MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 820 A hunter must learn to squat in the grass

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According to the information fed back by Gesarak, it can be known that the Dark Judge does not have a fixed shape. Whichever form the current owner thinks is more suitable, it will take the initiative to change into the most convenient form for the owner.

It would be difficult for Andrea, a spellcaster, to use a two-handed sword. Now Gesarak has chosen a form that can maximize his chaotic power, and even Sargeras dare not take Andrea's attack hard.

Chaos divine power already has unparalleled destructive power, and what Andrea lacks is an output medium to make the attack qualitatively change.

After all, the Rod of Ganir is only an auxiliary weapon for casting spells. The Tears of Elune can enhance the output of Chaos Divine Power, but it cannot make it qualitatively change.

Azshara was overdrawn in order to buy time for Andrea, and was unable to fight again in a short time.

Andrea flapped her six wings and fought bravely, changing her previous defensive posture, and the sword energy from all directions forced the unarmed Sargeras into a panic.

Sargeras also couldn't remember how many years he hadn't taken a defensive position in battle, the situation was stronger than others, even though he felt aggrieved, Sargeras still suppressed his displeasure and temporarily avoided the enemy's sharp edge.


Sargeras, who withdrew his arrogance, suddenly reacted, "These two guys came through the hyperspace teleportation device I left in the World Soul Hall, that is to say..."

The face of the Demon King changed suddenly. Frightened, he subconsciously turned his head to look into the depths of the endless starry sky.

"Pantheon?! Oops!"

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the chaotic sword energy blocked by Andrea approached again, and Sargeras could only stop his preparations to escape.

"Where do you want to go? Isn't Azeroth your goal? Then carry out your own delusions to the end!"

Seeing that Sargeras finally realized the root of the crisis, Andrea no longer had any reservations, and the chaos divine power was fully output, the size of the three pairs of wings expanded again, and the mobility was further improved.

"Get out! Get out!"

The anxious Sargeras was eager to get away from the Xingyu in front of him and rush to the Pantheon. He didn't care whether he was injured or not, and began to use desperate methods to attack Andrea.

In terms of pure power comparison, there is still a big gap between Andrea and Sargeras. During close combat, the fel energy overflowing from the opponent's body can make him feel more pressure.

But his purpose was not to defeat Sargeras, but to delay his time as much as possible.

With the help of the wings infused with a lot of power of chaos, Andrea used the high-mobility guerrilla fighting method, and Andrea added many large and small wounds to Sargeras with the sword energy launched from a long distance.

Although Sargeras consciously avoided the attack that was enough to pose a greater threat to himself, as time went by, the Demon King finally gave up all his defenses in anxiety, and tried to escape against the attack with red eyes.

The Titans of the Pantheon were restored in the time Andrea fought so hard for, and their respective thrones effectively helped the Titans reshape their bodies and heal their injuries.

Under Eonar's special care, Aggramar, who was the most injured, basically recovered his mobility.

Aman'Thul solemnly issued an order to his compatriots, "It's time, Sargeras has sensed our threat, let's begin."

Power gushed out from the thrones under the six people at the same time, and the blue-white flames enveloped the Titans. Under the control of the six Titans, they formed energy beams that converged in the air, and finally submerged into the ground of the Pantheon Hall.


The sound of mechanical operation sounded, and the flat ground parted amidst the rumbling sound, and the complex Titan runes carved on the ground completely appeared before the eyes of the six people.

Gathering the power of the six titans, the seal aimed at Sargeras began to run at full speed.

Through the water mirror, one could clearly see the panic and unwillingness on Sargeras's face. After his already injured right hand was severed by Andrea's elbow, the demon king finally got out of the enemy's pursuit range.


Andrea, who was also seriously overdrawn, lay powerlessly flat in the gravity-free universe, watching Sargeras rushing towards the distant star universe, a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"'s almost over."


A thick beam of light that made one feel irresistible shot out from the depths of the starry sky. Before Sargeras even had time to react, he was directly hit by this sure-fire beam aimed at him.

Aman'Thul clenched his fists on the armrest of the throne, took a deep breath and controlled the sealed light to recover. "Brother, your expedition is over!"

"Do not!"

Sargeras screamed that he was about to be sucked away by the light beam. Illidan, who was hiding behind the rubble, flapped his wings and rushed out at the right time. The double blades of Azzinoth pierced deeply into the wound of Sargeras' severed arm.


Under normal conditions, it is impossible for Illidan's attack to cause any damage to Sargeras.

But at this time, Sargeras was suppressed by the sealed light, and Andrea's wound also opened up the attack channel for the demon hunter. Illidan's long-prepared blow made Sargeras scream.

Suppressing the extremely corrosive flames of fel energy on Sargeras, the demon hunter showed a grin on his face, "For this moment, I waited ten thousand years, and all the sacrifices were finally not in vain."

"Sargeras, let me witness your final outcome with my own eyes!"

Under the gaze of Azshara and Andrea, Illidan hung on Sargeras and was pulled towards the Pantheon together, and disappeared from their sight in a blink of an eye.

Weakly taking out the Sagerite keystone left by Illidan, Andrea threw it to Azshara who recovered a little.

"I'll leave the finishing work to you. I need to take a good rest."

The biggest crisis in Azeroth was eliminated, and Azshara's nervousness also disappeared. UU Reading She rolled her eyes coquettishly.

"In this world, you are the only one who dares to issue orders to me without being sanctioned. Enjoy the queen's favor."

"Yes~ I'll talk about it when I have something to say, I'm really tired..."

Seeing that Andrea had fallen into a dormant state before she could speak, Azshara, who had always been proud, showed a rare gentle smile on her face.

Leaning down and kissing Andrea's lips, Azshara floated silently beside Andrea to guard her.

The severely damaged expeditionary fleet began to pass through the portal connecting the two star universes and returned from Argus in a few minutes.

Even if she didn't experience it on the Enterprise in person, Azshara could guess that singing and dancing must have started on the flagship of the expeditionary force at this time.

Watching the last starship return to the star universe on the side of Azeroth, Azshara activates the Sargerite Keystone to close the passage linking the two worlds.

Before the gate closed, everyone could see that the planet Argus on the opposite side was rapidly expanding. The moment before the passage closed, Argus flashed a dazzling light. This scene became the last memory of the expeditionary army soldiers on Argus.


Returning to Azeroth's Zenidar with the Azeroth coalition forces, Turayang looked at the peaceful starry sky and let out a long breath.

"it's finally over."

At the same time, Tyrande excitedly issued a victory declaration to the Azeroth coalition forces through the fleet radio.

"Cheer! All brothers and sisters who participated in the battle, we have won! Glory belongs to Azeroth!"


Read The Duke's Passion