MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 106 Song Laosan is in love

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It stands to reason that my mother-in-law should know about this.

Su Su thought about her mother-in-law's behavior, and then looked at her sister-in-law and immediately understood, this is because she has a second daughter-in-law, so she is afraid of being picky, so she will do it .

No one could tell if it was for children, so she brought the corn to her.

However, she thinks it's good to be able to do this.

Then Susu told about the house, and Lin Hai immediately asked to have a look.

"On the two streets ahead, you can see it when you walk over. The door of their house is unlocked, and the house inside can be seen through the glass." She did not Said that they had paid for the reservation, and if they were in a relationship, they would say the same, so as not to put pressure on them.

In this way, Lin Hai took Xing Ya over, and after a while, he brought someone back and said, "Sister-in-law, that house is quite big, but it's expensive, right?"

"It's too expensive, why don't we buy it for more than 200 yuan?" Now some houses are only more than 200 yuan, Xing Ya thought about it and said: "I have two I have saved more than 100 yuan a year, and then..."

Su Su nodded in her heart, and rushed to punish Yaken with money to buy a house, which proved that she was conscientious. So he smiled and said: "The money is enough, and the yard is big and the location is good. In the future, I can build a bigger house." Although it is a brick, it must be built well.

"That's fine, sister-in-law, you've decided. I think the house is good. It's Aya's factory two stops away, and it's close to mine. The most important thing is that in the future we will It’s easy to live there and go to work, as long as you don’t ride a bike.” Lin Hai could see that Xing Ya liked it very much, because the yard was really nice.

"Okay, that's it. I'll let your eldest brother find someone to repair it for you, and then you can get married there." have seen. Both of them are at work, and it is not enough to always ask for leave.

"Then it's hard work, sister-in-law."

"What's the hard work, I'll give you money, you go to clean up the house, and then come back to cook by yourself, I can't let this kid go." Susu didn't treat them too politely, in the future Family or casual.

After she finished speaking, she took the money to Lin Hai and Xing Ya, and they excitedly went to buy a house.

Xing Ya said on the road, "Why do I think my sister-in-law is so arrogant, buying a house is like buying eggs."

"Don't talk about our house, my sister-in-law's previous house cost more than 3,000, and she decided like buying eggs."

"I think she has a very big pattern and is different from us."

"I think so too." After the two bought the house, they came back to cook, and then they both went back to the factory to go to work.

The diapers are about to be put into production recently, Lin Hai is really busy as a technician.

Susu is not idle, it is time to go to work. However, when I received a call in the office, it turned out to be Song Laosan. He seemed very excited, saying that all the bicycles had been sold. Although he didn't save the money he lost, it sold well, at least he made money.

But he was in a hurry to return the money to Su Su, and Su Su asked him what his plans were for the next step.

"I don't plan to sell goods anymore. I want to open a factory. I see that now I'm saving money to open a factory." Song Laosan thinks that a woman can spend so much money to help him through Difficulties must be a visionary, so you have to discuss anything with her.

Su Su said: "What type of factory do you want to build?"

"I want to set up a garment factory. There was a state-run garment factory that went yellow. I'm going to sell it. Because the equipment is not new, it only costs a few thousand dollars." He could take over, but not Know what kind of product to develop.

"Well, let's meet when I get off work, I have a product to discuss with you."

"That's good."

Su Su actually wanted to set up an underwear factory with others for a long time. Now there are in the mainland, but there are too few. So now this kind of clothes is not popular, and many women still wear small homemade clothes. In fact, it is to make the chest smaller, which is not healthy and not beautiful at all.

In this way, after get off work, she went home and took out an unworn bra in her backpack and put it in a cloth bag. At this time, people are still very conservative. Then when they arrived at the hotel, seeing that Song Laosan was waiting for her, they booked a private room and walked in together.

Because of the money involved, the two waited for the waiter to go out before talking about the business. Song Laosan returned the money to Su Su and said, "Thank you so much. Without your help, I'm afraid that even the fork and pants would be sold. Uh, don't say this in front of civilized people."

Su Su said: "Yeah, don't say that. You don't have to pay me back, I'm here to give you an idea."

"Tell me, what's your idea." Song Laosan said seriously.

Su Su took out the contents of the bag and handed it to Song Laosan: "Do you know this?"

"I know, I know, I saw someone selling it in the south." A young man blushed a little when he saw this.

Su Su said: "My friend brought it back from abroad, do you think if you can find a master to make it, and then sell it."

"Women should buy this if it's cheaper." Song Laosan was not at all embarrassed to see Susu, and he didn't have the cramped thoughts just now. So he said seriously: "Okay, I'll take it back and let the old masters study it, this money..."

"Then my money is an investment."

"Okay, as long as you believe me, Song Laosan can't let my sister... let Mrs. Su pay."

Song Laosan was happy and poured himself a drink, and said, "If it can be done, then it will definitely be your share."

"It's definitely possible." Susu didn't drink with him either, but she just went home after getting the samples and eating.

"Mr. Su, let's talk for a while." Song Laosan drank a little too much. He has been out for so long and has experienced a lot of bitterness and always wanted to find someone to talk about. Susu is probably the most suitable audience.

But Susu can't stand here and listen, she has to go home to feed the child.

So he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'll talk again someday, I have to go back to see the child."

"Children? Oh yes, you and Lin Chuan are married and must have children. Then you go back, I won't stay." Song Laosan still sent it out, seeing people riding When there was no shadow in the car, he had to go back and continue drinking, and he finally let out a breath of relief.

Suddenly, a person said, "Brother Song, why are you here?"

He looked back and found that it was Qin Yueyue. He had a good impression of this girl when he was in the village. After all, he helped him. So he said, "It's Miss Qin, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'll buy a la carte and cook."

"Don't do it, let's eat together, I have it ready."

When Qin Yueyue met an acquaintance, she wanted to get close to him, so she followed.

Su Su doesn't know about this, she is still waiting for the news of Song Laosan. The man called in less than five days, and then handed over the finished product made by the masters to Susu.

Susu looked like that, but the cotton inside was not very good, and it softened when she pinched it. But according to Song Laosan, the same is true in the south.

"Is there any way to shape it?"

"I'll think of a way, but this should be put into production. Coupled with women's underwear/pants, I think it's possible to set up an underwear factory, and then make more of these products."

Song Laosan is full of self-confidence, this is easier to do than a garment factory, and he didn't think about saving a lot of money all of a sudden, just to support himself first.

Su Su thinks it is feasible, the products she brought are at least five to ten years advanced, and it is too difficult for them to make the same now. Everything has to be done step by step. For example, the current sanitary napkin has developed to pure cotton, not the medical gauze that has just started. Such costs have come down, so more people are buying.

The same is true for bras, which may be just a simple shape and function at first, but may get better and better in the future.

At least it will develop, as long as Song Laosan can do it seriously.

He is a big boss in the book, so Susu thinks he won't let him look down on him.

Song Laosan was sent away and she went home. She never thought that she still had some very powerful neighbor aunts, they were all like underground workers. I don't know what they saw and made up for it. When Lin Chuan came back from the army with a fish in his hand, they stopped him and complained to him.

So, let him go back and ask him not to wear a green hat without knowing it.

Lin Chuan said with a cold face: "Thanks for your concern, ladies and gentlemen, my daughter-in-law is a teacher, and she has also sacrificed herself to save soldiers in the army. I know very well how she behaves, and she likes to help It may be my brother, or it may be an employee in the factory, please don't criticize others behind their backs." After speaking, he turned around and walked away.

Those aunts think this man is a bit tiger, if someone told his daughter-in-law to have an affair, he would have blushed and fought with a thick neck. But he still had time to cleanse his wife, but the people who had saved the troops by their little daughter-in-law thought it was better not to mess with them, so they all scattered.

Lin Chuan opened the door and entered the hospital, ready to ask his daughter-in-law a few words. Although those big women are talking nonsense, they should also pay attention to the influence, after all, they can't let others poke their spines to live.

How could anyone know that as soon as someone came in, his daughter-in-law came over with a small cannonball, shoved Zhan Zhan into his hands and said, "Look at your son, I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and urinated again. It's on me." He just ran away.

I'm so busy that I don't have time to do anything else, but I still have to remind her.

After the daughter-in-law finished washing, Lin Chuan also cooked breakfast with the child in his arms. The child was silent and very honest when he got into his hands. Putting it on the chair aside, he circled with the quilt: "Stay for me and don't go." Then the other party didn't move, but when he saw his mother came back, he immediately changed his face, and the big watery eyes seemed to be about to cry.

Su Su glared at him, turned around and put it on the table.

If it's time to cry again, you can't get used to him.

Lin Chuan glanced at his son and thought about it. He felt very miserable because he was almost ignored. He picked up the child and walked to the table with a plate. The things she painted... Isn't that the clothes she usually wears inside. He also drew a human figure, the body of a woman.

As an honest man who had never seen Xiao Huangben, he immediately turned his head and said, "What are you drawing?"

"Good thing, this can save money."

"What, draw this... No, you can write something to save money, but draw this."

My daughter-in-law begins to learn badly, what should I do?

Show you a picture of a man and a woman together."

Lin Chuan hesitated for a while, but immediately said, "No, you can't draw that, you will learn badly."

"Come on, when you do it yourself, people stop and stop you, and you do all kinds of poses... uh..." She said in a sullen manner, she said.

"The child is still there." Lin Chuan's ears almost dripped blood, he could do it, but he would be shy when he said it.

Su Su rolled her eyes and said, "I'm not using this painting to save money, but I want to open a factory to make chest Z. I'm designing the look, and then let the workers do it."

"You're opening a factory again."


“Why do you open so many factories?”

"Wait for my son to grow up and let him read, and tell him a daughter-in-law and buy a house." The next generation will cost tens of thousands to talk about a daughter-in-law. At this time, only Afraid to even think about it.

But Su Su would think, she thinks that her factory only costs about 10,000 yuan a year, and she still needs to spend it. How long will she be able to save her son's daughter-in-law?

"Are you thinking too much?"

"You guys don't want anything but your lower body."

After being scolded, Lin Chuan was speechless, and suddenly said: "A man was talking to you at the door two days ago. Is that person related to this factory?"

"Yes, Song Laosan. Didn't I tell you that I met him once? He had an accident with the purchase a few days ago, I put together a thousand yuan for him, and then saved the money If you want to pay me back 1500 yuan, and then say you want to open a factory, I put the money in again."

"Oh, it's him."

Lin Chuan didn't say anything.

Su Su said strangely: "Don't you really hate him, you beat him before."

"I beat him because he was frivolous with you, but he was actually quite bitter."


My husband's three views are positive, and I don't blame her for spending money.

"Let's eat." After all the words were said, Lin Chuan's self-confidence returned, and of course he ate.

"By the way, Lin Chuan, are you not afraid that I will lose the money?"

"It's okay, I can support you with a stable job."

"..." This reassured her, and said, "After that, do you want to put your allowances separately?"

"You can arrange it however you want."

"It's about the same." Su Su actually felt that she didn't have to worry about other problems with a big backpack, but Lin Chuan was right, in case the things in the big backpack suddenly disappeared one day Woolen cloth?

You should really plan for the future.

So Susu said: "One day I will open an account for you. After you mail the money to your home every month, you can save the rest that is enough for yourself. In the future, the passbook will be stored in yours. , you keep it."

"Why, aren't you in charge of our family's money all the time?" For some reason, Lin Chuan suddenly felt that money was a bit tricky. This daughter-in-law doesn't want his money anymore, so she won't be able to keep it.

Su Su glared at him and said, "I let you take care of it because I'm afraid that when I run out of money, I can save some money, so you should save your son's wife's money. ."

"That's fine, but I don't keep the passbook at home." It's really annoying.

"Okay, it's up to you." This man, others are happy enough to hold the money, but he seems to have handed a bomb in his hand, always wanting to get rid of it .

After drawing the picture, Susu drove the things to Song Laosan's factory, but he was not in the factory. Who is it? Our factory manager has a girlfriend, and he just went out to play with his girlfriend."

"Huh?" Got a girlfriend? It's not that the business tycoon has never been in love and has always been thinking about the heroine Bai Yueguang in his heart, and later gave all his property to the heroine.

How are you in love?

It's a good thing to be in love, so that you don't have to die for the heroine.

Su Su, an old mother, let go of her heart and said, "Really, that's great. By the way, this is the information I gave to your factory manager. Don't forget to teach him, and you will Just say that technician Su came over and gave it to him."

"Got it, it's a technician." The old man agreed and took the file bag back.

Su Su rode home without much entanglement. Today Lin Hai and Xing Ya came over for dinner. Watch children at home.

Before going back, I bought two catties of small fish, which can be fried and eaten. Then I bought some meat for cooking. I have my own family, so I only need to make two dishes.

When she got home, she only fed the child and then went to cook. For a woman who can have someone to help take care of the child, she would rather cook than take care of the child. .

The child can be naughty now, he always wants to stand up, so he runs up in the arms of the adult. Then, Susu had little strength, and hugged him like a monkey in the sky.

There is no end to it, which makes people angry.

Cooking is much more brisk, grab a rice and fry two dishes. While doing it, he added: "Lin Chuan, I saw that there is an electric rice cooker in the shopping mall. I want to buy one and bring it back. It will save a lot of trouble in cooking."

"Okay, you decide, but is it easy to use?" I've never heard of anyone using it again.

"Easy to use." She would use it anyway.

"Then you buy it, you can't be honest, you have to jump on the table."

"Like you, I was honest when I was young." Susu said.

"..." Lin Chuan was speechless, anyway, if he wasn't like Su Su, he could only be like him.

"Eldest nephew, second uncle is here, come and find second uncle to hug." Lin Hai first hugged the child as soon as he came in. Don't look at this kid before, but after hugging him for almost two months, he has feelings for him .

Xing Ya put Lin Hai's things on the table and said, "This is a small set of clothes I bought for Zhan Zhan. It's made of cotton. It can be worn indoors in winter."

"Yes." Lin Chuan called Su Su.

When there were too many people, he didn't want to talk anymore, he just avoided cooking to clear the table, and then Su Su thanked Xing Ya. Seeing the diaper bottom plate that Lin Hai took out, he said, "Is this thing easy to sell?"

"It's alright, now they will bring a dozen packs of these when they buy some sanitary napkins in the city, and they are all sold."

Su Su put it on for her son, then put the quilt on it and put it on the quilt. The room was very hot, and it wouldn't feel cold when she was naked.

But the little guy started to roll over with every move of his feet. He couldn't turn over and hummed twice to cheer himself up.

Xing Ya wanted to laugh when she saw it. Seeing that they could look at the child Susu, she went out and set the table. But Xing Ya didn't expect that during dinner, Xing Ya said: "Sister-in-law, I want to quit my job in the cannery and go to work in Linhai's factory. Oh, it's not for other reasons, I just think that your factory has developed, and the cannery Although it is state-run, sometimes wages are not paid.”

Everyone thinks that state-owned units are very important. After she and Lin Hai discussed it, he agreed, but you need to ask her sister-in-law if she agrees.

"Okay, our factory belongs to light industry, so it's not tiring. After the two of you have learned the craft, you can open a branch factory. In this way, you can completely have your own business, and you don't need to look at other people's faces. Live." Su Su thought very well, sooner or later this factory will expand its business, and then it will definitely set up a branch factory, so it won't hurt to win for her brother.

Some things, as a major shareholder, still work.

Lin Hai's eyes widened after hearing this: "Yes, sister-in-law, why didn't I think of it, we will go back to our city to set up a branch in the future."

"Yes, but first you have to promote the product."

"If Aya can manage the factory, I want to go out and do sales, so that I can broaden my horizons and get to know more people." After Lin Hai finished speaking, he glanced at Susu, afraid that she would not agree.

Su Su nodded and said: "Before we let you catch production in the factory because our family is a major shareholder, and the factory must have one person in order to avoid too many problems, but since Xiaoya is going Then it doesn't matter if you transfer to the sales department."

Also, they have their own plans, and they can live a good life sooner or later.

After negotiation, Su Su and them came to the factory early the next morning, and then arranged Xing Ya to enter. And Lin Donghe is the factory manager, oh no, he is the manager now, and Lin Hai is the factory manager.

As a manager, he traveled for many days in a row, but he opened up some markets. But it's a bit tiring, after all, it's not a very light job to find a salesman everywhere.

After Su Su came over to see him so tired, he said: "It's better than this, I'll let Lin Chuan find some of his former brothers who were discharged from the army for help. If they are men, it is inconvenient for them to let their wives help with sales. Some, it's good to do publicity."

"Okay, so many soldiers in the army are discharged every year, this is a good way. But, this is a sanitary napkin, I'm afraid..." A group of gentlemen will feel ashamed and dare not mention it.

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