MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-v2 Chapter 1913 41. The wind rises blazing blue fairy wild

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   Chapter 1913 41. The wind rises from the blazing blue fairy field

Carrying a pack of Holy Light Crystal Cores found by Stonehead in the ruins of the wilderness, Blake figured in his heart that if these things were brought back to Azeroth, he could at least create a monkey version of Ashbringer with a strengthened company. Old Man Lun and Pope Fao gave himself a scene of the evil **** kneeling on the spot, which made him feel less noble happiness.

   But considering that I’m already an evil god, I can imagine this kind of obscene pleasure freely.

   Maybe if the two old men are happy, they can arrange for themselves some kind of holy lady knight or something, uh, think about it carefully, this is not a problem.

   Evil God-sama's eyes are high.

He took out several barrels of fine wine and all the stored sugar cubes in his suitcase and gave it to the stone head sitting cross-legged on the ground as a reward. , If the flesh and blood residues of some beasts stained on this guy's teeth are excluded, this simple smile may be more moving.

  The pirate looked up at the sky, then turned his head and told the mad Duke Sittar and his two loyal mud servants who were hiding in the shadow of the stone head:

   "The steps of the matter have just been told to you. As Prince Reinathor's right-hand man and the young brooding dragon and phoenix in Ravendes, you must shoulder the prince's expectations for you at this daunting moment.

   Don't act in a high-profile manner, let alone attract the attention of the emperor's son-in-law. "

   "Oh, those arrogant guys never set their sights on this exiled land."

   Wearing a Dailin-style admiral's uniform with a command knife on his waist, Duke Sitar, who was raising his chest and trying to make himself look like a high-class person, pouted, obviously contempt for his compatriots.

   However, compared to the madness he looked like before, he looks a lot more normal now, and there is even a light of wisdom in those chaotic eyes.

   This made the pirates wonder if the intelligence level of the brain-damaged Venthyr in front of him depended on how gorgeous his clothes were?

   But his demeanor in front of him is not good-looking.

   Although the navy uniform of the Kul Tiras is a very powerful design, it emphasizes the chilling temperament of the soldiers, so it is not very attractive, as long as the man whose appearance is not distorted to "the appearance of the evil god" will have an imposing manner after wearing it.

   But Sitar suffered a lot before he fell into the Ash Wild, and his long-term malnutrition in a place that was very unfriendly to Venthyr caused him to be skinny.

   Wearing such a cool military uniform on him was the same as the monkey in the costume, which made Blake look awkward.

   Take this guy's current image back to Kul Tiras, and it is estimated that he will be tied to the gallows in the name of "disturbing the appearance of the army".

   But Duke Sittar himself felt very good.

   He took the half-comb from the **** heap and took care of his messy sideburns, while he took the captain's three-cornered hat adorned with gorgeous features from the mud servant Tubbins beside him and held it in his hand.

   Leaned over to Blake with a gesture of grace carved into the bone.

   Covered by the extravagant umbrella smack dang triumphantly by the other scumbag Garbins, he assured Black:

"There are not many gentlemen in distress in this wilderness. Although they have given up grace and embraced savagery due to the current situation, I assure you by my surname and the lost manor, esteemed prince and messenger, that the time of justice will come. Before, I must be able to assemble a loyal and powerful exile legion for His Royal Highness."

   "Well, of course I believe in your ability."

  Blake rolled his eyes and reminded again:

   "The caretaker, the accuser, and the countess have all suffered misfortune. The sinister emperor has sent evil assassins to assassinate the nobles, and he will not spare the servants who are loyal to the three sin lords.

In the next period of time, there will definitely be more victims like you who will be thrown into exile in the Ash Wilderness. I think, as an upper-class gentleman in Venthyr, you must not have the heart to see your tragedy in those poor people. repeat.

  Perhaps this is an opportunity for you to form your own 'Court of Exiles'.

   And my loyal and good friend Shi Shou will serve as your assistant to help you select those who can contribute to the cause of the prince. His Royal Highness will definitely be proud of you. "

   "Well, that's a good idea, your wisdom is comparable to the annoying sun on this land."

  Sittal's eyes lit up.

   The mad duke felt that he had an idea all of a sudden. It seems that this tea party will be held a few more times in the future, in order to unite the gentlemen who have the same situation as him.

   As for the stone head

   "Loyalty? What is that?"

   The big man threw the wine barrel into his mouth and splattered the juice he bit, while feasting on the weird-smelling goblin candy cubes. He looked at his good friend naively and asked a question.

  Black pouted.

   took this opportunity to take out all the Azeroth-style snacks in the bag that were about to expire or had expired, and piled them up in front of the surprised giant servant Shishou, forming a hill.

   He snapped his fingers at Shishou and said:

   "This is loyalty! Loyalty is delicious, don't worry about it, my dear big fellow, come and taste the taste of loyalty.

   When we meet next time, you will have glory, friends and loyalty all at the same time.

   This is more than a beautiful thing. "

  Blake laughed, took a few steps back and disappeared into the scorching wind, Duke Sitar, who had regained some sanity after getting the fancy clothes, watched the messenger leave under the cover of a luxurious umbrella.

  Although this guy is very friendly, as a high-level Venthyr, he can feel the uncomfortable feeling in Blake even in his madness.

   is like a small animal being targeted by a Tyrannosaurus rex.

   Even if the former is not malicious, he has some instinctive fear.

   "Well, Tubbins, my loyal mud servant."

  Sittar put the beautiful and majestic triangular hat on his head, and glanced at the giant servant stone head sitting on the ground and gulps beside him. He leaned on the command knife at his waist and said to his servant:

   "His Excellency Stonehead, who has been appointed as the vanguard of the 'Revenders Rebellion', obviously needs a hand-fitted weapon and a battle helmet and mud servant crown that fits his identity.

  Tubbins, I remember there was a big quagmire on the other side of the Ashfields.

  You can shape the stone tower for the giant servants to fight and the crown made of dried mud for the stone head. Hurry up and work. Before the poor people come to the Ash Wilderness, we must show enough noble majesty to convince people.

   As for you, Garbins who is good at cooking.

  I need you to improve the recipe of our 'Wild Black Tea', find some more teapots, it will be busy for a while. "

  Two clay servants of different colors look at me, I look at you, they look at their master who just got out of the difficult time and started to pose, and asked in unison:

   "What about you, my lord? What are you going to do?"


  The Duke of Sittar, who had put on good clothes, touched his thin cheeks, then put on a noble arrogance, took a luxurious umbrella and propped it on top of his head to deprive him of the annoying sunlight.

   He stepped on his delicate and majestic moccasin boots on the scorching ground, and said proudly:

   "Of course I'm going to make a noble tour of my territory.

  I want those barbarians who have bullied us before to take a good look at what a noble demeanor is, which may awaken the little bit of Venthyr's glory and decency left in their sad hearts.

   This is good stuff.

  Look, we three poor people who depend on each other rely on it to support the arrival of the envoy of His Royal Highness in this lowly hell.

  Oh, don't look so troubled, my servants.

  Aren't good days coming? "

   Encouraged his servants with a beating aristocratic tone, Duke Sitar held an umbrella and said to the stone head:

   "Then, the vanguard general of the resistance army, put away your terrifying and rustic look, show a fierce enough expression, and **** me for a round in the wilderness.

  This is already the territory of His Royal Highness.

   We shall swear the oath of sovereignty. "

  Shi Shou glanced at this pretentious silly little man, it scratched its head, and asked in a naive tone:

   "Good friends teach me that when I do things for others, there must be rewards, so what can you give me? Friends? Loyalty? Or glory?"

   "There will be, there will be."

   Duke Sittar confidently pushed his three-cornered hat, and without blinking his eyes, he drew a big cake for the stone head and said:

   "When His Royal Highness returns to his loyal Revenders, everything you desire will be there.

  My dear General Stonehead, please stop thinking about it, this dreadful job is not at all friendly to your already moaning brain.

   Enjoy the simple pleasures of the moment.

  Why not? "

  The mad duke thought for a while, then leaned on the command knife and spoke to the stone head:

   "The barbarians who are unwilling to obey the command of His Royal Highness will give it to you as dessert, how about it? Just as an appetizer before dinner."

   "But the Emperor doesn't allow me."

   "Forget the Great Emperor, you are now a loyal soldier of His Royal Highness! His Highness said that you can eat as much as you want, as much as you want."

   "Hmm! Stonehead likes the generous prince! The little one is right! Let's go, let's teach those disloyal exiles a lesson.

   Then have a big meal. "

   In the cheers of the stone head, the giant servant who was crippled by the fool picked up the skinny Duke Sitar who looked like a monkey, put him on his shoulders, and walked towards the Ash Wilderness.

   The mad Duke Sittar, holding an umbrella and a command knife, was content at this time, and it seemed that he had returned to the good days when he was a high-ranking noble.

  The wisdom of the nobility is so powerful.

   It seems that these giant servants who were despised by the Venthyrs in the past are really useful, and I have to find a way to fool a few more to serve His Royal Highness.

   "Huh? Why are you still here?"

   Carrying a large bag of holy light crystal cores, Black came to the meeting place agreed with General Draven, which was a secret catacomb-like hall.

Constructs like    are everywhere in Revenders, and in front of the pirates are three activated mirrors of anima, through which they can travel to the other three realms of death.

   But Black looked at General Draven, who was guarding by the magic mirror, in amazement. This powerful stoneborn was carrying a stoneborn backpack specially designed for their size, and it seemed that he was ready to travel far.

  The pirate raised his eyebrows and said:

   "Shouldn't you serve the stonesmith?"

   "The Mother of Stoneborn asked me to follow you."

  General Draven obviously didn't like Black very much, but this loyal stoneborn never disobeyed orders. It had a stern face, and moved the huge bat wings behind him, saying:

   "Master Stone Forger let me tell you that in other countries there are also several dead beings transformed by the Moon God of War, and they can also participate in the big action you plan.

   And I have a handwritten letter from Master Stonesmith, and I want to pass it on to them personally.

   Finally, my identity is too sensitive.

  The Stone Legion is still looking for me. I can't move freely in Revenders. Staying here is a hidden danger to other brothers who are secretly operating. "

   "Okay okay, looks like the stonesmith thinks I need a guide."

  Black didn't care about taking General Draven with him. He looked at the three magic mirrors of different colors in front of him and said:

   "However, she doesn't know that, my knowledge of the shadow kingdom is enough to allow me to travel freely in this strange land, but the kindness from the bald eldest sister still has to be accepted."

   Having said this, Lord Evil God glanced at General Draven who pretended that he had not heard anything, and said:

   "Where's your weapon?"

   "I don't need weapons!"

   General Delevingne said very proudly:

   "A powerful stoneborn like me can defeat the enemy with my own claws, and weapons can only slow down the speed of my claws."

   "You better take the time to practice flying axe, listen to me, that's right."

   Black again offered his suggestion.

   But the Stoneborn General is noncommittal. As a powerful Stoneborn commander, he can easily condense rock spikes for long-range attacks, and there is no need to bring an extra axe.

   He even thinks that this evil **** is probably suffering from brain problems due to his long-term exposure to the void.

  Why insist on letting him practice the one-handed axe?

   "Where shall we go first?"

  General Delevingne took the initiative to ask a question, in order to stop the chatter of the pirates, he looked up and down the evil god, and suggested:

   "Ascension to the fort is not a good place for you.

It was invaded by the power of the void a long time ago, and the warriors of Glion are also very good at dealing with void creatures. They have anima devices that detect the void in various areas of the promotion fortress. It is difficult to move where you go. .

   Why don't we go to Maldraxxus first?

  After the disappearance of the soldier, the five secret courtyards are all fighting openly and secretly. The place is very chaotic now. As long as you don't make trouble, no one will care about a foreign evil spirit. "

   "Under the condition that the Eternals do not appear, I will walk sideways in the entire Shadow Realm. Don't worry about my safety, my dear Stoneborn General."

  Black waved his hands and said:

"I know what you're worried about, but even if my godhead is suppressed by the force of death, I still have anima combat skills to use. Although I'm not good at this unique fighting style, I'm not good at wearing a **** outfit. Fear of challenges from the Shadowlands.


   Let's go to Chilan Xianye first.

   I have some friends waiting for me there, and there is one more 'housework' that needs to be resolved quickly. "


   General Draven asked in surprise:

   "Apart from Lady Maiev, do you have any other family members in the Shadowlands?"

   "No no no, not my family."

  Blake walked towards the teleportation mirror leading to the Blazing Immortal Field, pointed to the sky mysteriously, and said to the curious General Stoneborn:

   "She is my boss. The family conflict between her and her sister has been going on for a long time. As her most considerate and excellent subordinate, I think it is what I should do to resolve this sister conflict for her.

  No way, who made me such a good-hearted subordinate? "

The brains of    Stoneborn are not very good at thinking about these complex things.

  General Delevingne didn't understand what Black meant for a while, but when he saw that the evil **** had already stepped into the magic mirror leading to the Blazing Blue Immortal Field, he moved his wings and quickly followed.

To be honest, the anima magic transmitted by the magic mirror of the Vencilians is indeed much better than the portal of the material world. When the evil **** crossed the gap between two dead kingdoms in an instant, he stood in Lin Haizhi of Blazing Blue Immortal. In the middle, he was determined to send this handy skill back to Azeroth.

  Thinking about it, Dean Lanyue will definitely be very happy.

When Blake arrived at Blazing Blue Fairy Field and walked out of the tree pit hidden in the ground under the leadership of General Draven, he saw a strange fairy magic blooming head on, his little murloc was riding something appeared in front of his eyes.

  Bumbol croaked and waved to his owner, at the same time showing his "new pet" intentionally or unintentionally.

   And the pirate and the stone-born general beside him rubbed their eyes at the same time, and after seeing the little fish and its new mount, Rao Shi Black was well-informed, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in foul language at this moment:

   "Fuck, what are you riding on? Come on down, you idiot, do you want to be punched?"

   (end of this chapter)

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