the next 10,000 years, Azshara reused Felicity out of guilt for missing an appointment. For so many years, Felicity did not disappoint her promotion, and used smooth methods to manage the maid group after Vashj left. Well organized.

Felicity went out to meet her daughter Leticia, which was not an unforgivable sin in Azshara's view, so she simply let her go.

...It happens to be able to use this channel to learn about Andrea's movements.

Azshara, who was about to leave, had a sudden inspiration and looked up at the sky above Nordrassil.

The faint light spot was not eye-catching at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, but the familiar aura emanating from the soul made Azshara feel a little complicated.


Feeling the strength of the opponent's soul body, Azshara didn't know whether to be unwilling or relieved.

It was Andrea who was floating in the sky above Nordrassil 10,000 meters. Azshara found him, but Andrea, who was perceiving with her heart, didn't notice Azshara who was far away from the world tree.

At this time Andrea and Azshara's soul body strengths were already very close, and there was even a vague tendency to surpass Azshara.

This is not because Andrea's talent is stronger than the stunningly talented Queen of the Night, it's purely because Azeroth's star soul cheated for him.

The soul accepts the gentle baptism of Azerite every day, and Andrea's progress rate is far beyond the imagination of normal people.

The still-mindless star soul of Azeroth is very simple, and she will treat whoever treats her well.

But there is no love and hate for no reason in this world.

As one of the few powerful beings on the planet Azeroth, Andrea has spent thousands of years proving his love for Azeroth. After all, he has too many inseparable ties in this world. Protecting Azeroth is tantamount to protecting own family and friends.

Andrea's efforts to maintain and heal the world is also an important reason for Star Soul to help him progress.

Andrea seemed to be busy with affairs, but the help of the two big bosses allowed him to make progress quietly where no one else could notice.

Seeing that the gap between Andrea and herself has narrowed sharply, Azshara, who was not convinced, pursed her lips, and began to work hard to understand the rules when she returned to the sky of the endless sea.

In fact, Azshara had a vague understanding of her future path as early as ten thousand years ago.

As one of the six major forces of the universe, arcane has derived countless powers, among which time and space are the most important.

The power of time has been mastered by a bad old man (in Azshara language) of a pantheon, and the arrogant Azshara doesn't want to lose the wisdom of his predecessors.

She chose to specialize in spatial powers.

Compared with Azshara, Andrea is more at a loss about the rules and powers she wants to understand.

Considering the extension of his own power, he who mastered the power of light and shadow at the same time originally wanted to further expand the rules in this area, but problems also arose because of this.

Should I focus on light or shadow first?

There is not only one power of the gods. For example, Aman'Thul possesses multiple powers such as time, lightning and illusion at the same time.

But once he chooses to specialize in one item first, Andrea's originally balanced power of light and shadow may cause unpredictable changes.

"Change your thinking."

The soul of Andrea, who was floating cross-legged in the air, frowned and thought, "What if you don't simply perceive the power of either light or shadow, but use the power of chaos as a breakthrough?"

According to Elune, although the interweaving of light and shadow will produce the power of chaos is the consensus of many bigwigs in the universe, but there are very few gods who can really do this.

"The power of chaos is also a very rare ability in the entire universe. Strictly speaking, it is a foul-level energy that should not appear in the mortal realm."

Elune's solemn warning is still deeply imprinted in Andrea's memory, "You can feel it yourself, even if you reach the peak of demigod, it is still very difficult to integrate the power of chaos."

"Although the power of chaos has unparalleled destructive power below the realm of true gods, it is difficult to play a role in one-on-one actual combat."

It takes a certain amount of time for Andrea to fuse the power of light and shadow to accumulate energy. If it is a single-challenge fight, this state of energy accumulation that is unilaterally beaten cannot be let go by the enemy.

"Has the power of the realm of the gods been mastered by me in advance..."

Andrea rested her chin on her hand and thought carefully, "Could this be a chance, UU Reading or... a hint and guidance?"

Elune did not give her own advice on Andrea's perception of power. In her words, the first power that the gods comprehend is the sovereign power, which is related to Andrea's development direction in the endless years to come.

Even she is unwilling to bear the karma of misleading a true god. Of course, more importantly, she does not want to use her inertial thinking to restrict Andrea's creativity.

The power of chaos is said to be a powerful force that opened up the sky and the earth when the universe first opened. Although Andrea did not feel such a powerful power from the power of chaos that he mastered, at least he can confirm that the upper limit of this power is very high.

"That's it."

Andrea took a deep breath and finally made up her mind.

The gray energy surrounded Andrea's soul body, and the gradually forming clouds even distorted the entire soul space.

While Andrea used his soul consciousness to deeply comprehend the rules, for a moment, he felt that he had transcended the shackles of the planet, and across the obstacles of countless light years, he saw a special existence outside the material universe.


Elune, who was dealing with the bear boy, suddenly paused, and subconsciously turned his gaze to the vast starry sky.

'Illusion? '

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