MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 108 suicide

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Qin Yueyue stared blankly at Lin Donghe, and suddenly said, "what good will it do for you to be so condescending? Where am I sorry for you? We are obviously divorced, but you come to me Going to scold me at home, didn't you abandon me at the beginning? Since you said that, then I might as well die." After she finished speaking, she rushed out and disappeared into the night.

"Yueyue..." Song Laosan really cares, after all, he is an infatuated male duo, so he will chase him out immediately.

How could Lin Donghe let Song Laosan catch up, and he ran up and knocked him to the ground. Lin Chuan could only go up and pull the two of them away: "Go and see how people are doing. What's the use of killing the two of you here? What if something happens to one of them?"

Lin Donghe still insisted on kicking Song Laosan twice, then ran out and said, "People can only be mine, don't try to marry her." Now, Song Laosan rubbed his broken mouth, wiped Xue Mozi up, and chased after him.

Lin Chuan looked back and asked, "Did the daughter-in-law scare the child? Is he all right?" Everyone knows that the child is afraid of scaring.

Su Su shook her head and said: "It's alright, the child is about to fall asleep, but let's go home, we don't care about other people's business." What is it?

Qin Yueyue is a white-eyed wolf. She doesn't know how to be grateful for saving her life. Such a selfish person, it is difficult to have a heart-to-heart relationship. If it's difficult, then don't pay and let her be selfish in her own world.

For example, this time she directly said that she was going to marry Song Laosan and the person she liked was Song Laosan, so even if Lin Donghe was crazy, there was nothing to do. But she didn't, and she blamed others for being divorced, crying, pitiful, and helpless.

In the end she ran away, I really don't know what she was thinking.

In Su Su's eyes, she may feel that it is some kind of fate between the male lead and the female lead, and they have to do all kinds of abuse in order to be together. Therefore, her reaction is still indifferent, just stay away.

But if you want to show it to outsiders, you may find that Qin Yueyue's behavior is somewhat confusing, such as Lin Chuan. As he walked, he said, "What exactly is this Qin Zhiqing thinking? Does she want to marry Song Laosan or kill Song Laosan?"

He is a stubborn man who rarely speaks ill of others, and this time he was really angry.

Su Su smiled: "I don't know what she's thinking, but what if something happens to these two men?"

"I asked for it." Lin Chuan said.

Su Su sighed and said, "I'm afraid of the money I put in. At that time, they only care about love and bad work. Isn't all my money wasted?"

Lin Chuan was almost laughed at by her: "You are really... thinking about taking good care of the child." There is nothing to say.

Su Su glared at him, but the two really didn't care about their affairs and went home.

Today is not Sunday, Lin Chuan and the others have a short half-day vacation, so they took time to come back. So their idea is to rest early and get up early to go back.

But someone knocked on the door shortly after arriving home, and it was Chang Yuejin and Bai Lingling who came over together.

It turned out that Chang Yuejin was very happy when he found out that Bai Lingling was pregnant and had to come over to find Linchuan for a drink. After all, Susu helped them to introduce it, and they should be grateful.

Su Su said: "If you want to drink, I will cook two more dishes. If you drink at home, don't go out."

"There are still children at home." Chang Yuejin knew that if Lin Chuan was at home, he would definitely not be able to have a few drinks with him. He was so happy today that he wanted to go out.

Su Su said: "Then you two go out, Lingling and I are at home to see the children, and we can still talk."

I spent a day in the hospital during the day and really wanted to rest for a while at night. She really didn't want to go out after drinking or something.

Chang Yuejin had no choice but to go out with Lin Chuan. If there is something between men, they can drink together.

As for Bai Lingling, who watched the child for a while, she asked Susu what she should pay attention to this month.

Although she is a nurse, some of the words of the older generation are also very useful.

Of course, I also made an appointment for the little clothes and quilts of the Susu family's children.

Susu of course agreed to lend it to her, after all, these things are for exchange. It's not like there are fewer children in modern times, when there are many children and poor people, they can't prepare so many things.

Especially the things used by little boys are said to be very good, and many people come to use them. He also said that he should put it at home in advance, and the children born in the future will also be boys.

What a superstition.

"My house was full of girls' things in advance, but the result was a boy."

Auntie Ye on the side said: "Why does that child in Linhai care less about daughters? We said before that we wanted a boy, but he kept saying that girls are good, and he must have a daughter or something, magic barrier. It's like."

"You didn't see the little brothers of the Lin family, they run to my house every day to ask for my little niece." Susu said a little speechlessly.

When she finished, both women laughed.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door loudly, and Zhan Zhan was woken up suddenly, and he burst into tears.

Su Su hurriedly went out and opened the door, and then watched Qin Yueyue, who was holding her **, came in, followed by the lost third Song.

Lin Donghe said: "Quick, Comrade Bai, save her quickly, she seems to be out of breath."

Bai Lingling is also very professional as a nurse, so she rushed over and gave first aid.

She was rescued after a while, but Bai Lingling sat directly on the ground tired, and squatted up and vomited after a while.

At this time, Qin Yueyue also woke up, and she saw Lin Donghe cry at first sight. And Lin Donghe hugged her and said, "Why are you doing something stupid."

Su Su couldn't stand it anymore, said: "Why don't you know why she is doing stupid things?" Then she rolled her eyes at the sky and said, "Since people are fine, please leave here, thanks."

Lin Donghe also heard the child cry, he picked up Qin Yueyue and walked out. And Song Laosan stood stupidly in front of the door and said, "what should I do?" Qin Yueyue didn't look at him from the beginning to the end. He knew that he had no place in her heart, but he didn't expect to be left aside like this.

Su Su glanced at him and said, "Song Laosan, if you have a little ambition, you will set up the factory well. Only when the factory is set up will someone be able to see you. Otherwise, who are you? "

Song Laosan was startled, then nodded and said, "I see." He knew that Lin Donghe had a deeper foundation and greater ability than himself, so Qin Yueyue had never been able to forget him.

As Susu said, other women look down on him if he is not capable.

So, he really should run the factory well. Only then can I have the opportunity to compete with Lin Donghe, otherwise I would have no chance at all.

"Then I'll go first." Song Laosan turned around and left, but there were already a lot of people watching the fun in front of their house.

It's night, but there are still many people. There is no martial law now, and there are self-employed businesses opening up business, so there are still many people strolling outside.

Su Su felt quite speechless. With such a good and affectionate male partner, don't have to have a male protagonist who is deeply in love with her, so what Lin Donghe said today would be replaced by Su Su She would never choose to be with this man.

In good times, he was treated like a saint, but now it's not good to be divorced, and he has to dominate others and not let go.

Anyone with a little ambition will not be with this man, but what about Qin Yueyue?

Maybe true love. She doesn't understand anyway.

At this moment the door was pushed open and her true love came back.

Lin Chuan looked murderous, and after coming in, he asked anxiously, "What's the matter, we were just having dinner and heard someone say that something happened to our family and someone died?"

He is really worried, who is not worried when he hears that someone at home has died?

Su Su immediately said: "It's not our family's accident, it's Qin Yueyue who committed suicide, jumped into the river and was rescued, but she died, Bai Lingling rescued her, and people saved her. coming."

"Lingling, are you alright? Why is your face so ugly." The first thing Chang Yuejin saw when he ran in was that his daughter-in-law seemed very uncomfortable. about to fall.

Bai Lingling waved her hand and said, "No, I want to go home and rest. I'll talk to you later, I don't want to make a sound now."

Chang Yuejin nodded immediately, stopped drinking, and took his daughter-in-law home. Just make an appointment with them before leaving and drink later, anyway, this meal is indispensable.

Su Su waved her hand and said, "Come on, let your daughter-in-law go home and rest, don't say it's useless." Thank you, they just have to live a good life. Don't be like Lin Donghe and Qin Yueyue, making everyone around them suffer with them.

After Chang Yuejin and the others had left, Lin Chuan asked in detail, Su Su explained what had just happened, and then said, "The door of our house will be hung up in the future, and we cannot let these people Come in." As he spoke, he took the child in Aunt Ye's arms into his hands, took off his clothes and started feeding.

This child has been crying non-stop since just now. He has never been in such a situation since he was a child. He must be frightened.

Lin Chuan couldn't care about others anymore, his child cried so badly, he could only close the door and said, "What should I do?" Do I need to go to the hospital?

Auntie Ye said: "I think this child is frightened. Let's cover his little clothes upside down at night! If it doesn't work tomorrow, I have to go to the hospital to prescribe some shock medicine."

"Okay." Susu tried her best to coax her children to sleep, then put the quilt on the kang, and then picked up his little clothes and put them upside down on the quilt I don't know if this method is of any use.

Aunt Ye then turned off the light and whispered, "You guys should go to sleep soon, but don't wake him up again."

In this way, the young couple went upstairs quietly in order not to startle their children. They didn't dare to speak loudly. I had to get up early so I went to bed early.

I just didn't expect that when he rushed to the hospital to take care of Lin's father, he found that Lin Hai was back, and he was busy beside his father with Xing Ya, obviously one step ahead of her. Seeing her coming, he said, "sister-in-law, go back, we can just take care of dad here."

"You just came back, why don't you rest at home for two days?" Susu put the lunch box for breakfast on the table and asked.

"No, I'm not tired here. The doctor just said that Dad's condition is much better than when he first came to the hospital. It seems that he will be discharged in a few days. Thank you very much, sister-in-law." Hai was very grateful. Without the sister-in-law, they would not be able to be filial sons if they couldn't ask for leave on a business trip or in the army.

Even when he was still working outside, almost no one called to tell his father that something had happened, and only heard Xing Ya talk about it when he returned to the factory. It seems that everyone is afraid of delaying his work, can you not be moved?

He will come over when he is free, and Xing Ya has to come together.

Since their young husband and wife were here, Susu didn't stay much, but Lin father went and said, "Child... Zhanzhan."

"Dad, Lin Donghe and Qin Yueyue went to my house last night. Zhan Zhan was a little frightened and cried a little. So, I can't come today, wait until he gets better."

"Ah, deflated...only son..." Lin's father was scolding Lin Donghe, and a good life would not go to other people's homes to make trouble.

Su Su also knew what he meant, and said: "Dad, don't be angry, other people's affairs have nothing to do with us, and you will almost be discharged after the war is over." She would not have To be someone's daughter-in-law, I now find that I actually use children to coax the elderly, and I will coax one by one.

"Hey." Father Lin agreed, with a smile on his face.

Everyone was happy when they saw the patient smiling, and then Susu hurried back.

Just in time to go back to see how Zhan Zhan is doing, if it is not good, I will take him to prescribe medicine immediately.

When I arrived at the door of the house, I saw Lin Donghe standing there, smoking a cigarette while waiting for her, and when she saw someone coming over, she said, "Susu, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive last night."

Su Su rolled her eyes to the sky and said, "It's said that good horses don't eat back grass, you eat pretty fast, they are getting married, what are you mixing?"

"I..." When Lin Donghe left Qin Yueyue, he thought that as long as he was successful in his career, he always missed her in the dead of night, but he didn't expect to secretly go back that day to see When she was there, she found that there was a man's voice in the room, her mentality collapsed at that time, and she knew that she still loved Qin Yueyue, or at least cared about her.

In addition to her suicide yesterday, it also made him understand that maybe Qin Yueyue also has a little interest in him. Last night, the two of them had done it a few times after a long absence. I learned that it was the first time that she and Song Laosan hadn't made it yet.

But because of this, he hated the man, so he came to find Susu.

Because of what Qin Yueyue said, Su Su invested money in Song Laosan's factory.

Thinking, as long as he destroys Song Laosan's factory, this person will never appear in this city again.

In this way, Qin Yueyue will follow him with all his heart and will not go to that man again.

"You know, Yueyue doesn't really like Song Laosan, he still loves me. Marrying that rascal was just forced." Lin Donghe gritted his teeth.

Su Su rolled her eyes again and asked, "Who forced it, you forced it or I forced it? Song Laosan used to do nothing when he was in the village. But now they are also a businessman, and at least the director of a small factory is no worse than you. Why don't they have the power to pursue Qin Yueyue? Besides, it's not to blame the third son of Song, the two of you like each other, then Why do you divorce? Divorce is still not pursued by others?"

"Since he was chased by others, Qin Yueyue agreed to marry him again. Why do you blame him, and you shouldn't put it all on Song Laosan. "

"I know, but I wouldn't marry someone else without him."

"You are all divorced, she will get married even if she doesn't get married now and graduates, there is no Song Lao San, Song Lao Si Lao Wu. Don't forget, Qin Yueyue will graduate soon , when she has her choice, you can't be too domineering. You shouldn't take anger with others, and have the ability to manage your own woman." Don't let her hook up with others.

"Okay Susu, we are also relatives, let's not mention these things. I think you withdraw the investment in Song Laosan's factory and let him get out of this city and don't come back again. , otherwise I can't spare him."

To drive out another factory manager, what kind of ghost operation is this?

"Lin Donghe, who do you think you are, why do you drive away the third son of Song. Has he come to your door to pester Qin Yueyue? Besides, you and Qin Yueyue are no longer husband and wife. Now, there is no problem with people getting entangled. Besides, do you feel like you are floating?"

"I... I will go to collect the certificate with Yueyue tomorrow. I don't want anyone to come and destroy our marriage." Lin Donghe was just angry, but thinking about what he said was indeed a little floating.

"After you get the certificate, you are husband and wife. The person you should be in charge of is Qin Yueyue, not Song Laosan. Of course, you can protect the family when he comes to the door, but others I haven't done anything to you now? Lin Donghe, you have to deal with things calmly, so you might as well be fair and just in everything you do in the village." Su Su said.

"I'm a man, he's going to be with Yueyue...that day, if it weren't for me suddenly appearing..." The consequences are unimaginable.

"Lin Donghe, if you hate this, you can take revenge yourself, but it really has nothing to do with me."

"I know that you invested in him because he is a fellow countryman, but he is really not worth it. A local ruffian can't make a big deal at all."

"No, I don't believe his actions are necessarily worse than yours." That's what it says in the text, Song Laosan was already a well-known businessman when the heroine graduated from college, and at that time Much stronger than the male protagonist. Therefore, she is very sure that Song Laosan's achievements will be much stronger than Lin Donghe's. If it weren't for Qin Yueyue's death later, I'm afraid it won't be much worse than the male protagonist in the future.

"Okay, then let's make this bet." Lin Donghe turned around and left, and he was really angry.

But he has always regarded Susu as a friend, so he is not angry with her, he just wants to let her know who is more suitable for her to invest.

Su Su was also a little speechless, why did their worries have to involve themselves. Just as he was thinking about turning his head, he saw a person standing behind him.

"Song Laosan?"

"I originally wanted to ask Qin Yueyue's thoughts, but now it seems that I don't have to. But, thank you for believing in me, I will also make achievements for you to see." Song Lao Three also ran away.

Susu? ? ?

She seems to have done something extraordinary, and the money she invested will probably not be wasted, right?

However, the next day Lin Donghe and Qin Yueyue received their licenses and invited her to drink, and she didn't go, on the pretext of taking Zhan Zhan to see a doctor.

Lin Hai didn't go either, he had to take care of his father in the hospital. Only Xing Ya went with the whole family, and spent the money to go to the hospital to accompany Lin Hai without even sitting at the banquet.

Su Su also went to class, and now the third-year students are about to graduate. They are very worried about their future, and at the same time they are full of hope.

Seeing that, the story will develop to the heroine's career development line, killing the Quartet, and finally being recognized by the Guan family. Of course, she seems to have children too.

But Susu, the children are quite old, and the Lin family is doing well. Everything is fine except that Lin's father is sick, and Lin's father is about to be discharged from the hospital these two days.

The autumn harvest is almost over in the village, and Lin Hai's marriage is almost over.

It seems that Linshan will have a college entrance examination this year.

In Qin Yueyue, because she broke up with Lin Chuan when she was about to graduate, she later fell in love with Lin Donghe. And Lin Chuan, a fool, agreed directly and became his elder brother. Later, because the second marriage was not a hot commodity, I found a little widow.

It all seems to be happening in the near future, and of course nothing will happen now.

She worked for two days before Lin's father was discharged from the hospital, Susu asked him to go back to her house for two days, and then Lin Chuan took him back.

And Lin Hai said to Su Su: "Sister-in-law, we plan to go back to the village to get married."

"Why?" Isn't it booked in the city, because an engagement banquet has already been held in the village.

"I want to go back and renovate the house. After all, my father and mother still have to live there and get married at the same time. After all, I am afraid that my father will freeze again in winter." Lin Hai also I decided after thinking about it, because my parents all wanted the wedding of the four sons to be held at home, so it would be nice to say this.

Although the sister-in-law also had good intentions to hold the wedding more grandly, but two days ago, it was said that Lin Donghe held the wedding here, and the uncle and aunt cried in the village before they came. He was afraid that if he held the wedding here, his father would not be able to make it when he was not well-raised, and he would not get angry at that time, so he decided to go back to the village to do it.

Su Su agrees. Father Lin's illness needs to recover little by little. Although he speaks normally now, he still stutters. In the future, the doctor also said that he should keep his blood pressure stable and not get excited or angry.

"Okay, then let's go back to the village office." Go back and repair the house of Lin's father and Lin's mother. After all, it will take three to five years for my plan to be realized. I want the whole family to come here. It is quite difficult, they say that it is difficult to leave the homeland.

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