MTL - Back to 70 to Marry Unlucky Male Partner-Chapter 88 Is the washboard good to kneel?

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Sure enough, Hong Mei smiled and said, "I came here today to ask you something, not related to Zhendong."

"You said it." Susu nodded to indicate that she already knew.

"I want to ask, where is the child who saved Zhendong before."

"Oh, you are talking about Comrade Lin Donghe, right? He has already returned to the village, because the village is busy with spring ploughing, he is also responsible as the team leader." Su Su indirectly Lin Donghe praised him, after all, being able to be the captain in the village is already very good.

"It's the captain, by the way, Comrade Su, you know that he saved my son. I wanted to thank him and invite him to sit at home, but I didn't have a chance. I want to ask him where his family lives. Where, what kind of relative are you?" Hong Mei asked very carefully, so that no one could pick out a single fault.

Su Su smiled and said, "Actually, he is my lover's cousin, and he lives in a small mountain village in S province."

"What, teacher, are you married?"


Su Su glanced at Guan Zhendong and knew why he was so excited, because he had been reduced in age after transmigration, so he never thought that he would get married so early at such a young age.

"Then who else is in their family?"

"Only parents and a younger brother." Su Su briefly introduced the situation of the Lin family, and when he said that he had escaped from another place, he immediately asked where he had escaped.

This Susu knows, after all Lin father and Lin mother told her everything. She even knew her family background, let alone where she escaped from.

After she finished speaking, she obviously felt that Hong Mei was a little excited. She seemed to be afraid that she would do something too rude, so she asked Su Su for the exact address and then stood up and went out. Guan Zhendong didn't say anything. what follows.

After going out, Honghai cried when he got out of the car, Guan Zhendong said, "This time, is it true?"

"Dad and we put your brother in a house in the south, but we don't know the family name. This time it seems possible, we will go there immediately."

"Aren't you going to notify Dad?"

"If you tell him that you definitely disagree, he has lost confidence." He could give up as a father, but she, as a mother, didn't want to give up.

So the two of them agreed, Guan Zhendong took leave and went to a small mountain village with his mother Hong Mei.

And Susu knew when they left, but when she met the heroine again at school, she was thinking, she offended the hero so badly, and now they are about to turn over , when she sees how she is going to ask for peace.

You know, the heroine wanted to use the Guan family's power to get up. However, the Guan family did not welcome her because she was married. But in the end, it was also because the heroine did make some achievements after graduation that it was accepted by the Guan family.

This time, she is the daughter-in-law of the Guan family, and I don’t know if it will be so easy to get in the door of the Guan family.

However, the heroine is the heroine and her attitude towards learning really makes her a teacher very pleased. As long as there is a question she doesn't understand, she will come to ask, and even let Susu go to her study group to explain it.

Susu also supports them in their studies, so she makes up for classes from time to time.

A month has passed in a blink of an eye, and her missing lover seems to be coming back. I don't know which valley I went to, and I couldn't even get in touch. I received a letter in a month, but there was no address for the reply.

After coming back this time, she must make him look good, and she must ignore him for three days. Or, two days?

I was thinking wildly in the classroom when I suddenly saw a teacher running over and said, "Mr. Su, the principal asked you to go to the office, there is something important."

"Got it." Su Su nodded and stood up and went to the principal's office with him, but she didn't expect that there were three soldiers inside. A very old soldier and two people who looked like security guards, she suddenly thought that it was not her man who had an accident, her legs softened, and she quickly held the door before she stopped.

Principal Guan saw her face suddenly pale, and then he thought that this was a military family member, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Su, don't be nervous, this is the leader of the army to find you, and you lover doesn't matter."

After hearing this, Su Su was relieved. She patted her chest and said, "It scared me to death."

The old leader was surprised: "Is it a military family?"

"Yes, hello, my name is Su Su." Su Su closed the door and walked in, because she was frightened and her voice was shaking.

"It's not easy for a military sister-in-law." Looking at the frightened little comrade, his face changed. He quickly motioned to the guards on the side to move a chair for her, and said, "Comrade Su, come sit down and talk." It seemed more cordial than before.

"Okay." Su Su tried her best to stabilize herself, then looked at the old leader and said, "I don't know what is wrong with you?"

The old leader glanced at Susu up and down and said, "Which army does your lover serve in?"

Susu glanced at the leader and knew that he was not small, and besides, his men's troops were no secret. But she still glanced at Principal Guan, and only listened to him: "It's okay, he is my elder brother anyway, not a suspicious person."

It turned out to be the father of the male protagonist, no wonder he seems so imposing.

It can be said that this man is the pinnacle of the whole film, and no one can pass him. She didn't expect to meet such a big guy, she immediately said: "Hello, my man is serving in the XX army, his name is Lin Chuan."

"It's that kid Lin Chuan? I didn't expect him to marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law. I'm not happy." Leader Guan laughed twice, and he seemed to be very fond of Lin Chuan. familiar.

This link is not explained in the book, Susu is a little confused.

"That's good, it still needs to be reviewed, but you are a soldier's family and that kid's lover." After he finished speaking, Principal Guan said: " I've said before that it's fine."

? ? ?

Su Su looked confused and had no idea what the big guys were playing.

Principal Guan also saw her confusion, and then explained that some international friends wanted to come to the X city army for academic exchanges, but there were really no capable people in the army who could speak English and Those people communicate normally.

Even if there are, it is not enough. There are about forty or fifty people in this exchange group, and at least four or five translations are needed.

So they have no choice but to come to the university to see, and their university can only send a teacher like Su Su who can do translation.

Su Su immediately smiled and said: "This is what I should do, as long as you need to call me at any time."

Leader Guan did not expect that a little girl would agree so quickly, so he said: "However, the content of this exchange is all confidential, you need to sign a non-disclosure agreement."


Su Su agreed without hesitation, her idea was old and simple. The boss can't offend him, he can help him if he can. In the future, if the hero and heroine want to deal with Lin Chuan in reverse, she can also ask for mercy for him or something.

But I didn't expect Leader Guan to exclaim: "I want to know where Lin Chuan married a cheerful girl like you." .

I have to say, he really likes such a neat girl.

"He... picked me up in the mountains." Susu squeezed her fingers with a smile.

The leader Guan was even more surprised. He had to ask the little girl to tell the history of love and marriage before kicking Principal Guan out and signing a non-disclosure agreement. Of course, there is no need to keep secrets about going to the army as an interpreter. The need to keep secrets is what is seen and said in the army.

Su Su read the non-disclosure agreement and signed it happily.

Leader Guan then said that when the exchange group came over, someone would be sent to pick him up. There will be about ten days of follow-up time, then the school will stop working.

Principal Guan agreed, of course, there are other teachers in the school who understand English, but they are not very good at spoken English. It's fine to let him continue to teach for a few days, anyway, Susu has already done all the courses and the like.

However, the troops are also very reasonable. After Susu completes this job, there will be a monetary subsidy of 300 yuan, and there will be a living allowance. If nothing else, just go for the money.

Three hundred bucks, not only 20,000, but also more than 10,000, which is quite good.

Thinking like this, she went home happily, but she didn't know her door was opened as soon as she got home. Only two people have the key to this door, and she immediately knew who was coming.

I hurried to the house, opened the door and saw a figure staring at a bottle of wine on the table in a daze.

"Lin Chuan, are you back?" It seemed that he had just come in and his coat had not been taken off.

"Be careful." Lin Chuan was afraid that his daughter-in-law would bump into him, so he came to support her.

"When did you come back, why did you come so late."

"I came over after I explained things in the army. I have an important task in two days. It will take a few days before I can be free to accompany you."

"Yeah." Lin Chuan nodded, then opened his mouth to say something but didn't say it, and finally went to the kitchen.

His idea is very simple, it is better to help his wife cook the meal first.

Then, leftover chicken and cans were found in the kitchen. This is obviously an appetizer, my daughter-in-law doesn't drink, and he has been gone for more than a month.

Although I don't want to think about it, Lin Chuan is a man.

He was cooking boringly, while Susu stood by him enthusiastically and asked if he was tired these days. He seemed to care about him very much.

Lin Chuan looked at his daughter-in-law's excited appearance and felt that he was thinking too much, so he left those discoveries behind.

When the meal was done, he planned to go out to dump the ashes. When he opened his shoe cabinet, he found a pair of cloth shoes worn by men, but he hadn't worn them much.

Lin Chuan's heart hurts as if it was scalded by something.

After he went to pour the ashes, he smoked, and he couldn't calm down even after taking a few big mouths. In the end, I gathered up my clothes and went out of the yard for a turn. This turn took more than half an hour.

Susu thought he didn't care what appetizers he went to buy, so he put the food on the table and sat there reading and waiting. She has a big heart, and she never thought that the clues she left would be seen by men, and then he doubted and dared not ask, so he could only go out to smoke and throw fire.

The door was open, and a figure walked in and said, "Sister-in-law, how did you know that I came here today and prepared meals."

"No, your eldest brother is back. By the way, it's not Sunday, why are you here."

"I gave my little niece a little quilt."

He took out the quilt, it was all flowers, it was very beautiful.

Susu's girlish heart was stirred up, she liked it very much, she even picked it up and sat down and said, "This is also a good cushion."

"If my sister-in-law likes it, I will pick up some cloth heads for you. Anyway, there are a lot of unwanted fabrics. But yesterday, I was a little tired from moving too much goods. I want to go in and lie down and wait for my big brother. return."


Su Su waved her hand and continued to wait for Lin Chuan. After a while, Lin Chuan came back with a bottle of canned food in his hand.

It seemed that she wanted to drink, Susu smiled and stood up and said, "You go back..." Hey, suddenly there was a bottle of canned food in his hand, and Lin Chuan rushed to the house like a gust of wind went in.

"Hey, you..." What are you doing?

The door of the house was not very strong, and he was directly reimbursed for this kick.

Susu finally knew that something was wrong with her man. He seemed to be catching J and was still in bed.

Yes, he lifted Lin Hai out of the quilt and called out, "Who the **** are you?"

Then the two brothers faced each other, big eyes met small eyes.

Lin Haidao: "Brother, if you have something to say, I know you shouldn't lie on the bed with your sister-in-law, but I'm a little tired."

Lin Chuan: “…”

Su Su, who already understood everything, said loudly, "Linchuan."

"Here." Lin Chuan threw his brother on the bed at once, and then stood upright. Then, as if thinking of something, he ran in front of Su Su, and said shyly, "Daughter-in-law, I was wrong."

"Yo, I still know I'm wrong. I'll look for something as soon as I come back. Tell me, what are you thinking about?" Su Su was so angry that she glared at him.

Lin Hai saw her sister-in-law and eldest brother angry for the first time, so she could not help but stand up from the bed to persuade. But he didn't even know why the two of them were angry, so he could only say naively, "Don't be angry, sister-in-law, be careful of your little niece."

Su Su was so angry that she heard him say: "No, even my man doubts what children he wants?"

As soon as I heard this Lin Chuan, I thought of Qin Yueyue, who was bleeding profusely, and her poor little daughter who was not born, and immediately pulled Su Su and said, "Daughter-in-law, you can let me do anything, as long as Don't be mad at me and the child, you can blow me up."

"I don't have a gun."


How can this be so bloody?

However, Lin Hai finally got wiser. He thought that if his father and mother were quarreling, they had better not persuade them by their side. Moreover, it is also easy to be traced back.

This eldest brother and eldest sister-in-law are also husband and wife, it seems best not to persuade them. So he simply decided not to eat and go back to the factory, the big deal is to go back to eat bread.

Susu still hasn't calmed down here, but Lin Chuan took the initiative to carry the washboard over and said, "Daughter-in-law, I really can't do it, I'll kneel on this." The comrades in the army all Speaking of, the best way to make my wife calm down is to kneel on the washboard, and she will be relieved if she is soft-hearted.

Su Su was so angry that he rolled his eyes, and before he could say anything, he was kneeling on the washboard.

"Oh, get up, don't crush my washboard."


I said that I feel sorry for his knees, why is it the washboard?

Lin Chuan knew that he was wrong, so he stood up and explained: "When I came back, I saw traces of men coming at home, my wine was drunk, and there were pairs in the shoe cabinet. Men's shoes, and then..." He thought about it, especially when he was smoking, he found traces of someone smoking outside.

Su Su rolled her eyes and said, "It was your two younger brothers who came here. You are suspicious, so you don't believe me?"

"No, I believe in you." Just don't believe in other men.

"Then just ask directly, what does it mean to suddenly break in and catch J?"

"I'll be sure to ask directly next time."

Lin Chuan's attitude of admitting his mistake is very good, but seeing his daughter-in-law doesn't seem to give up. So, learning and using it, rushed over to hug her, gave a deep and long kiss, and finally said in her ear: "I miss you."

The couple who hadn't seen each other for more than a month were relieved by such a flirt, Susu also broke down while breathing, and said: "If there is another time, I will not forgive You, the washboard that makes you kneel for a week."

"Line line."

"What does it feel like to kneel on the washboard?" Why do you look so proud.

"Our regiment commander said that a soldier who has not kneeled on the washboard is not a complete soldier." So he is finally complete today.


"Why are you being so funny." He must have knelt down on the washboard, and then made excuses for himself, and looked so tall.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry." No matter how gentle Lin Chuan made a mistake, Su Su's anger disappeared with the wind. Maybe this is the old couple.

However, from this moment on, she understood Lin Chuan's jealousy. I used to think he was quite a calm person, but I didn't expect to be so impulsive when I wanted to be jealous.


Su Su finally remembered the door that was knocked down, pointed to the pile and said, "You will cause trouble for me when you come back, and fix it first."

"Yes, as ordered." Lin Chuan immediately started to clean the door.

Su Su glanced at the food next to her and said, "Forget it, let's finish the meal first and then fix it, and ask Lin Hai to come out."

"He's gone."

"When did you leave?"

"Just now."

After Lin Chuan finished speaking, he pulled Su Su to sit down to eat, and then asked about Lin Hai's situation. After knowing that he had a place to go, he was even less worried. He ate with his daughter-in-law very enthusiastically, drank some wine himself, and then hurriedly carried his daughter-in-law into the house after cleaning up.

The result was a merciless blow.

"I'm still pregnant, what do you want to do?"

"Sorry, I was on a whim..." Forgot.

Su Su couldn't help laughing when he saw that he was suffocating enough but the fire went out, and then whispered in his ear: "The doctor said, after three months, it can be gently..." Then she looked at Lin Chuan didn't move, and couldn't help but say, "Aren't you going to be misfiring?"

It wasn't until she walked to the school that Su Su remembered that she didn't tell Lin Chuan that she had taken a private job, and it was related to their army. But then I thought about it again, forget it, maybe we will meet soon, I hope he won't be too surprised.

With a high hanging ponytail, it looks young, fashionable and convincing.

But she is pregnant, so she can't make up, at most she can only apply a little lipstick to enhance her complexion, and she has to obediently wipe it off when she wants to eat. Although the cosmetics that I brought are all quite good brands, and they are generally used by pregnant women, it is better to be careful.

When she was ready, she was waiting at the school gate to pick her up. After a while, a car stopped beside her, and then a friendly-looking soldier got off the driveway: "Is that Comrade Su?"


"Can we go to the airport together now?"


Su Su got into the car without delay, and then the soldier explained the assignment. She needs to accompany Comrade Guan and several important personnel from abroad to go to the place of residence first, then accompany him to eat, and then go to the army to visit.

These are all right, and they're not all physical work.

Susu has also done some small translation work before, so I am not afraid.

After arriving at the airport, I found that there were many soldiers guarding there, all wearing field uniforms, looking very mighty and domineering. When they saw a military vehicle approaching, they gave a military salute. Then Su Su, Wan Lu, got off the bus with a little red, and she felt a little guilty.

She regretted wearing red today, so dazzlingly said.

However, when she strode behind the soldier, she was suddenly startled, as if she had met an acquaintance.

Then looked back and found that the other party was holding a gun. Then the soldier introduced: "This is Battalion Commander Lin and his team who will protect you from today. Your food, lodging, and travel will follow his arrangements in the future."

"..." Both of them were a little speechless. Finally, Su Su stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Camp Commander Lin."

"Hello." Lin Chuan gave a military salute before shaking hands with her.

Last night, she pressed her daughter-in-law under her body and begged for mercy. Today, I was ordered to protect her safety, and I was a little dazed.

Chang Yuejin asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"Don't know."

"I don't know." Lin Chuan was also a little confused.

The author has something to say:Su Su: Is it okay to kneel on the washboard?

Lin Battalion Commander: It’s good to kneel, but it’s bad to kneel

In my heart: In order to save the washboard, I don’t have to kneel in the future