MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 70 chat

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"What do you mean? Lin Chuan should think of me like this, because we didn't... But you, you got my body, and you still think of me like this? " Qin Yueyue heard Lin Donghe Saying this, the whole person was stunned, how could he think of himself like this?

"No, I believe in you." What can I do if I don't believe her, the two are already a real couple.

But they didn't know, Lin Hai, who was hiding under the corner of the earthen wall, covered his mouth and almost cried out in surprise.

No wonder her eldest brother suddenly doesn't want Qin Yueyue. It turns out that she has had an affair with Lin Donghe for a long time.

Lin Hai has a little tradition in her bones, especially when she sees that this woman is obviously related to her cousin, but she still refuses to marry him. What do you think? Then he also asked his second brother (Lin Donghe was the second cousin among the cousins, so he was called the second brother) to give out three hundred yuan for the gift money, which was really a big face.

The cry was really soft, but it was obviously trying to take advantage of others.

But this is not his family's, and this sister-in-law is not his sister-in-law, no matter how angry you are

I just felt that it was really right that my eldest brother did not choose her, and I thought it was not good to be separated after being together for nearly a year. But at this time, I feel that the current sister-in-law is better, at least she has been taking good care of them without taking advantage of them.

. It doesn't matter if it's being frozen to help with the whole thing, after all, I've helped my family save money, and I'm still serving the injured eldest brother.

Of course he wasn't interested in talking nonsense with others, he went straight to deliver the two pairs of shoes from the uncle's house to them and went home.

When I got home, I talked to my mother, mainly because I wanted to hear the opinions of adults.

After hearing this, Mother Lin's brows could catch flies one by one. She didn't expect her nephew to be so careless, which was obviously fooled. Thinking that their family had been fooled before, I didn't feel so good, but he also said a word: "Don't go out and talk about this matter, lest it be difficult for your uncle's second brother to find a partner."

Lin Hai was stunned and asked, "Aren't they going to get married?" If they can't get married, then why are they still together? Why can't they get married even if they are together? His brain is a little short.

"The little girl has high eyes, your uncle's family is not very good, and your second brother doesn't have a formal job. When she graduates, she will not look down on your second brother. What is this marriage? , I don't think it will be possible." If he could form his own son, why would he be worse than Lin Donghe?

Lin Hai didn't say much, and listened to Lin's mother's words and didn't talk about it to the people outside.

The 15th day of the first lunar month is coming soon. Lin Hai bought fireworks in the commune and came back to set them off. Their little brothers were very happy for a long time. Lin Chuan can walk freely now, but he can't walk too fast, but he can squat, but he can't do too much movement.

Su Su found that the military bosses of this era especially like to do push-ups, and they have been doing them for the past two days.

"Don't be too hard, be careful to open the wound."

"I'm fine, I'm just doing less."

"Can't keep up?"

"I have good physical strength." Even if I do more than 100 legs, it hurts a little bit and needs to rest for a while. He remembers that the seniors in the army said that if I don't go home After the daughter-in-law is served, she is not a man. If you want to satisfy your daughter-in-law, it is impossible to have five hundred thousand, so these boys can't exercise normally.

In the past, he thought he could handle it, but now he can only do more than 100 times after the injury. Will his daughter-in-law be satisfied?

Su Su is used to this kind of life now, and she was a little ambiguous before, but now it is not so awkward to take medicine. Even if you don't need to put on the helmet, you can ignore it, so you won't think about those couples. After all, she can't be such a beast when people are still injured.

How can I know that my man is so violent in his heart, he is looking forward to being like her every day.

Su Su said: "Are you in a hurry to return to the army?"

"Hmm..." I felt wrong as soon as I finished speaking, so I said, "Don't worry, you need to take care of the injury."

Lin Chuan hugged her and said, "Daughter-in-law."

"What duck?"

"It's okay." I just wanted to ask her to hug her.

"Big idiot." Su Su knew that this man was acting like a spoiled child with her, so she couldn't help leaning into his arms, the two read a book, and the time was quiet.

It was quite comfortable, but I didn't expect a big hand to stop on her waist.

"..." Daisero.

"Come on, let's go out for a walk."

"..." Lin Chuan, who was about to eat some tofu, disagreed a little, but was dragged by his daughter-in-law to the front yard for a walk.

Lin mother saw her son coming over and said: "Yo, this is because I know I still have a family, and I haven't come back to see since I got married."

"It's okay." Lin Chuan said briefly, as if he was scolding his mother. In fact, what he meant was very simple, mainly because he was fine, so he would not come.

Mother Lin glared at him and said, "It's better for Su Su, I come here almost every day. Come in and get you pancakes."

"I want to eat a single cake, my mother's fried potato is the best, I want to eat it." Susu immediately acted like a spoiled child, and hugged Lin Mu's arm.

Lin mother smiled and didn't speak, she listened to her son: "I, I will too."

"..." Mother Lin said with a black face: "You're as delicious as mine, go away. I'll make it for Susu, you go in and sit."

"It's fine for me to fry shredded potatoes." Lin Chuan added another sentence, looking a little serious, but in the process, it seemed like he was competing with his mother for favor.

Su Su is embarrassed, how could she know that her new man has such attributes, even her mother's jealousy.

Mother Lin said: "Alright, you guys use the small stove, I'll use the big stove." After that, she went to make a face.

Then Susu picked up a few potatoes and sat there to peel the potatoes, while Lin Chuan washed his hands.

Lin Jiang came back from a crazy play outside and saw the family looking at cooking, and couldn't help but say, "Mother, what are you eating today?"

The author has something to say:[Jinjiang Literature joins hands with the author to wish my dear readers and friends: Spring Festival holiday, peace and happiness! At the same time, we warmly remind everyone to wash hands frequently, wear masks, ventilate more and avoid gatherings]