MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 13 hug

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When will Lin Chuan send her away? It was clear that she said that the educated youth was in a hurry to leave. This is, talking nonsense with eyes open, and saying it so rightly.

Lin Chuan didn't explain, just stood there straight as if seeing off a guest.

But Mother Lin didn't know, she glared at Lin Chuan and said, "Then go back first, and tell Chuanzi if you have anything."

In this way, Lin Chuan sent the heroine halfway and came back. As soon as she entered the yard, she was scolded by Lin's mother pointing her nose.

"Tell me about you, and finally let Yueyue come to see what's wrong and change it, but when they come, you send them away. At that time, she will be here alone What do you do if you don't feel comfortable living on the side of the house? You are a child. It's easy for your daughter-in-law to stay at home when you're not at home year after year. You don't think about her. ."

"Auntie, don't blame Brother Chuan. It was Qin Zhiqing who said she had a meeting so she had to go back early, so she sent her back." Su Su quickly spoke for Lin Chuan , lest he be scolded with blood and not explain a word.

"That's right, then forget it, call her tomorrow."

Mother Lin glared at her son and said, "What are you doing there, be a pillar, take a broom and sweep the yard."

Lin Chuan turned to sweep the yard without struggling at all.

Su Suzhen has never seen such a handsome man before, so why is she being scolded without saying a word. She also got so angry with Mother Lin, she wiped the room and said, "It's like a donkey with a silent head, just like his father."

Su Su laughed and said while washing the rag for Mother Lin, "Auntie, I think Qin Zhiqing has misunderstood something."

"What misunderstanding?"

" Just now Qin Zhiqing told me that she can't do any work, and she doesn't know what to do when she comes here. I guess, she must have thought that she should come to help with the work instead of seeing this. It was she who came to see what her new house asked for." In the end, it was postponed and then married, when the heroine went to college and fell in love with Lin Donghe, they would find another girl to marry.

"What can't work, if she can't do this work, what else can she do. Even if their family is in the city, she has been able to do anything since she was a child. After all, she has two younger brothers to take care of it. Well. I just look at it, I just don't want to get married." Lin's mother is also a sensible person, in fact, she knows everything in her heart.

"What if I don't want to get married and get together when I don't want to?"

"You little girls don't understand, this man and woman will be inseparable if they want to live together for the rest of their lives."

Mother Lin said with a smile, but she didn't know that the heroine wouldn't let the male partner touch her at all.

But she is not easy to answer these words, so she can only help clean up and go back to Lin's house for dinner.

After eating, Mother Lin asked Lin Chuan to go to the town to buy things, mainly to buy quilts and noodles. Susu was curious about what the public sales agency was like, so she rode a donkey cart to the town with Lin Chuan and Lin Mu.

And her frozen legs were numb on the way, how could it be so cold in this mountain?

Rubbing his legs and moving, Lin Chuan suddenly jumped to the ground, his horse coat was covered on the legs of Lin Mu and Su Su and ran on the road by himself.

"Why are you crazy, come up." Mother Lin said.

"It's too slow, I'm running." After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he ran past the donkey cart and left, leaving...

But Su Su touched the warm military coat and felt warm in her heart. This man is really cute. He clearly cares about others but doesn't say a word, but he is really warm.

If you really can't go back, it would be good to marry such a loving man.

Arrived in town in the wild, mother Lin went to line up with cloth tickets and cotton tickets to buy things. Yes, you need to queue up to buy things now, and you may not be able to buy them at that time.

Lin Chuan helped the donkey cart of the brigade to unload the goods, Susu felt bored and walked around the town.

The current town is called a commune, which is basically no different from a large village. In addition to a certain public sales agency, there is also a blacksmith shop, which does not seem to have any business.

This commune is built on the edge of a mountain, and the snow on the mountain looks like a painting. If the phone is there, take a picture.

She was staring at me in fascination, when she suddenly heard someone behind her say, "Be careful." As soon as she turned around to see who it was, she was slammed. Then, she pressed against a very hot man's chest, feeling his body temperature and strong heartbeat.

She knew who it was without looking up to hear the voice, but she looked up anyway.

The other party was also looking at her, and the eyes of the two were so right together.

Still scratching in the air, he asked ignorantly, "What's wrong?"

The man's heartbeat became irregular, he hurriedly straightened up and said, "Icicle."

After being let go, Su Su realized that a row of icicles fell from the place where she was standing, and it would not bleed even if it hit her head.

As I was thinking, I saw something red flowing down the side of the man's ear.

Su Su felt her head explode with a bang, and exclaimed: "Blood, blood."

But the other party didn't care about wiping it, and said, "It's okay, I was stabbed in the neck." He wiped it again, and then put his hand into the snowdrift and wiped it. Done.

Su Su agreed and said, "You can't do this, what should you do if you get infected? Let me see if the wound is deep."


"You squat down, I can't see what you are doing with such a big man."

"No..." The other party raised his feet and pressed them to his neck.

Lin Chuan had no choice but to squat down and then lowered his head, feeling a pair of small hands moving around his neck, incredibly soft.

He was breathing heavily, he wanted to run away immediately, but he was reluctant.

"It's too deep. Is there a hospital here? I'll take you to see it." It's a long opening, and it's still bleeding.

"No, get up, I'm fine."

"No, you have to see a doctor."

Su Su held down her tightly to prevent him from getting up and running away, and looked around to see if there were any signs like a hospital. However, can the male supporting role be held down by her small body? The other party shouted and stood up, and she was brought down in an instant.

Lin Chuan also regretted, and quickly reached out to catch her. He just wrapped his arms around her waist and circled around unexpectedly. So slender, like hugging her own thigh. And it smells very good, he... what happened to him?

Su Su is also stunned. It is the first time that a man is hugged by a man in this way, but why is it held for a long time?