MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 48 looking for a treble

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So the three little brothers in the Lin family became the only unlucky person who wanted the little niece to be chased and beaten all morning. Susu also knew about this after she came back and saw the injury on Lin Hai's neck. .

She can't ask in detail, but she can guess that Mother Lin must be so careful because she suspects that she has it, no, this matter has to be explained clearly.

But how?

Forget it, let’s be honest.

So she took advantage of the opportunity to bring the newlyweds to her aunt, and then Lin Chuan thoughtfully said that she left without doing anything.

Mother Lin is not good or bad, and she feels sorry for her poor son. But after coming to Japan for a long time, she started chasing Su Su to prepare to visit relatives immediately after the new year, and even started to prepare things.

This made Su Su laugh and cry, and she also wrote about it in her letter to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan was stunned after receiving the letter.

Little niece?

Isn't that her daughter?

As soon as she thought of having a Xiao Jiao Jiao who looked like Su Su, she immediately stood in the team of her younger brothers.

So when I replied to the letter, I wrote: Comrade Su Su, in view of everyone's expectations, it is approved to visit relatives this year, and then immediately give birth to a daughter for them to take.

Su Su rolled her eyes at the sky after receiving the letter. She felt that Lin Chuan was driving, but there was no evidence.

However, I also understood that he also agreed to have a little girl, just as he thought.

She had thought before that if she gave birth to a baby in the future, she would have a daughter, and then she would go out in parent-child clothes, and dress up exactly the same when she grew up, and it seemed good to go shopping and eat like a friend.

But now, she doesn't have the heart to think about it, because Widow Joe is really difficult. Everyone else finally booked, only she was a bit difficult. I have been rejected four or five times, and the reasons are still very strange.

Su Su lay on her hot kang and pondered deeply. She couldn't think of a way to open her big backpack to find inspiration.

Unexpectedly, she turned over a red scarf. It was brought by the cold at the beginning, but because there was a pair of other colors that I never brought, and it was not too expensive when I bought it, I just sent it back because I liked the Chinese embroidery on it.

If you can't use it, then give it to someone, maybe she will agree.

Although it's none of my business, I want everything to be perfect.

So, she secretly brought a scarf to Widow Qiao's house. Today, she is the only one there, Tuan Zai is sewing shoes on the kang.

To say that this widow Qiao looks pretty good, at least she looks much younger than Mother Lin.

When she saw her coming, she said: "It's not that you didn't do anything when you came to our house, but now you are running diligently. If you come to our house, you don't need to be caught by Lin's house. Take advantage."

"Lin Chuan and I are married, and there is no such thing as who takes advantage of who. I'm here to invite you out again today. I know that it's cold now that everyone stays at home and doesn't like to go out. This scarf You can bring it with you, at least to keep you warm." Susu is still very good at giving gifts, even if she has not entered the society, she has worked a few jobs, and some things can still be learned.

This widow Qiao fell in love with this scarf as soon as she saw it, and also knew that Susu was a rich man in the city, and the things she brought out must be very good. She reached out and touched it, a smile appeared on her face, and said, "I'm so sorry..."

"Who made you have such a voice, everyone likes it. However, only the two of us know about this. If there is more, I can't afford it." Su Su said embarrassedly .

"Okay, no third person knows about this. It's just that this scarf is so good, how much did it cost to buy it." She opened it and found that it was still wool, so warm.

"More than ten yuan, I don't remember much." More than one hundred yuan is actually not too cheap. However, that package is intended to be used outside for a year, so the price is not as low as one hundred.

"What, ten dollars? That's almost enough for us to spend a year." Widow Qiao tutted twice and cherished it even more.

Su Su smiled and said, "You just have to cherish, how about we start singing tomorrow?"

"Sure, it's fine anyway."

Joe Widow was also refreshing, she accepted the gift immediately.

Su Su heaved a sigh of relief and stood up and was about to go home. Widow Qiao came down to see her off. As soon as the door opened, she saw her own **** walking in leisurely. Seeing Su Suqiao's widow's son, he was still startled, and then said, "This is Comrade Su, please sit for a while."

Su Su shook her head and said, "No, I have to go back to eat."

"Zhen Zhiqiang, you bastard, where did you go?" Widow Qiao said with round eyes in anger.

"Wait, what did you save him?"

"Zhen Zhiqiang, what's wrong?" Widow Qiao said.

Su Su's eyes were rounder than widow Qiao. She remembered that it was written in the book that the heroine had encountered difficulties when she was doing business. This fellow villager already had two jewelry stores at that time, and he was a typical upstart. In order to chase her, he took out the money to start a business for her, and then appeared in front of her to send flowers, cars, and various brand-name things.

The heroine refused all kinds of things, and finally she could only retreat and marry her classmate. Then her classmate went to show off her wealth in front of the heroine from time to time, and was finally driven away by the hero.

Later, the husband of the female classmate came to trouble the male protagonist. In the end, the male protagonist ruined all the business, and the female classmate also betrayed him and ran away.

At this time, the heroine remembered that the fellow from the same village helped her, and took out a sum of money to let him and his mother start a new business. Since then, the fellow has given up on the heroine.

This person is Zhen Zhiqiang.

I didn't expect Widow Qiao's son to be a jewelry tycoon in the future, but he didn't have the vision to pursue the heroine.

"What's the matter?" asked Widow Joe.

"The name is so good." She sighed.

How can I know that Widow Qiao is still shy and said: "Yeah, his dead ghost father took it." She married Zhen Zhiqiang's father when she was in love, who knows when she was in love. She was beaten to death by the enemy, and since then she has not remarried, but in order to raise her children, she has indeed done something sorry for him.

Su Su nodded to Zhen Zhiqiang, and then walked while thinking that this village is full of talents, and she should be careful to be a talent in the future.

Don't offend the big boss and the male lead, but also offend some invisible rich people. Although they are preparing for the female lead's future career line, they can't...

As she was thinking, she met Song Laosan, one of the richest people, who was being pushed by a group of unknown gangsters into the woods beside the village to beat him.

This situation should be reported to the police, but when Su Su touched her phone, she found that the thing had been left in the mountains.

What to do?

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw a figure rush out and said to those people: "Don't hit him, stop."