MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 121 got used to it

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Su Su said truthfully: "There are more than 2,000 in total here. If I take out all of them, it will take about a month to show up again. Therefore, I have always been afraid of running out of money."

"..." Lin Chuan completely believed the words of his daughter-in-law. Although he didn't care about the family, he also knew that their family would never be short of money. The most nervous time was when she was buying a house, but at that time she was so confident that she didn't even need him to borrow money. Generally, no one can come up with that much money in one fell swoop, but it would be ok if this backpack really had such a magical effect.

It's just that he was a little scared, and always felt that with such a magical thing, his daughter-in-law might disappear one day.

Hold Susu tightly and said, "Don't leave."

"How can I leave now that I have a husband and a son." This family is all well now, there is no big blush incident, and life is comfortable, why did she leave what.

Lin Chuan said: "Well, I believe in you." After speaking, let's be more intimate. But Susu pushed him away and said, "No, I just wore the ring and can't do anything. What if you are so strong and loose?"

"What are you doing with that thing?"

"So you don't have to bring TT, are you happy?"

"Really?" Lin Chuan didn't have much research on these, but he was really happy to hear that he didn't need to bring TT.

"Really." Susu said solemnly.

Lin Chuan thought about it and thought it was worth the wait, and then he really didn't touch her and went to sleep honestly.

The next day, Susu's hand cream was gone, so she opened her backpack to get it. It turned out that a lot of things were missing, except for her good cosmetics and some things that are still in use now, nothing else. For example, clothes, sanitary napkins, underwear. Now she has opened a factory and produced them herself, and now the results are good. The technology of the finished products has already been upgraded and it is not much different from what she brought, so even if it disappears, she uses new products every year. got something.

So, it disappeared because it was useless?

Su Su didn't panic, she thought it was right. The things in people's backpacks have kept her going for so long, and it doesn't matter if they disappear.

But she also knows that the things in the original backpack will disappear little by little, because she will live a better life in this world little by little. If it's still as poor as it used to be, the things inside won't disappear so quickly.

Of course, some small objects also disappeared, such as lighters, such as motion sickness pills. Now these things are available in this era, and the effect is not much different, so they will not be used.

Although it was useless, she still felt a little emotional. It turned out that what she thought would never change will change.

For example, next week she will go abroad with some domestic businessmen, because her communication factory has been concerned for a long time, this time is to talk about cooperation issues.

Because they failed several times when they came to talk, so I hope she will go there to check.

Cooperation is impossible, after all, Susu still remembers how they refused. Although the factory can only produce more than 30 units a day, the orders have already been discharged to thousands of units. Nowadays, there are more and more rich people, and many people regard buying a mobile phone as a tool to show off. Besides, it is very convenient to take it with you when you go out, and you can make phone calls wherever you go.

In this case, Susu also wants to open up foreign markets. The technology cannot flow in, but parts can be imported. As long as you import some electronic products there, you can also save the queue at home, and then the production volume can also increase.

With this idea in mind, she went out with this foreign exchange group, and at the same time went with Tan Fengxiang. Tan Fengxiang's wife is a very open-minded person, and she doesn't doubt it like ordinary women. The two often drink afternoon tea together, so they can talk about it. However, Lin Chuan is still a little bit jealous. This man's nature is a bit domineering, but it can also be said to be indulgent to her.

Everyone thought it was a bit more advanced.

The times are changing and so are people.

In just a few years, it seems that people's thinking has become different from the past.

It was just that Susu didn't expect that among a group of businessmen who were sent off the plane in China, she also met Zhen Zhiqiang, and the jewelry was humming. It's just that his company has not yet formed, and he has not had any entanglement with the heroine. After all, the heroine is lying in the hospital and no one cares, and they can't play any more ambiguous.

They met and said a few simple words, and Su Su got on the plane. Only then did they know that some young people in the village were attracted by the sudden appearance of the old Lin family, and then most of them ran away Out to wander. Even though the village has already divided cattle and horses into households, many people do not want to go back and face the loess with their backs to the sky.

But some people succeed and some fail, and he is the more successful one. But looking at the Glory team now, he feels that he still needs to work harder.

And Su Su, who got on the plane, was also flustered. She had never been abroad before, but she never thought that she would be able to go abroad in the old days, and it was a very honorable team.

But everyone was very excited, and Susu took a few pictures with her assembled mobile phone while everyone was not paying attention.

This phone works now because of the signal. I don't know why the two worlds have the same signal, but it does work. Just can not surf the Internet, but can take pictures.

She can take it back to show her man, and she can even export and develop the photo. Although the current printing technology is not good, but color photos can still be washed out.

After getting off the plane, there were so many beautiful scenery, she let go of herself completely, and asked Tan Fengxiang to help her take pictures, just playing like a little girl.

Tan Fengxiang felt that he was getting old, so he was like a father who came to play with his daughter.

What can be done, who makes himself bigger than others?

When it comes to the real table, the little girl becomes a strong woman. The courage shown is not lost to those foreigners at all, and it can be called a red rose in their team.

This time, not only slapped each other in the face, but also negotiated several deals. At first glance, if there are dozens of mobile phones a day, but if these electronic products are introduced, the production speed of mobile phones can be increased to hundreds of mobile phones a day, and then more costs can be saved.

Now some small electronic factories in China can't produce in such large quantities, and the raw materials are very expensive. On the contrary, some foreign technologies have been formed, and the raw materials are good, so the price is cheap.

Susu, who has made a business, is really happy and brought a lot of gifts to her family. But now it is limited, so she also feels very annoyed, and sometimes the money may not be able to be spent.

When will it be modern?

But, it should be soon!

This time, she finally chose a family to move back with a large color TV.

There are color TVs in China, but they are not as good as those abroad. The important thing is that the screen is bigger. There are some black-and-white TVs in the house, and they are too small to look closely, or they can't see their faces. Since she is not allowed to bring more, then she chooses to buy.

In this way, you don't need to bring a gift alone, and everyone is happy.

Tan Fengxiang saw that she bought and brought two sets, and then said: "We are the two most fierce people who bring gifts." money.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are still quite a few state-run factories in the 1980s, and there are still very few private business owners who come here this time. Think about the state-owned, how dare to spend so much money, not afraid of being investigated.

When she got home, she distributed a large color TV to each of them, and she asked Lin Hai to find someone to come over and put it on in her home. Although it's not as good as the modern ones, it's not bad, at least there are fewer advertisements, and watching two episodes of TV dramas a day is also quite good.

Especially the two children love to watch, as long as they turn on the TV no matter what program they don't need to be coaxed.

However, after coming back this time, she found a problem, the big backpack she brought with her has nothing left, even the TT is gone. Except for the purse and make-up basically gone, can't help but cry a bit.

When Lin Chuan came back, she really lay on top of him and cried, "It's all gone, what should I do if I don't have anything." She would panic without her.

Lin Chuan touched her head and said, "You still have me, parents and children."

"Well, I know I have, but I'm scared too."

"I will protect you, and my children will protect you when they grow up."


"Really, I teach my son, he doesn't protect you and I beat him."

"That's really reassuring." The corner of Su Su's mouth twitched, her son was really unlucky, so he had to protect his mother at such a young age, and if he didn't, he would be beaten.

But miraculously, she was no longer so hesitant. When Lin Chuan didn't come back, she concentrated on work, and when he came back, she concentrated on taking care of the family. It is said that work and family cannot be balanced. That is because they arranged in a mess. At least Susu knows which aspect of herself is the most important, and generally will not delay the family because of work.

And in this respect, the male protagonist Lin Donghe did not do as well as her. He should have loved the female protagonist and then made his career to a peak. But since the heroine became a vegetative person, his behavior has also changed, and he has become very estranged from Susu. The reason, I only found out when I talked about work once. That is, when the heroine died, he asked him to avenge her, but he knew that Su Su did not harm Qin Yueyue, so he would not do it, but he was not so close to Su Su, at least he didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

After Su Su heard it, she felt as if she had eaten a lump, and said as if she wanted to contact him. Even if the three views of a man are indeed correct, she feels that she cannot agree with this point.

Since you don't want to see him, then you can't see him. I haven't invested any more in him. She still needs her to continue to work hard for her own factory.

A few years later, Lin Donghe finally met a woman who wanted to marry, and ended the life of Qin Yueyue in the hospital. In this way, he is widowed.

Su Su didn't even go to his wedding, only a little blessing. However, Lin's father and Lin's mother went away and didn't say anything when they came back. They just thought that the woman might not have long been with Lin Donghe.

The words really hit them, Lin Donghe and her only had one daughter, and then they separated. It is said that that woman was originally a non-duty, so it is basically impossible to think about it.

He remarried not long after that, and even played the trick of keeping Xiaomi.

Su Su thinks that Lin Donghe has probably completely let go of himself, even if the Guan family and the Lin family are in charge, but he should do what he should do. Even so, his achievements were not as good as written in the book, and he did not grow into a domineering president but instead became a greasy uncle.

I am afraid that only Lin Chuan has remained the same for so many years. Even Su Su felt that after she had changed a lot, she found that her man was still so tough and his eyes had not changed. The best male supporting actor Lin Chuan.

The feeling of the child's hot kang head.

Women, as expected, are still petty, although her career is unmatched, but she knows what she really wants, and that's enough.

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