MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 112 race for money

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The three of them lay down long ago, after all, it was a very tired day, especially Lin Chuan who was tired and snoring.

The guests who were supposed to go home today also went back, so they were all from the Lin family and no outsiders.

The other soldiers probably kicked her on the body. Don't look at the soldiers who are not at home all the year round, but they are very good to the family members. They also take good care of their brothers' family members, your daughter-in-law, hey …”

"I don't know why Donghe wanted her so determinedly, and lost all my eldest grandson. Or when they weren't married, I really don't know where she came from Face says this at your house."

"The crows fall on the pigs, and you can't see yourself being black just by seeing others. Your son was so badly treated by her that she almost lost his life."

"Yeah, how can she find trouble like this." Mother Lin said.

"It is said that a virtuous wife and a husband have few misfortunes. I think she is definitely not a virtuous one. Your family Susu is very good, which is enviable."

"Susu is good everywhere, but I have to let my old man and I move to the city, and also said to buy a house and open a shop. But how do we both adapt? How many years have we lived here? That's it." Although Mother Lin was strange, she was complimenting secretly.

When you arrive in the city, you also have a job, and your two sons are there to take care of you. We are not that lucky. Our daughter-in-law is separated from us by a layer of heart. , but the daughter-in-law said that she was afraid that the old Guan family would think too much, and then she would not believe it. I think, I will not be able to enjoy their blessings in my life. "

The aunt sighed.

Susu nodded in the hut, auntie sometimes looked cold. However, although Lin Donghe didn't pick them up, he still let them live well in the village, at least much better than others.

Listening to her, she fell asleep until her son woke her up crying. Then look at the house's lights have been turned off, it seems that it is getting late. Lin Chuan turned on the light, and the two changed the baby's diaper and fed the baby before resting. When lying down, Su Su said: "When we go back, our family will take the car without Lin Donghe and the others. Don't say that I am embarrassing them by breastfeeding the baby."

"Yeah." The little daughter-in-law is stingy.

However, there is nowhere for them to sit.

Mother Lin also heard this, and she suddenly felt very melancholy. The two sons are gone, and the other son is going to X City soon. It's really boring to have only the three of them.

It would be good if she could go to the city, at least the old man couldn't do any heavy work, and her work alone was not as much as the money sent by their brothers every month. So, she really thought about it seriously, thinking about discussing it with the man in her family when they left.

As for the adopted daughter, she has done her best. Sometimes being a woman can't be too top-notch, but also can't be too cowardly.

The next morning, the little daughter-in-law Xing Ya came to cook early. How could Mrs. Lin let her do it, only after she made a big room by herself, it was brought to the table. However, because there were too many people, two tables were placed, and it was quite lively to have breakfast.

In addition to a child who always wants to grab something to eat, Susu feels like she is in a war when she eats a meal. Fortunately, Lin Chuan took the child over, so she could finally comfort her stomach.

After dinner, everyone should discuss whether to go back. After all, they all came here on leave.

Lin Hai nodded and said, "What do you think, Aya?"

A typical expression of fear of a daughter-in-law, no man in this Lin family can straighten his waist Look at the two little ones. Although they still don't understand, they will learn something sooner or later.

Just thinking about it, Lin Jiang said, "Second sister-in-law, sister-in-law didn't give birth to a little niece, why don't you give birth to one." As a result, Mother Lin slapped her on the dining table.

"Aya, don't listen to his nonsense"

Su Su laughed all of a sudden, and finally someone was being chased to give birth to a little niece like herself, and she was a little happy.

Now that Lin Hai also knows, he doesn't dare to ask Xing Ya for a daughter, so he can only smile and say, "Boys and girls are fine."

"Then give birth yourself." Xing Ya blushed.

"Yes, ask your niece to ask your second brother to give birth to him." Su Su supported Xing Ya's statement on the side.

"My second brother wants to meet, I already asked him, and I have to ask my eldest brother... I don't dare." Lin Jiang is more lively now, mainly because he knows that the sisters-in-law at home are good, no Holding it like Qin Yueyue is very easy to get along with.

So, he doesn't have so many scruples when he speaks.

"You can't stop your mouth when you eat." Lin Chuan drank, and then the two younger brothers ate in peace.

After eating, I was ready to go home to take things, in fact, there is nothing, just put it on.

This time, my family didn't talk so much, the guards drove, and Lin Chuan sat next to him. Susu sits in the back with the child in her arms. Sometimes she gets tired and both Xing Ya and Lin Hai can help take care of her.

When the people left, Mother Lin said: "Or the old man, if they are ready over there, let's go too."

"I will definitely get into X East University, and then our family will move to become city residents." Lin Shan said.

"Okay." Lin Jiang answered aside.

Father Lin was still a little vague, and said, "It depends on the situation." My body can't do any heavy work, Lin Jiang and Lin Shan are both studying, and their academic performance is okay, I really don't want to. Let them go to the fields. At that time there is really no way, then go to the city. Don't wait until the son is over there, the two old men are meaningless to do anything in the village.

The family decides to wait and seems to be full of hope for the future.

After a while, I saw that Lin Donghe was going back with Qin Yueyue, but two donkey carts passed by without pulling them. Although there are indeed many people above, it is not a problem to squeeze two people. But Widow Qiao sat in the car and said, "Oh, isn't this Qin Daxian'er? We are all mortals who don't deserve to ride in the same car with you. You can wait for the next time." Then, the donkey cart also passed by. .

Lin Donghe glanced at Qin Yueyue and suddenly had an idea. That is, he is also the common man, and Qin Yueyue is the high fairy. No matter how he changed, it seemed that it couldn't change this fact.

His background has changed, his worth has changed, what else is not worthy of her? Just because of the parents who face the loess and turn their backs to the sky?

No, not at all, it's all personal.

She can't see others, especially Su Su.

Because Su Su and her are thinking the opposite, they are the most real and motivated women, the Qin Yueyue he originally thought.

"Yueyue, I suddenly want to go back to the beginning. You were so nice back then."

"Why do you say this, people will always change."

"However, Lin Chuan has not changed, Susu has not changed, only you have changed, and I have changed." I used to think that I loved her so much, but now I realize that I don't really love her that much. .

"I haven't changed, I've always been."

Qin Yueyue said.

Lin Donghe didn't speak any more, what he was thinking about now was how to take a ride to the commune.

Su Su and the others went back to normal work, but they didn't expect that the two factories she invested in seemed to be getting better, one performance seemed to be one, and her dividends were increasing.

Buying a house for Lin’s father and Lin’s mother in the city has become a small problem, which can be solved by dividends in one month. Originally, she was only going to buy a normal one, but now she can buy a good one. She is quite ambitious, she must buy a backyard for Lin's father and Lin's mother, and then bring it to the store. It is really impossible to build it by herself.

Even now, it's going up pretty fast.

Su Su chose this house for a whole month. After Lin Hai heard about it, he also helped. He is running away now, and the salary plus commission is more than 300 yuan a month, and Xing Ya is also more than 100 yuan a month. The two of them lived a very comfortable life. TV, electric fan, two bicycles, and then bought a rice cooker like Susu. Anyway, there are tickets from my sister-in-law that can be picked up at any time.

The family can eat three meals a day at the factory to save money, and of course save money for the parents. Xing Ya herself had no parents and no mother, and she was led by Su Su to think that a daughter-in-law should really take care of the family, so she agreed to pay a few hundred dollars to buy a house.

In this way, with the efforts of the two families, I finally found a house, and this year has passed.

The house has more than 1,000 yuan, Susu took 700, Lin Hai took 400, and then the two families together gave two stores, one on each side of the gate building . In addition to using one room, you can also rent it out. If you don’t want to use it, you can rent it out, and you can rent more than 100 a year. Therefore, this hundred or so is almost enough for the two old people.

Besides, Lin’s father and Lin’s mother are not old, so there is no problem with doing some work.

After entering the store, there is a small yard three meters wide, and then a row of five rooms, when they come back for the New Year, they will have a place to live. Finally, this house has a back door, and there is a vegetable field there to grow vegetables.

In short, there is a place to hang out, a place to relax, and a place to live, which can be called perfect. In addition, there is also collective heating, as long as you buy a few sets of heating, and then connect to the boiler in the area of ​​the nearby textile factory. Bai Lingling's father is familiar with the other side, just a word.

And Lin Chuan is also useful. He turns on the heating when he is idle, and then his military rank is also raised by one liter. Now he is at the level of the deputy regiment. The main reason may be that there are few things at home, he is dedicated to work, plus his work style is upright, and his family style is good. He has a daughter-in-law of a university professor, so he is faster than others in reviewing this aspect.

The story is halfway through, and Lin Chuan's position is almost at the end.

So, it's already a big guy.

Susu didn't feel it because it was his daughter-in-law, especially because he was getting oily and muddy all over his face because of the heater. He looked no different from an ordinary man.

It’s just that it’s completely different to put on a military uniform, handsome and attractive, and has the charm of a mature man, it can be called the best.

Hey, it’s worth getting such a man through time.

"What are you thinking, board."

"Oh." Su Su handed the wrench over, and said, "Lin Chuan, do you think Lin Shan can be admitted to X East University? Now X East University is already considered a famous school. "The principal is good, and the development is also good. Moreover, because of the support of many factories, X City is now one of several famous cities in the country.

Lin Donghe is preparing to open a branch factory, because the current factory production of diapers and sanitary napkins is a bit out of line. So he plans to open a diaper branch to produce the two products separately.

Lin Hai agreed with this point and took over the task. Any man is ambitious, not to mention he has a family and a business now.

Seeing that Qin Yueyue also walked out of the school and graduated, the first thing she did not think of a way to start a business like she did, but to have a child, so that she could win Lin Donghe's heart . According to Bai Lingling, who has a big belly, she has been to the hospital countless times and changed the medicine several times. Even the doctor has made several appointments, but there is no effect.

In the beginning, the blood loss from the abortion hurt her a little bit, and now it is really difficult to have a child.

Anyway, she would have some, so Susu didn't take care of her.

The time of the college entrance examination is coming, and high school students everywhere are very busy, even their teachers.

Su Su now holds the title of professor. Although she is young, she is not too qualified in school.

At least, most people now call her Professor Su.

In this age of respect for knowledge, everyone sees her with great respect. Susu took advantage of the situation to publish several so-called papers in newspapers and academic journals, and they would be very respectable when they came up.

In short, she didn't want to do this job, but she insisted on going to work because she had too much face and was very easy to handle. I think about it in a few years. After all, her family only has a formal job, and it is convenient to open a letter of introduction.

Besides, it can be arranged when her son goes to school.

Su Su found that the focus of a woman's life is easy to turn to the child. In the past, she used to think about playing and thinking about love, but now she basically thinks about the child.

Wait for Lin Shan to take the exam, and they will pick up Mother Lin and the others, and then it will be easier to have Mother Lin help watch the child send to the kindergarten class.

Only, I am concerned about whether Linshan can be admitted.

Everyone was very concerned, and after waiting for more than a month after the college entrance examination, Lin Shan finally received the admission notice. Then, Lin's father called to inform Su Su, and everyone got together for a drink.

It's a rare pleasure, but Lin Chuan is not here, he went on a mission two days ago.

Lin Hai and Xing Ya are running a factory, so they are also very busy, and it is rare to be lively. Everyone brought the dishes, but only Lin Hai, a man, couldn't drink the wine, and Xing Ya wouldn't let him drink it.

But Xing Ya and Su Su were familiar with each other, so she said: "Sister-in-law, you said that I and Lin Hai have been married for a while, why... Still no movement?"

"You've only been married for a few months, and Bai Lingling hasn't given birth yet, wait..." As she was talking, the phone rang. Set up the phone before. The most important thing is that it is not very good to use the phone of the unit to do business, but it is much more convenient to have a phone at home.

Only when I answered the phone did I know that Bai Lingling was about to give birth, so I hurried to the hospital without eating.

She was much worse than herself. She often jumped in and out of the mission and didn't come back, so only her parents accompanied her. By the time they arrived, the person had already entered the delivery room. Originally, it was a nurse who had been pregnant too hard and wanted to resign, but she had been working overtime until she was about to give birth without taking a few days off. Don't look delicate on the outside, but in fact it's a little golden steel.

Su Su thinks that this child in his family is so powerful that he should be a boy.

But after waiting for more than an hour, the doctor picked up a girl. Fortunately, this child looks like Bai Lingling, and I thought the girl would look like a man.

Sure enough, their genes are good, and they all beat men.

However, Su Su is still a little worried recently, because although her son was born like himself, recently he is more and more like Lin Chuan. Some people even saw that he was Linchuan's species.

This is strange, the appearance of the child can change.

Bai Lingling was also pushed out soon. She saw Su Su's first sentence: "Let Lin Chuan help me punch Chang Yue Jin with some force."

"Okay, I will contact him and let him fight, don't worry." She must have heard this, and Lin Chuan might actually fight. Bai Lingling fell asleep at ease. Her mother and aunt came to watch her, so Susu went back. The next day Lin Chuan really took the initiative to contact her, and then she said, "Is Chang Yuejin by your side?"


"Bai Lingling said, let you help her punch Chang Yuejin, or you can do it."

"What happened?"

"She gave birth to a daughter last night."


Chang Yuejin said loudly: "Lin Chuan, how can you beat people so well."

Lin Chuan ignored him at all, picked up the phone and said, "Call."

"You, are you really hitting? If you hurt him, Bai Lingling will feel distressed when he comes back."

Come on." He was most worried about his wife now.

Lin Chuan said: "Bai Lingling gave birth to a daughter in the hospital last night."

"What about her, is she okay?"

"I'm fine, I should have been discharged from the hospital now." Fortunately, caesarean section is useless, and the technology of caesarean section in this era is not known to be immature. Susu finished speaking on the other side, and they all heard it.

Chang Yuejin shouted excitedly after hearing this, and then said, "She, does she have anything to say to me."

"Yes, she asked Lin Chuan to beat you."

Su Su could hear the voice over there, so she smiled.

Chang Yuejin said loudly, "It's worth fighting, Lin Chuan, give me another shot."

Lin Chuan said: "Go away." He still has to talk to his daughter-in-law, standing here like a pillar, calling his own daughter-in-law if he wants, but he will probably be complained.

There is no way out, so knowing this, he beat him for Bai Lingling. As a soldier, he couldn't accompany his wife to watch her go through a major difficulty in life, and he couldn't see the birth of his children. He really should have beaten him. He just beat him lightly, and he had to make Bai Lingling feel distressed.

But Susu told her about it when she went to see Bai Lingling the next day. When she was born in the delivery room, she had to be beaten. Today, she was in good spirits and heard that her man was beaten. Very distressed.

"Ugh, how hard was the hit."

"It hurts, it's not heavy, that is, the nose is bleeding."


Bai Lingling regrets it a little.

"Time to fight."

"He didn't mean to come back."

"He can take time off."

"He didn't know when I was born."

Su Su burst out laughing and said, "Forget it, hitting him will make me feel better."

Bai Lingling nodded and said, "Why make him feel better."

"Your mouth is full of gifts. You are the mother of the mother. You are the oldest. Well, let's feed the little guy. Maybe she will still be my daughter-in-law when she grows up."

"I think it's beautiful, but your son is good-looking, it's okay." Bai Lingling thought about it seriously.

Both of them laughed, and then each brought their own baby.

After returning home, Su Su cleaned up the house, and while talking to Aunt Ye, opened the small drawer next to the bathroom. Aunt Ye usually doesn't clean up here, just sweeps the floor. The bathroom is a very secret thing, so she doesn't touch it.

Now, there is a used TT packaging lying in the small drawer, but there is a small hole in the packaging. She also only saw it under the sunlight, and when she picked it up, she found that the hole had penetrated to the other side.

Then I saw a small protruding nail on the edge of the drawer, this hole should be made by the small needle.

But now it is used, it is used...

It seems to be quite new, that is to say, Lin Chuan used it when she came to see her the night before she left.

Then he was in a hurry that day, and he didn't pay attention to whether there was a small hole in the TT.

After this is used, she can't be sad.

Su Su's face turned green with fright, she quickly found a box and put all the TT in it, and then used pliers to nail the nail firmly, and then she was afraid for a while. But after thinking about it, those few days should be considered a safe period for me, after all, my aunt has only been gone for three days.

Yes, definitely not pregnant.

I gave myself a sigh of relief, but I was always thinking about it.

While thinking about it and scolding Lin Chuan for being careless, she chose to use that TT.

But now there is no other way but to wait for Lin Chuan to come back and teach him a lesson.

But this mission seems to be out for a long time, so long that even Lin Shan is ready to come to class, he came here with a salute and stayed at Su Su's house directly.

Su Su cooked a table of good dishes and said, "Why didn't my parents come along? Didn't I tell them that the house was built?"

The author has something to say:My dears, this article is about to end, about a few days

Then, if you have time, you can help me bookmark the pre-received text

I still have an interstellar one that I haven't posted yet, which one will you like to open then (*^__^*)

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