MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 9 Shadow Song

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When Shandris rushed to the scene with a large army of priests, everything had already been settled.

After High Priest Dijana recovered the Eye of Elune, all the visions completely dissipated, and the Eye of Elune, which originally exuded a hazy, dark light, now became no different from ordinary gems.


Andrea lazily waved to Shandris who was walking at the back of the crowd, "How about it, have you discussed a breakout plan?"

Today's Shandris is far from the high-ranking Sentinel General of the later generations. She is just a trainee priest, and she is very unconfident among the senior ranks of the Elune Sisterhood.

This can be seen from her slightly timid position, this girl is obviously not able to adapt to such a big scene of high-level gatherings.

Shandris glanced at the big bosses around, and deliberately lowered his voice and said, "We have only initially determined the general direction, and the details are still under discussion, and then..."

Staring fixedly at Andrea's deep purple and near-black pupils, Shandris continued worriedly, "Andrea, did the changes in the world just now have anything to do with you? Your eyes..."

"Well... this one."

Andrea scratched her head in embarrassment, and took the opportunity to turn her head to look at High Priest Dijana.

Dijana immediately understood what Andrea meant when she received Andrea's throwing eyes.

Sighing softly, the high priest stood up and said, "Sisters, it was Elune who sent the blessing and the oracle just now, and Mr. Andrea is the recipient."

"We must break through the blockade of the Vault of Heaven and rush to the battlefield as soon as possible. The situation on the front line... seems not to be optimistic."

With the help of the high priest to endorse, Andrea was also happy to be at leisure.

Under Maiev's nonchalant scrutiny, Andrea secretly waved to a certain little quail hiding behind the big brothers.

At this time, Shandris couldn't see the straightforwardness and decisiveness in the past at all. She cautiously confessed her sins to the priests around her, and walked cautiously to her friend's side.


Seeing Shandris's timid look, Andrea patted her on the shoulder heavily.

"Take out your confidence and hold your chest up. You are the messenger sent by the High Priest of Whisper Wind. To some extent, your performance represents the attitude of the Whisper Wind Priest."

"If you continue to contact other priests with such a humble and low profile, it will only make others look down on your mentor and discredit the Whisper Wind Priest."

Shandris opened her mouth, "But..."

"Mr. Andrea is right."

High Priest Dijana "explained" the strange situation just now and walked towards the two of them. Maiev still followed behind her every step, and her vigilant eyes never left Andrea.

Kindly touching Shandris's indigo hair, Dijana smiled and comforted, "Don't worry about offending people with your words, the Elune Sisterhood is just like the name, and the members in the organization are sisters to each other."

"As the only people in the task force who rushed to report, your attitude represents the will of Tyrande and Archdruid Stormrage. Please express what they want to convey as completely as possible."

"It's... the High Priest."

As a person who suffered "head trauma and lost memory", Andrea did not participate in the subsequent meeting.

After entrusting the task of passing the message to Shandris, Andrea returned to the previous courtyard calmly under someone's "escort".

The garden filled with the fragrance of flowers can be exposed to the warm sunshine in the afternoon. From the temperature of the light, Andrea can confirm that the current season is definitely not a hot summer.

Not long ago, Andrea wasn't quite used to the night elves' living habits of being nocturnal and nocturnal.

On the way to the Vault of Heaven, he and Shandris rested during the day and traveled at night. After careful calculation, he hadn't basked in the sun so leisurely for many days.


Slumped comfortably on a bench in the courtyard, Andrea ignored a certain priestess who was squatting behind a white jade pillar in a stealthy state, and half-closed her eyes to enjoy the warm sunlight.

Since Leon accepted Elune's infusion of shadow power, the technique of stealth, which uses the power of shadow to eliminate the figure, has no meaning in his eyes.

If sneaking is to use black code blocks to cover oneself up, Andrea's eyes now have a decoding effect.

"You are really strange."

As if aware of her whereabouts being exposed, Maiev simply walked to the bench where Andrea was slumped.


Lifting his eyelids lazily, Andrea asked with a chuckle, "What's so strange?"

Maiev folded her hands in front of the bear, and said in a flat tone, "Most of the night elves love the night and hate the day, and they worship the moon far more than the sun."

"As far as I know, in the entire vast night empire, only a very small number of mavericks will go out to bask in the sun during the day, and among them is a famous high-level elf family."

Maiev looked at Andrea deeply and asked, "Could it be that you are a descendant or distant relative of that family?"

Andrea rolled her eyes, "It's a boring speculation, I just like the warm touch when basking in the sun, not worshiping the sun."

Regarding the family that Maiev mentioned, Andrea had a rough guess in her mind.

‘Sunstrider…? '


Maiev seems to have turned a corner in her head, "Elune, the moon god, will not give her blessings for no reason, let alone a male outside the sisterhood."

Looking up and down Andrea with sharp eyes, Maiev said thoughtfully, "There must be something special about you that Elune values."


Mavina's eyes that seemed to be scanning the prey made Andrea shiver. He knew very well how obsessed the future watcher was with the prey, and Andrea didn't want to be her hunting target.


In order to change the subject, Andrea slapped his palm and said, "Priest Maiev, as I remember, your last name is Shadowsong, right?"

Maiev nodded slightly, "That's right, what's the problem?"

"Well, I suddenly recalled the news I heard recently."

Andrea touched the beard on his chin with a smile, "If the information provided by the demigod Cenarius before the farewell is correct, the commander-in-chief of the rebel army now seems to be called Jarod Shadowsong, is he your family member? ?”

"What did you say?!"

Maiev suddenly grabbed Andrea by the collar, and UU Reading lifted him up from the chair.

At this time, Maiev could no longer see the calmness and calmness before, and she asked a little emotionally, "You mean Garrod? He is the leader of the rebel army? How is it possible! He is just an ordinary person in Black Rook Castle. You are the captain of the city guard!"

'An expected reaction. '

Andrea smiled and spread his hands and said, "At least according to the information I got, Mr. Garrod seems to have been on the line of fire only recently."

"His previous two commanders both died on the battlefield. One was assassinated by the highborne, and the other was smashed by the Burning Legion's air strike."

"Mr. Garrod was elected as the new commander-in-chief by virtue of his talent and the late Lord Ravencrest's respect. He should be leading the army on the battlefield now."


Maiev put down Andrea's neckline, and paced around a little anxiously.

"Jarrod, he is my own brother."

Maiev's face fluctuated for a while, and finally she gritted her teeth, gave up continuing to monitor Andrea, turned her head and strode towards the main hall.

"I'll arrange someone else to 'watch' you. I hope you didn't make fun of Garrod."

Andrea smiled and waved to Maiev's back, "Go slowly~"

"Heh~ Sure enough, the relationship between Maiev and Jarod is still very good at this time, I hope this fire can speed up the actions of the sisterhood."

Looking up to the far east, after accepting the infusion of Elune's power, Andrea could feel the terrifying energy emanating from the huge energy source in the distance from the seat of the sky thousands of miles away.

"The Well of Eternity, a double-edged sword with blessings and misfortunes."

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